View Full Version : Suggestions & Ideas
- 15 seconds, are you kidding me??
- Appearance altering
- A way to end plat farming, Increase your bank account and turbines profits
- How to change endgame to avoid burnout
- Small Guild Window Improvement
- Suggestion: Spell Effects on Party Panel
- Time for a break
- Clickie symbols like scroll/wand symbols?
- Idea: Weapon enhancements
- Guild Bank Manager Needs
- I would like to see an increase in a ranger's sp
- High, Medium, or Low Population server
- More Forum Avatars!
- sorcerer spells
- Guild Ranks
- Suggestion: Vendor UI
- Plans to Fix Fred?
- Scale the loot/EXP
- Offline Character viewer
- Wild Idea...
- Idea for the Listen Skill
- Barter House?
- UI Lock
- Prestige classes as enhancements
- Party Size XP Bonus
- A Different Take....
- New spells and feats please
- New subscriber/game - thoughts, ideas
- Newbie idea - another one
- Surnames
- Short and long terms plans for DDO
- A new type of weapon
- Take it to the next level.
- give the code to the coders
- Duel wielding throwing weapons?
- 2 New Feats
- For the sake of us who like to solo
- PVP - Opinions are all we have.
- A dressing room?
- The June update
- Opinions Please
- subscription should be free, and we should pay for expansions every 3 months or so...
- The Church and the Cult: The hardest red-named
- Mod5, Lich, and Godhood.
- Fix the action boost delay
- Hiding ui for screenshots
- Population of Servers
- GiantHold Pre-Raid Bug
- New Update
- F1-f12
- Hey devs: Why can't we dual wield throwing weapons?
- Bladesworn Transformation Cooldown ReEvaluation PLZ!
- Better than Favor! Guild Favor
- Color spray / Scintillating Pattern
- Request to art team.
- Release After Death Button
- Test
- Any ideas on when the next level cap increase is coming?
- Attn: Devs. Quest log issue. (Very minor but I would like to see it fixed.)
- Idea:Updates 4 guilds..
- Reclamation - Please up the exp
- Xp Awards question for devs
- Update 4.2?
- Reaver Raid=Not a good idea
- Where is the weekly development activities?
- Lore Book in LOTRO
- Update 4.2 First Look - Release Notes
- simple request
- Rewiring Tumble
- Health Bars difficult to see with red-background
- New Update bug
- Please explain how the charges work in the reaver raid..
- Unable to swing weapon if cursor not on main screen
- Kill the swing buffer
- I want to log in a play, not log in a sit around
- Ranged Combat
- Request: Guild Member Notification
- Wasted Shards
- What should devs be doing?
- Unlocking The Monk Class.
- Two hours early...
- Final release note - Abandoning story goals?
- Why is No Crippling Strike on Ranged not a Known Issue?
- AH Level Range Search
- A way to make new content last longer...
- Nightshield
- Forum questions
- Spellsinger Bug/Issue
- Grouping Window
- qua?
- AP cost for Bard Specializations
- 4.2 Can no longer see char class in groups tab
- Problem with Bard Specialty - SpellSinger
- 4.2 Issues
- More Problems with 4.2
- Known Issues and me
- PvP
- 4.2 Stormreach uses gas to deliver goods
- Small inventory issue 4.2
- Is there no proof to the poison?
- When will enough be enough? (Risia)
- Power Critical question
- AH Window pallete/font color
- Spell Singer and the Notes
- Unholy Blight graphic is very boring
- The Back pack shrink?
- Bugs in the Auction Search
- Kudos Turbine for Searing Heights
- New bard song issue..
- Making Armor Class More Meaningful
- interesting LFM bug side effect
- Blueshine - Material, Coating, or Alloy... You Decide
- Waterworks Alternatives
- 4.2 Inventory Bug
- Quell, Cinderspawn and Wheep
- 0 Damage
- Cry for Help: Trading Only Tab in Social Panel
- nomal, hard, elite and random!
- Low Road
- Please increase the font size in the AH UI
- Any other Warforged have this problem?
- Weapon/Armor decals
- What Happened to Turn attempts?
- /death while in town
- It's not easy being green.
- I enjoyed it...
- LFM Screen - Can't See Character Class
- Splitting Stacks still not Defaulting to 1
- Bodyfeeder working?
- Now I'm Frustrated
- Auction Fix, Once and For All?
