View Full Version : Suggestions & Ideas
- Unofficial repair in quest thread for mod 7
- Alignments
- Is 'low' a bad word?
- Thoughts about DDO
- *exactly* how do Barb PA and WF PA work?
- Proposed changes to combat in MOD 8
- Equipment variation
- Can we please have some better guild tools? Please!?!?
- Where have all the Spear Weapons gone?
- Ingame Help system broken
- Spellstoring Question For New Mod
- Plat seller site solution?
- The perfect solution to balancing the classes
- Player Made Stores
- Some Raid Observations.
- Up Up and Away!!!!
- Important Points from 4.0
- Why isn't Bard Magic treated the Same as Sorcerer Magic in DDO?
- wizard hats
- Enhancments stack?
- Tell Tolero #1
- Look here for the link to in game currency-
- A Ring of Three Limited Wishes
- 99 Bronze Tokens
- Question about class specialties
- New blood in DDO - a concern
- Isn't making multiple threads about the exact same thing a bannable or at least point
- The best idea of the year...
- Fleeing mobs
- Devs: a question about protection (AC bonus)
- gonna get flamed for this one i thinks
- Teleport/Greater Teleport
- doomish post
- Some ideas to improve game longeivity
- Dq
- Sorcerer Damage Totals (mod4 to mod5)
- Named items apear
- Trip and Sunder
- Heal skill, incap and regen.
- Quarterstaff suggestions
- Brainstorm : Pally, Wiz, Sorc, etc PrC speculations
- New Bard Spells I would Like to see.
- Tomb of the Sanguine Heart [MAJOR BUG]
- What verbal component?!
- Devs - Good Job on Tomb of the Unhallowed
- Item familiar
- Mod 6 character help question
- Suggestion for Mod 6 or 7
- Woe is me!!
- Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords... in DDO
- Things to go on the list
- Wda?
- What would you like from Dungeons and Dragons Online 2.0
- Weekly Dev Activities 01/07/08
- Tell Tolero #2
- My suspicions: Mod 6 = Late February = 2nd Anniversary
- Ranger combat style SRD question
- Time for a State of the Game Address?
- Unsbstantiated Rumor, Any Dev response would be appreciated.
- Character Selection Screen Selection
- Questing for Knowledge
- some ideas for more functional and interesting game play
- Problems and suggestions
- Paladin Love reading material
- Found out today...
- AI Fixes. and spell requests
- Simple Suggestions to keep interest in game...and a rant
- Issues with Mod 5 and DDO in General
- Request for forum functionality
- recitation fun
- What do I want to see for Mod 7
- Re: Gnomes
- Guild bank
- Another "why" question for the experts
- n00b question
- Is Tempest Spine turning into the next Stormcleave?
- New Load Screen?
- Request for Mod 7 - Bags
- Spell crafting system
- Small Simple Request for Mod 6 in game mail
- Do We Even Really Want Half-Elves? Really?
- Fix Concentration
- A Bardic Spells Petition
- The mummy despair
- Adamantine Defenders
- Do resist spells go to 40 at level 15?
- Quicken bug?
- Thoughts on new players, mentoring and crafting
- If you could add one feature from any MMO to DDO...
- What is the developer's vision on ranged combat?
- Paladin protest
- Speculation: Monk, Half-Elf, Half-Orc Enhancements
- How about pants and tunic for high Dex players
- (Plea to devs)monk animation
- Unyielding Soverignity
- Sort Inventory Button?
- Maladroit of Bone Breaking
- Probable concentration bug, with screenshot. Explanations?
- Working As Intended???!!!
- change to summon monster
- concentrations checks
- Andre the giant spotted in Meridia
- simple auction house request
- Friend's List Request
- More slots please
- Need Bard Virtuoso Enthrallment effect Graphics
- Tell Tolero #3
- Racial enhancements - subraces?
- Please Fix Threnal Progression
- Do you actually use the Search function on the AH.
- Issues with Grouping
- Rogue Love - More use for skills
- Bug with Caster DC, perhaps a major bug.
- I'm very proud of everyone .....
- Weekly Dev Activities 1/14/08
- Healing/Repair potions
- DDO Forum suggestion
- my 20th raid experience
- where have all the classes gone?
- Ideas for DDO's 2nd Anniversary!!!
- Elite getting Eliter?
- Tell me a story Papa DDO
- Enough with the spam. Allow us to strike back please.
- Bone to Pick with the DEVS
- Armor Preview
- Aim for more "complicated" quests?
