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  1. Con in Fresno, CA. Looking for DM's
  2. Dice of delight
  3. Remember the Monster Manual
  4. First, learn RUN AWAY!
  5. An Adventurer's Travels (A D&D pen&paper campaign)
  6. Post your PnP 3.5e build(s) here!!!
  7. first time player looking for a group, Philly area
  8. Ideas for a Jester Class
  9. Campaign planning tool and combat manager
  10. Prestige Class Scrutiny
  11. Online Long Term Campaign Looking for More Players (MapTool)
  12. Online
  13. Victorian Steampunk Horror Game
  14. D&D 101 in the AV Club
  15. Looking for Online Long Term Campaign
  16. The Book of Brolik: Introduction
  17. The Book of Brolik: Chapter 1 - The Path
  18. I rate DDO a solid--"Ehh.." I Miss PnP.
  19. I wonder if it is 3.5?? ;P
  20. So I was looking at 4e and...
  21. Ravenloft Adventures
  22. (Trying to) fix 3.5 - how to.
  23. Dark Origins: The Darkside guild before Stormreach
  24. 3.5 Dungeons & Dragons Compendium
  25. How to LFG PnP 3.5????
  26. Player Motivation Inventory!
  27. Play any good modules lately?
  28. Free adventures.
  29. The Threnal Ruins, Chapters One & Two
  30. Darkside Civil War!
  31. Darkside Origins: A Thief Comes to Town
  32. Nobody wants to play!!
  33. What is said when PC's arrive at The Keep on the Borderlands?
  34. Inland Impire CA Looking for More PnP Players
  35. Some pnp help
  36. DDO to PnP?
  37. Okay, feeling a little disheartened with DDO, want an online PnP
  38. Things You'd Never Say or Overhear Playing PnP D&D
  39. Darkside: Council Seats
  40. (House Rule) Fixing M.A.D.
  41. Wondering about D&D armor types
  42. Darkside Origins: Enter the Paladin
  43. Hitler's D&D Character Dies
  44. Map Making
  45. Parody comic
  46. Just A Theif Ya Know
  47. Floor tile puzzles in PnP
  48. MultiClassing in e4
  49. Disruption in PnP
  50. Missing pnp, nwn closest thing?
  51. D&D on the Google Wave
  52. Mercenary
  53. Good story-maker, bad story-teller
  54. Level 7 Wizard vs. The World
  55. Quick question or 2 about whips...
  56. lol
  57. Potion of Healing in 4e
  58. Your Best PnP Adventure
  59. Everquest Tabletop (aka Somebody Please Shoot Me)
  60. Need some evil campaign quest hooks/ideas
  61. d20: The Parlor Game
  62. Wow
  63. 2.0
  64. Looking for Simon Belmont Build
  65. Newer Wizards Sourcebooks
  66. Something about 4E
  67. D&D edition clarification
  68. Need a good 4E char idea
  69. Rotorua NZ looking for Pen and Paper players!!
  70. Can YOU solve this puzzle?
  71. Misadventure
  72. :)
  73. Sorcerer/wizard role reversal in ddo vs pnp
  74. online 1e pnp game seeking more PCs.
  75. Should I post my character story to my blog...
  76. I need ideas (3.5 campaign)
  77. looking for
  78. Birthing of a Sin 1
  79. Character Builders and Spell sheets
  80. Time Spells
  81. 3.5 v Pathfinder
  82. Extended Rest Time
  83. Quick poll
  84. Worldwide Dark Sun Day
  85. Books?!?!
  86. Page out of the Newbie Playbook
  87. Painted, Halfling, female, rogue, miniature
  88. The One-Stop DM/Player Advice Shop
  89. PnP Half-Elf
  90. No Magic Thrown Weapons 4th Edition
  91. Presenting DMFirmy's DiceMachine
  92. First Game in 15years - with the GF! Impressions
  93. Your opinions of 4th edition rules and why.
  94. New BASIC RED BOX!
  95. The real way to melee in PnP aka Kobolds Do It Better
  96. Looking for a new game.
  97. Question about PnP races
  98. Warforged Druids?
  99. PnP Quest implemented in DDO
  100. Breaking Objects
  101. D&D Essentials Talk?
  102. Help me goth up my witch
  103. Birthing of a Sin 2
  104. 4e Magic Missile Change
  105. How it began...
  106. Murphy's Laws (of Gaming)
  107. Which feat should I take?
  108. Quick Question on Character Builds...
  109. Birthing of a Sin 3
  110. Level-up before or after last boss fight?
  111. new red box set???
  112. Our DM gaves us transportation!
  113. 3.5 Half-Ogre Soulknife/Fighter advice needed!
  114. The Un-Chronicled Misadventures of Dark Justice
  115. Forbidden City: Mongrol Men & Yuan Ti
  116. So I hear...
  117. PnP players should try Permadeath
  118. How do i put a screenshot on here?
  119. How i didnt throw pc out of window when this happened?
  120. The Borderlands
  121. Players been Monsters in PNP D&D
  122. Good ole' PnP
  123. A Timewarp Back to 1977
  124. AD&D played on Community season 2 #14
  125. D&d Togo!
  126. Pnp on MMO
  127. Pnp Dnd on Thelanis
  128. whats youredm style?
