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  1. 15 seconds, are you kidding me??
  2. Appearance altering
  3. A way to end plat farming, Increase your bank account and turbines profits
  4. How to change endgame to avoid burnout
  5. Small Guild Window Improvement
  6. Suggestion: Spell Effects on Party Panel
  7. Time for a break
  8. Clickie symbols like scroll/wand symbols?
  9. Idea: Weapon enhancements
  10. Guild Bank Manager Needs
  11. I would like to see an increase in a ranger's sp
  12. High, Medium, or Low Population server
  13. More Forum Avatars!
  14. sorcerer spells
  15. Guild Ranks
  16. Suggestion: Vendor UI
  17. Plans to Fix Fred?
  18. Scale the loot/EXP
  19. Offline Character viewer
  20. Wild Idea...
  21. Idea for the Listen Skill
  22. Barter House?
  23. UI Lock
  24. Prestige classes as enhancements
  25. Party Size XP Bonus
  26. A Different Take....
  27. New spells and feats please
  28. New subscriber/game - thoughts, ideas
  29. Newbie idea - another one
  30. Surnames
  31. Short and long terms plans for DDO
  32. A new type of weapon
  33. Take it to the next level.
  34. give the code to the coders
  35. Duel wielding throwing weapons?
  36. 2 New Feats
  37. For the sake of us who like to solo
  38. PVP - Opinions are all we have.
  39. A dressing room?
  40. The June update
  41. Opinions Please
  42. subscription should be free, and we should pay for expansions every 3 months or so...
  43. The Church and the Cult: The hardest red-named
  44. Mod5, Lich, and Godhood.
  45. Fix the action boost delay
  46. Hiding ui for screenshots
  47. Population of Servers
  48. GiantHold Pre-Raid Bug
  49. New Update
  50. F1-f12
  51. Hey devs: Why can't we dual wield throwing weapons?
  52. Bladesworn Transformation Cooldown ReEvaluation PLZ!
  53. Better than Favor! Guild Favor
  54. Color spray / Scintillating Pattern
  55. Request to art team.
  56. Release After Death Button
  57. Test
  58. Any ideas on when the next level cap increase is coming?
  59. Attn: Devs. Quest log issue. (Very minor but I would like to see it fixed.)
  60. Idea:Updates 4 guilds..
  61. Reclamation - Please up the exp
  62. Xp Awards question for devs
  63. Update 4.2?
  64. Reaver Raid=Not a good idea
  65. Where is the weekly development activities?
  66. Lore Book in LOTRO
  67. Update 4.2 First Look - Release Notes
  68. simple request
  69. Rewiring Tumble
  70. Health Bars difficult to see with red-background
  71. New Update bug
  72. Please explain how the charges work in the reaver raid..
  73. Unable to swing weapon if cursor not on main screen
  74. Kill the swing buffer
  75. I want to log in a play, not log in a sit around
  76. Ranged Combat
  77. Request: Guild Member Notification
  78. Wasted Shards
  79. What should devs be doing?
  80. Unlocking The Monk Class.
  81. Two hours early...
  82. Final release note - Abandoning story goals?
  83. Why is No Crippling Strike on Ranged not a Known Issue?
  84. AH Level Range Search
  85. A way to make new content last longer...
  86. Nightshield
  87. Forum questions
  88. Spellsinger Bug/Issue
  89. Grouping Window
  90. qua?
  91. AP cost for Bard Specializations
  92. 4.2 Can no longer see char class in groups tab
  93. Problem with Bard Specialty - SpellSinger
  94. 4.2 Issues
  95. More Problems with 4.2
  96. Known Issues and me
  97. PvP
  98. 4.2 Stormreach uses gas to deliver goods
  99. Small inventory issue 4.2
  100. Is there no proof to the poison?
  101. When will enough be enough? (Risia)
  102. Power Critical question
  103. AH Window pallete/font color
  104. Spell Singer and the Notes
  105. Unholy Blight graphic is very boring
  106. The Back pack shrink?
  107. Bugs in the Auction Search
  108. Kudos Turbine for Searing Heights
  109. New bard song issue..
  110. Making Armor Class More Meaningful
  111. interesting LFM bug side effect
  112. Blueshine - Material, Coating, or Alloy... You Decide
  113. Waterworks Alternatives
  114. 4.2 Inventory Bug
  115. Quell, Cinderspawn and Wheep
  116. 0 Damage
  117. Cry for Help: Trading Only Tab in Social Panel
  118. nomal, hard, elite and random!
