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  1. How about some Veteran Player Loving
  2. Ottos Dancing Sphere Spell Resistance ??
  3. Shroud Part 2 - Penalty Box
  4. how dissapointing
  5. DEvelopmets that would greatly enhance (cost 1 AP) the game
  6. JOVAR! Who wants Jovars? I do, I do!
  7. Bluff/Intimidate: How to make them useful(er).
  8. Rogue Feats
  9. Mob attack bonuses too high?
  10. Spell Customization
  11. Is end reward based on level difficulty?
  12. I was ridiculed for DD0!
  13. A suggestion about explorer areas
  14. Macabre Water Fall bug
  15. Dev's problem with AH
  16. To the Developers, State of the Cleric Address.
  17. Under Powered Craft Enhancements
  18. 4th Edition News, Turbine Mentioned Check it out
  19. Weekly Dev Activities 3/3/08
  20. Ranger Arcane Archer
  21. Tell The DDO Community Team! (#10)
  22. Explain to me the Stacking bonus concept
  23. Congrats and Thanks 'n Stuff...
  24. Marketplace Revitalization
  25. Serious Post- New dedicated server...hard core
  26. Death, item wear and tear, and favor
  27. Tell The DDO Players # 1!
  28. Please Update Website Classes Lists
  29. A question
  30. Dude...Where's my Cod Piece?
  31. At Last...
  32. Regeneration
  33. Live event request...pretty please.....
  34. Time to.........
  35. Event Suggestion: Spawn in all instances at once
  36. How about generating random items on the brokers to help with lack of items?
  37. Craftable Effects on screen display question.
  38. R.I.P. Gary
  39. Tier 3 upgrades perhaps needs a tweak?
  40. Seems quite unfair
  41. Shroud Timer Needs to go.
  42. Show me the XP
  43. Speaking of XP
  44. Clerics
  45. 0 Strength does not render monsters helpless
  46. DDO Quest Creator -- Special Anniversary Edition, Part 2
  47. 1750 favor
  48. Suggestion for shroud raid
  49. First 1750
  50. Helllooooo Devs?? Events?
  51. name purging
  52. Saturday Event Question
  53. Guild Halls should have...
  54. Nine simple feat additions
  55. Two Cents on the Live Events
  56. I am Leaving!
  57. Devs, Concordant Opposition Bugged????
  58. Failure Conditions
  59. Tomb of Tormented - thanks for tormenting me
  60. Please unbind the Invader Tokens
  61. Give us the option to reset instances
  62. Why only chain shirts?
  63. Do you KNOW how hard it is to find......
  64. Air Guard on Weapons
  65. DEVS: Some things I'd like to see for hotbar options and some other thoughts
  66. [To the Devs] Titan raid suggestion
  67. A tiny change for Deepwood Sniper would be awesome
  68. Random teleport to the harbor
  69. Raid Item Acceptance Issue
  70. Inconsistancy in Heal Forumulas
  71. removing music from sound effects
  72. Salt Mephit, Dehydration Aura
  73. No grasp on AC
  74. Dear Devs - Any chance you'll disclose the original plan?
  75. The four stages of Marketplace defense
  76. Event Lag Question...
  77. Where did the official Live Event Feedback Thread Go?
  78. Unofficial Live Event Feedback Thread
  79. get ready to tear these apart again
  80. Next Live event Idea..... my opine.
  81. Update DDO to 4th ed Dying rules immediately
  82. SirGog's Quest Creation Contest - with prizes :-)
  83. pvp complaint
  84. An idea for spells
  85. Medical Emergency!
  86. Will something good come from The Tent blowing up?
  87. Before somebody starts yelling Stealth Nerf...
  88. Weekly Developer Activities: 3/10/08
  89. Barbarian Critical Rage v Deepwood Sniper
  90. Future Bard Mods
  91. Default DDO Quest Creator -- Special Anniversary Edition, Part 3
  92. suggestion for dev's :D
  93. Tell The DDO Community Team #11 - Event Edition
  94. Righteous Warrior: The ultimated Paladin dps enhancement
  95. Meridia girl and completed stones issue
  96. Druids & Rangers, Will they get pets?
  97. A few small requests and a "BIG" thing I noticed
  98. Avatars
  99. Crafting Knowledge NOT a game dynamic
  100. Throwing weapon bugs?
  101. Lowbie event
  102. Let Haggle work with repair of gear
  103. Increase rate of fire?
  104. Lets Talk about Greater Teleport Again.
  105. The single life....A sorcerous wandering.
  106. Its that time again!
  107. Please fix the Master's Touch/Tenser's Transformation lag spike
  108. Give me Cloths.
  109. Gary Gygax memorial
  110. Ready for more tear aparts. i just love the pain.
  111. Ranger's Manyshot
  112. Banking issues: A discussion
  113. Request: Alignment Respec
  114. Idea for a new use for the Stone of Change
  115. Darkleaf/weave brigadine and scale
  116. Temple of VoL
  117. Quest Tracker?
  118. The Rise of Crafting and The End of Named Items?
  119. Yet another enhancemnt rebalance request
  120. small request: Please change Ghost Touch on Shields to Fearsome
  121. Can we please take the crafting altars out of the shroud raid?
  122. Is there any plans
  123. I can't believe I'm going to say this...
  124. Mod 7: The Future is Now - Horns shall be blown
  125. Tieflings - plans to introduce them?
  126. Minor suggestion...
