View Full Version : Suggestions & Ideas
- Give Halflings a Favored Melee Weapon
- Drop Rates on collectables
- Suggested Fighter Feats for Mod6 : Sup Weap Focus, Sup Weap Specialization
- Fix Create Party quest list
- Tell Tolero #5
- The Sounds of Silence
- First Look Release Notes - To Be Posted Tomorrow.
- Updated DDO Game Manaul?????
- DEVs: Tips that need a-fix-in
- A New Idea
- Something do when things get slow
- DEVS:??? Blade Barrier Bug or Design?
- Demon queen - casters only need apply
- House K 400 favor
- Proposal for automatically rebalancing XP
- where is darkvision/lowlight vision?
- Abbot questions
- ur new loot sack sucks
- Mod 5 raid..
- Mod 6 Screenshots from Devs
- Will crafting improve or rune the game?
- /showdocent off
- First Look: Release Notes - Module 6: The Thirteenth Eclipse
- *NEW* First Look Stuff from DDO Eurpe
- Symbol of Death... Why Bother?
- How to Fix AC, Not Break Anything, and Follow DnD Precident
- Unofficial Open UI interface help
- New Quests are rock song rip offs?
- Any talk about expansions yet?
- Mod 6 - Vista Launcher Information
- Superior Two Weapon Fighting ?
- DDO Platinum Edition
- Release Notes Link Broken?
- Things i would like to see in the game
- Spells in higher level spell slots?
- Mod 7 = Unique Opportunity to Increase Subs
- Stwf
- More of an advertising idea than game, but. . .
- Shadow Crypt going to be fixed this Mod 6?
- Two Broken Rogue Abilities
- +8 To DEX!!!
- Resist Question
- Holy Sword for Mod 6 - A Request
- Ranger Toughness.
- What is up with Mod 6 rogue special abilities?
- Okay I'm a *****
- devs when you fix Defensive Roll, please also fix Defensive Roll
- mod6 Guild login notifcation is BAD
- Seek Eternal Rest
- Enhancements
- New Missed Script, or Bug with new BAGS?
- OTWF bug clarification requested
- Wizard Trainers & Mod 6 Spells.
- DEVS: Simple request re:Bags
- Wizard Ideas - Request to The Twelve
- The new Mail UI has a MAJOR flaw
- Adamantine ritual???
- Negative action points
- One character: two specialties
- The Coalescence Chamber - A few things. . .
- Devs, please increase the AoE range of Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
- Trap Dc
- Problem with Crafting Bags
- NEW death penalty horrible as suspected.
- Chimpmunk Funk!
- working as intended?
- Unofficial Mod 6 Quest Feedback Thread
- why cant we recall to meridia
- mod 6 in my eyes.
- Please let us Greater Teleport to Meridia
- Smiting enhancements and Flame Strike
- The 5th attack...
- Practiced spellcaster?
- Bug (???): Ingredient Bag
- DR Problem?
- AH Name bug
- PUG group does part 1-2
- Preliminary on new content: A-
- DEVS: Wizard Prestige Enhancements
- More Variety in Bardic Music - Hire a Musician!
- Taeron Rimond
- crafting - the grind to end all grinds but it doesn't have to be!
- Bard enhancements
- Breakable Walls
- Rainbow Of Dark
- Can someone please explain this one . . . with pic
- Dragon armor: Damage increase
- Warforged Paladin get ripped off
- losing connection and ending up in tavern
- adamantine ritual
- Greater Teleport Update Request
- ui skinning question
- Dragon scale armor and the death penaly IDEA
- The /death taxi
- New Harder Un-Disableable Traps
- Great Work on Mod6 Release!!!
- Known Issues Post....
- New stuck spots
- first time experience
- Module 6: Known Issues
- Can we please get the binding point fixed?!?
- New Death Penalty Yay or Nay?
- Please!
- Horrid Wilting..
- Since mounts aren't an option...
- Scortching Ray beats Polar Ray and Fireball beats Horrid Wilting!
- Chest loot transfer revisited
- Improved Heightening III
- scroll of mass charm monster
- Dev Please Read!
- Mod 6 Green Steel Items
- DEVS PLEASE HELP! More hotbars needed
- Please Increase Drop Rate of Khyber Dragonshards
- Whats your balance?
- Ability to paste text into help panels
- Curbing annoying plat farming spam
- Human Versatility: Make it A Toggle?
- Dungeons and Dwarves Online.
- VoN6, bases, monsters and you!
- repair/death costs
- Earth elementals bugged again
- Enhancement Advancement UI Suggestion
- Can I get some bank space please
- Please help My Dragon Scale Armor is now gimped
- AH bugged
- I was thinking... and a brick hit me in the head
- Crafting a joke
- Thoughts on teleport and greater teleport
- Devs: Why is it all or nothing?
