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  1. Why the shortage of named Dwarven Axes?
  2. DDOcast's Ask the Devs #5 Transcript
  3. Idea to deal with plat spammers
  4. This is dumb and too time consuming for the devs, but I'd like it anyway.............
  5. fix Warforged monk self-healing
  6. Suggestion: A renewed sense of wonder
  7. Threnal Arena
  8. Humble tumble suggestion
  9. vale ingredients trade in option
  10. A suggestion for the Loot Tables
  11. Idea: Look like you want to!!
  12. Dragon Marks quick question/suggestion
  13. Constructive Abbot Questions and Concerns (please do not hijack this)
  14. (Bug) Breast Plate Of Destruction (yes report too)
  15. Consider Unbinding...
  16. A quick fix to an armor gap: Zero AC
  17. Development Testing - flawed concept!
  18. Doggy random running
  19. Hoping for more info about skill/alignment respect from DDOcast comments.
  20. baatezu rune
  21. Bow Rate of Fire vs. Melee attack rate
  22. Possible BUG?
  23. Would this be too powerful?
  24. Devs, throw me a bone here
  25. Item Defense for Monks
  26. Ranger/Monk Faster Sneaking
  27. DDO and TrackIR
  28. Sorc and Wiz changes
  29. A Vault of Night - Proposed Change.
  30. how to nerf GTWF
  31. HEY Codog
  32. Voice chat system.
  33. Online Character info
  34. New Forum Category for Loot/Pre-Req Complaints
  35. Please add greensteel shields in the next patch
  36. Greater Shield Mastery for S/B
  37. Devil Teleporting
  38. teleporting devils/orthons - design change discussion
  39. Quest Warning labels needed
  40. Druid Armor.
  41. Necropolis Quests
  42. Raid Loot System, again :)
  43. Scales scales and more scales
  44. Shrieking Defender
  45. True Crafting
  46. Recalling for spellpoints
  47. Bug: Casters and Rage
  48. Fix the fraeking death penalty bug already.
  49. Balance Healing Please
  50. feature request - secondary focus orb
  51. Suggesstions
  52. I want my Negative XP back!
  53. Orchard Bug??
  54. Nothing New?
  55. Alignment/effects thread.
  56. holding a wand makes you un-centered?!
  57. ETA on fixing handwraps?
  58. Drow monk sr
  59. Do you consider Tempest AC bugged?
  60. Multiple ___ Guard Greensteel items?
  61. DDO Official Relaunch Planning
  62. Abbot Loot Quarterstaves to Scepters
  63. Cleric Enhancements
  64. Spell Component Bags
  65. New Quest Ideas for the Devs
  66. UMD roll randomness study
  67. Another Module 7 Review or more correctly requests for further updates.
  68. Devs please clearify crafting issue.
  69. 20th raid rewards = sadness
  70. Proposals related to Tomes for consideration
  71. Codog, Straight Answer about Ranged Combat
  72. Titan BattleCoin Bugged
  73. What happened to expaned spell information?
  74. Timeless Body
  75. dev Suggestions to inhibit plat farms
  76. new bolts/arrows
  77. Just a Random idea
  78. Wisdom AC bonus while centered???
  79. Bleeding stabilization.... possible?
  80. last name changing
  81. suggestion: monk weapon variety
  82. consolidated gazebo has time to fix bugs thread
  83. Its been WEEKS without WDA or any info !
  84. Skill Respec
  85. a little QA goes a long way.
