View Full Version : Sacrifices quest in korthos island

11-01-2008, 07:29 PM
Does this quest not give any favor? It is the only quest out there I dont get any favor for. It is not just me though because my entire group did not get the favor.


11-01-2008, 10:58 PM
Not only does it not give favor on any completed level (N/H/E), but it is mislabled as sewer rescue (the old name). It also does NOT appear in your quest journal when you get it from the quest giver.

Edit: Side note, anyone else have thwarting the threat in their favor log? I can't find anywhere to start this quest (the old sigmund wavecrest quest), yet it is still in the list, taunting me...

11-03-2008, 11:54 PM
Edit: Side note, anyone else have thwarting the threat in their favor log? I can't find anywhere to start this quest (the old sigmund wavecrest quest), yet it is still in the list, taunting me...

I have the same questions.

1) Where is the "Sewer Rescue" quest that's on our quest logs?

2) Why do we still have "Twarting the Threat" on our quest logs?

11-04-2008, 12:00 AM
I have the same questions.

1) Where is the "Sewer Rescue" quest that's on our quest logs?

2) Why do we still have "Twarting the Threat" on our quest logs?

1) Sewer rescue = sacrifces

2) shrug

11-04-2008, 05:18 AM
It also does NOT appear in your quest journal when you get it from the quest giver....

It appeared in mine and my wife's.

11-04-2008, 09:37 AM
It appeared in mine and my wife's.

Is it there while you are doing the quest, or after you complete it? I have a (completed) Sacrifices in my log once I get my end reward, but no mention of an uncompleted quest when I take it again.

11-04-2008, 11:42 AM
Same here, I get end rewards and I am able to repeat at higher difficulty level but the quest does not show in adventure compendium.

Sewer Rescue is in compendium as a level 1 quest, but never shows a completed status of Solo, Norm, etc. and does not reflect Favor. Sacrifice is a 2nd level quest and does not show in compendium. Actually, on a log out / log in I did have it show once or twice, but the favor was never counted into the total. And upon relogging the quest "went away" again.

Can a dev respond to this?

10-27-2009, 07:19 PM
I have problem with this quest. After I finished it, got reward and wanted to do it again but I can not finish it. There is no woman to rescue :/ if anyone can tell me if it is fixable I would appreciate

10-27-2009, 07:26 PM
hey bossk did you look in the area where that named cleric type hangs out?..the woman changes place randomly, from being up top with the last of the hostages to being down below the gate near the end where that cleric kidnapper hangs out.