- DC's on elite are RIDICULOUS
- Eldritch Knight - when do we get it?
- New Raid Beaten Cant Repeat After 3 Days
- Sunburst, other issues, and kudos with mod 6
- Why I'd like to see WDAs today
- Running with the Devils problem
- Tell The Twelve! (#6)
- Bards, Mod6 and into the future
- Repair ALL Button
- Eladrin: Question on the Adamantine Ritual
- The Bio filter
- My thoughts on how to fix the economy
- Guild Officer Chat Broken.
- Why? It doesnt make sense.....
- No fighter love
- The Never ending Death Penalty
- But is it FUN?
- Magi School
- "Sell Gems" Button Tweak...
- I just had my FIRST 10K repair bill and I'm ****ed
- Lag Spikes
- Um.. l8 Spell Enhancment Items?
- Revised Death Penalty feelings.
- Revisiting rules for chests
- Free For All Looting (or What We Should Have Learned from Whisperdoom)
- New AH Bug?
- Why no new level 15-16 Enhancements for Race/Class?
- Soul Gems/Essences
- UI Skin question.
- Elite Traps: Great Idea, Poorly Implemented
- Break Enchantment vs. Dispell
- So, I put a rank into Tumble when I leveled...
- My Suggestions Thread
- Raid Repeating bug
- Venting about Repairing
- I just died and I don't care!
- Meditations on Mod 6
- oversized TWF not available for rangers!?!?!?
- Jewelry Items Bugged
- Ranger's Favorite Enemies
- Master's Touch and Tenser's Transformation Cause Lag
- Request for Delete All in confirmed mail
- Spell point items for Multiclass Sorcerer
- Outsiders (time for consolidation)
- things to port over from LOTRO: Post Creation Toon Customization
- Is this a known issue?
- How do these Bugs keep Getting Missed?
- Trading Incapped/Dead
- Why Sorcs/Wiz's will never get +DC Enhancements...
- For the love of god ...
- Good Job Devs!!!
- Can't (Un)Lock Inventory
- How Bout this for "Elite"
- Spam
- Major Problems with Mod 6
- Would it be possible for Sorcs to get a "change all spells" choice?
- Allow DEAD people to watch the fights in Raids
- Hats off to the devs
- Mana Potions are no longer optional
- Friends List
- Pets? Please?
- Disapointed about Kobold Sentries
- Is Holy Aura Broke or WOrking as intended?
- Devs Please Respond!!
- weird temp hit points bug
- Guild House
- Green Steel Weapon Base Damage -- Not Scaling Evenly
- Kama Suggestion
- AI pathing, flaw or WAI?
- A change in the exotic Repeater feat?!
- Horrid Wilting
- Cooldowns, cooldowns, COOLDOWNS!
- Module 6 Known Problems
- Conjurors... Why play one?
- request for the devs
- Devs: Pit Fiend Raid is Awesome!............Abbott raid is a bunch of BS.....
- Making Rogue Sneak Attack Toggleable
- Undead continue thier queued attacks even if turned
- Portal...shmortal!
- Shroud part 3 lag spike
- Burst weapons and DR
- Addition Please
- Wielding Green Steel Weapons...
- Does Raise Dead Affect Death Penalty Damage?
- Default Button
- Game Settings (Interaction)
- Crafting: Pure Good Burst is bugged?
- How come the new raid has no favor?
- Dwarven Stability
- Is thier a bug sometimes in repairing?
- BROKEN: Flesh Golems?
- Paralysis Effects
- fix rainbow in the dark please!!!
- Bitterly dissapointed
- Player Moderators
- Sunburst in the Orchard. Also greater shout
- Rename Hard & Elite
- STR changes don't change monster trip DCs.
- New and Improved Abbot Loot?
- New spell (s)
- I hate those %*&^#$* Bats!!!
- Mr. Cow, have you .....
- Tell The Twelve! (#7)
- Weekly Developer Activities - 02/11/08
- Crafting Rework?
- Coalescence Chamber, Elite Traps, and Twitch
- My dream WDA...
- Petition to get the Viscious weapon mod out of DDO.
- New Character slot w/ Monk
- FlameStrike vs. FireStorm. Why Bother?
- return from link dead = debuf. intended design?
- DEVS: Urban Sprawl and Original Intent
- Pre-Reqs Make Multiple Specialties Impossible
- Manyshot bugged?
- Inspire Courage Bug
- shield bashing bug?
- Music
- Slayer Rewards?
- Repair All button please?
- Shield DR question/bug
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