  86. Just some observations about the state of the game.
  87. Teleporting Devils and Orthons
  88. Antimagic Brawl Area
  89. fix shields
  90. Shroud suggestion for the Devs
  91. Undead dragons.....
  92. Unrestricted dragonmarks should look aberrant
  93. Cross-Server Competitions
  94. Social Guild sub-page suggestion
  95. Big News?
  96. Henchmen!!! Give me a Squire!!!!
  97. Please call the new hireling/henchmen "Muppets"
  98. The now INFAMOUS "Friends List"
  99. guild invites
  100. Low Level Raid Needed
  101. Favor change Idea
  102. Couple of Suggestions for "Options: Gameplay"
  103. HEROIC DEEDS: a permanent content idea.
  104. Will Hirelings require a feat?
  105. Request for New Billing System
  106. We have enough Raids can you please REMOVE...
  107. Reset feats, reset AP, Reset Skills?
  108. Custom Builds [suggestion]
  109. More character slots, please
  110. All Henchmen Shroud Run...well almost!
  111. Question on DR & Blocking DR
  112. Devs, any plans on fixing the lag on the way to VOD or in the shroud?
  113. Hireling questions......
  114. Power attack enhancements
  115. Where is Mod8 Promised Crafting
  116. Note to devs, BUG. RE: Birthday Cakes
  117. Other classes??
  118. A 3rd Custom screen and other requests
  119. Tempest II
  120. We need Customized Class Icons!
  121. Surname Change
  122. Turbine - I miss the good old days.
  123. Patch notes
  124. PLEASE!!! Copy the release notes in the forums
  125. emoticons
  126. Hireling Personality Idea/Question
  127. so NO REAL fixes today....figures
  128. Dev Tracker not working.
  129. This guy had the right idea....
  130. Petition: Equality of Weapon Speed for 2HF and Piercing animation for piercers!
  131. 1 toon slot, Confirm this please
  132. New chests
  133. Second Anniversary Event Quest
  134. Dog AI is broken.
  135. The new DQ
  136. Was there a need for the armor AC ritual?
  137. Changing Worlds????
  138. Bard Cloak!!!!!
  139. Missing Feats I'd like to see in DDO
  140. You Got Served!!!
  141. No new Tactical Feats until Mod 9?!?
  142. Glad to see enemy caster never get the must face target error
  143. Warforged Unite! RE: Raid Docents?
  144. Guild panel needs some lovin
  145. Suggestion for Improving Manyshot
  146. Idea - Modify Low Level Experience Scale Back to Old for 28 Pt Builds
  147. Character Slots
  148. Cool idea (at least I think so) for Monks!
  149. Bad Bug in VOD
  150. Other issues with ladders
  151. I'd rather not see a level cap increase
  152. New Raid/Quest Ideas
  153. Suggestion: Auction House Guy In Reaver Raid
  154. Druids : Your thoughts?
  155. Lorrik`s champion = Mithral or not?
  156. Minor Request: Interrupted at Rest Shrine
  157. a plea to the dev team about Shroud weapons
  158. party vs party combat
  159. Is mod 8 fighter love mod?
  160. Alchemcial Armor Bonus Borked?
  161. Did the Devs say Mod 8 would have more paladin love?
  162. Ranged COmbat at low level is Abismal.... When does it get better???
  163. Fix the **** caster AI already!
  164. Future Raid Bosses
  165. When do we get to KILL FRED!!!
  166. Idea for the new Tutorial Coming Out.
  167. Development Time vs. Actual Time
  168. 5000 Favor and skill respec
  169. Feat list
  170. An AH fix to bring in a Trade Channel
  171. Scrolling combat log...
  172. fix Jadine Forgemaiden (free agent favor)
  173. Enemy Casters suggestion
  174. Can we fix the heal and repair skills?
  175. A quick question on armor bonuses.
  176. Hamstring Feat & Tendon Slice
  177. Wail Of The Banshee!!!
  178. Dramatically increase experience
  179. Tempest AC bonus broken?
  180. Wearable Weapons?
  181. A Proposal for Teleport
  182. Tier 1 Power Shards: I must be unlucky
  183. The Backpack, The Ingred Bag and Shards
  184. Known Issues not Yet Listed as Known
  185. Creating a new difficulty setting...
  186. Dimension Door
  187. Artificers in DDO: Possible or Viable?
  188. 4.0 is weaksauce
  189. How we can fix the abbot, Includes known bugs
  190. DR Stacking
  191. Crippling chain from hound.
  192. Suggestion for bows, crossbows, and repeaters
  193. Suggestion for end Rewards
  194. Suggestions: How to balance higher level encounters
  195. Customizable look made easy
  196. Where are the Purple Worms?
  197. Request change in Vault of Night flagging
  198. Deprecate Base Damage Rating
  199. 20th runs - why people quit
  200. Suggestion for Intimidate...Rar!
  201. DEVs Please modify the flagging for ADQ and Dragon
  202. Make Crafting Make Sense
  203. Development FAILURE!
  204. DX10 and non-vista OS
  205. Other Divine Classes
  206. Mental Toughness issue/question/query
  207. Need something to spend money on
  208. w/p is over-powered - my catharsis
  209. Regarding GS Dwarven Ax visuals
  210. Fix Forged Fortification Feat
  211. Looking for Guild Icon
  212. Way of the.... What will the fighter/pally prestiges be?
  213. New player experience? Time to fix some things.
  214. Whats the deal
  215. AC competition
  216. Module 8 needs shield loot
  217. New Quest Wish
  218. Viewing Guild Toons
  219. Please... for the love of Gary Gigax... fix these...
  220. Average Completion Time Idea
  221. Suggestion for High Level Loot
  222. new loot idea and a little ranting
  223. Great Job Devs!
  224. Give Us More Character Slots
  225. Armour gives DR
  226. Plat farmer spam solution idea
  227. Another solution to plat farmers infestation
  228. Dear Dev's...
  229. Thoughts on Rage..............
  230. Mail indicator
  231. Time to add Astral Diamonds currency
  232. Want more slots? Read here
  233. Black Abbott Goggle Bug!
  234. Veteran Rewards again.
  235. hANDWRAP MALFUNCTION (loot table edition)
  236. So... about that dead horse called Raid Loot
  237. How to save this game.
  238. Sacred, Hallowed and Eternal Faith stacking question
  239. Tome Confirmation button
  240. different looking handwraps
  241. Revive The Arcane Archer -->
  242. We need Two Handed Piercing Weapons!
  243. Collectable Recipies
  244. /quest mod...
  245. Named Loot in the subter would help the game A LOT
  246. Minor (I think) Graphics request
  247. Big Time Random Number Generator Coding Bug?
  248. Ok, so no druids but what if?...
  249. New Quest Ideas
  250. a mission i would like to see in ddo, feel free to add a mission you would like.