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  1. TR 8fighter/6monk/6ranger
  2. Bow User Build- Rate this please.
  3. Bizzarre undead melee
  4. Wizard The Ulitmate PM Foursome
  5. Suggestions for a soloable f2p/low-gear dwarf build for Wayfinder favor-farming?
  6. Need pure monk build!
  7. My 3rd ranged life
  8. List your favor grinding builds/ quests
  9. 12 Monk/6 Paladin/2 Cleric - Full HP all day
  10. Planned Monk-cher life for TR, advice requested.
  11. Monk Bandwagon - QP focused 18 Monk / 2 Fighter Dwarf
  12. Divine monkcher: can this even be saved?
  13. My son wanted to experiment with a DM of Making despite not having Artificer...
  14. Allmossow F12/P6/M2 charismatic iconic tank
  15. 32pt Monkcher build
  16. 18fvs/2monk u19
  17. Monkcher Build 12 Monk/6 Ranger/2 Arti
  18. Help me plan my next TR please Multiclass cleric monk /somthing
  19. U19 Max HP Build?? How I Make Babby?
  20. Korsat – 18Wizard/2Monk Undead Blitzer
  21. 12 wizard/6 monk;barb/2 rogue;druid
  22. Monkcheric
  23. U19 Smighter
  24. Ferrumshot for personal reference
  25. Best solo melee build?
  26. 12/6/2 monk ranger arti
  27. I need a DC FVS build for 2 final TR's
  28. Arti or Druid or Bard
  29. Build Request: THF BARD build with trapping
  30. Looking for build advice
  31. 12 fighter/6 monk/2 ranger
  32. Combination or Pure
  33. Build Request: Solo Jack-of-all-trades(ish)
  34. Tempest Enhancement works with handwraps?
  35. Shortsword
  36. Planning the next 12 lives....
  37. The Grimreaper, an untouchable killer.
  38. Vengeful Light, FVS/cleric DD/AoV
  39. Vote for my next build
  40. Paladin TR Paladin life build advice
  41. The Exemplar Templar: Quality S&B Tanking and Questing
  42. Looking for some advice on an old HHHH build i had.
  43. Trying to get insight on EE capable q-staff build
  44. Monk Blademaster
  45. Tempest Of The North
  46. AA build
  47. Improved AA Build
  48. Wizard the Paledancer - Stealth Wizard Shadow Manipulating Action
  49. Even More Improved AA Build
  50. Monk/(Cleric or Paladin or FvS?)
  51. Monk The Mad Monk
  52. My monk in EE DA solo
  53. Horc Monkcher concept, help appreciated
  54. New Build -- Favored Soul or Paladin 12-- Fighter/6 Monk/2 ??
  55. Fighter F2P build | 28PT | 12F,8R | Feedback
  56. Non-monk thrower - toss me (haha) ideas
  57. Repository of U19+ Solo EE/Raid Capable Builds.
  58. Finished my 3rd ranger life, doing druid next
  59. THF Monk... Caster? ideas
  60. TeddyBear Build
  61. Ranger Theorybuild - The Shadow Stalker
  62. PDK THF - Bold Bigflank
  63. Critique requested
  64. Corpner
  65. Idea here :p Neg lvl monster? Or stupid? 8ftr/6wiz/6monk
  66. Sestra's Build Thread
  67. Monk Would this Build work? Henshin Mystic with Flamblades (18 Monk/2 Fighter)
  68. Mighty Grandmaster Kensei
  69. Looking for top end dps/survivable build
  70. The Dyrtnap: an Eldrich Archer BF 8wiz/6rgr/6mnk Solo Build
  71. Stunning Blow
  72. Would this build work?
  73. Which Destiny feats for a monkcher?
  74. Dual-Box Elite Opener: The "Mom" build
  75. Request: EE chest blesser
  76. Barbarian The Blade Barb (get out your +20 heart)
  77. Need help and/or criticizing this build: art12/wiz6/monk2
  78. 12 Cleric 6 Monk 2 Range:r BB AA
  79. Pure Repeater Damage - Shadar-kai 10 Rogue / 6 Ranger / 4 Artificer
  80. Any Viable BF Melee Builds That Can SOLO EE's?
  81. Looking for TWF build suggestions
