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  1. Unofficial repair in quest thread for mod 7
  2. Alignments
  3. Is 'low' a bad word?
  4. Thoughts about DDO
  5. *exactly* how do Barb PA and WF PA work?
  6. Proposed changes to combat in MOD 8
  7. Equipment variation
  8. Can we please have some better guild tools? Please!?!?
  9. Where have all the Spear Weapons gone?
  10. Ingame Help system broken
  11. Spellstoring Question For New Mod
  12. Plat seller site solution?
  13. The perfect solution to balancing the classes
  14. Player Made Stores
  15. Some Raid Observations.
  16. Up Up and Away!!!!
  17. Important Points from 4.0
  18. Why isn't Bard Magic treated the Same as Sorcerer Magic in DDO?
  19. wizard hats
  20. Enhancments stack?
  21. Tell Tolero #1
  22. Look here for the link to in game currency-
  23. A Ring of Three Limited Wishes
  24. 99 Bronze Tokens
  25. Question about class specialties
  26. New blood in DDO - a concern
  27. Isn't making multiple threads about the exact same thing a bannable or at least point
  28. The best idea of the year...
  29. Fleeing mobs
  30. Devs: a question about protection (AC bonus)
  31. gonna get flamed for this one i thinks
  32. Teleport/Greater Teleport
  33. doomish post
  34. Some ideas to improve game longeivity
  35. Dq
  36. Sorcerer Damage Totals (mod4 to mod5)
  37. Named items apear
  38. Trip and Sunder
  39. Heal skill, incap and regen.
  40. Quarterstaff suggestions
  41. Brainstorm : Pally, Wiz, Sorc, etc PrC speculations
  42. New Bard Spells I would Like to see.
  43. Tomb of the Sanguine Heart [MAJOR BUG]
  44. What verbal component?!
  45. Devs - Good Job on Tomb of the Unhallowed
  46. Item familiar
  47. Mod 6 character help question
  48. Suggestion for Mod 6 or 7
  49. Woe is me!!
  50. Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords... in DDO
  51. Things to go on the list
  52. Wda?
  53. What would you like from Dungeons and Dragons Online 2.0
  54. Weekly Dev Activities 01/07/08
  55. Tell Tolero #2
  56. My suspicions: Mod 6 = Late February = 2nd Anniversary
  57. Ranger combat style SRD question
  58. Time for a State of the Game Address?
  59. Unsbstantiated Rumor, Any Dev response would be appreciated.
  60. Character Selection Screen Selection
  61. Questing for Knowledge
  62. some ideas for more functional and interesting game play
  63. Problems and suggestions
  64. Paladin Love reading material
  65. Found out today...
  66. AI Fixes. and spell requests
  67. Simple Suggestions to keep interest in game...and a rant
  68. Issues with Mod 5 and DDO in General
  69. Request for forum functionality
  70. recitation fun
  71. What do I want to see for Mod 7
  72. Re: Gnomes
  73. Guild bank
  74. Another "why" question for the experts
  75. n00b question
  76. Is Tempest Spine turning into the next Stormcleave?
  77. New Load Screen?
  78. Request for Mod 7 - Bags
  79. Spell crafting system
  80. Small Simple Request for Mod 6 in game mail
  81. Do We Even Really Want Half-Elves? Really?
  82. Fix Concentration
  83. A Bardic Spells Petition
  84. The mummy despair
  85. Adamantine Defenders
  86. Do resist spells go to 40 at level 15?
  87. Quicken bug?
  88. Thoughts on new players, mentoring and crafting
  89. If you could add one feature from any MMO to DDO...
  90. What is the developer's vision on ranged combat?
  91. Paladin protest
  92. Speculation: Monk, Half-Elf, Half-Orc Enhancements
  93. How about pants and tunic for high Dex players
  94. (Plea to devs)monk animation
  95. Unyielding Soverignity
  96. Sort Inventory Button?
  97. Maladroit of Bone Breaking
  98. Probable concentration bug, with screenshot. Explanations?
  99. Working As Intended???!!!
  100. change to summon monster
  101. concentrations checks
  102. Andre the giant spotted in Meridia
  103. simple auction house request
  104. Friend's List Request
  105. More slots please
  106. Need Bard Virtuoso Enthrallment effect Graphics
  107. Tell Tolero #3
  108. Racial enhancements - subraces?
  109. Please Fix Threnal Progression
  110. Do you actually use the Search function on the AH.
  111. Issues with Grouping
  112. Rogue Love - More use for skills
  113. Bug with Caster DC, perhaps a major bug.
  114. I'm very proud of everyone .....
  115. Weekly Dev Activities 1/14/08
  116. Healing/Repair potions
  117. DDO Forum suggestion
  118. my 20th raid experience
  119. where have all the classes gone?
