View Full Version : Request : TWF Build

02-18-2014, 01:43 AM
So here it goes:

Completionist with 3x fighter lives.

I am looking for a twf build that utilizes dwarven axes. Ideally it would also have pretty good UMD. Is a ranger/fighter/monk the best I will get?

02-18-2014, 08:46 AM
So here it goes:

Completionist with 3x fighter lives.

I am looking for a twf build that utilizes dwarven axes. Ideally it would also have pretty good UMD. Is a ranger/fighter/monk the best I will get?

I would do something like 8 fighter 6 monk 6 ranger for the crit multiplier the oc and earth stance give ya!

02-18-2014, 09:01 AM
Also a dwarf will give you the d-axe profficiency without using a feat (human would give you the free feat) and then you get racial bonuses for axes and racial bonuses for those tactical feats combined with those bonuses from your PL's as fighter. Should land trip and stun pretty regularly.

Downside is -2 CHA if you are wanting UMD.

02-19-2014, 09:12 PM
Have a look at Santa's Little Slayer in my sig. It's an elf with dragonmarks but the class split is the same as what you are considering. The class enhancements should be mostly the same regardless of race and weapon choice, so it'll give you an idea of how you'll be spending your AP. You might also get some ideas about feats depending on what your goals are for the build.