  119. Low Road
  120. Please increase the font size in the AH UI
  121. Any other Warforged have this problem?
  122. Weapon/Armor decals
  123. What Happened to Turn attempts?
  124. /death while in town
  125. It's not easy being green.
  126. I enjoyed it...
  127. LFM Screen - Can't See Character Class
  128. Splitting Stacks still not Defaulting to 1
  129. Bodyfeeder working?
  130. Now I'm Frustrated
  131. Auction Fix, Once and For All?
  132. More D&D
  133. Fire Finicky Fred the MindFlayer
  134. This would be a nice thing to have
  135. This would be a nice thing to have
  136. Platinum, Brokers, Auctions, and Haggle
  137. Bodyfeeder Bow not working....
  138. Suggestion - Time release traps
  139. Devs quick question
  140. Wouldnt it be cool if wands could be recharged.
  141. Remove prereq for raids
  142. Grouping Window
  143. the add-all button strikes again...
  144. Searching in AH
  145. Perform
  146. Metamagic SP reduction feats
  147. Opinion on Rogues/Rangers and Wizards/Sorcerers
  148. Virtuoso: a bards woe
  149. Blindfold me, whydoncha?
  150. Cleric perks? Why join a church in Stormreach?
  151. The Future of DDO
  152. dwarf stabililty bonus?
  153. DR Bard song has Rage status icon
  154. Top 3 flawed items from module 4
  155. A little irked but a suggestion
  156. End Game AC / HP
  157. Is This A Trippin Bug?
  158. Ideas to make DDO compete with AoC
  159. Hair Style Changes
  160. Half-Orcs
  161. Game Manual
  162. No one asking where the weekly development activities is?
  163. Grouping Window not Fixed
  164. this ought to make the devs smile
  165. OMG Server merges announced.
  166. New Difficulty Level = Content?
  167. Such A shame...
  168. FYI: Scorpions can't burrow.
  169. Monks!
  170. 2 points
  171. Give Me Color PLEASE!!!!!!
  172. Mobile prefix on armor, any way to make it add +X rank of tumble?
  173. I think i'm still confused...
  174. Compliments to Turbine and suggestion for future of Adventure Zones (NON INSTANCED)
  175. Suggestion: DDO Roadmap/Plan
  176. Word of Mouth
  177. A new trend
  178. Just a quick thought...
  179. The Solution!!!
  180. Burning Blood needs looked at
  181. Blade Barrier, a magic wall of swords that just dosen't hurt
  182. Challenge
  183. Forums Spellchecker??
  184. Server Hopping
  185. The Right way to fix sorc spell slots.
  186. What is the good if you make a quest no one want to do?
  187. Instancing question/concern
  188. Increase Bloodstone Drop Rate
  189. Favor... It Does a Body Good
  190. DDO Launcher
  191. Wouldnt it be cool to use wands and scrolls like regular equipped items?
  192. Top 5 needed module 5 raid loot
  193. LFM Panel
  194. What new name loot would you like to see
  195. POP question
  196. Weren't there supposed to be release notes?
  197. Module 5 RAID Boss PLEASE Don't make him SOLO'ABLE LIKE the STORMREAVER!!!
  198. Destruction spell is flawed
  199. If wishes were fishes...
  200. Voice Communication Indicators
  201. First Person View
  202. Request for Feedback: LFM and Anonymous
  203. armorer
  204. Eldorudo, You Think You are Done Retrofitting?
  205. what if turbine is working on a new ddo?
  206. What??? Why Censor That?
  207. Quest Difficulty Consistancy?
  208. Why are some toon names blocked?
  209. An enthusiast/developer's opinion of improvement points
  210. Weekly Dev Activities: 7/30/07
  211. A Brothers Restoration
  212. Craft skills &/or Prestige Class's
  213. Anonymous in the LFM - entirely backwards.
  214. Request for Friend List
  215. Survey: do you cast Holy Sword?
  216. Turbine, Stop Exploiting the System Bugs!
  217. Uncanny Dodge
  218. Really Frustrated Player
  219. Please remove spellsinger notes that float around people
  220. New Names, When Servers Change
  221. Rare/Unique item graphics.
  222. Skill: Climb
  223. Selling returning throwers
  224. Training Arena
  225. Looking For More (options)
  226. How about more BANK slots...
  227. Dev Request
  228. Various Wep and Costume etc Reqs
  229. Reward Piety
  230. Ooze Puppet/Spawn Screen .. is it a waste
  231. Another sad plea for a better Titan experience
  232. Please change weapon enhancements, remove prefix/suffix
  233. Weapon/armor enhanement - True Neutral
  234. Changing hair style/color etc
  235. The NEW metamagic system
  236. Reverse thread pruning
  237. Solo, Normal, Hard, and Elite Indicators
  238. Mind Fog and Solid Fog need to look different
  239. Old Scholl Mods
  240. Reaver's Fate Exploit countinues
  241. Months of Forum posts gone
  242. Raids - Please make them all flag like Titan or Reaver
  243. new metamgic discussion
  244. New raid loot mechanic worse than before
  245. My Uber Alternative Raid Loot Mechanic
  246. Toughness respec? (Sorry for beating the dead horse)
  247. My Vision of DDO Devlopment Meeting
  248. Proposed new loot mechanic
  249. Super Quick Fix for Caster Whining
  250. The New Raid Loot Changes