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  1. Guild ranks....more diversity needed.
  2. please fix ingred bags
  3. FIX Ritual Sacrafice
  4. Large Ingredients Trader
  5. Ritual stone of change...Develloper PLS READ
  6. +1,2,3 tome npc trader PLS READ
  7. Robe of Subtility
  8. Put levels on ingredients.
  9. HelloooooooOOOO, Improved Power Attack Feat Please!
  10. User Channels
  11. Were you to design a quest for Mod 9...
  12. Suggestion: Free Feat for 2400 Favor
  13. Divine Vitality/Healing/Cleansing/Light
  14. VON 3 hard
  15. Suggestion: The Balancing Act
  16. Viewing "/quest" data across characters
  17. random combat idea
  18. Intimidate as a Paladin Skill....Long Overdue
  19. Low Level Raid Idea
  20. Gianthold Tor Difficulties Reversed?
  21. Monk Spot skill Broken?
  22. spamers
  23. Request: Bow Strength as a feat
  24. Wand Combining Ceremony
  25. A new marketplace
  26. Loot Rant
  27. Quest Sharing Feature
  28. A feature I would love....
  29. Adjust Shield Loot Tables Please
  30. Proposals for Shield Loot Tables
  31. About Green Steel shields:
  32. Force ritual - wounding, weakening, etc.
  33. Suggestion: The expansion of racial prestige enhancements
  34. Grouping / LFG Screen
  35. In the same neighborhood
  36. Is it too early to ask about the incoming high level content yet?
  37. Friends list
  38. Join request withdrawal
  39. Human Stat Boosting Line Suggeston
  40. Quick suggestion on how to fix monk dps
  41. Request for some balancing
  42. Discussion: Enhancements and Reward
  43. Server Merge Coming Soon??
  44. Archer Love
  45. Question on guard items
  46. Minor balance suggestions to make the game more newbie friendly
  47. Could we please change the N/H/E lock?
  48. Scorpions need changed!
  49. Can we get a Developer to comment on Spot?
  50. +2 Tomes for 20th run?
  51. We need more outfits !
  52. Devs, are you satisifed? Three tiny questions
  53. Dev please make the 'Luck Hat' ..Luckier :)
  54. Open up Stormreach
  55. Petition: Revert the potion mechanic.
  56. Sword and Board Fixes
  57. Petition to the Developers - Quarterstaffs & Acrobats
  58. Tell The DDO Community Team: New Spells!
  59. Some suggestions on balancing ...
  60. Monks
  61. New Player Experience Suggestion
  62. Tier III Shroud Effects
  63. Physics issues?
  64. Holy Avenger question
  65. Request re scrolls in future mods
  66. Will MONKS get Greensteel Handwraps in MOD8?
  67. About Divine Righteourness and Guards
  68. Could we add the Harbor to teleport while we're at it?
  69. Alignment change
  70. And I defended you, Turbine!!
  71. DC and get booted from quest
  72. Reaver is badly bugged too often these daze
  73. Unbalancing Strike and Improved Feint
  74. The circus tent
  75. Bogey's remodel request #2... Deneith
  76. Hero's companion buff
  77. guild tag in LFM window
  78. Birthday cake bug
  79. Request again
  80. Noob Content?
  81. please revert holy (and others) graphic
  82. Discussion: Improving S&B
  83. Proposal for Paladins
  84. Hey devs, Risia needs more slots for NPE feedback.
  85. 3D effect
  86. About the new armor ritual
  87. 40th Reaver completion ...
