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  1. Give Halflings a Favored Melee Weapon
  2. Drop Rates on collectables
  3. Suggested Fighter Feats for Mod6 : Sup Weap Focus, Sup Weap Specialization
  4. Fix Create Party quest list
  5. Tell Tolero #5
  6. The Sounds of Silence
  7. First Look Release Notes - To Be Posted Tomorrow.
  8. Updated DDO Game Manaul?????
  9. DEVs: Tips that need a-fix-in
  10. A New Idea
  11. Something do when things get slow
  12. DEVS:??? Blade Barrier Bug or Design?
  13. Demon queen - casters only need apply
  14. House K 400 favor
  15. Proposal for automatically rebalancing XP
  16. where is darkvision/lowlight vision?
  17. Abbot questions
  18. ur new loot sack sucks
  19. Mod 5 raid..
  20. Mod 6 Screenshots from Devs
  21. Will crafting improve or rune the game?
  22. /showdocent off
  23. First Look: Release Notes - Module 6: The Thirteenth Eclipse
  24. *NEW* First Look Stuff from DDO Eurpe
  25. Symbol of Death... Why Bother?
  26. How to Fix AC, Not Break Anything, and Follow DnD Precident
  27. Unofficial Open UI interface help
  28. New Quests are rock song rip offs?
  29. Any talk about expansions yet?
  30. Mod 6 - Vista Launcher Information
  31. Superior Two Weapon Fighting ?
  32. DDO Platinum Edition
  33. cons of DDO DEVELOPMENT DISCUSSION to date.
  34. Release Notes Link Broken?
  35. Things i would like to see in the game
  36. Spells in higher level spell slots?
  37. Mod 7 = Unique Opportunity to Increase Subs
  38. Stwf
  39. More of an advertising idea than game, but. . .
  40. Shadow Crypt going to be fixed this Mod 6?
  41. Two Broken Rogue Abilities
  42. +8 To DEX!!!
  43. Resist Question
  44. Holy Sword for Mod 6 - A Request
  45. Ranger Toughness.
  46. What is up with Mod 6 rogue special abilities?
  47. Okay I'm a *****
  48. devs when you fix Defensive Roll, please also fix Defensive Roll
  49. mod6 Guild login notifcation is BAD
  50. Seek Eternal Rest
  51. Enhancements
  52. New Missed Script, or Bug with new BAGS?
  53. OTWF bug clarification requested
  54. Wizard Trainers & Mod 6 Spells.
  55. DEVS: Simple request re:Bags
  56. Wizard Ideas - Request to The Twelve
  57. The new Mail UI has a MAJOR flaw
  58. Adamantine ritual???
  59. Negative action points
  60. One character: two specialties
  61. The Coalescence Chamber - A few things. . .
  62. Devs, please increase the AoE range of Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
  63. Trap Dc
  64. Problem with Crafting Bags
  65. NEW death penalty horrible as suspected.
  66. Chimpmunk Funk!
  67. working as intended?
  68. Unofficial Mod 6 Quest Feedback Thread
  69. why cant we recall to meridia
  70. mod 6 in my eyes.
  71. Please let us Greater Teleport to Meridia
  72. Smiting enhancements and Flame Strike
  73. The 5th attack...
  74. Practiced spellcaster?
  75. Bug (???): Ingredient Bag
  76. DR Problem?
  77. AH Name bug
  78. PUG group does part 1-2
  79. Preliminary on new content: A-
  80. DEVS: Wizard Prestige Enhancements
  81. More Variety in Bardic Music - Hire a Musician!
  82. Taeron Rimond
  83. crafting - the grind to end all grinds but it doesn't have to be!
