View Full Version : Quick Question on Character Builds...

11-26-2010, 11:01 AM
No really! The question is quite literal.

During and maybe after character creation, is it possible to altar your character's 'build' for whatever needs? (I.E.:Make your character Fat, Skinny, exc.?)

11-26-2010, 11:21 AM
No really! The question is quite literal.

During and maybe after character creation, is it possible to altar your character's 'build' for whatever needs? (I.E.:Make your character Fat, Skinny, exc.?)

In PnP D&D, your character's "build" isn't something tracked by the rules. It's up to you and your DM how your character looks.

If you mean, is there a "build" appearance option in DDO, then no, there isn't one.