View Full Version : Off-Topic Chat
Pages :
- Thanks for the Runs Bacontizer
- Great tasting bacon substitutes?
- Bug: Bacon weapons not dropping in random loot!
- In the beginning was bacon
- Bacon (hand)wraps
- Protects Against Germs
- Problems crafting bacon from bits dropped by kobolds
- Have Bacon on Khyber, LTT for Canadian Bacon on Argo
- Devs: Please let barbarians eat bacon when raged!
- stacks of 10,000 bacon in ADAH
- Ghostbacon
- Pork ^ 2 - Bacon Wrapped Pork chops!
- Bacon Body Armour
- Petition to keep Bacon!
- Horrible Truth About Bacon in DDO!
- Bacon Wrapped Deep Fried Hot Dogs
- new Idea for bacon
- DnD Novels?
- Cheddar Bacon Chicken Tenders yummm - NOMMM NOMM
- Things that would become OP with Bacon...
- Bacon: Boyfriendbane
- The Adventures of Detective Panchetta
- Hock the Barbarian
- Let's make a story?
- Vengo
- Existentialist Comics features Dungeons and Dragons
- Other video games that have a D&D feel?
- R.I.P. Legendary D&D Artist David Trampier: 1954-2014
- One year aniversery of Boston bombing
- First Youtube Video
- Niggardly = mean, stingy, parsimonious, scant...
- To the Niggardly Apostles.
- Happy Easter to all who Celebrate!
- Has anyone tried the Wildstar beta?
- A few MMO games I found online
- ForgettableNPC's List of Joke Weapons
- Dragon Warrior
- ESO pretty but not DDO fun
- I learned something new today, Leeroy Jenkins
- Hearthstone: Actually Pretty Fun
- Things I find insulting.
- Pathfinder Society
- Doooooooo00000000mmmm
- Gaming Tables
- Language police warning
- Reincarnation Conspiracy Theory
- any try unreal engine 4?
- What's your favorite computer RPG series of all time?
- Game of Thrones Spoilers
- Thanks for a great community experience!
- Looking for some cool Tabletop/Gaming Podcasts
- Musical Musings
- Happy birthday to Richard Feynman
- Just got back from month of playing elder scrolls
- Good will.
- Please Join Us: 2O14 All-Server MEMORIAL DAY Event. Monday 9PM House D GHALLANDA.
- New Ddo Wiki format is HORRIBLE!
- So, Where'd You Grow Up? - Sing it !
- Yes, a new laptop is on it's way!
- 2O14 All-Server MEMORIAL DAY Event Videos and Transcript
- Chemical Brothers and Cannith Road
- Halfling-Dwarf-Human-Giant Conspiracy Theory
- The British Soldier with Sword and a Longbow
- we need someone like this in ddo
- star wars episode 7 leaked pics
- Pray for Moncton Canada/ or any solemn reflections and condolenses
- Cigarette Butts....Really?
- Deflection
- The Grass Is Always Greener
- Tim Allen Birthday Today. 6-13-14. I saw him once in person!
- Happy Father's Day to all the Dads in DDO!
- Modern Irony
- I gave this game a lot chances and I do not know when or if I will ever come back
- Strangest World Cup Ever!
- Are MMO and addiction?
- Forgive me Father, for I have sinned...
- So I gave blood today...
- Sometimes IRL we have those moments where we think we may still be playing the game..
- Kill me!!! lol
- When...
- Pathfinder - proving what I have been outlining about the MMO industry.
- Brazil 1 x Germany 7
- Testing 1 2 3 My handle
- Anyone using dish supplied internet for DDO?
- Absolute power corupts
- The Inhabited Island (Director's Cut) (2008)
- Weird Al Commits Word Crimes!
- Socialism and the police state
- Chuck Norris and LHC in Geneva
- Blues Guitar Legend Johnny Winter Passes
- Trolls (and others) unite in defense of the Internet by midnight tonight
- How can I do cool things in forums?
- Anyone been following Firefly Online?
- Run DMC "Its Like That" A Slippery Slope to Mashups
- Egyptians are any of you there !!
- Reported multiple times - ne'er a response!
- What are Game of Thrones characters in D&D terms?
- Download
- computer performance slow
- android games
- offline games
- malware
- Color change
- lag gonna kill me one day
- Comedy legend Robin Williams takes his own life.
- free dnd audio books
- ice-T and the Dungeons and Dragons Audiobook struggles
- Dungeons & Dragons & Girls
- New D&D Player's Handbook available today
- can't log in (or won't for a while) :-)
- The Office (US Version)
- U23 DOOM and -----------E
- Doooooom!!!
- Hirelings you love to hate.
- City of Heroes
- DDM’s Realm announces!
- 9/11/01 Gone But Not Forgotten.
