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  1. Just my idea
  2. Why must Warforged all be the same size?
  3. 2-handed Fighting
  4. Gem/Collectable pouches!
  5. Powergamers Hurt the Most
  6. If this raid loot mechanic goes live, at least change the flagging for VoN and DQ
  7. Faux-new raid loot proposal
  8. Non-reassignable Raid Loot
  9. So its dying and nobody plays?????
  10. dear Turbine:
  11. Need 4 new dances... Y, M, C and A
  12. Teleport Location change request
  13. Raid loots and my thoughts.
  14. The truth about the New Raid loot system
  15. Can someone form Turbine please explain
  16. Stop the Raid loot change or risk losing many more players
  17. Raid loot % question?
  18. New Raid Loot Mechanic: Who are the ad wizards that came up w/ this one?
  19. I need a way of telling what is effecting my Wizard spells.
  20. The Intent of the New Raid Loot System
  21. Story-based argument against raid token system
  22. Help us Obi-wan Quarion...
  23. Feature Request - Mail Deletion
  24. Alternatives to the New Raid Loot A, B or C
  25. Easy Raid Loot Issue Improvement
  26. Scaling Raid Loot
  27. New Raid Loot
  28. Content Not Change...
  29. Flat rate metamagic costs
  30. Reducing negativity in DDO from raid loot
  31. Does the new raid loot mechanic have a player limit?
  32. Will +2 stat tomes still drop in Mod6 (+reaver)raid or just +3?
  33. Proposal: Repeated a 6 month old raid 25+ times? Let us skip prereq quests.
  34. Just Another Thought
  35. ring slots/cure crit pots
  36. How many people upset by the new raid system
  37. NPC Archers are still overpowered
  38. Dev's, please combine the raid loot conversations.
  39. Probability of getting raid item you want under new and old system
  40. Devs please consider New Raid Loot & Difficulty settings change
  41. New Raid Mechanics and the Casual Gamer
  42. Raid Loot Idea
  43. Dev Question Seeker Mechanics.....
  44. Raid Loot System That Works
  45. Quick Survey: Raid Leaders Only Please
  46. Old Idea But A Good One: Item Inscriptions
  47. New Raid Loot System POLL (No Discussion)
  48. Raid Loot Mod
  49. New raid loot system
  50. New Raid Point System and Impact on Guilds
  51. Is Mod 5 Just content?
  52. Raid Missions In General...Loot
  53. Dev's, please combine the raid loot conversations.
  54. If you don't get named item, you can always get SOMETHING
  55. Ironskin chant not giving a bonus..
  56. rage icons
  57. Maximum Level Loot = Junk, SCRAP raid loot idea
  58. Any chance Combat Expertise fixed one day?
  59. What is this NEW raid design that everyone is talking about?
  60. Ring of Time
  61. Crazy Raid Loot Idea
  62. New and Improved Metamagic System (Part II)
  63. The Real Damage the new raid loot system can do to Turbine
  64. Raid Loot proposal requires advanced Friends List
  65. The problem with raid loot is not short manning raids, it is
  66. Char slots for each class please
  67. New Raid System Works. YAY!!!
  68. TAKES OFF GLOVES....Maintance my foot.
  69. Where is the formal petition for raid loot?
  70. Raid "Side-Loot"
  71. Strange Screen Resolution Issue
  72. Why do I always appear in instance one?
  73. And now for something completely Different...
  74. [COLOR="Red"]question about changes to human versatility[/COLOR]
  75. Hey Graal, Meet Aesop
  76. mod5 suggestion: reduce mod4 scale/relic costs
  77. New Option on Character Select Screen: REROLL
  78. Tokens for raid loot?
  79. We have more weapon pair sets...
  80. Enough undead. how bout some real monsters
  81. Waterworks Kobolds
  82. Alignment Deficit
  83. Tell me about the Half-Orcs Daddy...
  84. Suggestion for the new Raid stuff.
  85. New Raid Loot Mechanic - explained and suggestions, opinions?
  86. Minimum 2 special raid loot items per chest?
  87. AoE spells and rangers
  88. Reaver raid msg out of control
  89. Raid Loot System Fix
  90. Auction House
  91. Minor tweak to raid loot plan
  92. Let Elite quest option be available for first time
  93. Logging out in town
  94. Quest Difficulty Levels
  95. For sir lawrence (an idea for contests)
  96. Any word on?
  97. After 5 months; Likes, Dislikes and Desires
  98. After 5 months; Likes, Dislikes and Desires
  99. Cheesy idea
  100. when will we see some new armor skins?
