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  1. New Command : /Ransack
  2. Upload the installer as a torrent.
  3. Hola Una Duda
  4. Remove/Replace Fortification.
  5. Drow enhancement line revamp
  6. Ranger Improvements
  7. Wilderness quests
  8. Stealth relevance...
  9. Repair Spell and Skill Alterations
  10. Make Arcane Archer Imbue undispellable like bard songs
  11. Please make the multishot cooldown one minute instead of two minutes
  12. Please remove Dungeon Alert.
  13. Please remove the small pause in attacking for action boosts and multishot
  14. remove the pause from switching weapons and remove the quick draw feat
  15. Please stop Maximus1 from posting any more "please stop" threads
  16. Suggestion: Cosmetic Hat
  17. Redifined Skill System
  18. Monk touch attacks with 1 kama or staff
  19. Why am I running these missions? and re-distribution of equipment and a bug
  20. Cities are dead - Arenas aren't arenas - And more.
  21. Item attributes exchange [another take on custom looks]
  22. Yet another Shroud-gestion.
  23. Monk Finishing Moves
  24. More Cosmetic character changes
  25. Bard love some ideas for the class
  26. How to balance monk stances!
  27. New epic stuff
  28. Wizardds: when memorizing a scroll, do I know it?
  29. Auction House: Ingredients with Subcatagories
  30. Rare Red Names and stuff
  31. Greensteel Crafting Recipe Idea
  32. Enhancements to Enhancements
  33. Suggestion : Common Suggestions F.A.Q.
  34. Suggestion : Forum UI Items
  35. Bonus XP for Party Members
  36. Cosmetic Items: Q & A. + Feedback.
  37. heal mass not 100% fixed yet
  38. Add stackable DR to armor (incentivise armor)
  39. Mentoring VS Powerleveling
  40. Floating Numbers upgrade.
  41. Increase XP
  42. Horoth has Blasphemy, how about clerics getting Holy word?
  43. change arcane archer force imbue back to be usable with non-bow weapons
  44. small request: DDO hyperlinks (eg b4 log in) should start my *default* browser-NotIE
