View Full Version : Suggestions & Ideas
- Why the shortage of named Dwarven Axes?
- DDOcast's Ask the Devs #5 Transcript
- Idea to deal with plat spammers
- This is dumb and too time consuming for the devs, but I'd like it anyway.............
- fix Warforged monk self-healing
- Suggestion: A renewed sense of wonder
- Threnal Arena
- Humble tumble suggestion
- vale ingredients trade in option
- A suggestion for the Loot Tables
- Idea: Look like you want to!!
- Dragon Marks quick question/suggestion
- Constructive Abbot Questions and Concerns (please do not hijack this)
- (Bug) Breast Plate Of Destruction (yes report too)
- Consider Unbinding...
- A quick fix to an armor gap: Zero AC
- Development Testing - flawed concept!
- Doggy random running
- Hoping for more info about skill/alignment respect from DDOcast comments.
- baatezu rune
- Bow Rate of Fire vs. Melee attack rate
- Possible BUG?
- Would this be too powerful?
- Devs, throw me a bone here
- Item Defense for Monks
- Ranger/Monk Faster Sneaking
- DDO and TrackIR
- Sorc and Wiz changes
- A Vault of Night - Proposed Change.
- how to nerf GTWF
- HEY Codog
- Voice chat system.
- Online Character info
- New Forum Category for Loot/Pre-Req Complaints
- Please add greensteel shields in the next patch
- Greater Shield Mastery for S/B
- Devil Teleporting
- teleporting devils/orthons - design change discussion
- Quest Warning labels needed
- Druid Armor.
- Necropolis Quests
- Raid Loot System, again :)
- Scales scales and more scales
- Shrieking Defender
- True Crafting
- Recalling for spellpoints
- Bug: Casters and Rage
- Fix the fraeking death penalty bug already.
- Balance Healing Please
- feature request - secondary focus orb
- Suggesstions
- I want my Negative XP back!
- Orchard Bug??
- Nothing New?
- Alignment/effects thread.
- holding a wand makes you un-centered?!
- ETA on fixing handwraps?
- Drow monk sr
- Do you consider Tempest AC bugged?
- Multiple ___ Guard Greensteel items?
- DDO Official Relaunch Planning
- Abbot Loot Quarterstaves to Scepters
- Cleric Enhancements
- Spell Component Bags
- New Quest Ideas for the Devs
- UMD roll randomness study
- Another Module 7 Review or more correctly requests for further updates.
- Devs please clearify crafting issue.
- 20th raid rewards = sadness
- Proposals related to Tomes for consideration
- Codog, Straight Answer about Ranged Combat
- Titan BattleCoin Bugged
- What happened to expaned spell information?
- Timeless Body
- dev Suggestions to inhibit plat farms
- new bolts/arrows
- Just a Random idea
- Wisdom AC bonus while centered???
- Bleeding stabilization.... possible?
- last name changing
- suggestion: monk weapon variety
- consolidated gazebo has time to fix bugs thread
- Its been WEEKS without WDA or any info !
- Skill Respec
- a little QA goes a long way.
- Just some observations about the state of the game.
- Teleporting Devils and Orthons
- Antimagic Brawl Area
- fix shields
- Shroud suggestion for the Devs
- Undead dragons.....
- Unrestricted dragonmarks should look aberrant
- Cross-Server Competitions
- Social Guild sub-page suggestion
- Big News?
- Henchmen!!! Give me a Squire!!!!
- Please call the new hireling/henchmen "Muppets"
- The now INFAMOUS "Friends List"
- guild invites
- Low Level Raid Needed
- Favor change Idea
- Couple of Suggestions for "Options: Gameplay"
- HEROIC DEEDS: a permanent content idea.
- Will Hirelings require a feat?
- Request for New Billing System
- We have enough Raids can you please REMOVE...
- Reset feats, reset AP, Reset Skills?
- Custom Builds [suggestion]
- More character slots, please
- All Henchmen Shroud Run...well almost!
- Question on DR & Blocking DR
- Devs, any plans on fixing the lag on the way to VOD or in the shroud?
- Hireling questions......
- Power attack enhancements
- Where is Mod8 Promised Crafting
- Note to devs, BUG. RE: Birthday Cakes
- Other classes??
- A 3rd Custom screen and other requests
- Tempest II
- We need Customized Class Icons!
- Surname Change
- Turbine - I miss the good old days.
- Patch notes
- PLEASE!!! Copy the release notes in the forums
- emoticons
- Hireling Personality Idea/Question
- so NO REAL fixes today....figures
- Dev Tracker not working.