  101. Wtb Wda
  102. Guild rewards?
  103. Is there some way I can calculate my total spell penetration?
  104. Weekly Dev Activities 08/06/07
  105. could u plzzzzzzzzzzz
  106. CR Request
  107. Risa-Update but without notice?
  108. Thought about Communication Channels
  109. Porting to Console? Hmmm.....
  110. New Raiding System, Punishment or Payback?
  111. Raid loot mechanic. Official response???
  112. Housing Development?
  113. Collecting the Best Suggestions for Improving the New Raid Loot System
  114. Weapon Request: Two Handed Pierce
  115. Clerics and Charisma
  116. Craft Construct
  117. An idea for better grouping
  118. Top 10
  119. LFM Suggestion: Zerging vs. Normal Speed
  120. Ranged combat
  121. Reaching out to the devs on Raid loot changes
  122. Attack Animations
  123. Question about Mod 5 and easy fix for Necropolis
  124. Time for Improved Extend?
  125. Can we
  126. Transmutation/Evocation Bracers...bug?
  127. Ultra-low detail setting
  128. GM Assists
  129. Adventure Compendium idea
  130. Guilds
  131. New Quests
  132. I want..... (yeah, yeah big deal)
  133. Ressurrect in Tavern
  134. Devs, please change name for either Bloodstone trinket or Bloodstone gem
  135. Metamagic Enhancement Access
  136. Guild rosters available on ddo.com
  137. After gem bags....Quiver!
  138. offline character access?
  139. Highest detail settings hardware specs
  140. Fix the Reaver Raid Message Without Getting Rid of It...
  141. Wake Up Stormreach!!!
  142. Some insight - Drow, 32 point characters, and newbies
  143. Some cool colors in town
  144. Arrowdar dead now with Mod 5.
  145. Please make divine healing better
  146. Mimics
  147. New AI Engine Broke Ghola-Fan 'Chaos' Room
  148. Hey devs you made a mistake
  149. Turbine, fix the dam auction house
  150. War Hulk prestige class and Warforged
  151. Something Fun to Think About!!!!
  152. Arcane Raise Dead
  153. Unable to recall/unable to shrine
  154. Take D&DO to the next level
  155. Tangleroot part IV: Whisperdoom's spawn
  156. +1 lag and +50% loading screen time weekend
  157. Morning Koffee and Kobolds
  158. Fearsome + Paralyzing = Overpowered
  159. Acid Burst the missing Weapon type?
  160. Completing A Wizard's Spellbook
  161. Death
  162. A show of hands....
  163. Spells as loot.
  164. Repair lost durability
  165. Bound Loot Idea
  166. having problems
  167. Forum Request
  168. Stacking Compustion and Potency
  169. suggestion: don't nerf low-level spells with new Metamagic costs
  170. Few Auction changes I think would be welcomed
  171. Characters Stuck
  172. Turbine should give out a quest making platform
  173. Inventory nightmares
  174. New VON strategies needed now
  175. Weekly Dev Activities: 8/13/07
  176. Alignment Changing?
  177. Proposal: Average HD
  178. drow
  179. Is the PVP board ever gonna work?
  180. Test of Wits
  181. Any reason?
  182. pvp rogues
  183. WAZZUP Gnomies?!
  184. Gnomes
  185. psionics?
  186. charecter specilization
  187. rangers and tracking
  188. The Real Reason Raids Are Hard to Join
  189. Any talks of Psionics?
  190. Do the devs realize the new Extend Spell change hurts paladins and rangers?
  191. Bug
  192. Dynamic Dungeon Creation
  193. Simple Improvements That Could Be Made...
  194. Thoughts on the Future
  195. 3 things to OMG for
  196. Anonymous in Guild List
  197. Customization of Dungeons
  198. What if my human fighter was raised by dwarves?
  199. New Mod Release Date
  200. What else is out there?
  201. Dynamic Duos?
  202. Randomize ammunition stacks in chests
  203. Easy change with Massive benefit and lowered frustrations
  204. Locking the Chat Windows
  205. Why does my everbright greatclub keep getting broken by oozes?
  206. Please Fix Undeath To Death and Circle of Death
  207. Ideas for Enhancements that enhance game/roleplay
  208. In-game Monster Manual
  209. Locking hotkey icons
  210. Requesting change to Social Panel
  211. UI Changes I'd Like W/Pictures
  212. Serious Raid Topic Quesion.
  213. Suggestion for the New Raid Loot System
  214. New metamagic system increases UI annoyance
  215. South Threnal Rewards
  216. Bard's Fascinate... overpowered?!?!
  217. Only 2 years
  218. Why no high-end random trinkets?
  219. Armor and Style Deficiency
  220. warchanter
  221. When are we going to get some new shield designs?
  222. Server switching
  223. Speculation on Declining Population
  224. Payment for the delay - Give us displacer beasts!
  225. A solution for tavern lag
  226. Spell Questions
  227. an idea to make more armor useful
  228. Ye Olde Sully's Grog
  229. Stormcleve consistently bugged
  230. Could I get a dev to answer some questions concerning feats and thrown weapons?
  231. Fix Ranged Combat
  232. Please give casters non-sp consuming abilities.
  233. STOP PRESS! D&D 4th ed CONFIRMED!
  234. State of the Game address pt 2?
  235. Skill Respect
  236. What Half-Orc enhancements might be
  237. Weekly Dev Activities: 8/20/07
  238. Math and the New Raid mechanic
  239. Dev Communication: A Suggestion
  240. Test
  241. Quest Design Issues...
  242. New Favor reward suggestion
  243. Spam Box Feture
  244. Signature Editor... What's Up?
  245. Demon Queen always bugged...
  246. Beholders and Enervation
  247. The problem with raids, clerics, and loot
  248. Renaming Your Character
  249. Race required items bugged??
  250. Hide the UI and the Health Bars