  88. Not to nitpick, but......
  89. DirectX 10 and you
  90. Value of ammunition/thrown/scrolls as loot
  91. Auto attack and attack speed
  92. Can we get new arrow types?
  93. feat vs. enhancments
  94. Idea to make Shields & Armor Desireable
  95. Can you add a cool Down timer for Devils and Orthron
  96. Begging for tasty scraps!
  97. DDO expansions w/ 4000 points
  98. Balanceing Two-Handed Fighting.
  99. Small Tweak, Please.
  100. Can it be true?! WDA's too Return!?
  101. Things that make me go :confused:
  102. DDO Wiki?
  103. to past the time
  104. Two Weapon feats will work on Unarmed in mod8
  105. So.. Risia will be.. next Tues?
  106. THF and Quarterstaffs Eladrin, Tolero - Clarification please?
  107. Question for the development team
  108. Idea for game
  109. armor/shield rituals
  110. Favor
  111. Why Bother making Raid Armor...
  112. Fix Flamestrike and Firestorm plz
  113. Does Mod 8 have:
  114. New animation
  115. Devs any WF Item Loving Coming? If not, a solution
  116. suggestion for a wf
  117. Fixing the loot anger
  118. Tweaks to Make Game Better
  119. I'm Bored.... So I Rant.. Part 1 of ? Content Timeliness
  120. Can you put rez shrine at the end of DQ raid ?
  121. Are you helping DDO thrive?
  122. I'm Bored... So I Rant... Part 2 of ? Dissemination of Information
  123. Black Scale Leather ranged alacrity
  124. Alignment, is it ever going to play a real part?
  125. Arms & Equipment wishlist
  126. Shroud ingredient drops.
  127. I'm Bored... So I Rant... Part 3! Raid Loot!
  128. Ideas for future in-game additions
  129. Wand and Scroll Creation
  130. Petition: 3-for-1 Exchange on Ingredients
  131. More Crafting?
  132. New Spells for Mod 8
  133. warning devs: Don't put raid loot in compendium
  134. I'm Bored.. So I rant... Part 4 of ? Shroud Crafting!
  135. Festivus cookie ideas
  136. Since devs have been particularly willing to release info as of late...
  137. We are so Bored ... so He Rants ...
  138. Spread out the NEW
  139. Hirelings
  140. The Ultimate Raiding Experience
  141. Look like Graal has a new job on LOTRO
  142. Win/Win solution?
  143. Unofficial Poll: What do you want to see in Mod 9?
  144. Let's fix divine favor!
  145. Devs -Specialty enhancements. Anything further?
  146. Offline Character Info
  147. Who gets Mod 8 info and when?
  148. A Little Bit of Guild Love Please
  149. Hey Impaqt - Where is My Rant Darn It!
  150. Where is the Hireling Write Up?
  151. Since I'm Ranting ...
  152. DDO Developers changes you need to make to the Island starter area.
  153. Modules 8 and 9 Wishlist
  154. Allow players to play as hirelings
  155. Intersession and Monks
  156. Raid AND Respec Idea
  157. An idea about the tavern brawls
  158. DDO Volunteer Guides
  159. Mod 8 Changes to Toughness
  160. How to make Dispel Magic a non-broken part of DDO gameplay
  161. Clarification
  162. Higher Earth Ele DC? Now fix AIR
  163. Soul Bags
  164. Tempest, TWF, and Icy Raiment AC suggestion
  165. Mod 8 Tempest Change Dev clerification please...
  166. Disappointed with the new Fighter Love
  167. 4 odd game bugs
  168. Direct question to the Devs about Concordant Opposition and intimidate.
  169. Sighs DCed and booted from Titan again
  170. RE: BladeSworn Transformation
  171. Release Notes Question
  172. Will we ever increase the size of raid groups?
  173. Enhancement lines for all?
  174. Previously, save DCs in tooltips for spells would intermittently be incorrect?
  175. Devs, any comments on the warforged brute fighting enhancement? Working as intended?
  176. Can we add pizza as a valid food type
  177. Favor Question
  178. Question for the Devs/Turbine team
  179. Upcoming Red Rage Effect Needs to Be Removed
  180. Fix to Friends List
  181. Can't log in...
  182. any word on monk
  183. Dearest Turbine,
  184. I like the new rage
  185. Door to the marketplace bank
  186. Nice Job Turbine!
  187. Any word on Rage and Drinking Potions?
  188. Shadow Walk
  189. Darkvision/Lowlight vision
  190. Levik's Defender Weight.
  191. Stone of Change possibilities
  192. risia mod 8 update
  193. New Player Experience?
  194. Mod 8
  195. De-construction of shroud items
  196. Armor/Robe idea, new looks
  197. new hardware
  198. OMG! I am thanking customer Service!
  199. Possible to implement Hireling AI to Summons?
  200. Official Known Issues (as if that's all of them)
  201. Nerf to Tempest?
  202. minor suggestion. TWF throwing
  203. Early POV on MOD 8
  204. Please add a checkbox to disdable the new rage effect
  205. Are warforged able to use armor runes on docents or something else?
  206. Black Abbot Anniversary
  207. Improved Invisibility
  208. Please add checkbox to enable new rage effect to stay active for duration of rage
  209. Post Cap development
  210. New Stone of Chnage rituals?
  211. A funny but sincere request
  212. 10 things that will improve DDO
  213. Metamagics interrupted
  214. Server Updates
  215. No improvement
  216. Can't log any toons that logged out in Gianthold..........
  217. Oy Vey, this lag is horrid
  218. Hello, this is your player base calling
  219. It is what it is people
  220. But I like being evil...
  221. Request to Devs re endgame quests
  222. Monday Lag Fix
  223. Suggestions to better balance AC
  224. "Lag Fix" Confusion............
  225. GS handwraps, My theory why they werent added yet.
  227. Ingredients in the Shroud
  228. Ranger & Rogue Tunics.
  229. devs going to fix Dominion monks, ever?
  230. Fix Raid Loot Mechanic Please!
  231. Time to Revisit Quest Chain End Rewards
  232. Mod 8 and Monks?
  233. Sneaking
  234. Easy change pls let it happen re: wands.
  235. Ask the Devs #6, DDOcast Ep. 91
  236. Dungeons and Laggins Offline
  237. Enhancements at Level 20?
  238. Request for the compendium
  239. Yet more reasons why we should still have weekly Dev activity HERE
  240. Five new content ideas "on the cheap"
  241. Repeating Request: "Delete All" on Confirmed Mail
  242. UNbinding?
  243. Assist function
  244. Did slimes eat the dogs brains?
  245. Request for a Minor in-game change
  246. Soul Gem Bags
  247. Tenser's Lag is Back
  248. /follow command
  249. green steel recipes
  250. Pre-download for the new mod?