View Full Version : Custom Character Builds
- TR 8fighter/6monk/6ranger
- Bow User Build- Rate this please.
- Bizzarre undead melee
- Wizard The Ulitmate PM Foursome
- Suggestions for a soloable f2p/low-gear dwarf build for Wayfinder favor-farming?
- Need pure monk build!
- My 3rd ranged life
- List your favor grinding builds/ quests
- 12 Monk/6 Paladin/2 Cleric - Full HP all day
- Planned Monk-cher life for TR, advice requested.
- Monk Bandwagon - QP focused 18 Monk / 2 Fighter Dwarf
- Divine monkcher: can this even be saved?
- My son wanted to experiment with a DM of Making despite not having Artificer...
- Allmossow F12/P6/M2 charismatic iconic tank
- 32pt Monkcher build
- 18fvs/2monk u19
- Monkcher Build 12 Monk/6 Ranger/2 Arti
- Help me plan my next TR please Multiclass cleric monk /somthing
- U19 Max HP Build?? How I Make Babby?
- Korsat – 18Wizard/2Monk Undead Blitzer
- 12 wizard/6 monk;barb/2 rogue;druid
- Monkcheric
- U19 Smighter
- Ferrumshot for personal reference
- Best solo melee build?
- 12/6/2 monk ranger arti
- I need a DC FVS build for 2 final TR's
- Arti or Druid or Bard
- Build Request: THF BARD build with trapping
- Looking for build advice
- 12 fighter/6 monk/2 ranger
- Combination or Pure
- Build Request: Solo Jack-of-all-trades(ish)
- Tempest Enhancement works with handwraps?
- Shortsword
- Planning the next 12 lives....
- The Grimreaper, an untouchable killer.
- Vengeful Light, FVS/cleric DD/AoV
- Vote for my next build
- Paladin TR Paladin life build advice
- The Exemplar Templar: Quality S&B Tanking and Questing
- Looking for some advice on an old HHHH build i had.
- Trying to get insight on EE capable q-staff build
- Monk Blademaster
- Tempest Of The North
- AA build
- Improved AA Build
- Wizard the Paledancer - Stealth Wizard Shadow Manipulating Action
- Even More Improved AA Build
- Monk/(Cleric or Paladin or FvS?)
- Monk The Mad Monk
- My monk in EE DA solo
- Horc Monkcher concept, help appreciated
- New Build -- Favored Soul or Paladin 12-- Fighter/6 Monk/2 ??
- Fighter F2P build | 28PT | 12F,8R | Feedback
- Non-monk thrower - toss me (haha) ideas
- Repository of U19+ Solo EE/Raid Capable Builds.
- Finished my 3rd ranger life, doing druid next
- THF Monk... Caster? ideas
- TeddyBear Build
- Ranger Theorybuild - The Shadow Stalker
- PDK THF - Bold Bigflank
- Critique requested
- Corpner
- Idea here :p Neg lvl monster? Or stupid? 8ftr/6wiz/6monk
- Sestra's Build Thread
- Monk Would this Build work? Henshin Mystic with Flamblades (18 Monk/2 Fighter)
- Mighty Grandmaster Kensei
- Looking for top end dps/survivable build
- The Dyrtnap: an Eldrich Archer BF 8wiz/6rgr/6mnk Solo Build
- Stunning Blow
- Would this build work?
- Which Destiny feats for a monkcher?
- Dual-Box Elite Opener: The "Mom" build
- Request: EE chest blesser
- Barbarian The Blade Barb (get out your +20 heart)
- Need help and/or criticizing this build: art12/wiz6/monk2
- 12 Cleric 6 Monk 2 Range:r BB AA
- Pure Repeater Damage - Shadar-kai 10 Rogue / 6 Ranger / 4 Artificer
- Any Viable BF Melee Builds That Can SOLO EE's?
- Looking for TWF build suggestions
- Flying Fortress - Human 12 Fighter/4 Ranger/ 4 Cleric
- Noyellowbar - a 100% monk-free U19 Build (15Ranger/ 4Paladin/ 1Fighter)
- Shurikens, pew pew!