  84. Bard enhancements
  85. Breakable Walls
  86. Rainbow Of Dark
  87. Can someone please explain this one . . . with pic
  88. Dragon armor: Damage increase
  89. Warforged Paladin get ripped off
  90. losing connection and ending up in tavern
  91. adamantine ritual
  92. Greater Teleport Update Request
  93. ui skinning question
  94. Dragon scale armor and the death penaly IDEA
  95. The /death taxi
  96. New Harder Un-Disableable Traps
  97. Great Work on Mod6 Release!!!
  98. Known Issues Post....
  99. New stuck spots
  100. first time experience
  101. Module 6: Known Issues
  102. Can we please get the binding point fixed?!?
  103. New Death Penalty Yay or Nay?
  104. Please!
  105. Horrid Wilting..
  106. Since mounts aren't an option...
  107. Scortching Ray beats Polar Ray and Fireball beats Horrid Wilting!
  108. Chest loot transfer revisited
  109. Improved Heightening III
  110. scroll of mass charm monster
  111. Dev Please Read!
  112. Mod 6 Green Steel Items
  113. DEVS PLEASE HELP! More hotbars needed
  114. Please Increase Drop Rate of Khyber Dragonshards
  115. Whats your balance?
  116. Ability to paste text into help panels
  117. Curbing annoying plat farming spam
  118. Human Versatility: Make it A Toggle?
  119. Dungeons and Dwarves Online.
  120. VoN6, bases, monsters and you!
  121. repair/death costs
  122. Earth elementals bugged again
  123. Enhancement Advancement UI Suggestion
  124. Can I get some bank space please
  125. Please help My Dragon Scale Armor is now gimped
  126. AH bugged
  127. I was thinking... and a brick hit me in the head
  128. Crafting a joke
  129. Thoughts on teleport and greater teleport
  130. Devs: Why is it all or nothing?
  131. DC's on elite are RIDICULOUS
  132. Eldritch Knight - when do we get it?
  133. New Raid Beaten Cant Repeat After 3 Days
  134. Sunburst, other issues, and kudos with mod 6
  135. Why I'd like to see WDAs today
  136. Running with the Devils problem
  137. Tell The Twelve! (#6)
  138. Bards, Mod6 and into the future
  139. Repair ALL Button
  140. Eladrin: Question on the Adamantine Ritual
  141. The Bio filter
  142. My thoughts on how to fix the economy
  143. Guild Officer Chat Broken.
  144. Why? It doesnt make sense.....
  145. No fighter love
  146. The Never ending Death Penalty
  147. But is it FUN?
  148. Magi School
  149. "Sell Gems" Button Tweak...
  150. I just had my FIRST 10K repair bill and I'm ****ed
  151. Lag Spikes
  152. Um.. l8 Spell Enhancment Items?
  153. Revised Death Penalty feelings.
  154. Revisiting rules for chests
  155. Free For All Looting (or What We Should Have Learned from Whisperdoom)
  156. New AH Bug?
  157. Why no new level 15-16 Enhancements for Race/Class?
  158. Soul Gems/Essences
  159. UI Skin question.
  160. Elite Traps: Great Idea, Poorly Implemented
  161. Break Enchantment vs. Dispell
  162. So, I put a rank into Tumble when I leveled...
  163. My Suggestions Thread
  164. Raid Repeating bug
  165. Venting about Repairing
  166. I just died and I don't care!
  167. Meditations on Mod 6
  168. oversized TWF not available for rangers!?!?!?
  169. Jewelry Items Bugged
  170. Ranger's Favorite Enemies
  171. Master's Touch and Tenser's Transformation Cause Lag
  172. Request for Delete All in confirmed mail
  173. Spell point items for Multiclass Sorcerer
  174. Outsiders (time for consolidation)
  175. things to port over from LOTRO: Post Creation Toon Customization
  176. Is this a known issue?
  177. How do these Bugs keep Getting Missed?
  178. Trading Incapped/Dead
  179. Why Sorcs/Wiz's will never get +DC Enhancements...
  180. For the love of god ...
  181. Good Job Devs!!!
  182. Can't (Un)Lock Inventory
  183. How Bout this for "Elite"
  184. Spam
  185. Major Problems with Mod 6
  186. Would it be possible for Sorcs to get a "change all spells" choice?
  187. Allow DEAD people to watch the fights in Raids
  188. Hats off to the devs
  189. Mana Potions are no longer optional
  190. Friends List
  191. Pets? Please?
  192. Disapointed about Kobold Sentries
  193. Is Holy Aura Broke or WOrking as intended?
  194. Devs Please Respond!!
  195. weird temp hit points bug
  196. Guild House
  197. Green Steel Weapon Base Damage -- Not Scaling Evenly
  198. Kama Suggestion
  199. AI pathing, flaw or WAI?
  200. A change in the exotic Repeater feat?!
  201. Horrid Wilting
  202. Cooldowns, cooldowns, COOLDOWNS!
  203. Module 6 Known Problems
  204. Conjurors... Why play one?
  205. request for the devs
  206. Devs: Pit Fiend Raid is Awesome!............Abbott raid is a bunch of BS.....
  207. Making Rogue Sneak Attack Toggleable
  208. Undead continue thier queued attacks even if turned
  209. Portal...shmortal!
  210. Shroud part 3 lag spike
  211. Burst weapons and DR
  212. Addition Please
  213. Wielding Green Steel Weapons...
  214. Does Raise Dead Affect Death Penalty Damage?
  215. Default Button
  216. Game Settings (Interaction)
  217. Crafting: Pure Good Burst is bugged?
  218. How come the new raid has no favor?
  219. Dwarven Stability
  220. Is thier a bug sometimes in repairing?
  221. BROKEN: Flesh Golems?
  222. Paralysis Effects
  223. fix rainbow in the dark please!!!
  224. Bitterly dissapointed
  225. Player Moderators
  226. Sunburst in the Orchard. Also greater shout
  227. Rename Hard & Elite
  228. STR changes don't change monster trip DCs.
  229. New and Improved Abbot Loot?
  230. New spell (s)
  231. I hate those %*&^#$* Bats!!!
  232. Mr. Cow, have you .....
  233. Tell The Twelve! (#7)
  234. Weekly Developer Activities - 02/11/08
  235. Crafting Rework?
  236. Coalescence Chamber, Elite Traps, and Twitch
  237. My dream WDA...
  238. Petition to get the Viscious weapon mod out of DDO.
  239. New Character slot w/ Monk
  240. FlameStrike vs. FireStorm. Why Bother?
  241. return from link dead = debuf. intended design?
  242. DEVS: Urban Sprawl and Original Intent
  243. Pre-Reqs Make Multiple Specialties Impossible
  244. Manyshot bugged?
  245. Inspire Courage Bug
  246. shield bashing bug?
  247. Music
  248. Slayer Rewards?
  249. Repair All button please?
  250. Shield DR question/bug