View Full Version : Our DM gaves us transportation!

12-16-2010, 10:57 AM
In my bi-weekly PnP group (V 2.0) we have been on a very long trek to a town on the other side of our known maps ( module B1-9 In Search of Adventure modified to V 2.0 rules )
The adventure got to be a pain, as we had to walk & drag all of our stuff!
4 of us kept asking for a chance roll to get some horses.Well 3 weeks later we got our chance.

We ran across a band of kinder & very nice lizardmen (lol) and strong armed them and stole their mounts!

12 frakin mules! That didnt like dwarves! ( go figure! 3 of us are dwarves)

MULES! Pfft! If anyone has ever tried to mount a mule in PnP you'll know what I'm getting at.

Needless to say, our DM is a bit twisted, and he runs his dungeon like all good DMs' from hell!

My advice to you PnP players stuck in an outdoor instance, don't ask for a ride!

But then, this is the same DM that "magically" greased our rope so we couldnt hide in our portable holes!

12-16-2010, 12:17 PM
But then, this is the same DM that "magically" greased our rope so we couldnt hide in our portable holes!

Had my party try to hide in a hole like that from a party of assassins. One of the assassins picked it up not knowing what it was and dropped it into his bag of holding dumping both parties in front of 2 dozen very surprised gith scouts in the astral plane.

12-17-2010, 10:27 AM
Yeah you are scr**ed. You are playing Basic (not even 2.0) modules and horses did not appear until EXPERT!

Guess you got to wait for the blue box.

12-17-2010, 10:35 AM
You mention the following:

1. BI
2. Drag
3. Mounting
4. Greasing Ropes

Is it just me or does this sound like a Village People reunion party?

Happy Holidays!

12-17-2010, 12:03 PM
My characters ride in Imperial Star Destroyers. It's just how I roll.