- Need Input on change up for build
- Eldritch Knight My vision of the melee-wizard
- Druid Build - End Game Viable?
- Wanted: Best TR Builds to Get Completionist as Fast as Possible - Splashes Welcome!
- saving my gimp cleric
- Spell N Weapon
- 12 Wizard/6 Artificer/2 Monk - Spellsword (Hybrid - Melee/Spell)
- Help with a bard build
- Bladeforged Fighter 14/Paladin 4/FVS 2 (workable stunning blow, reconstruct, saves)
- Help me rebuild my cleric
- Santa's Little Slayer - Another Elfin' Centered Kensai
- The Swordmage - looking for help with designing a build!
- Solo oriented multi-life build.
- PDK melee sorc build,.. looking for advice
- The Totally Messed Up Aura Healing Stunning Fist Cleric Eldridge Knight
- Help a returning player with a build?
- Need some help with a build please
- "One with the Blade" Not centering Khopesh.
- Ara's Thread of Mediocre Builds
- The Cleaving JuggerKnight (THF EK with Manyshot)
- Improved finesse lich, feedback please!
- Stunning Rogue with self heals?
- The Delsamera project!
- Monk Bladeforsworn - A Bladeforged staff master
- 14bard/5sorc/1cleric eldritch knight
- Ranger Adventures in Theorycrafting - Tempest Warpriests
- 18 Rogue/1 Monk/1 Fighter Acrobat Lethality Build
- Katzklaw's house of LOLWUT?
- Iconic TR - DK 12/6/2 Monk/Rog/Fight - Monk Past Life
- Mystic Monk Thumper-Help Wanted
- Survivor solo 12mnk/6pal/2art
- AOE Melee Build
- Another Bladeforged Monk Build
- Morninglord or PDK for melee Bard
- Wizard Eldritch Knight
- Quarterstaff DPS Trapper. 12 Monk, 6 Rogue, 2 Fighter.
- Indestructoblesser the self healing, staff wielding, chest blessing melee
- Help with 3rd life :(
- Eldritch Defender wiz 14 fig 6
- 14 Ranger 6 Monk Stalker of a million arrows
- Is this a good Monkcher?
- Is this built worth the money? I'm thinking of TR'ing into it: 12 FVS/6 RNGR/2 MONK
- Immovable Chainwhirler of Light and Death
- Need build ideas
- Rogue Is there a way to make this at least EH viable? S-k 11 rogue/7 wizard/2 artificer
- Help me find the Highest Possible Overall Saves (Heroic - Self Buffed Only)
- Avildar D'Amberville full build PDK Monker with Enha. & ED
- I missing something?
- My Build Collection
- Wizard 13 wiz/6 ftr/1 rog- The Stalwart Eldritch Wraith
- Artificer Ardiot Savant
- Ze's Build Request!
- Cleric TWF cleric build - feedback request
- Iconic Favor Farmer?
- Rageborn Wraith - Spooky DPS
- Thunderbolt (warning, flavor ahead)
- The oddest build!
- Flavor of the month/old popular builds compilation
- Luminous truth build
- Looking for Good Survivable/Melee/Limited Hotkey Build For 9 year old
- Looking for advice on a PDK 8fighter/6ranger/6monk build
- Backwoods Chucker
- Need help with twf paladin-ish character
- Build sugestions
- Wizard Need help Kiting out my Death Knight (up to Lvl 25 Loot)
- Dwarf Weapon of choice
- Jonesing to try EK
- Help with a ranged twf build please
- Elf tempest warpriest, scimitar build
- so, it's about that time again...
- Beast reborn?
- The Inferno: A Heroic Leveling Build
- The Monster Remastered (sorta)
- Hybrid Survival Solo Build Ranger/Cleric
- Build Request for mostly solo play
- Fighter/Ranger/Barb and Bard PL
- Artificer druid Drow need buld
- Gearing 12 sorc / 6 monk / 2 pally EK GMOF
- Looking for some advice on a mnk/clr build
- Zombie Monk
- Looking for information about evocation cleric build vs Fvs which is superior?
