- Con in Fresno, CA. Looking for DM's
- Dice of delight
- Remember the Monster Manual
- First, learn RUN AWAY!
- An Adventurer's Travels (A D&D pen&paper campaign)
- Post your PnP 3.5e build(s) here!!!
- first time player looking for a group, Philly area
- Ideas for a Jester Class
- Campaign planning tool and combat manager
- Prestige Class Scrutiny
- Online Long Term Campaign Looking for More Players (MapTool)
- Online
- Victorian Steampunk Horror Game
- D&D 101 in the AV Club
- Looking for Online Long Term Campaign
- The Book of Brolik: Introduction
- The Book of Brolik: Chapter 1 - The Path
- I rate DDO a solid--"Ehh.." I Miss PnP.
- I wonder if it is 3.5?? ;P
- So I was looking at 4e and...
- Ravenloft Adventures
- (Trying to) fix 3.5 - how to.
- Dark Origins: The Darkside guild before Stormreach
- 3.5 Dungeons & Dragons Compendium
- How to LFG PnP 3.5????
- Player Motivation Inventory!
- Play any good modules lately?
- Free adventures.
- The Threnal Ruins, Chapters One & Two
- Darkside Civil War!
- Darkside Origins: A Thief Comes to Town
- Nobody wants to play!!
- What is said when PC's arrive at The Keep on the Borderlands?
- Inland Impire CA Looking for More PnP Players
- Some pnp help
- DDO to PnP?
- Okay, feeling a little disheartened with DDO, want an online PnP
- Things You'd Never Say or Overhear Playing PnP D&D
- Darkside: Council Seats
- (House Rule) Fixing M.A.D.
- Wondering about D&D armor types
- Darkside Origins: Enter the Paladin
- Hitler's D&D Character Dies
- Map Making
- Parody comic
- Just A Theif Ya Know
- Floor tile puzzles in PnP
- MultiClassing in e4
- Disruption in PnP
- Missing pnp, nwn closest thing?
- D&D on the Google Wave
- Mercenary
- Good story-maker, bad story-teller
- Level 7 Wizard vs. The World
- Quick question or 2 about whips...
- lol
- Potion of Healing in 4e
- Your Best PnP Adventure
- Everquest Tabletop (aka Somebody Please Shoot Me)
- Need some evil campaign quest hooks/ideas
- d20: The Parlor Game
- Wow
- 2.0
- Looking for Simon Belmont Build
- Newer Wizards Sourcebooks
- Something about 4E
- D&D edition clarification
- Need a good 4E char idea
- Rotorua NZ looking for Pen and Paper players!!
- Can YOU solve this puzzle?
- Misadventure
- :)
- Sorcerer/wizard role reversal in ddo vs pnp
- online 1e pnp game seeking more PCs.
- Should I post my character story to my blog...
- I need ideas (3.5 campaign)
- looking for
- Birthing of a Sin 1
- Character Builders and Spell sheets
- Time Spells
- 3.5 v Pathfinder
- Extended Rest Time
- Quick poll
- Worldwide Dark Sun Day
- Books?!?!
- Page out of the Newbie Playbook
- Painted, Halfling, female, rogue, miniature
- The One-Stop DM/Player Advice Shop
- PnP Half-Elf
- No Magic Thrown Weapons 4th Edition
- Presenting DMFirmy's DiceMachine
- First Game in 15years - with the GF! Impressions
- Your opinions of 4th edition rules and why.
- The real way to melee in PnP aka Kobolds Do It Better
- Looking for a new game.
- Question about PnP races
- Warforged Druids?
- PnP Quest implemented in DDO
- Breaking Objects
- D&D Essentials Talk?
- Help me goth up my witch
- Birthing of a Sin 2
- 4e Magic Missile Change
- How it began...
- Murphy's Laws (of Gaming)
- Which feat should I take?
- Quick Question on Character Builds...
- Birthing of a Sin 3
- Level-up before or after last boss fight?
- new red box set???
- Our DM gaves us transportation!
- 3.5 Half-Ogre Soulknife/Fighter advice needed!
- The Un-Chronicled Misadventures of Dark Justice
- Forbidden City: Mongrol Men & Yuan Ti
- So I hear...
- PnP players should try Permadeath
- How do i put a screenshot on here?
- How i didnt throw pc out of window when this happened?
- The Borderlands
- Players been Monsters in PNP D&D
- Good ole' PnP
- A Timewarp Back to 1977
- AD&D played on Community season 2 #14
- D&d Togo!
- Pnp on MMO
- Pnp Dnd on Thelanis
- whats youredm style?