  127. Dreams of Insanity ... RIP =(
  128. A few raid suggestions from a founder back from 1 year away
  129. Join a shroud raid: you can't run there.
  130. Replaceing the Markplace Tent
  131. Let Minotaurs have their groove back.
  132. Finesse and Trip
  133. BUG: Fire Reaver
  134. This is just one of those "Why" Moments...
  135. Beating a Dead horse
  136. Fix Mr. Abbot
  137. Tumble skill and Armor Class
  138. Stuff that should be changed long ago!
  139. New Magic Items
  140. What exactly happened to Superior Two Weapon Fighting?
  141. Green Steel Staves!!!
  142. In-game DM support.
  143. Why are there no Green Steel Bastard Swords?
  144. changing reflex saves on traps that can't be disabled
  145. Evil Alignments and quests?
  146. Better than Quivers?!
  147. Potion of Wonder
  148. Greater Dragonmark of Passage and the hotbar
  149. How to fix Plat Spammers
  150. When Axes come from Bows?
  151. A Complaint to Kundarek!!
  152. Potions of Shield Spell??
  153. Weekly Developer Activities 3/17/08
  154. G15 Display Issues
  155. Extra Spell Slot Feat??
  156. Ring Swapping
  157. Fix Paladin Courage + Halfling Courage
  158. Tell The DDO Community Team #12
  159. Checking out the progress....
  160. New Event Tech + New Modules = FUN! [SUGGESTION]
  161. on the main screen where you see the alternat list
  162. TWF and Cleave
  163. Exotic Weapon Proficiency
  164. Range, Critical Strike, and Dodge
  165. new stuck location
  166. A Fix For Ingredient Bags
  167. DDO Quest Creator -- Special Anniversary Edition, Part 4
  168. Suggestions and Comments
  169. The way Monks should be
  170. Auction House Snipers and a possible solution
  171. To the Monster Abilities Dev: Please Fix
  172. Transmuting weapon effect - design bugged ?
  173. A Modest Request For Vermin And Elemental Empathy
  174. /sortinv
  175. Where is the fighter raid weapon? Even the raid weapons are Pro-Barbarian
  176. "Greater" Disruption
  177. Turning "Accept Party Requests" off.
  178. Random Evasion Animals
  179. WoW's Anti-Gold Farming FAQ's.
  180. What other Traps are bugged?
  181. lets talk about large ingredients drop rate
  182. Odd or Even? Stat questions for Mod 7
  183. Twenty Shroud Improvements
  184. Player created Quests
  185. Monsters Casually Stroll Through Elite Traps
  186. Prestige Classes
  187. Auction House. Auctioning fees?
  188. Darkwood items
  189. Why won't you let me solo VON 2?
  190. How about 1 more level 1 and level 2 spell for arcanes?
  191. What new gear is being brought in with/for Monks?
  192. Raid Explorers?
  193. Umm... WHAT?!?!
  194. Monk Whirlwind Attack Animation Feedback
  195. new command - /who -alliance
  196. Suggestion about Rangers and Bow Damage
  197. Mod 7 Question
  198. Now that the death xp penalty is gone...
  199. Offensive vs Defensive - The growing rift
  200. A crazy, random idea for the AH
  201. Request for better Divine Vitality progression
  202. The Who list has a text search, why cant the Auction House?
  203. wand combination using the eldritch device
  204. change the repetition XP penalty?
  205. Official Request for Turbine to publish all Shroud Recipies
  206. Ac for the weaklings
  207. Fix to Freedom of Movement
  208. Mob To-Hit Bonus
  209. Some Pally love ideas
  210. Suggestion - Add Damage dealt to XP Screen
  211. "As long as Monk is using Monk weapons..."
  212. [Developers]Monk Ki bar programming
  213. shroud collectables
  214. Please Add Shroud to /Quest Completions
  215. crafting cookbook
  216. Mage hand
  217. Monk Forum please.
  218. Link Dead in the Shroud Sends you to the Harbor
  219. DDO monk abilities
  220. take 3-day timer off the shroud
  221. I looked up the 2fighter/14barbarian???
  222. Locking the hot bars
  223. How are we supposed to make 3rd tier items
  224. Please Keep it this way
  225. Ingredients exchange! Way to swap ingredients(like relics)
  226. Suggestion: Account-wide banking.
  227. Weekly Developer Activities: 3/24/08
  228. How "far" is far away?
  229. A plea from the Arcane
  230. Tell The DDO Community Team #13
  231. Potions as clickies - great change or not?
  232. Alternatives for Rogue Wrack Construct
  233. suggestion: Special Attacks should be pay-on-attack-roll
  234. Fighter's Dodge enhancement
  235. Why crafting in the middle of a raid???
  236. Stalactite
  237. Maybe already answered But dont wanna Sort for hours to find them!
  238. Suggestion for Meridia
  239. Scimitar and Khopesh Finesse?
  240. Level 20 Class Enhancements
  241. Retroactive 32pt builds
  242. What would the dream be about?
  243. A Raid-Party Window, or just move people around?
  244. The most-needed class
  245. Crafting question for the Dev team (When they have time to respond)
  246. suggestion to the dungeon developers
  247. Does bodyfeeder temporary HP stack?
  248. Paladin Level 4 spells - Snooze
  249. Request: View in-game mail status on character select screen
  250. Snow