View Full Version : Haven't made a new character in forever - Your favorite classes?

01-27-2014, 01:17 AM
As the title says, I haven't made a new character in a couple years and I'm looking for suggestions. There has been a lot of changes since I last rolled up something new. I see a lot of choices out there like in the Request a Build thread.

Let me know what builds you currently like a lot. Any details would help.

I have access to most everything. I'm trying to be open minded and not limit my choices too much. In general I'm looking for something that is at least semi self sufficient and will be a good party contributor in most quests. It can be a TR but most likely I will cap it and not TR again. Preferably something not overly dependent on rare gear. I do have a short list of classes that I don't want to duplicate with a new character, Cleric, FvS, PM Wizard. Any suggestions are appreciated.

02-02-2014, 10:25 PM
I'm currently on a qstaff kick, utilizing various combo of monk henshin and rogue thief acrobat. The raiders box given out allowed me to nab a Sireth and, besides having the best attack animation in game, does very well in epics.

Current staff build is a human str based 13Druid/6monk/1rogue. Ultimate wind stance+fatal Harrier+Thief Acrobatics 15% atk speed makes my other melees feel they're swinging in molasses. Staff Specialization is crazy good -15-18/x3, 19-20/x5 in legendary and x6 in earth stance. Doesn't have Heal spell but Emp+max vigor and occasional cure serious does well enough in heroics and cocoon in epics.

I know you said no FvS but I had alot of fun with my TWF Khopesh 16FvS/2Mnl/2Ftr warpriest last life. So much so I'm doing a similar build to knock out my cleric life (16Clr/2Mnk/2Pal)

*My sig is horribly out of date lol

02-07-2014, 01:09 AM
My shuricannon thrower ist the most fun i have had so far with a character in DDO. You can find the link to the build in my signature if you are interested.
20 pure monk EE viable, very good defenses so can be used as a tank too. Using shuriken as weapons.

02-07-2014, 01:14 AM
My current life is good fun - 12/6/2 sorc/paladin/monk. No manyshot (couldn't be bothered), but a greataxe with bladeforged+paladin+sorc buffs... Hell, it's good fun.

02-07-2014, 10:57 AM
I have access to most everything. I'm trying to be open minded and not limit my choices too much. In general I'm looking for something that is at least semi self sufficient and will be a good party contributor in most quests. It can be a TR but most likely I will cap it and not TR again. Preferably something not overly dependent on rare gear. I do have a short list of classes that I don't want to duplicate with a new character, Cleric, FvS, PM Wizard. Any suggestions are appreciated.

While i have some toons in the TR grind, I have a first life arti pure human that has converted me to thinking that artis are the funnest class to play. I am in a TR project on one of my other toons to make an even better arti.

My first life arti contributes to the party with buffs, damage, and CC. Honestly most of my 20+ gear is House Cannith crafted gear, which is fairly easy to grind out with a guaranteed return. Most all the gear is particularly good for artis anyway. Can do traps no problem.

Though my first lifer is a ranged build, you can easily make a melee focused arti if that is your style. I went human cause I won't go warforged. But if you don't mind that you are totally self-healing. Though I took construct essence and have no problem with self heals. Also took dragonmark of passage for DD which is super nice to have.

This toon is a great first lifer. Though I might have some difficulty with everything pumped out to the max soloing EE, I have little problem working with a party in EE.

02-07-2014, 11:09 AM
2 favorites at the moment.

1st is a Bladeforged pala/monk 14/6

Nothing like having consistent 20+% doublestrike, or using smite evil with huge doublestrikes.

2nd is a 18/2 druid/monk- an AOE king. Doesn't matter how many mobs surround me, earthquake+ice storm+storm of vengeance kills them all. And tsunami from primal avatar is like a cold+force lightning bolt that knock enemies down(if the 2000+ damage doesn't kill them outright). It's also fun to play minion master with a wolf, owlbear, hireling, and dryad. If you give the wolf a pair of grave wrappings, it does significant damage on EH

02-07-2014, 12:38 PM
Generally, I try to stick to a theme, and tr into that theme. So my main right now, Toy, he is a scimi lover. So all my builds are going to be melee twf scimi user. I don't care if he doesn't lead kill count, isn't best dps, etc. I just want him to be useable and get to cap. The beauty of ddo is you can do this in every class.

02-07-2014, 12:41 PM
While i have some toons in the TR grind, I have a first life arti pure human that has converted me to thinking that artis are the funnest class to play. I am in a TR project on one of my other toons to make an even better arti....

Gotta /second this one.

Fleshy Arty.

02-07-2014, 03:45 PM
My favorite right now is a 4 arti/6 ranger/10 rogue repeating crossbow user. Human Int based.

My next favorite is my pure rogue assassin, also human Int based.

But then most my toons have at least a rogue splash.

02-07-2014, 03:53 PM
Ive run alot up to lvl 6-8 and the most fun I have had is a Qstaff rogue/monk rocking a Qstaff hes just fun.