  120. Ideas for DDO's 2nd Anniversary!!!
  121. Elite getting Eliter?
  122. Tell me a story Papa DDO
  123. Enough with the spam. Allow us to strike back please.
  124. Bone to Pick with the DEVS
  125. Armor Preview
  126. Aim for more "complicated" quests?
  127. A request for UMD
  128. Trying this the nice way, so maybe we can get a dev response
  129. Are the Loot Tables being Fixed in Mod 6?
  130. Old Beta Bug Resurfaced
  131. some questions about the reaver raid
  132. 20th completion request
  133. Errrr ... any official or semi-official word ...
  134. Ideas for Melee fighting
  135. Hmm, yet another Idea for melee fixes...
  136. Risia AI tests
  137. AH request: "time remaining" on auctions
  138. Content Ideas for 6.1 anniversary mod...
  139. Suggestions to Improve Abbot Raid. (Warning: Spoilers included)
  140. Question about MMO Updates
  141. Knock
  142. Mod 6 Live January 30th!!!!!!
  143. Exactly What Turbine Needs
  144. The part that intrests me.... recipes...
  145. Regarding Skill Respec: A good idea
  146. UI Customization Announced. Details Please.
  147. Tieflings?
  148. A Thought Experiment
  149. Hotbutton Macros Needed (a serious request from a joker)
  150. no wonder the abbot= failure
  151. My idea for DDO traps = D&D traps
  152. We have added support for the Logitech G15 Keyboard LCD displays.
  153. How to sell scrolls from Vendors
  154. Some new mailbox suggestions
  155. Multi-Class as a second class citizen
  156. Animation bug, gonna fix?
  157. Rogue Skill Suggestion
  158. Metamagic Enhancements and Clerics.
  159. Dye, paint, and part choosing
  160. Emerald Claw pendant: Bugged or working as-intended?
  161. Idea for new use for repair
  162. Rogue skills come to easy?
  163. One Remaining Issue on the new Death Penalty
  164. Adventure list suggestion
  165. Thank You
  166. Raid Item
  167. A Guide For Suggestions...........
  168. Level 8 Scrolls
  169. Body size in DDO.
  170. Feat Exchange Suggestion
  171. New Character Creation. (Defaults?)
  172. Risia AH bugged?
  173. Two UI Requests for Mod 7....
  174. dracoliches
  175. Suggestions for dungeons to developers
  176. Skill Tomes
  177. Tell Tolero #4
  178. Devs: Can we have false life items give the hit points upon equip?
  179. Insulated armor
  180. suggestion for mod7
  181. Many shot icon
  182. Bodyfeeder useless and even dangerous
  183. U.I. Hotbar
  184. Power leveling. Should be expanded one leve.
  185. Please implement more arcane spells to supplement melee
  186. Weekly Dev Activities 1/21/08 *Faux*
  187. Weekly Dev Activities 1/21/08
  188. Dispel Magic, and why no players really use it
  189. Monster Summoning Issues/Questions
  190. Equiping to the off hand
  191. How to get more info than kill counts but still be concise?
  192. disintegrate vs. mantle of invulnerability
  193. Scroll price and availability
  194. Eliminate Raid Prerequisites for DQ and VON
  195. How about some tank love
  196. why do the ranger trainers look depressed?
  197. I need a question answered about the UI interface
  198. mob SR
  199. LotR has cloaks... :(
  200. Not sure if those goes here or general so i'll put it here
  201. Confirmed Mail
  202. please fix the glitter
  203. I would love to see Snow!!!
  204. Lack of Mod six spells
  205. Thank you DDO Devs!
  206. Graphical errors in Vault of Night 2: Prison of the Mind
  207. Please make mail time longer
  208. Fourth Wall Shenanigans - The Totemic Lavalier
  209. A short question about development
  210. When transmuting doesn't, well, transmute...
  211. ears
  212. Weekly dev activities - Please explain
  213. The Caves Of Chaos
  214. ok im so confused.
  215. Suggestion for the Prestige Enhancements
  216. Manuel of....Oops I already used one
  217. Wicked Awsome Yo
  218. Portable Hole Improvements
  219. Charismatic Goggles and more....
  220. Premium service suggestion
  221. Hired help
  222. Old dog and New tricks, Prestige?
  223. kama vs. exotics
  224. Question about Displace/Blur/Dusk/Ring of Shadows
  225. CL enhancements on scrolls
  226. Spell ideas for the devs
  227. Suggestion for the Favor Panel
  228. any new favor rewards on the horizon
  229. Possible humble suggestion for way of the mechanic
  230. DDO Outfit system and barbershop
  231. Add Explorer and Slayer to Tempest Spine and Stormcleave
  232. Rogue Respect Needed
  233. Hey guys/Devs, maybe it's time to review Paralyzers??
  234. Familiars?
  235. Special Arrows
  236. Notice: Class Action Law suite
  237. 2 Development Requests
  238. Stackable ammo thought
  239. Fred and feat chains
  240. Gameplay Suggestion: Ranged Combat
  241. Divine Favor: Never Fixed
  242. So.....
  243. Devs, fix the Abbot Raid in 10 easy steps
  244. Wand Enhancement Research
  245. What is Elite Raid Loot Drop rate in Titan?
  246. I'll check back in a couple of months.
  247. "Customize Your Own Raid Loot"...
  248. Idea for chat box.
  249. Weapon Sets
  250. Will Toughness Feats and Fred ever get un-bugged?