- PnP group looking for players
- Ddo Novel
- What's the most ridiculously powerful item you've used in a game
- Looking for real in-character gaming, any server.
- Made a map...
- A pure "support-only" Class?
- ArchStriker's PnP
- Best Looking Armour in the Game (Excluding Armour Kits)
- 3.5 podcasts
- Need Adventure Ideas (PnP)
- Looking for Participants
- Theme Guilds
- Great LARP group!
- So...
- Omnisniffiscence? D&D Perfumes (and I am not kidding)
- I have a little question
- Building
- A question about DDO Roleplaying
- Interesting D&D Look at Fighters...
- How I wish I could bring my pnp character to DDO...
- PnP stories
- The DDO prestige classes, where are they from?
- Grapple in P&P
- Going to dm a game help!
- Thoughts/Opinions on Pathfinder
- Best RP server for EU player
- Pathfinder Character Building
- new to 3.5 pnp fighter
- Roleplaying Servers?
- I don't make the stories I just record them...A Bardic Reporter?!?
- Gratz to LoreN for cap in PnP Tues group
- Your favorite PnP story
- A Harpell Arti?
- Swords of the Undercity & Deceit module
- DM usurped!
- 18 in all Stats as starting character
- Virtual Tabletops
- Journals of the Fallen One
- PnP Ranger
- Festivult at home?
- Double Weapon and Power Attack
- D&D Reboot?
- Tips for a better campaign
- time line, where and when was BG??
- DDO PnP Conversion
- Alternate uses for equipment
- Looking for…
- Rol en Español
- Wanting to Start D&D
- Playing PnP AD&D Online
- Pinnochio...
- Character Names
- random rolling characters
- The Rat and Red Show
- Maztica (3rd Edition material)
- Anyone doing the playtest?
- Name for a roleplayic guild
- woodwward
- Need feedback on my first campaign!
- Korthos open hunting season
- School Report of a First Character... EVER! (Paladin)
- (DM) How to speed up the table?
- My Custom Campaign (Feedback Post)
- Pnp style video game
- Guilds with Naming Requirements
- Suggestion for a dedicated RP server
- GM's Corner
- D&D 3.5 ed - Ways to Unconsciousness
- On sale September 18, the 3.5 Edition premium reprints go on sale
- Legacy (Offline) Builder on Ipad, Playbook,etc....or cheap laptop suggestions
- Looking for a rp group that goes out and does quest, not a chat in the tavern group.
- Roll20
- New roleplaying group.
- D+D, Metal and wood, Machine and man
- Are there any Pen and Paper Stats for DDO exclusive monsters?
- Please judge my first journal entry for this new character.
- Cool KS for your pnp game
- Postcards from Niwa
- Darkside Fiction!
- Does role-playing in DDO work?
- Character Biographies
- The Origins of D&D/RPGs and more...
- Roleplay channel argonessen
- Gygax Magazine Launch Party Stream
- A Reluctant Soul
- Roleplay Community
- What was the quickest that a PnP game went south for you...
- It's all D&D's Fault!
- New Heavy RP Static Forming; 2 Spots Left!
- Pathfinder: Help me make my Synthesist into Edward+Alphose from FMA
- Fae's DDO to DnD Roleplay Campaign
- Anyone know any good PnP Videocasts?
- Zionaria Mahal
- The Journal of Hazelnut the Halfling
- Solid Hardwood Tabletop Accessories - Suggestions?
- -|| Roleplayers of Sarlona ||-
- The Bent Knife: Episode 1
- Forming an RP Community!
- RP is alive and well on Khyber
- Looking for roleplay groups in Thelanis!
- Champion of the Sun
- In a Handbasket - What's Your Name?
- SWSE Droid Pilot..and ONLY a pilot (AKA Sentient Ship)
- SWSE Ewok Force User (New Player, needing assitance)
- In a Handbasket - Thunderstruck
- A Question about Cholthuzz
- In a Handbasket - Citrine's Trial
- In a Handbasket - The Wizard's Nemesis
- In A Handbasket - Solo-ing
- Page torn from jordaena's diary
- Chains of Flame
- Need some Forgotten Realms info for a campaign I'm running...
- The Scorching Crystal Cap. 1
- The Adventures of Talyynn Wulfgar
- Need Help making a Party of Kobolds (Pathfinder)
- Phoenix
- Gnomish Cannoneer (Magitech) Pathfinder
- LFM Star Wars Saga Edition - Dawn of Defiance
- The Moral Scourge Of DnD in the 80s
- A story to track the adventures of Liorn the Bladeforged
- Guild Scarlet Brotherhood of Ghallanda