  82. Flying Fortress - Human 12 Fighter/4 Ranger/ 4 Cleric
  83. Noyellowbar - a 100% monk-free U19 Build (15Ranger/ 4Paladin/ 1Fighter)
  84. Shurikens, pew pew!
  85. Need Input on change up for build
  86. Eldritch Knight My vision of the melee-wizard
  87. Druid Build - End Game Viable?
  88. Wanted: Best TR Builds to Get Completionist as Fast as Possible - Splashes Welcome!
  89. saving my gimp cleric
  90. Spell N Weapon
  91. 12 Wizard/6 Artificer/2 Monk - Spellsword (Hybrid - Melee/Spell)
  92. Help with a bard build
  93. Bladeforged Fighter 14/Paladin 4/FVS 2 (workable stunning blow, reconstruct, saves)
  94. Help me rebuild my cleric
  95. Santa's Little Slayer - Another Elfin' Centered Kensai
  96. The Swordmage - looking for help with designing a build!
  97. Solo oriented multi-life build.
  98. PDK melee sorc build,.. looking for advice
  99. The Totally Messed Up Aura Healing Stunning Fist Cleric Eldridge Knight
  100. Help a returning player with a build?
  101. Need some help with a build please
  102. "One with the Blade" Not centering Khopesh.
  103. Ara's Thread of Mediocre Builds
  104. The Cleaving JuggerKnight (THF EK with Manyshot)
  105. Improved finesse lich, feedback please!
  106. Stunning Rogue with self heals?
  107. The Delsamera project!
  108. Monk Bladeforsworn - A Bladeforged staff master
  109. 14bard/5sorc/1cleric eldritch knight
  110. Ranger Adventures in Theorycrafting - Tempest Warpriests
  111. 18 Rogue/1 Monk/1 Fighter Acrobat Lethality Build
  112. Katzklaw's house of LOLWUT?
  113. Iconic TR - DK 12/6/2 Monk/Rog/Fight - Monk Past Life
  114. Mystic Monk Thumper-Help Wanted
  115. Survivor solo 12mnk/6pal/2art
  116. AOE Melee Build
  117. Another Bladeforged Monk Build
  118. Morninglord or PDK for melee Bard
  119. Wizard Eldritch Knight
  120. Quarterstaff DPS Trapper. 12 Monk, 6 Rogue, 2 Fighter.
  121. Indestructoblesser the self healing, staff wielding, chest blessing melee
  122. Help with 3rd life :(
  123. Eldritch Defender wiz 14 fig 6
  124. 14 Ranger 6 Monk Stalker of a million arrows
  125. Is this a good Monkcher?
  126. Is this built worth the money? I'm thinking of TR'ing into it: 12 FVS/6 RNGR/2 MONK
  127. Immovable Chainwhirler of Light and Death
  128. Need build ideas
  129. Rogue Is there a way to make this at least EH viable? S-k 11 rogue/7 wizard/2 artificer
  130. Help me find the Highest Possible Overall Saves (Heroic - Self Buffed Only)
  131. Avildar D'Amberville full build PDK Monker with Enha. & ED
  132. pastlifenmo...am I missing something?
  133. My Build Collection
  134. Wizard 13 wiz/6 ftr/1 rog- The Stalwart Eldritch Wraith
  135. Artificer Ardiot Savant
  136. Ze's Build Request!
  137. Cleric TWF cleric build - feedback request
  138. Iconic Favor Farmer?
  139. Rageborn Wraith - Spooky DPS
  140. Thunderbolt (warning, flavor ahead)
  141. The oddest build!
  142. Flavor of the month/old popular builds compilation
  143. Luminous truth build
  144. Looking for Good Survivable/Melee/Limited Hotkey Build For 9 year old
  145. Looking for advice on a PDK 8fighter/6ranger/6monk build
  146. Backwoods Chucker
  147. Need help with twf paladin-ish character
  148. Build sugestions
  149. Wizard Need help Kiting out my Death Knight (up to Lvl 25 Loot)
  150. Dwarf Weapon of choice
  151. Jonesing to try EK
  152. Help with a ranged twf build please
  153. Elf tempest warpriest, scimitar build
  154. so, it's about that time again...
