View Full Version : Comming Back Because Of Hirlings.

11-06-2008, 03:05 PM
Hello All,
We bought DDO when it first came out and were excited to play it. But the problem was with a couple team it really didn't work out very well. I mean when you can go in wow and play a couple team with no problem why grind lower level dungeons over and over trying to get up in level to advance to the next one.
Find a group? After spending night after night wasting hours trying to find someone to group with us and not grief. We finally said screw this game.

Last night when I seen in my Email that they were going to bring in hirlings I about wet my pants. I've always wanted to play this game. I mean the dungeons are like no other. Also I was excited to see the prebuilt character mode. We really dont know much about feats and all that. So for a couple of MMO players DDO is finally to where we might be able to come in and enjoy the game also.

One more thing.
Is anyone playing a Character they really don't like? I mean has anyone played a character like a healer because no one will play it. So you take on the nasty task?

We ended up doing this in DDO last time we played. Trying to get a team to play together that worked. Well now we can hire in that healer and play the classes we want to play.

So bottom line is.. Thank you Turbine for changing the game so players like us can enjoy the game also.

11-06-2008, 03:07 PM
I am looking forward to this as well. I plan on getting to level cap with my 10th slot using hirelings only :)

11-06-2008, 03:08 PM
Cheers :D

11-06-2008, 03:30 PM
Welcome back. If Hirelings function well, they will be an incredible boost to the game for many people.

11-06-2008, 03:48 PM

Hirelings has brought DDO one new player ....

now if they would only advertise they may get like 10 new players

11-06-2008, 04:15 PM
You're in luck! We're going to have the first Hireling preview on the live servers next week, watch for the announcement!

11-06-2008, 06:53 PM

Hirelings has brought DDO one new player ....

now if they would only advertise they may get like 10 new players

It brought me back too. I think I re-joined Nov 01/08 (like...last saturday. :) )

Now, if only something could be done about the insane prices on the auction house....we'd really be making progress ;)
(Though...they may only seem insane to someone who's highest level character is lvl 5. I suppose time will tell. ;) )

11-06-2008, 07:08 PM
(Though...they may only seem insane to someone who's highest level character is lvl 5. I suppose time will tell. ;) )[/QUOTE]

Blame Plat sellers and their ilk. They drive prices up by making plat overly abundant then sell at high prices which drive prices higher so they can sell higher, so theyhave more plat to sell ... Rinse and repeat. :mad:

If you want to have gear that is more reasonably priced... blame the plat sellers and even worse than them ... is the plat BUYERS.

I go with Ronnie the Pyro in the movie Backdraft... "Burn them ... burn them all." /e giggles maniacally

Be well and have fun. :D

11-06-2008, 09:32 PM
Hirelings sound like a good idea. Just wonder if they will work right or just run off to their doom while you chase after them like some players, pleading them to stop. Not sure if it's gonna work.

11-06-2008, 09:46 PM
Hello All,
We bought DDO when it first came out and were excited to play it. But the problem was with a couple team it really didn't work out very well. I mean when you can go in wow and play a couple team with no problem why grind lower level dungeons over and over trying to get up in level to advance to the next one.
Find a group? After spending night after night wasting hours trying to find someone to group with us and not grief. We finally said screw this game.

Last night when I seen in my Email that they were going to bring in hirlings I about wet my pants. I've always wanted to play this game. I mean the dungeons are like no other. Also I was excited to see the prebuilt character mode. We really dont know much about feats and all that. So for a couple of MMO players DDO is finally to where we might be able to come in and enjoy the game also.

One more thing.
Is anyone playing a Character they really don't like? I mean has anyone played a character like a healer because no one will play it. So you take on the nasty task?

We ended up doing this in DDO last time we played. Trying to get a team to play together that worked. Well now we can hire in that healer and play the classes we want to play.

So bottom line is.. Thank you Turbine for changing the game so players like us can enjoy the game also.

While first thing is welcome back,on clerics. i found DDO chaanged. if you don't like clerics cause all they do is stand there and heal. that changed so if you want one you can make a battle cleric now. i know many ppl with them. my self being one. not many ppl care any more cause you can heal and fight just as easy,

11-07-2008, 12:58 AM
Anything that brings players back or increases the enjoyment of the game for those playing is a good thing. Welcome back.