- Stilt Walker
- Best Righteous-Focused options
- The ShORtman: Centered TWF Rogue w/ Manyshot (10 Rogue/6 Monk/4 Ranger)
- Shadar-Kai Tempest Monk
- monkcher help
- Im looking for a good solo mulit-class build
- Favored Soul Fvr Soul: Angel of Vengence ups fire power maybe add fire savant?
- The plus 100% / 50% damage builds
- Help me re-build my 32pt Dwarf
- The Divine Vesel
- 12Monk/ 6Ranger/ 2Fighter - AA build
- Endgame Arobat
- Bladeforged Sireth (BS)
- Double Defensive Stances 6 Pally, 6 Fighter - Does it work?
- Any thoughts on this?
- TR build: drow 12 barb 4 fvs 2 rogue
- Paladin build wanted for me to TR into.
- Looking for a good solo build for next life
- Ranger help with ranger build
- For a Friend
- Rogue Tankling - a rogue on crack
- Stickin' Around "Real mature, Bradley!" - QStaff bashin'
- Barb build for Bloodhunter
- Wizard Wizard 18/ rogue2 build
- Build Request: Rogue/Monk Ninja-Assassin
- PDK Kensei/Henshin/Acrobat Sireth
- Shadar-kai Crucible Specialist/Coin Jumper...Could use improvement, I expect
- How does Radiant Servant interact with Barbarian Rage?
- The Stanky Sentinel
- Druid Melee D12/W6/R2
- Possible Sword-Saint Build
- Build Request | Melee Summoner Build
- Old/New Player - two different types of characters build request assistance.
- The Sorcerous Smackdown- Arcane Self-Healing Versatile Melee (12 Wiz/6 Monk/2 Ranger)
- Order of feats, need some help!!!!!
- Yin Yang Build
- Sorcerer ELO - an Electric/Sonic casting and melee theme build
- Sly, Stealthy, Staffy
- Ranger Merric- 12rgr/7mnk/rog ranged solo toon
- Haven't made a new character in forever - Your favorite classes?
- Holy Shadow
- Epic Elite Viable Builds
- Request Feedback: Friar Build
- TR after 20+R - Which previous life will be applied?
- thanks eth
- Bladeforged Centered Mornh Build - 9 Paladin/8 Fighter/3 Monk
- Looking for a THF Build
- Druid
- Old build
- Ranger Rogue Fighter 6/6/8
- Bladeforged
- Build: The DeBuffer: Maximizes EE Team Boss DPS & AoE Heals (1st life grind-friendly)
- rogue/cleric build help...ty
- Drd9/Mnk9/Ftr2
- Anybody remember the rakehell fighter? (experiment!)
- Help with A build for my wife please (AA)
- Bard Looking for EE Bard build
- The Divine Demolition- (12 FvS/ 6 Pally/ 2 Monk)
- Solo repeater fleshy build?
- Fighter TWF Drow TR
- dwarf fighter 10-ranger-5 arti-5..............
- Qwirky Corner
- First level class choice based on native skills.
- Gearing a Completionist: Sticks
- AA 13 Rogue 6 ranger 1 Fighter
- Request : TWF Build
- Togg, The Winter Wolf
- half orc ranger rogue ...good 3rd class option
- YACKM Build
- Paladin Qstaff build
- Lamannia builds
- Artificer Help with Bladforged Arty build
- Trying to decide on a stick build to try. PLease advise
- Trying to decide which I would rather have
- Needing a Challenge farmer build
- Returning Player requesting some sort of rogue build for solo play
- AA build request
- Help with TRing a Barbarian with lots of Great Axes
- 12 fvs 6 pali 2 monk
- Artificer The Pack Horse Build (mule)
- Paladin Iconic Sacred Defender Sword 'n Board? (Help)
- Fury-Star Build
- Lord of Thorns
- Best Drops this weekend?
- A TR recipe so to speak
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