- A request for UMD
- Trying this the nice way, so maybe we can get a dev response
- Are the Loot Tables being Fixed in Mod 6?
- Old Beta Bug Resurfaced
- some questions about the reaver raid
- 20th completion request
- Errrr ... any official or semi-official word ...
- Ideas for Melee fighting
- Hmm, yet another Idea for melee fixes...
- Risia AI tests
- AH request: "time remaining" on auctions
- Content Ideas for 6.1 anniversary mod...
- Suggestions to Improve Abbot Raid. (Warning: Spoilers included)
- Question about MMO Updates
- Knock
- Mod 6 Live January 30th!!!!!!
- Exactly What Turbine Needs
- The part that intrests me.... recipes...
- Regarding Skill Respec: A good idea
- UI Customization Announced. Details Please.
- Tieflings?
- A Thought Experiment
- Hotbutton Macros Needed (a serious request from a joker)
- no wonder the abbot= failure
- My idea for DDO traps = D&D traps
- We have added support for the Logitech G15 Keyboard LCD displays.
- How to sell scrolls from Vendors
- Some new mailbox suggestions
- Multi-Class as a second class citizen
- Animation bug, gonna fix?
- Rogue Skill Suggestion
- Metamagic Enhancements and Clerics.
- Dye, paint, and part choosing
- Emerald Claw pendant: Bugged or working as-intended?
- Idea for new use for repair
- Rogue skills come to easy?
- One Remaining Issue on the new Death Penalty
- Adventure list suggestion
- Thank You
- Raid Item
- A Guide For Suggestions...........
- Level 8 Scrolls
- Body size in DDO.
- Feat Exchange Suggestion
- New Character Creation. (Defaults?)
- Risia AH bugged?
- Two UI Requests for Mod 7....
- dracoliches
- Suggestions for dungeons to developers
- Skill Tomes
- Tell Tolero #4
- Devs: Can we have false life items give the hit points upon equip?
- Insulated armor
- suggestion for mod7
- Many shot icon
- Bodyfeeder useless and even dangerous
- U.I. Hotbar
- Power leveling. Should be expanded one leve.
- Please implement more arcane spells to supplement melee
- Weekly Dev Activities 1/21/08 *Faux*
- Weekly Dev Activities 1/21/08
- Dispel Magic, and why no players really use it
- Monster Summoning Issues/Questions
- Equiping to the off hand
- How to get more info than kill counts but still be concise?
- disintegrate vs. mantle of invulnerability
- Scroll price and availability
- Eliminate Raid Prerequisites for DQ and VON
- How about some tank love
- why do the ranger trainers look depressed?
- I need a question answered about the UI interface
- mob SR
- LotR has cloaks... :(
- Not sure if those goes here or general so i'll put it here
- Confirmed Mail
- please fix the glitter
- I would love to see Snow!!!
- Lack of Mod six spells
- Thank you DDO Devs!
- Graphical errors in Vault of Night 2: Prison of the Mind
- Please make mail time longer
- Fourth Wall Shenanigans - The Totemic Lavalier
- A short question about development
- When transmuting doesn't, well, transmute...
- ears
- Weekly dev activities - Please explain
- The Caves Of Chaos
- ok im so confused.
- Suggestion for the Prestige Enhancements
- Manuel of....Oops I already used one
- Wicked Awsome Yo
- Portable Hole Improvements
- Charismatic Goggles and more....
- Premium service suggestion
- Hired help
- Old dog and New tricks, Prestige?
- kama vs. exotics
- Question about Displace/Blur/Dusk/Ring of Shadows
- CL enhancements on scrolls
- Spell ideas for the devs
- Suggestion for the Favor Panel
- any new favor rewards on the horizon
- Possible humble suggestion for way of the mechanic
- DDO Outfit system and barbershop
- Add Explorer and Slayer to Tempest Spine and Stormcleave
- Rogue Respect Needed
- Hey guys/Devs, maybe it's time to review Paralyzers??
- Familiars?
- Special Arrows
- Notice: Class Action Law suite
- 2 Development Requests
- Stackable ammo thought
- Fred and feat chains
- Gameplay Suggestion: Ranged Combat
- Divine Favor: Never Fixed
- So.....
- Devs, fix the Abbot Raid in 10 easy steps
- Wand Enhancement Research
- What is Elite Raid Loot Drop rate in Titan?
- I'll check back in a couple of months.
- "Customize Your Own Raid Loot"...
- Idea for chat box.
- Weapon Sets
- Will Toughness Feats and Fred ever get un-bugged?
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