View Full Version : Game direction with adventure areas?

11-06-2008, 10:34 AM
Am I remembering wrong or were adventure areas not advertised as somewhere to solo when you don't have alot of time, or can't find a group?

The devs seem to have tossed that concept out the window as they continue adding higher level adventure zones.

Why do the devs seem to keep switching from one plan, to another, to another.. without any direction or consistancy?

The new adventure areas seem to all have been designed to severely limit the ability to solo. Certain classes are likely ok in certain areas. However, many classes seem to be left with no chance against spawns of 5-6 mobs that jump out in many places.

Am I mistaken about the intent of these areas, or did I miss the memo as the devs flip flop from wanting people to be ok to solo, to adding things in that seem to be there only to prevent soloing.

So what the heck is going on?

11-06-2008, 10:40 AM
I'm a complete noob here, so I apologize for this being simply a broad guess at best, but might they be building soloable content now with the thought of the Hireling mechanics in mind?

11-06-2008, 10:47 AM
Adventure zones were not meant just for soloing. There flexibility comes from the fact that they have a very high lvl range for full xp. Which allows it to be used by a group running at the lower lvl of the range and solo for characters who are at the upper end of the range. The newest adventure zones are lvl 14 to 20 if I remeber correctly, meaning right now we are at the lower end of the band. This does not mean that the areas can't be soloed, it just means that it is considered a more difficult task. Gianthold is a 10 to 16 area, and where a group of level 10's will find it a challenge, it is less so for the average lvl 16.

Also the newest area's are quite smaller compared to some of the other areas like the vale and the orchard, which means that mobs are more concentrated and so it is easier to be overwhelmed, Turbines solution to this is short leashes on all mobs including named, so getting out of a situation is still possible

11-06-2008, 10:47 AM
I don't remember Devs specifically advertising them specifically as something to solo as you mentioned. More like something to do while waitintg to fill a group or while he group decides it's next course of action. I know many players (myself included) have encouraged others to solo around explorer areas while wating for a group, etc.. But yeah you're right not every build or player can solo these so well. My wiz can solo most of them pretty well but my rogue has to take it super slow when soloing anything.

Actually to me it seems pretty consistent with the rest of the game. Ealry ones are very soloable ay level. But as the levels get more difficult, so does the soloability of these areas. (take with a grain of salt as I haven't tried the new stuff yet)

11-06-2008, 10:58 AM
I can take my rouge and my fighter solo thru the new stuff.

Just gott a buff up and be smart about how ya do it.

11-06-2008, 10:59 AM
Also, dude, you are at the low level end of the adventure area recommended level. Many of the adventure areas in the game are hard when you're at the low end. I bet it'll be much easier for you to solo at 20th level.

11-06-2008, 10:59 AM
I can take my rouge and my fighter solo thru the new stuff.

Just gott a buff up and be smart about how ya do it.

yes there is a key to the new areas, whic is avoiding being overwhelmed, if you do that the mobs are no more difficult than other areas