  45. When power leveling penalty is uncalled for
  46. idea for a new adventure-rogue challenge1
  47. Thieves tools fit for a high level rogue
  48. Dragontouched
  49. More variety in trap skill outcomes
  50. quivers segregated by missile type
  51. Add Another House
  52. in auction house show plusses (and charges, and caster level) on accessories
  53. Fix issues in current content before expanding it
  54. Permanent Thief's Tools
  55. Necro V or the Mausoleum of the Undead
  56. Please re-evaluate s&b change
  57. Hate to complain about bard spells, but...
  58. Saving at Shrines
  59. Make other Hearts of Wood available with epic tokens.
  60. Inscribe Runes for Teleport
  61. Rogues: Crippling Strike vs Epic Mode
  62. Bard Instruments
  63. Let us buy turbine points for our friends!
  64. Suggestion/Poll re DDO Store Appearance Customization options?
  65. Pale Master Thoughts
  66. Pale Master Themed Spells Thoughts
  67. Adding the Opportunist ability to DDO Rogues
  68. Parrying enhancements?
  69. Black Loch tweaks
  70. Monkeygrip!!!
  71. Quasi-Iterative Attack Bonus For Monsters
  72. 2nd Tier shroud ingredient chest
  73. Group Status Viewer
  74. Change Globe of Invulnerability to Mantle of Invulnerability
  75. New Race
  76. Suggestion for the Dev's
  77. How to keep DDO fun?
  78. Warforged need Afros
  79. Another idea for Epic Tokens
  80. Bard Change Ideas
  81. Shroud Epic
  82. Spells
  83. Dear devs: Pale master + life magic
  84. Have Shroud drop more lareges on Hard and Elite
  85. Make it possible to rate builds in the class sections, too.
  86. Improvements To Upcoming D.Axe & B.Sword Improvements (Yes Already!!!) :)
  87. World Announcement for Login Problems
  88. Replace MOTD with a Mini Wall
  89. Plush turbine critters
  90. Fix some longstanding bugs.
  91. Replace Kill Count to damage
  92. Remove Epic Scrolls from DDO
  93. Epic raid: 20 players
  94. Dragon "Crafting" rant... again
  95. XP at Cap - a modest proposal
  96. To all you so called leaders!!??
  97. The House P swamp
  98. Change Share Quest
  99. Add diminishing returns on Mob CC.
  100. Add 25% fort reduction to Improved Sunder
  101. Familiars
  102. About Solo mode and pauses
  103. Monk Love
  104. Bastard Sword / Dwarven Axe / Sword & Board
  105. Highlight group leader on the map
  106. allow the /death in brawling areas
  107. The Official I am quitting because of being sold out thread
  108. Add ways to SA undead/constructs
  109. Front Page Display
  110. Better Ideas for Bonus/Free Trubine Points!
  111. Paralyzed mobs can move about??
  112. Change the epic loot mechanic regarding DQ Epic Raid
  113. Eliminate need for party members entirely.
  114. Making Assassin poisons useful
  115. Two-Handed Weapons for Piercing
  116. Idea for a new quest chain!
  117. Please STOP letting monsters jump up walls!
  118. While you are at it....
  119. Guild Members - Font Colour
  120. Some suggestions and a thank you.
  121. Greensteel Suggestion: Read Please!
  122. Maximize and empower arcane arrows.
  123. Named repeaters
  124. Eberon Unlimited or BS unlimited..??
  125. Make Sig Pics appear by default
  126. Bladesinger as a PrE
  127. sugestions for pots
  128. Geriatrus/Meridia
  129. New sources of income
  130. Move dusk heart
  131. Simple money maker
  132. Suggestion: Fewer Holds Barred Forum Section
  133. MyDDO Suggestion: More Info
  134. Hotbar Suggestions
  135. Couple ideas to boost turning at higher levels
  136. Turbine points favor rebate?
  137. DDO Voice chat volume
  138. Fixing weapons like Midnight's Greeting (new Sentinels pack)
  139. Somthing Turbine can do to help make up for the wall
  140. Soul Gems and Soul gem bags ---Possible crafting?
  141. TR-ing as end game
  142. Put Mailbox, Auction House, General Vendor and Banker in Reaver Raid
  143. Please
  144. Now I'm just being silly
  145. Is DDO A Grind Game, or Not?
  146. Add some new Teleporter destinations
  147. Different levels of zoom on the mini map
  148. More "mass" spells
  149. In Store, purchase ability to open quests on normal/elite
  150. Hirelings !!
  151. Who has to die to get a stick thread around here?
  152. Bank Slots
  153. An option to level cap
  154. I Want Arm Candy!!!
  155. new quest idea
  156. The Shroud, and Shards of Power
  157. DearDevs: Optional Toggle On/Off Proficiency / Centered Warning Icon.
  158. More spells and feats!
  159. +20 Bank Slots
  160. Turbine! Easy fix for Reaver's Refuge
  161. Thoughts on revitalizing end-game
  162. Flagging 28 & 32 pointers for reincarnation
  163. Fluff -
  164. Time left to adventure reset
  165. A couple minor graphic suggestions
  166. Main roles
  167. Guild Bank
  168. make sending eMails easier ...
  169. add a 6-pack
  170. add missing holy 2H material component
  171. Epic Scrolls/Whisperdoom/Trap the Soul - Stop the Ninja looting madness!
  172. potion, scroll and wand bags
  173. Bags!
  174. Add Money to account bank! Pic inside!
  175. Withdraw join request
  176. Mantle in PvP contexts needs work
  177. Tricks to add New spells: Use some monster Abilities
  178. Implementing Levitation in DDO
  179. Larger PvP Scale Battles ~.~
  180. Soul Gem possible use?
  181. Account Suspensions
  182. Repair spell for Bards????
  183. Ideas for Reworked Death animations
  184. High time for arcanes to get their physical damage spells.
  185. Make Fighter/Mage a Plausible Choice of Character
  186. Remove the cap on jump
  187. Auction House- Property Lists
  188. Solutions: Storage or lack thereof
  189. Suggestion:Instance Specific Settings
  190. Legendary Items, and endgame addition...
  191. add more drink-food for WF
  192. New Player Guide Area
  193. Spider grab
  194. Auction house...
  195. Time for a global rebalance of named items
  196. Make the barbarian rage animation equal for all
  197. A new forum layout option?
  198. Include Wilderness Level Range in Compendium
  199. How about a Mercenary charter?
  200. Place mail-boxes near the auction house
  201. turbine points
  202. Guild storage
  203. Unknown origin race
  204. Rebalancing of Development Priorities
  205. Bring Back The Weekly Development Activities
  206. Quarterstaff madness
  207. Versatile Unarmed Strike
  208. no GS hw? np-lets start a sewing class
  209. Ten Thousand Stars
  210. Change Life-Stealing back to what it used to be
  211. how about sum actual equipment options?
  212. Turbine Points for Explorer Zones
  213. Give us a Permadeath/Hardcore Server
  214. Reduce raid timers for a price...
  215. User Interface Design Flaw
  216. Named spell variations and other thoughts.
  217. add to ddo store
  218. spell casting affixes on staves cost half plus value
  219. Putting the 'Micro' back into micro-transactions
  220. Epic!
  221. Listening As A Visual Skill
  222. Social Panel and Network Bandwidth
  223. all round crafting
  224. Enough of the Risia Games, Let's Have Gravity Games!
  225. Lower the Gate Timer in Delera's Part 2
  226. Add Links to Compendium and/or Forums from in-game
  227. Choice of Sound Sets
  228. Suggestion - Better Mail
  229. rezising UI objects, saving layout
  230. Petition: Mass Resist Energy
  231. end rewards, weapon: armor ratio
  232. Respec/hearts of wood/turbine points
  233. Devil's Assault - Move it or free it
  234. Let Us See NPC Health Bars
  235. Show progress favor in grouping window
  236. Random Stats Server i.e. not Point Buy
  237. Surname Change
  238. Cosmetic armour slot item
  239. Allow us to see our enemies hitpoints.
  240. Non-Combat Driven Quest?
  241. Suggestion: Name Generator or Deletion
  242. Bard Songs
  243. Greater Reincarnation without 32-pts-build
  244. Time to change skiver to B2A?
  245. Spell School info at level-up selection.
  246. Please make Dungeon Alert optional
  247. Greensteel Deconstruction
  248. auction house insanity, add button for last page
  249. Rituals
  250. Statements for turbine points