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  1. Ddo ~~~~~~~~> Samurai!
  2. Ugly Raid Armor
  3. Additional Vison of Destruction raid loot item for clerics
  4. OK, so, Where's the News?
  5. Prestige Enhancements: Wizard/Sorc...
  6. SUG: Feat for more enhancements points
  7. Trade House
  8. New Classes and Watered Down Loot
  9. Add nice named loot to Garamol and other rares in the Raidzone
  10. Alignment Change Poll
  11. damage bypassing on handwraps
  12. New item I'd like to see in the game...
  13. Timer's On Shrines......
  14. Bugged items
  15. CLERICS: Why no improved heighten?
  16. Divine Favor Broken?
  17. Spell Boosting Kamas, Handwraps?
  18. What we "kinda" know
  19. Exalted Smite
  20. Human Verse... adjustments?
  21. Weekly Development Activities Redux - 06/30/08
  22. Recent Threads?
  23. Option to Change Armour/Shield/Helm/Weapon Appearance
  24. Dungeons
  25. Question for Devs: Will there be green steel shields
  26. Rainbow/Gamma, I need help!!!!
  27. Thank you forums Dev's!!!
  28. Shroud Shields
  29. Potions
  30. City of Dungeons and Dragons
  31. new collectible recipes??
  32. No pictures?
  33. Turbine's Future Plans
  34. Throw 28 point builds a freakin bone...
  35. Dungeons and Dragons in the Slums.
  36. Human Versatility - Why no Extra Use enhancement?
  37. New Character Slots: General Timeline
  38. The Quality of Life
  39. Portable Hole For Clerics.
  40. Request: Option to change "Class" icon for multiclass characters
  41. Where are the RELEASE NOTES!!!!!!
  42. I have a dream…
  43. Release Notes on the Compendium
  44. Very interesting for Clerics and Arcanes
  45. So the monster are going be smarter?
  46. My Version of WDA
  47. So Eldritch AC crafting still broken?
  48. The Expectation of Companionship
  49. zyrcca, 2 suggestions on the bags
  50. Monk enhancements save DCs
  51. Handwraps
  52. VoD antechamber
  53. Why do Devs generally hotfix issues that help us, and rarely ones that hurt us?
  54. Can anyone recommend a good Mechanic?
  55. Devs, it's time to take another look at Concentration...
  56. Arcane Spell check for bards
  57. suggestion: devil teleport cooldown
  58. Examine Me
  59. I fail to comprehend these "monsters"
  60. Epic Levels?
  61. Long-Shot Suggestion: Reduce Shroud Timer
  62. hand wraps--***
  63. the bees
  64. ideas for monk love
  65. suggest: monk unarmed love
  66. Scroll Cases
  67. Four and Twenty Blackbirds
  68. Naming Bound Items
  69. Recommended Feat: Zen Archery
  70. starter outfit
  71. Precision cooldown.
  72. Tic Tac Monk
  73. Major New Bug: Elemental Resists and Protects no longer stack properly.
  74. Devs: Quick question about recipe count
  75. PA? Sup With That?
  76. Why do the tokens drop and no raid loot?
  77. Deathpact Question
  78. Macro
  79. Thieves' Tools idea
  80. turbine
  81. Animal Companion
  82. Cleric's plea
  83. ki should regen in public areas
  84. suggestion: Quivering Palm long range
  85. The bookkeepers have issues.
  86. When will the "using object" bars be fixed?
  87. An idea about AH prices and Item availability
  88. Monk's Centerd vs Uncentered AC
  89. Ok explain to me again why Orthons have such high AC...
  90. New~~~Resistance to THINGY potion.
  91. Why can't dead mobs remain?
  92. Are there any plans in works for salvaging the AC system?
  93. Healing Lore Shroud Item
  94. Why are WF foods/drinks medicines?
  95. The bookkeepers have issues. (REVISITED)
  96. Elven Arcane Fluidity - Busted?
  97. assassination thoughts
  98. Just an idea
  99. Where are the bloodthirsty owlbears and malicious displacer beasts?
  100. The unofficial change sneak attack de-sneak back to the way it was thread...
  101. A cry out in an Apathetic, and Cruel wilderness.
  102. Armor
  103. (Incomplete) Quarterstaff/Acrobat Bugs
  104. Vicious Effect Idea
  105. DDO Player Developers Unite!
  106. Boots of Speed/Haste
  107. Devs: Suggested new use for Tumble skill
  108. Look, publically asking why handwraps aren't fixed EXCEPT Viscous?
  109. solo only quests...);