  155. Beast reborn?
  156. The Inferno: A Heroic Leveling Build
  157. The Monster Remastered (sorta)
  158. Hybrid Survival Solo Build Ranger/Cleric
  159. Build Request for mostly solo play
  160. Fighter/Ranger/Barb and Bard PL
  161. Artificer druid Drow need buld
  162. Gearing 12 sorc / 6 monk / 2 pally EK GMOF
  163. Looking for some advice on a mnk/clr build
  164. Zombie Monk
  165. Looking for information about evocation cleric build vs Fvs which is superior?
  166. Stilt Walker
  167. Best Righteous-Focused options
  168. The ShORtman: Centered TWF Rogue w/ Manyshot (10 Rogue/6 Monk/4 Ranger)
  169. Shadar-Kai Tempest Monk
  170. monkcher help
  171. Im looking for a good solo mulit-class build
  172. Favored Soul Fvr Soul: Angel of Vengence ups fire power maybe add fire savant?
  173. The plus 100% / 50% damage builds
  174. Help me re-build my 32pt Dwarf
  175. The Divine Vesel
  176. 12Monk/ 6Ranger/ 2Fighter - AA build
  177. Endgame Arobat
  178. Bladeforged Sireth (BS)
  179. Double Defensive Stances 6 Pally, 6 Fighter - Does it work?
  180. Any thoughts on this?
  181. TR build: drow 12 barb 4 fvs 2 rogue
  182. Paladin build wanted for me to TR into.
  183. Looking for a good solo build for next life
  184. Ranger help with ranger build
  185. For a Friend
  186. Rogue Tankling - a rogue on crack
  187. Stickin' Around "Real mature, Bradley!" - QStaff bashin'
  188. Barb build for Bloodhunter
  189. Wizard Wizard 18/ rogue2 build
  190. Build Request: Rogue/Monk Ninja-Assassin
  191. PDK Kensei/Henshin/Acrobat Sireth
  192. Shadar-kai Crucible Specialist/Coin Jumper...Could use improvement, I expect
  193. How does Radiant Servant interact with Barbarian Rage?
  194. The Stanky Sentinel
  195. Druid Melee D12/W6/R2
  196. Possible Sword-Saint Build
  197. Build Request | Melee Summoner Build
  198. Old/New Player - two different types of characters build request assistance.
  199. The Sorcerous Smackdown- Arcane Self-Healing Versatile Melee (12 Wiz/6 Monk/2 Ranger)
  200. Order of feats, need some help!!!!!
  201. Yin Yang Build
  202. Sorcerer ELO - an Electric/Sonic casting and melee theme build
  203. Sly, Stealthy, Staffy
  204. Ranger Merric- 12rgr/7mnk/rog ranged solo toon
  205. Haven't made a new character in forever - Your favorite classes?
  206. Holy Shadow
  207. Epic Elite Viable Builds
  208. Request Feedback: Friar Build
  209. TR after 20+R - Which previous life will be applied?
  210. thanks eth
  211. Bladeforged Centered Mornh Build - 9 Paladin/8 Fighter/3 Monk
  212. Looking for a THF Build
  213. Druid
  214. Old build
  215. Ranger Rogue Fighter 6/6/8
  216. Bladeforged
  217. Build: The DeBuffer: Maximizes EE Team Boss DPS & AoE Heals (1st life grind-friendly)
  218. rogue/cleric build help...ty
  219. Drd9/Mnk9/Ftr2
  220. Anybody remember the rakehell fighter? (experiment!)
  221. Help with A build for my wife please (AA)
  222. Bard Looking for EE Bard build
  223. The Divine Demolition- (12 FvS/ 6 Pally/ 2 Monk)
  224. Solo repeater fleshy build?
  225. Fighter TWF Drow TR
  226. dwarf fighter 10-ranger-5 arti-5..............
  227. Qwirky Corner
  228. First level class choice based on native skills.
  229. Gearing a Completionist: Sticks
  230. AA 13 Rogue 6 ranger 1 Fighter
  231. Request : TWF Build
  232. Togg, The Winter Wolf
  233. half orc ranger rogue ...good 3rd class option
  234. YACKM Build
  235. Paladin Qstaff build
  236. Lamannia builds
  237. Artificer Help with Bladforged Arty build
  238. Trying to decide on a stick build to try. PLease advise
  239. Trying to decide which I would rather have
  240. Needing a Challenge farmer build
  241. Returning Player requesting some sort of rogue build for solo play
  242. AA build request
  243. Help with TRing a Barbarian with lots of Great Axes
  244. 12 fvs 6 pali 2 monk
  245. Artificer The Pack Horse Build (mule)
  246. Paladin Iconic Sacred Defender Sword 'n Board? (Help)
  247. Fury-Star Build
  248. Lord of Thorns
  249. Best Drops this weekend?
  250. A TR recipe so to speak