View Full Version : Player Motivation Inventory!

03-26-2010, 09:34 AM
Hello Everyone I just realized that this post should be here. Please help!

My name is Rico Drake and I am a counseling psychology graduate student. I am developing a questionnaire to assess player motivations when playing role-playing games. The questionnaire utilizes the player motivations described in the Dungeons and Dragons 4e Dungeon Master’s Guide (Actor, Storyteller, Instigator, etc.). The goal is to get enough people to take the survey so that I can produce a brief questionnaire that would help players and game masters run better games for their players. The survey is not D&D specific! Feel free to take it even if you play other role-playing games. Although the survey is geared towards Pen and Paper gaming I think that it could be useful for MMORPGs as well. I need a larger sample size before I can refine the survey. Thanks for your help!


Thank you for the help!
Rico Drake

03-27-2010, 09:44 AM