View Full Version : Suggestions & Ideas
- Guild ranks....more diversity needed.
- please fix ingred bags
- FIX Ritual Sacrafice
- Large Ingredients Trader
- Ritual stone of change...Develloper PLS READ
- +1,2,3 tome npc trader PLS READ
- Robe of Subtility
- Put levels on ingredients.
- HelloooooooOOOO, Improved Power Attack Feat Please!
- User Channels
- Were you to design a quest for Mod 9...
- Suggestion: Free Feat for 2400 Favor
- Divine Vitality/Healing/Cleansing/Light
- VON 3 hard
- Suggestion: The Balancing Act
- Viewing "/quest" data across characters
- random combat idea
- Intimidate as a Paladin Skill....Long Overdue
- Low Level Raid Idea
- Gianthold Tor Difficulties Reversed?
- Monk Spot skill Broken?
- spamers
- Request: Bow Strength as a feat
- Wand Combining Ceremony
- A new marketplace
- Loot Rant
- Quest Sharing Feature
- A feature I would love....
- Adjust Shield Loot Tables Please
- Proposals for Shield Loot Tables
- About Green Steel shields:
- Force ritual - wounding, weakening, etc.
- Suggestion: The expansion of racial prestige enhancements
- Grouping / LFG Screen
- In the same neighborhood
- Is it too early to ask about the incoming high level content yet?
- Friends list
- Join request withdrawal
- Human Stat Boosting Line Suggeston
- Quick suggestion on how to fix monk dps
- Request for some balancing
- Discussion: Enhancements and Reward
- Server Merge Coming Soon??
- Archer Love
- Question on guard items
- Minor balance suggestions to make the game more newbie friendly
- Could we please change the N/H/E lock?
- Scorpions need changed!
- Can we get a Developer to comment on Spot?
- +2 Tomes for 20th run?
- We need more outfits !
- Devs, are you satisifed? Three tiny questions
- Dev please make the 'Luck Hat' ..Luckier :)
- Open up Stormreach
- Petition: Revert the potion mechanic.
- Sword and Board Fixes
- Petition to the Developers - Quarterstaffs & Acrobats
- Tell The DDO Community Team: New Spells!
- Some suggestions on balancing ...
- Monks
- New Player Experience Suggestion
- Tier III Shroud Effects
- Physics issues?
- Holy Avenger question
- Request re scrolls in future mods
- Will MONKS get Greensteel Handwraps in MOD8?
- About Divine Righteourness and Guards
- Could we add the Harbor to teleport while we're at it?
- Alignment change
- And I defended you, Turbine!!
- DC and get booted from quest
- Reaver is badly bugged too often these daze
- Unbalancing Strike and Improved Feint
- The circus tent
- Bogey's remodel request #2... Deneith
- Hero's companion buff
- guild tag in LFM window
- Birthday cake bug
- Request again
- Noob Content?
- please revert holy (and others) graphic
- Discussion: Improving S&B
- Proposal for Paladins
- Hey devs, Risia needs more slots for NPE feedback.
- 3D effect
- About the new armor ritual
- 40th Reaver completion ...
- Not to nitpick, but......
- DirectX 10 and you
- Value of ammunition/thrown/scrolls as loot
- Auto attack and attack speed
- Can we get new arrow types?
- feat vs. enhancments
- Idea to make Shields & Armor Desireable
- Can you add a cool Down timer for Devils and Orthron
- Begging for tasty scraps!
- DDO expansions w/ 4000 points
- Balanceing Two-Handed Fighting.
- Small Tweak, Please.
- Can it be true?! WDA's too Return!?
- Things that make me go :confused:
- DDO Wiki?
- to past the time
- Two Weapon feats will work on Unarmed in mod8
- So.. Risia will be.. next Tues?
- THF and Quarterstaffs Eladrin, Tolero - Clarification please?
- Question for the development team
- Idea for game
- armor/shield rituals
- Favor
- Why Bother making Raid Armor...
- Fix Flamestrike and Firestorm plz
- Does Mod 8 have:
- New animation
- Devs any WF Item Loving Coming? If not, a solution
- suggestion for a wf
- Fixing the loot anger
- Tweaks to Make Game Better
- I'm Bored.... So I Rant.. Part 1 of ? Content Timeliness
- Can you put rez shrine at the end of DQ raid ?
- Are you helping DDO thrive?
- I'm Bored... So I Rant... Part 2 of ? Dissemination of Information
- Black Scale Leather ranged alacrity
- Alignment, is it ever going to play a real part?
- Arms & Equipment wishlist
- Shroud ingredient drops.
