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  1. Was the combat expertise change missed in the release notes?
  2. Tempest Templete
  3. My solution to the Direct X10 phantom"characters" in Stormreach
  4. Raid Loot Sets
  5. Thadargix's Gem?
  6. modifiers!
  7. Is it OK...
  8. Problem with joining parties for Korthos Island
  9. Etherial Bracers dont work with hand wraps
  10. Is Turbine Moving it's Headquarters
  11. The Eldritch Gallery oubliette
  12. Prey on the Hunters
  13. Which Dev...
  14. What is up with house Deneith lately?
  15. AC Ritual doesn't work....
  16. New mod 8 gems...
  17. Bug on Pro Elements???
  18. Protection from Elements scrolls
  19. Just run the new reaver for first time
  20. From Reaver Refuge back to Stormreach
  21. Change to Reaver - utter waste of dev time
  22. geforce 9600 GT 512 GDDR3 - oddities
  23. need some help with directx 10
  24. Happy Halloween! Cool Halloween Videos
  25. rain on the parade - lag
  26. Dragontouched Armor rant
  27. (Hirelings) Did I Miss Something?
  28. Best Great Axe for a THF Barbarian
  29. Q? from a collectable collector
  30. Necromancer: viable at end game?
  31. so when we getting a welcome back weekend
  32. It's your favorite Community Specialist's birthday today!
  33. Reaver changes
  34. What's up about the ultra terrible latency?
  35. Reflagging for Sorjek!?
  36. hound changes dumb
  37. MOD8 Hound of Xoriat Intimidate DC
  38. Fix Noob island
  39. Nat Gann>>>>
  40. 11 Character Slots??
  41. Could somebody post a screenie of DT chain?
  42. Excellent Idea - Im Sure You'll Agree.
  43. NPE is
  44. +2 tomes in new explorer areas?
  45. An open letter to...
  46. Halloween?!
  47. another Maintenance
  48. So what types of Dragontouched armor is there
  49. Things that would be fun to see in the game...
  50. Test on Reaver
  51. i hate the NPE - am i the only one who does ?
  52. starter rags
  53. Alright who's the wise guy...
  54. See who your talking 2...
  55. Save Mythe
  56. MOD 9 Preview - Arratreikos Reborn - New Shroud Look (Fake)
  57. Character Paths
  58. How in the Heck do I get off newbie island!
  59. Warpriest
  60. Dev help!!!!!!! please!!!!
  61. Monastary of the Scorpion Can this be solved? Spoiler pic
  62. Exact Directions to Suberrane Skelly Chest using Runes to Determine Entrance
  63. Be careful when selling gems!
  64. Stealer of Souls leashing issue
  65. Where do we report spelling errors?
  66. Stopping the Sahuagin puzzle
  67. Cannith Manufactury
  68. Kargon Love
  69. Dragontouched I have problems with my draconic runs
  70. prey the hunter bugs
  71. Zeal question
  72. Getting killed *after* the reaver is completed is bunk
  73. Has Turbine killed fulled crafting
  74. Garomel - are f'ing kidding me!
  75. Newbie Island: Are You ****ing Kidding Me?
  76. Dragon egg loot
  77. Dragontouched armor - Smiting :)
  78. Dragontouched Armor
  79. Sacrifices quest in korthos island
  80. the nightmare is over
  81. Anyone got a screenie of D'touched Leather?
  82. Honestly
  83. When the frack are we getting our level increase?
  84. Where are the GM's????
  85. DM closed my ticket with no repsonse!!!
  86. Weird Item from new content
  87. Since nobody's posted a good screenshot yet of the DragonTouched BP
  88. korthos instances
  89. Handi Smith
  90. + 5 Greensteel Tea Pot with matching cups
  91. Protection from Elements Cooldown
  92. Mod 8 - An early review of the high level content
  93. Bug in Korthos Village
  94. Do Rainments still drop in GoP? Or just the Sub?
  95. +5 Wisdom ring
  96. anyone got a pic of a wf wearing a Dragontouched Docent
  97. DDO is slipping away through my fingers
  98. AC Evasion Tanks Rejoice!
  99. Is it just me...
  100. can somebody PLEASE tell me...
  101. If you had to choose raid loot in titan
  102. I'll never defend Turbine again.
  103. Mid-level Raid
  104. The reason why plat farmers make so much money.
  105. Who will kill this game first? the players or turbine
  106. DQ 2 needs fixxed
  107. Plat farmers are not gone
  108. Confusion...
  109. Good Job DDO
  110. Here's a thought>>>>
  111. Looking for Adventure
  112. Mod 8 Review - The Good, the Bad, & The Ugly
  113. Air Elemental Fun
  114. Anyone have a list. . "
  115. Dragontouched Armor
  116. Loot envy
  117. Recalling while underwater = death?
  118. Information for newbies
  119. worlds up
  120. Why none of this really matters
  121. Clerics and Mod 8
  122. The Official "I QUIT" thread...or at least it should be..
  123. Hound Changes - is it just me?
  124. Fountain Guild List
  125. Go Turbine, Go!
  126. Who has the highest AC?
  127. a simple solution?