- NYT article about D&D documentary lawsuits
- Warner Bros. Sues New York Bar For Playing 80-Year Old Song
- SSI GOLD BOX series -- Pool of Radiance, Curse of Azure Bonds, Dark Queen of Krynn
- in the words of braveheart
- The Return of Gauntlet
- Flower Sniffer with Tramp Stamp
- adidas in terms of DDO
- Playable race I would like to see in DDO...
- Have you done a book?
- Exit Planet Dust
- Surfin' Taco Baby!
- Kim Jong-un tweeting with the late Kim Jong-il
- Ready Player One
- What’s my range with a thrown bunny?
- Still no bacon sub-forum? OK, here goes then...
- The Bard of the Bass Guitar, Legend Jack Bruce lays down his weapon.
- The bacon returned to guild airships...or did it?
- Bacon as no-fail Zombieproof
- There is no such thing as Veggie Bacon...
- Bacon Pancakes :>
- Truth is stranger than fiction
- Such Bacon
- Are you Hungry?
- Chicken Fried Bacon
- The Bacon-ator
- Bacon Explosion
- having problems people are noticing?
- My favorite mac & cheese (with a pound of bacon)
- Pure Bacon - The BLT
- Thanks!!!!
- New breakfast or abomination?
- Bacon Underpants!!
- Green Bacon
- Fireball vs Bacon
- Bacon Bacon Bacon Spam Bacon & Spam
- The Bacon Sandwich
- Grilled Cheese (and bacon) with Tomato Soup
- Devs, can we please have bacon armor crafting?
- Bacon Chocolate Chip Bourbon Cookies
- Rouladen
- Fried...
- How to set a mood...
- Recipe Box of the Bacon Queen!
- There is a Bacon Holiday!
- Bacon Saves...borked?
- Baconks still overfried
- The Quiche Lorraine
- Bacon's good but sausage is better.
- dental hygiene
- Gary Gygax sighting 2014!! (not really, but...)
- Rub Some Bacon on It
- For when you sweat like a pig
- Wheel of Time/A Memory of Light discussion **SPOILERS**
- Who Dat?!
- Grammar on the Forums
- A Research Study via the DDO Community
- Why cant the raiders play
- Citadel of Sorcery Pre Alpha
- Blocking people
- LF other gamer reccomendations
- The kill game
- Y'arr.
- Math is fun
- Me Too, LF a DDO type game with space ships
- A little Marvin Gaye For Thanksgiving... can you feel it?
- Nerd Gasm!
- When will you guys learn?
- Survive the Above Person!
- What is the best game show for kids ever made?
- Public apology
- Vote ddo
- NYPD, Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, Thank you!
- Fuel TV Commercial : Two Handed Great Sword
- Rock n Roll Christmas: Leslie's "Not Your Grandma's" Christmas Album!
- Happy Holidays
- Smart adventurer, or menial worker? You decide!
- Show and Tell Selfies ~ I'll show you minde if I can see yours!
- Why DDO will beat WoW (long-term)
- Coming soon to a Cinema near you....
- Snake Eater 1989 Staring Lorenzo Lamas
- Happy New Year!
- Lets stop the stupidity....
- Talon's Grip (A Fan-Fiction of sorts)
- Gamefest Forgotten Realms Classics
- Elemental Evil
- ESO to Go Free to Play*
- Android game to fill time between DDO sessions
- Blizzard of 2015
- Buying a new PC, need some help
- Gamma World Online
- Wizards
- -.-. .. .- ---
- Monty Oum
- Is the DDOracle dead?
- Underworld Ascendant
- The main problem with forums is the loss of tone.
- Woman in bacon-less burger shooting awaits new trial date
- Snfu
- Feb 13, 2015, Boston under a Blizzard Warning, again
- The Wheel of Time/Robert Jordan
- Legend of the Dragon Rose; an original short story to re-inspire roll-play
- Taco Friday
- Octopus comes on land to snag a live crab
- Hello
- Dungeons and Drafts
- Leonard Nimoy - The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins [FULL VERSION] - best quality
- Mr. Spock died
- Who are the Oldest players playing DDO
- Turbine's next projects: Arkham Underworld, GoT
- DDO Graphics. Sharp terrain lines
- Let's say somewhat-random stuff!
- Goodbye Sir Terry!!
- Fyxt RPG Kickstarter - Web Server Upgrade
- Sschindylryn (bardishness)
- Revolutionary War Deborah Sampson OMG! Who knew this?
- Recommend to me a good AV
- I did wonder why the sudden interest in this game by the Devs again
- The Real Housewives of DDO Forums
- A new VR control system on kickstarter
- You can't turn a hoe into a rake
- Happy April Fools Day
- How do you start reading threads in forums?
- DirectX X or 11 not working?
- Turbine's new game is out
- So far, best part of U25 hands down:
- D&D {So Called} Movies.
- Need someone that might want to try cover art
- This Post is Meaningless
- PAX Prime
- Happy Mother's Day
- P.I.P. THE THRILL IS GONE - B.B. King & Lucille
- WoW bans 100K accounts....
- Grammar rules have a sence of humor
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