- I'm Bored... So I Rant... Part 3! Raid Loot!
- Ideas for future in-game additions
- Wand and Scroll Creation
- Petition: 3-for-1 Exchange on Ingredients
- More Crafting?
- New Spells for Mod 8
- warning devs: Don't put raid loot in compendium
- I'm Bored.. So I rant... Part 4 of ? Shroud Crafting!
- Festivus cookie ideas
- Since devs have been particularly willing to release info as of late...
- We are so Bored ... so He Rants ...
- Spread out the NEW
- Hirelings
- The Ultimate Raiding Experience
- Look like Graal has a new job on LOTRO
- Win/Win solution?
- Unofficial Poll: What do you want to see in Mod 9?
- Let's fix divine favor!
- Devs -Specialty enhancements. Anything further?
- Offline Character Info
- Who gets Mod 8 info and when?
- A Little Bit of Guild Love Please
- Hey Impaqt - Where is My Rant Darn It!
- Where is the Hireling Write Up?
- Since I'm Ranting ...
- DDO Developers changes you need to make to the Island starter area.
- Modules 8 and 9 Wishlist
- Allow players to play as hirelings
- Intersession and Monks
- Raid AND Respec Idea
- An idea about the tavern brawls
- DDO Volunteer Guides
- Mod 8 Changes to Toughness
- How to make Dispel Magic a non-broken part of DDO gameplay
- Clarification
- Higher Earth Ele DC? Now fix AIR
- Soul Bags
- Tempest, TWF, and Icy Raiment AC suggestion
- Mod 8 Tempest Change Dev clerification please...
- Disappointed with the new Fighter Love
- 4 odd game bugs
- Direct question to the Devs about Concordant Opposition and intimidate.
- Sighs DCed and booted from Titan again
- RE: BladeSworn Transformation
- Release Notes Question
- Will we ever increase the size of raid groups?
- Enhancement lines for all?
- Previously, save DCs in tooltips for spells would intermittently be incorrect?
- Devs, any comments on the warforged brute fighting enhancement? Working as intended?
- Can we add pizza as a valid food type
- Favor Question
- Question for the Devs/Turbine team
- Upcoming Red Rage Effect Needs to Be Removed
- Fix to Friends List
- Can't log in...
- any word on monk
- Dearest Turbine,
- I like the new rage
- Door to the marketplace bank
- Nice Job Turbine!
- Any word on Rage and Drinking Potions?
- Shadow Walk
- Darkvision/Lowlight vision
- Levik's Defender Weight.
- Stone of Change possibilities
- risia mod 8 update
- New Player Experience?
- Mod 8
- De-construction of shroud items
- Armor/Robe idea, new looks
- new hardware
- OMG! I am thanking customer Service!
- Possible to implement Hireling AI to Summons?
- Official Known Issues (as if that's all of them)
- Nerf to Tempest?
- minor suggestion. TWF throwing
- Early POV on MOD 8
- Please add a checkbox to disdable the new rage effect
- Are warforged able to use armor runes on docents or something else?
- Black Abbot Anniversary
- Improved Invisibility
- Please add checkbox to enable new rage effect to stay active for duration of rage
- Post Cap development
- New Stone of Chnage rituals?
- A funny but sincere request
- 10 things that will improve DDO
- Metamagics interrupted
- Server Updates
- No improvement
- Can't log any toons that logged out in Gianthold..........
- Oy Vey, this lag is horrid
- Hello, this is your player base calling
- It is what it is people
- But I like being evil...
- Request to Devs re endgame quests
- Monday Lag Fix
- Suggestions to better balance AC
- "Lag Fix" Confusion............
- GS handwraps, My theory why they werent added yet.
- Ingredients in the Shroud
- Ranger & Rogue Tunics.
- devs going to fix Dominion monks, ever?
- Fix Raid Loot Mechanic Please!
- Time to Revisit Quest Chain End Rewards
- Mod 8 and Monks?
- Sneaking
- Easy change pls let it happen re: wands.
- Ask the Devs #6, DDOcast Ep. 91
- Dungeons and Laggins Offline
- Enhancements at Level 20?
- Request for the compendium
- Yet more reasons why we should still have weekly Dev activity HERE
- Five new content ideas "on the cheap"
- Repeating Request: "Delete All" on Confirmed Mail
- UNbinding?
- Assist function
- Did slimes eat the dogs brains?
- Request for a Minor in-game change
- Soul Gem Bags
- Tenser's Lag is Back
- /follow command
- green steel recipes
- Pre-download for the new mod?
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