05-27-2014, 01:24 AM
Well it was a great turn out amongst guildies, and friends of Tyrs. Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule! Bit smaller crowd than normal, but a good turnout none the less, and quite intimate.
This thread will be a work in progress this week. This is a fairly complete transcript. I included the video links during the ceremony so those in attendance who were unable to view them can do so, and of course for those who weren't able to attend.
I'm collecting pictures and other media will make a video and send it out to those who it may comfort. If you have any pics to contribute please contact me via pm.
Thank you all for making time to be here. I realize some came from other servers and even a few other games {Neverwinter and ESO}. Even though Memorial Day is an American holiday, we stand here with our gaming friends from multiple nations to honor and tribute all nations' fallen.
Tyrs Paladium's traditional opening ceremony poem (which we've recited for each ceremony we've done over the years):
"It is the Soldier, not the reporter,
Who has given us Freedom of the Press.
It is the Soldier, not the poet,
Who has given us Freedom of Speech.
It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer,
Who has given us the Freedom to demonstrate.
It is the Soldier, not the lawyer,
Who has given us the right to a fair trial;
And it is the Soldier--who salutes the flag,
Who serves the flag, and
Whose coffin is draped by the flag--
Who allows the protester to burn the flag."
The videos can be viewed FULL SCREEN, in 72Op HD. If you've got the computer for it, try it!
http://www.advancedsourcecode.com/images/video.png CUSTOM VIDEO PRESENTATION: What Does Memorial Day Mean? (http://youtu.be/Pm6htzYKum0) Credits: Words By US Army Sgt Jim Leary. {24 years active duty, just recently retired.} Narrated and produced by Mississippee.
In this video Sgt Leary writes what Memorial Day was like in Woodside, Queens, NY in the 197Os, and how he learned the meaning of this "holiday".
The song we used was Last Rebel by Lynyrd Skynyrd - This is our tribute to the 24 Medal of Honor Recipients from World War II and the Korean Wars that were overlooked in those years, most likely because of prejudice to their nationality and/or religions.
http://www.advancedsourcecode.com/images/video.pngCUSTOM VIDEO PRESENTATION: 24 "Overlooked" Medal of Honor Recipients (http://youtu.be/7kXs0uy5KHY) - Credits: Narrated and Produced by Mississippee. Raw Video by PBS Television & Music by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
http://www.advancedsourcecode.com/images/video.png CUSTOM VIDEO PRESENTATION: POW MIA Remembrance Table Ceremony (http://youtu.be/st-uEwTALL8)- Credits: Narrated by DDO's own former US Marine Sergeant Bekki. Produced by Mississippee.
Then I asked if anyone wanted to mention or PM any family and friends that served their country but wasn't with us any longer... What followed, one by one, was a listing of mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, cousins, nephews and friends. I'm always taken aback & humbled, and I believe it set the tone for the rest of the ceremony.
We then walked over to House Jorasco to close out our gathering with our own rendition of the 21 Gun Salute.
The 3-volley salute is a ceremonial act performed at military and police funerals as part of the drill and ceremony of the Honor Guard. It consists of a rifle party firing blank cartridges into the air three times. The custom originates from the European dynastic wars, where the fighting ceased so the dead and wounded could be removed. Then, three shots were fired into the air to signal that the battle could resume.
The seven Honorary Archers took their positions, took out their bows, and pointed to the sky.
We read this poem:
By M. M. (this was written by the wife of a DDO subscriber, who was in Afghanistan at the time I recieved this poem {2O11}. She asked to remain anonymous.
Blue violets open their saintly eyes,
Red columbines bend and sway,
White star-flowers twinkle in beds of moss,
And, blooming, they seem to say,
“We bring you the red and the white and the blue
To welcome Memorial-day.”
So gather them, children, at earliest dawn,
While yet they are fresh with dew,
And we’ll scatter them over the sacred mounds
Where slumber our soldiers true;
For we’ll give them only the colors they loved-
The red and the white and the blue.
The Honor Guard begins the 21 Gun Salute.
"Ready - Aim – Fire"
The seven Honorary Archers shot into the House Jorasco sky.
"Ready - Aim – Fire"
The seven Honorary Archers shot into the House Jorasco sky.
"Ready - Aim – Fire"
The seven Honorary Archers shot into the House Jorasco sky.
The closing:
Remember the families. Remember the veterans. Fight for a better veteran health care system. Our troops deserve better!! Please remember this week all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for you.
Keep the torch of our freedom burning brightly. Keep faith with those who died yester-year and with those who will die today and tomorrow. Teach your children well the importance of Memorial Day.
Thanks for coming, good night.
This thread will be a work in progress this week. This is a fairly complete transcript. I included the video links during the ceremony so those in attendance who were unable to view them can do so, and of course for those who weren't able to attend.
I'm collecting pictures and other media will make a video and send it out to those who it may comfort. If you have any pics to contribute please contact me via pm.
Thank you all for making time to be here. I realize some came from other servers and even a few other games {Neverwinter and ESO}. Even though Memorial Day is an American holiday, we stand here with our gaming friends from multiple nations to honor and tribute all nations' fallen.
Tyrs Paladium's traditional opening ceremony poem (which we've recited for each ceremony we've done over the years):
"It is the Soldier, not the reporter,
Who has given us Freedom of the Press.
It is the Soldier, not the poet,
Who has given us Freedom of Speech.
It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer,
Who has given us the Freedom to demonstrate.
It is the Soldier, not the lawyer,
Who has given us the right to a fair trial;
And it is the Soldier--who salutes the flag,
Who serves the flag, and
Whose coffin is draped by the flag--
Who allows the protester to burn the flag."
The videos can be viewed FULL SCREEN, in 72Op HD. If you've got the computer for it, try it!
http://www.advancedsourcecode.com/images/video.png CUSTOM VIDEO PRESENTATION: What Does Memorial Day Mean? (http://youtu.be/Pm6htzYKum0) Credits: Words By US Army Sgt Jim Leary. {24 years active duty, just recently retired.} Narrated and produced by Mississippee.
In this video Sgt Leary writes what Memorial Day was like in Woodside, Queens, NY in the 197Os, and how he learned the meaning of this "holiday".
The song we used was Last Rebel by Lynyrd Skynyrd - This is our tribute to the 24 Medal of Honor Recipients from World War II and the Korean Wars that were overlooked in those years, most likely because of prejudice to their nationality and/or religions.
http://www.advancedsourcecode.com/images/video.pngCUSTOM VIDEO PRESENTATION: 24 "Overlooked" Medal of Honor Recipients (http://youtu.be/7kXs0uy5KHY) - Credits: Narrated and Produced by Mississippee. Raw Video by PBS Television & Music by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
http://www.advancedsourcecode.com/images/video.png CUSTOM VIDEO PRESENTATION: POW MIA Remembrance Table Ceremony (http://youtu.be/st-uEwTALL8)- