View Full Version : Darkside: Council Seats

04-29-2010, 10:08 PM
The halls of the guild house were quieter then normal. While the cold stone rooms were still inhabited by the various members, one particular room was less so. No longer did the laughter of women fill it. The festivites that once filled the room had left, much like a warm day can be repalced by a cold, lonely night.

The Coucnil Room was oval in shape like some great dragon egg, with high pillard walls leading to a domed roof. The curved walls were draped with violet curtains made from some lush fabric.

In the center of the room was a great table of oak. Several high-backed wooden chairs surrounded the great table. In the center of the table sat the Emperor himself.

He sat atop the table looking haggard. No armor of Twilight Mithril adorned his regal frame. No horned helm crowned his head. He wore the face of a Drow that was tired of carrying some great burden.

He was dressed in the clothes of a common Drow laborer-drone like his father used to wear. He felt much like his father had looked when he returned from the mushroom mines when Sicarii was but a child.

There in the Council of 12 chambers Sicarii stared at the great wooden chairs with their carved effigies of gargoyles, dragons and the like.

He stared at three chairs in particular.

"My comrades..."
He stopped himself. He was not going to allow his feelings...his weakness... to cloud his vision like some cheap Kobold spell. No...

He screamed and tumbling backwards released a barage of raident purple energy known as "force" upon the three empty pieces of furniture smashing them to mere splinters.

Regaining his composure in more ways then one, Sicarii spoke aloud to himself as he was known to do.

"I will replace them I will! With more powerful allies! I know a wizard! Great and powerful caster is he! Dranman the High-Wizard! He that even the Great Sicarii pales in comparison too!"
He stopped himself. To make such comparisons of the Emperor aloud could be disasterous for his reputation...at that moment...

From the corner of his eye Sicarii noticed a new shadow in the room behind the great violet tapestry which depicted Darkside destroying the first Thieves Guild. Ironic his greatest ally was the new Thieves Guild Leader.

Of course! He could invite his ally to hold a seat at the table. It was unprecedented. Unorthodox...and right with the chaotic nature of this particualr guild leader.

But then he remembered the shadow.

With the flick of a wrist and the briefest whisper of a word, a small crouched figure was revealed with a deft cast of a spell by the One True Fighter-Wizard.

A swarthy skin halfling at once attempted to leap from his crouched position to a nearby balcony...Only to be held, frozen if you will by several bright blue concentric rings of energy.

"Forgive me master." The prisoner said through a tight-lipped petrified mouth.
"For I only wish to server you."

Sicarii tussled the imobile Fighter-Thief's hair like one would a child.

"And you will Blackstrap, you will. I know you are loyal to me. Send word to Turinde, Leader of the Thieves Guild. Tell him I bid him to take audience with me..."

"I have a proposition for him..."

To Be Continued...