  128. Enter the Kobold stuck spot
  129. first Mission with ice dragon
  130. Spells left unattended...
  131. Question for the Uberzz. . .
  132. Today's maintenance
  133. How do you deal with tough air elementals
  134. Delera's run - Team effort
  135. My Ideas on how to fix some probelms...
  136. Logged in for the first time since mod 8.
  137. ok where is the new armor forum?
  138. I want a 10' rope
  139. Refuge Floor
  140. My review of Mod 8 so far
  141. The ultimate nerf
  142. Handwrap bugs?
  143. Anyone seen or heard of one of these.?
  144. I'm going to say it again...
  145. Full Server Crash?
  146. Server FAIL
  147. OMG! Turbine does this too!
  148. Server Crash Thread
  149. what's your problem turbine?
  150. Elemental change gone a lil' too far?
  151. Eladrin, on this Dragontouched Armor...
  152. You think YOU have it bad...
  153. Turbines Datacenter
  154. Draidin's Return
  155. DQ raid
  156. think its time for XP month
  157. to all you computer wizzes
  158. so now...
  159. National Election Causes Poweroutage
  160. DDO General Discussion General discussion of topics related to DDO.
  161. Prey on the Hunter
  162. So its 12:30 now
  163. The Reaver's Fate is now a real raid
  164. Server crash
  165. I see the
  166. Suggestions for fixing the game?
  167. Spelling tips 'cuz I am bored
  168. when the servers come back
  169. Servers will be down till 6:00pm
  170. Class path opinions?
  171. Tempest Rangers
  172. Servers are up
  173. Server are up
  174. First one logged back in
  175. Servers are up
  176. Stop Whining!
  177. Picture of Fire Near Turbine HQ
  178. There are still lots of people who can't connect!
  179. I love this game!
  180. Returning Player Appreciation
  181. new gems
  182. Directx10 Screenshots.
  183. Newbie Island bug? help!
  184. Icy Rainments
  185. In Game Help down?
  186. Pro from elements bug?
  187. Warning on Sell Gems
  188. Monastary Puzzle
  189. Saomi Gardens
  190. Rainbow in the Dark - GREAT changes!
  191. Handwraps, mephits, and ghosts
  192. Wow can we get this fixed?
  193. Can I swap one of my Rogue Special Abilties for a Feat like is says in the Rules?
  194. Tolero, let's do this!!
  195. Servers down again?
  196. Quest Chain reward list, lets look at this again
  197. Novel New Idea - Random Jewelery
  198. trial accounts
  199. Min. path needed to get to Harbor
  200. New videos from Xiloscient!
  201. I am leaving the game....and had a blast
  202. quantity and type of scrolls a wiz should carry
  203. Latency with Cable vs DSL
  204. what good is NPE if you dont have free trials
  205. What happend?
  206. Very cool
  207. Filmed @ 11 Lag monster rises from the dead, becomes a lich.
  208. Please fix
  209. Game direction with adventure areas?
  210. New loading screen..
  211. newbie question
  212. Gamebanshee interviews Kate on Mod 8, 9
  213. New Maps
  214. Is it me?
  215. Update?
  216. Mod 9 plea
  217. Comming Back Because Of Hirlings.
  218. Enough is Enough
  219. Unable to learn "Way of the Earth"
  220. Turbine Please nerf WOP!
  221. connection issues
  222. DDO Compendium Load Times
  223. Air Elementals and the cheat called overrun/knockdown
  224. Shroud Portals
  225. Do Insight AC bonuses stack?
  226. Best Way to Embarrass and Humilate Yourself in DDO.
  227. 10 Fay Free Trial - Back on!
  228. Solo quest question
  229. Hooray Turbine - you broke the game
  230. "Reaver' Fate" working as intended?
  231. One of these things is not like the other: Soami Gardens
  232. Trialists...
  233. Dual Wielding Stat Damagers (not WoP)
  234. Dragonshard Essence?
  235. Bad Time to Start?
  236. Module 9 will also increase the level cap to 20
  237. Quick Question after last Mod
  238. Question on Proc rate of Salt Guard vs. Disintegration guard....
  239. Kool & the Gang remix for you some whiners
  240. Least accomplished level 16 in DDO?
  241. LAG! Not as Bad, BUT............
  242. Combat numbers for spell casting?
  243. Anyone else having problems with Rise of the Phoenix?
  244. New Poll for the old timers
  245. Paying 180 $ for updates that are called modules.
  246. I guess I didn't pay my toll fee Bridge was out... Reaver
  247. transfer
  248. Dragontouched Docent
  249. Please fix the lag! (spoilers)
  250. Anyone know of a permadeath guild on Thelanis?