  129. PnP group looking for players
  130. Ddo Novel
  131. What's the most ridiculously powerful item you've used in a game
  132. Looking for real in-character gaming, any server.
  133. Made a map...
  134. A pure "support-only" Class?
  135. ArchStriker's PnP
  136. Best Looking Armour in the Game (Excluding Armour Kits)
  137. 3.5 podcasts
  138. Need Adventure Ideas (PnP)
  139. Looking for Participants
  140. Theme Guilds
  141. Great LARP group!
  142. So...
  143. Omnisniffiscence? D&D Perfumes (and I am not kidding)
  144. I have a little question
  145. Building
  146. A question about DDO Roleplaying
  147. Interesting D&D Look at Fighters...
  148. How I wish I could bring my pnp character to DDO...
  149. PnP stories
  150. The DDO prestige classes, where are they from?
  151. Grapple in P&P
  152. Going to dm a game help!
  153. Thoughts/Opinions on Pathfinder
  154. Best RP server for EU player
  155. Pathfinder Character Building
  156. new to 3.5 pnp fighter
  157. Roleplaying Servers?
  158. I don't make the stories I just record them...A Bardic Reporter?!?
  159. Gratz to LoreN for cap in PnP Tues group
  160. Your favorite PnP story
  161. A Harpell Arti?
  162. Swords of the Undercity & Deceit module
  163. DM usurped!
  164. 18 in all Stats as starting character
  165. Virtual Tabletops
  166. Journals of the Fallen One
  167. PnP Ranger
  168. Festivult at home?
  169. Double Weapon and Power Attack
  170. D&D Reboot?
  171. Tips for a better campaign
  172. time line, where and when was BG??
  173. DDO PnP Conversion
  174. Alternate uses for equipment
  175. Looking for…
  176. Rol en Español
  177. Wanting to Start D&D
  178. Playing PnP AD&D Online
  179. Pinnochio...
  180. Character Names
  181. random rolling characters
  182. The Rat and Red Show
  183. Maztica (3rd Edition material)
  184. Anyone doing the playtest?
  185. Name for a roleplayic guild
  186. woodwward
  187. Need feedback on my first campaign!
  188. Korthos open hunting season
  189. School Report of a First Character... EVER! (Paladin)
  190. (DM) How to speed up the table?
  191. My Custom Campaign (Feedback Post)
  192. Pnp style video game
  193. Guilds with Naming Requirements
  194. Suggestion for a dedicated RP server
  195. GM's Corner
  196. D&D 3.5 ed - Ways to Unconsciousness
  197. On sale September 18, the 3.5 Edition premium reprints go on sale
  198. Legacy (Offline) Builder on Ipad, Playbook,etc....or cheap laptop suggestions
  199. Looking for a rp group that goes out and does quest, not a chat in the tavern group.
  200. Roll20
  201. New roleplaying group.
  202. D+D, Metal and wood, Machine and man
  203. Are there any Pen and Paper Stats for DDO exclusive monsters?
  204. Please judge my first journal entry for this new character.
  205. Cool KS for your pnp game
  206. Postcards from Niwa
  207. Darkside Fiction!
  208. Does role-playing in DDO work?
  209. Character Biographies
  210. The Origins of D&D/RPGs and more...
  211. Roleplay channel argonessen
  213. Gygax Magazine Launch Party Stream
  214. A Reluctant Soul
  215. Roleplay Community
  216. What was the quickest that a PnP game went south for you...
  217. It's all D&D's Fault!
  218. New Heavy RP Static Forming; 2 Spots Left!
  219. Pathfinder: Help me make my Synthesist into Edward+Alphose from FMA
  220. Fae's DDO to DnD Roleplay Campaign
  221. Anyone know any good PnP Videocasts?
  222. Zionaria Mahal
  223. The Journal of Hazelnut the Halfling
  224. Solid Hardwood Tabletop Accessories - Suggestions?
  225. -|| Roleplayers of Sarlona ||-
  226. The Bent Knife: Episode 1
  227. Forming an RP Community!
  228. RP is alive and well on Khyber
  229. Looking for roleplay groups in Thelanis!
  230. Champion of the Sun
  231. In a Handbasket - What's Your Name?
  232. SWSE Droid Pilot..and ONLY a pilot (AKA Sentient Ship)
  233. SWSE Ewok Force User (New Player, needing assitance)
  234. In a Handbasket - Thunderstruck
  235. A Question about Cholthuzz
  236. In a Handbasket - Citrine's Trial
  237. In a Handbasket - The Wizard's Nemesis
  238. In A Handbasket - Solo-ing
  239. Page torn from jordaena's diary
  240. Chains of Flame
  241. Need some Forgotten Realms info for a campaign I'm running...
  242. The Scorching Crystal Cap. 1
  243. The Adventures of Talyynn Wulfgar
  244. Need Help making a Party of Kobolds (Pathfinder)
  245. Phoenix
  246. Gnomish Cannoneer (Magitech) Pathfinder
  247. LFM Star Wars Saga Edition - Dawn of Defiance
  248. The Moral Scourge Of DnD in the 80s
  249. A story to track the adventures of Liorn the Bladeforged
  250. Guild Scarlet Brotherhood of Ghallanda