- This guy had the right idea....
- Petition: Equality of Weapon Speed for 2HF and Piercing animation for piercers!
- 1 toon slot, Confirm this please
- New chests
- Second Anniversary Event Quest
- Dog AI is broken.
- The new DQ
- Was there a need for the armor AC ritual?
- Changing Worlds????
- Bard Cloak!!!!!
- Missing Feats I'd like to see in DDO
- You Got Served!!!
- No new Tactical Feats until Mod 9?!?
- Glad to see enemy caster never get the must face target error
- Warforged Unite! RE: Raid Docents?
- Guild panel needs some lovin
- Suggestion for Improving Manyshot
- Idea - Modify Low Level Experience Scale Back to Old for 28 Pt Builds
- Character Slots
- Cool idea (at least I think so) for Monks!
- Bad Bug in VOD
- Other issues with ladders
- I'd rather not see a level cap increase
- New Raid/Quest Ideas
- Suggestion: Auction House Guy In Reaver Raid
- Druids : Your thoughts?
- Lorrik`s champion = Mithral or not?
- Minor Request: Interrupted at Rest Shrine
- a plea to the dev team about Shroud weapons
- party vs party combat
- Is mod 8 fighter love mod?
- Alchemcial Armor Bonus Borked?
- Did the Devs say Mod 8 would have more paladin love?
- Ranged COmbat at low level is Abismal.... When does it get better???
- Fix the **** caster AI already!
- Future Raid Bosses
- When do we get to KILL FRED!!!
- Idea for the new Tutorial Coming Out.
- Development Time vs. Actual Time
- 5000 Favor and skill respec
- Feat list
- An AH fix to bring in a Trade Channel
- Scrolling combat log...
- fix Jadine Forgemaiden (free agent favor)
- Enemy Casters suggestion
- Can we fix the heal and repair skills?
- A quick question on armor bonuses.
- Hamstring Feat & Tendon Slice
- Wail Of The Banshee!!!
- Dramatically increase experience
- Tempest AC bonus broken?
- Wearable Weapons?
- A Proposal for Teleport
- Tier 1 Power Shards: I must be unlucky
- The Backpack, The Ingred Bag and Shards
- Known Issues not Yet Listed as Known
- Creating a new difficulty setting...
- Dimension Door
- Artificers in DDO: Possible or Viable?
- 4.0 is weaksauce
- How we can fix the abbot, Includes known bugs
- DR Stacking
- Crippling chain from hound.
- Suggestion for bows, crossbows, and repeaters
- Suggestion for end Rewards
- Suggestions: How to balance higher level encounters
- Customizable look made easy
- Where are the Purple Worms?
- Request change in Vault of Night flagging
- Deprecate Base Damage Rating
- 20th runs - why people quit
- Suggestion for Intimidate...Rar!
- DEVs Please modify the flagging for ADQ and Dragon
- Make Crafting Make Sense
- Development FAILURE!
- DX10 and non-vista OS
- Other Divine Classes
- Mental Toughness issue/question/query
- Need something to spend money on
- w/p is over-powered - my catharsis
- Regarding GS Dwarven Ax visuals
- Fix Forged Fortification Feat
- Looking for Guild Icon
- Way of the.... What will the fighter/pally prestiges be?
- New player experience? Time to fix some things.
- Whats the deal
- AC competition
- Module 8 needs shield loot
- New Quest Wish
- Viewing Guild Toons
- Please... for the love of Gary Gigax... fix these...
- Average Completion Time Idea
- Suggestion for High Level Loot
- new loot idea and a little ranting
- Great Job Devs!
- Give Us More Character Slots
- Armour gives DR
- Plat farmer spam solution idea
- Another solution to plat farmers infestation
- Dear Dev's...
- Thoughts on Rage..............
- Mail indicator
- Time to add Astral Diamonds currency
- Want more slots? Read here
- Black Abbott Goggle Bug!
- Veteran Rewards again.
- hANDWRAP MALFUNCTION (loot table edition)
- So... about that dead horse called Raid Loot
- How to save this game.
- Sacred, Hallowed and Eternal Faith stacking question
- Tome Confirmation button
- different looking handwraps
- Revive The Arcane Archer -->
- We need Two Handed Piercing Weapons!
- Collectable Recipies
- /quest mod...
- Named Loot in the subter would help the game A LOT
- Minor (I think) Graphics request
- Big Time Random Number Generator Coding Bug?
- Ok, so no druids but what if?...
- New Quest Ideas
- a mission i would like to see in ddo, feel free to add a mission you would like.
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