- More D&D
- Fire Finicky Fred the MindFlayer
- This would be a nice thing to have
- This would be a nice thing to have
- Platinum, Brokers, Auctions, and Haggle
- Bodyfeeder Bow not working....
- Suggestion - Time release traps
- Devs quick question
- Wouldnt it be cool if wands could be recharged.
- Remove prereq for raids
- Grouping Window
- the add-all button strikes again...
- Searching in AH
- Perform
- Metamagic SP reduction feats
- Opinion on Rogues/Rangers and Wizards/Sorcerers
- Virtuoso: a bards woe
- Blindfold me, whydoncha?
- Cleric perks? Why join a church in Stormreach?
- The Future of DDO
- dwarf stabililty bonus?
- DR Bard song has Rage status icon
- Top 3 flawed items from module 4
- A little irked but a suggestion
- End Game AC / HP
- Is This A Trippin Bug?
- Ideas to make DDO compete with AoC
- Hair Style Changes
- Half-Orcs
- Game Manual
- No one asking where the weekly development activities is?
- Grouping Window not Fixed
- this ought to make the devs smile
- OMG Server merges announced.
- New Difficulty Level = Content?
- Such A shame...
- FYI: Scorpions can't burrow.
- Monks!
- 2 points
- Give Me Color PLEASE!!!!!!
- Mobile prefix on armor, any way to make it add +X rank of tumble?
- I think i'm still confused...
- Compliments to Turbine and suggestion for future of Adventure Zones (NON INSTANCED)
- Suggestion: DDO Roadmap/Plan
- Word of Mouth
- A new trend
- Just a quick thought...
- The Solution!!!
- Burning Blood needs looked at
- Blade Barrier, a magic wall of swords that just dosen't hurt
- Challenge
- Forums Spellchecker??
- Server Hopping
- The Right way to fix sorc spell slots.
- What is the good if you make a quest no one want to do?
- Instancing question/concern
- Increase Bloodstone Drop Rate
- Favor... It Does a Body Good
- DDO Launcher
- Wouldnt it be cool to use wands and scrolls like regular equipped items?
- Top 5 needed module 5 raid loot
- LFM Panel
- What new name loot would you like to see
- POP question
- Weren't there supposed to be release notes?
- Module 5 RAID Boss PLEASE Don't make him SOLO'ABLE LIKE the STORMREAVER!!!
- Destruction spell is flawed
- If wishes were fishes...
- Voice Communication Indicators
- First Person View
- Request for Feedback: LFM and Anonymous
- armorer
- Eldorudo, You Think You are Done Retrofitting?
- what if turbine is working on a new ddo?
- What??? Why Censor That?
- Quest Difficulty Consistancy?
- Why are some toon names blocked?
- An enthusiast/developer's opinion of improvement points
- Weekly Dev Activities: 7/30/07
- A Brothers Restoration
- Craft skills &/or Prestige Class's
- Anonymous in the LFM - entirely backwards.
- Request for Friend List
- Survey: do you cast Holy Sword?
- Turbine, Stop Exploiting the System Bugs!
- Uncanny Dodge
- Really Frustrated Player
- Please remove spellsinger notes that float around people
- New Names, When Servers Change
- Rare/Unique item graphics.
- Skill: Climb
- Selling returning throwers
- Training Arena
- Looking For More (options)
- How about more BANK slots...
- Dev Request
- Various Wep and Costume etc Reqs
- Reward Piety
- Ooze Puppet/Spawn Screen .. is it a waste
- Another sad plea for a better Titan experience
- Please change weapon enhancements, remove prefix/suffix
- Weapon/armor enhanement - True Neutral
- Changing hair style/color etc
- The NEW metamagic system
- Reverse thread pruning
- Solo, Normal, Hard, and Elite Indicators
- Mind Fog and Solid Fog need to look different
- Old Scholl Mods
- Reaver's Fate Exploit countinues
- Months of Forum posts gone
- Raids - Please make them all flag like Titan or Reaver
- new metamgic discussion
- New raid loot mechanic worse than before
- My Uber Alternative Raid Loot Mechanic
- Toughness respec? (Sorry for beating the dead horse)
- My Vision of DDO Devlopment Meeting
- Proposed new loot mechanic
- Super Quick Fix for Caster Whining
- The New Raid Loot Changes
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