View Full Version : Trying to decide on a stick build to try. PLease advise
02-20-2014, 05:42 PM
Right now this character is a half orc with some pretty decent staffs in the bank. Past lives: Artificer, Barbarian X2, and this TR would give a fighter past life.
I was thinking of staying Half orc, but could be persuaded change if another race has better advantages.
I want full trapping skills.
So far i am leaning toward a Half Orc pure acrobat.
What else should I consider? What feats are must have? What enhancements are must have? Why should I consider a multiclass over pure? Should I go Dex Halfling instead of str Half orc?
anything else I should consider?
02-22-2014, 09:35 AM
Right now this character is a half orc with some pretty decent staffs in the bank. Past lives: Artificer, Barbarian X2, and this TR would give a fighter past life.
I was thinking of staying Half orc, but could be persuaded change if another race has better advantages.
I want full trapping skills.
So far i am leaning toward a Half Orc pure acrobat.
What else should I consider? What feats are must have? What enhancements are must have? Why should I consider a multiclass over pure? Should I go Dex Halfling instead of str Half orc?
anything else I should consider?
If you have access, Bladeforged is the best race as any melee as it gives you very strong uninteruptable self healing.
I would recommend taking a look at that build. Don't let the PL and completionist feat make you feal its not viable without them. As the build OP pointed out, there are no stat/tome threshold to meet; they simply make the build more powerful.
For enhancements, Thief Acrobatics is a must, especially if going primarily rogue. Next is Quick Strike. After that its upto you which tree (monk henshin mystic or rogue thief acrobat) to get Staff Specialization.
Monk make for a very powerful multiclass combo in a qstaff build as its naturally centering and with ability to buy the higher tier stances gives the build alot of additional offence and defence capabilities. Plus extra feats never hurt and the two staff training enhancements giving additional attack and dmg fully stack.
DEX vs STR is a matter of preference and I feel there's a decent argument for DEX based if only going heroics before TRing. In epics, Overwhelming Critical makes STR based much more attractive. With the plethora of stat boosting gear available into the epic levels, and gaining access to Divine Might via Pal4, CLR or FvS splash seals the deal for me to focus on STR.
Must Have Feats IMO: PA, cleave, gcleave, IC:Blunt, monk forms upto master minimum, Grand Master forms ideally. After that personal preference. Dodge, toughness solid defensive options. Precision is great to switch to against undead and constructs esp if you don't have black dragonscale or leveling a destiny or unable to twist a fort reduction ability.
02-24-2014, 11:44 AM
Thanks for the feedback, I will check the link you posted.
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