  110. So where's the info for Mod 8?
  111. Devs, are you going to make beholders' anti magic fields work like a globe of invul.?
  112. Madstone Rod not working?
  113. DDOcast/Ask the Devs 4 transcript
  114. A breakdown in Viscosity
  115. New Favor Idea for the Devs
  116. DDO API Brainstorming
  117. Scroll case and potion bag
  118. Problem w/ wands
  119. A checklist of things monks need fixed:
  120. Do we have Synergy?
  121. +4 stat items
  122. It's time to get crafting out of the Shroud
  123. Ideas for items
  124. Tattoos
  125. Proposal +4 wis tome for a cleric's 20th VOD Completion
  126. Way of the Mechanic, too pathetic?
  127. Role Play
  128. Simple requests for mod 8
  129. Um, Can we make Rare Collectables just a little less Rare?
  130. Economy, PvP, and Potential
  131. Enlightened Vestements
  132. Can you improve Tenser Transformation ?
  133. New season, new (semi) suggestions
  134. Look, publically asking why the devs HATE Warforged?
  135. Spectator Option
  136. Demon Queen - needs a change on how you get raid ready...
  137. XP - A new look
  138. What do YOU want?
  139. New Power Leveling lvl seperator SUCKS!
  140. Visual Bugged for Force Ritual Damage??
  141. My Fighter Looks Like Pigpen from Charlie Brown
  142. energy cells
  143. Logon Issues
  144. Quick question on Monks and toughness.
  145. Hide lvl and class
  146. hey devs
  147. Upgrading 28 pt builds to 32 pt: how it could be possible
  148. Please for the love of God
  149. Slums of Stormreach
  150. Petition to change the stone of change
  151. Suggestions to Devs on Monk Finishers
  152. raid loot mechanic
  153. Is "Tell the DDO Community Team" a Secret?
  154. Still Spell
  155. Attention Devs (my feedback, ty)
  156. Simple Request... or not so simple. Dev's?
  157. Question on the ritual device and fixs
  158. The raid loot change everyone can agree on
  159. Are the Raid chests broken? 6/10 no raid loot
  160. What are some Monsters that you'd like to See Implemented in DDO in the future?
  161. Request: I want my Ring of Evasion
  162. Please unbind Armor
  163. Hand wraps suggestions.
  164. Request: Stances (Not Monks)
  165. Tidbit Wednesday
  166. Squelching?
  167. Mod 8 Concept?
  168. Would Greensteel Handwraps Be Overpowered?
  169. petition: turn off shroud raid timer
  170. DEVS - You Need to Change Raid Mechanics for DQ and VON
  171. Fun suggestion: New Quest XP bonuses
  172. Teleport Improvements?
  173. Show Items
  174. Bows not Firing Again
  175. Bring back our Fortitude saves
  176. Class Difficulty Rating
  177. Gems!
  178. Does the raid loot scale up on Elite for VOD?
  179. Khyber Dragonshard Fragments and Trap The Soul
  180. Feedback : Monks
  181. Craftables You'd Like To See In Mod8
  182. To the Devs
  183. suggestion: Docent-forgeable armor attribute
  184. Up the +3 tome drop rate on every 20th
  185. UI change request for mod 8
  186. Dragonscale armor change request for mod8
  187. UI change request to AH for mod 8
  188. Vanity Mod. Poll?
  189. Better Looking Guys - more vanity :)
  190. Request: Choose Class Icon
  191. crafting question
  192. UI change request to guild tab for mod 8
  193. UI change request to Mail for mod 8
  194. PVP idea
  195. Monsters need better & more spell attack threats
  196. Sentient Weapons
  197. Harbor Update?
  198. What if you were a Dev for a Day?
  199. Pention Hot Swap Arrows
  200. Character sheets
  201. Tier 3 upgrade changes tier 1 effect
  202. Okay, I'll mention the 800-pound Connection Gorillia (again?)
  203. Module 7 wasted effort
  204. When you guys are done referbishing the docks
  205. One place to sell loot and buy from brokers
  206. Lorikk's Champion still not Mithral
  207. Add a respawn timer on Cylinders in Gwylans Stand
  208. Idea for quivers
  209. Voice chat indicator icons
  210. thought on moving name bars in group
  211. I would like to see this.
  212. Deafen - Why can't we cast it?
  213. **Bug** With Crushing Despair & DR
  214. Some thoughts for future updates
  215. Simple Abbot Fix
  216. Monk wisdom bonus to AC...
  217. Suggestion for bringing back the WDA
  218. my best hound raid drop
  219. Subterrane Chests
  220. Perma Tenth Level Guild (Idea)
  221. Beyond 16?
  222. Prestige Enhancement Idea
  223. Possible gold spammer fix
  224. Exotic Basher!
  225. Suggestion: Mod 8 Weapon Changes
  226. What does the Divine Spell Holy Aura really do?
  227. Can you please get rid of the raid tokens?
  228. Mentors
  229. suggestion: improved two-hand weapon enhancements
  230. Wish list and dreams of what could be in 3BC
  231. lifetime subscriptions
  232. Why is this game broke?
  233. 20th hound ? how close are we to a list?
  234. suggestion: Levik AC bonus type
  235. Questions about "Inner Workings" of Skills
  236. Hand Wraps and Specteral Gloves
  237. a couple tool bar ideas
  238. shuriken end rewards
  239. end rewards loot tables
  240. Suggested new Bard Enhancement (maybe rogues too) for Mod 9.
  241. Please clean up the loose ends.
  242. A couple of things I wanna whine about.
  243. Aion's got it right.
  244. Crafty Crafting Crafted for Crafters...
  245. Map notes and pushpins
  246. Suggestion to Change to VON Flagging
  247. Wizard's Staves
  248. Some questions about our future...
  249. Since we have throwing hammers now...
  250. Changing the default color was a waste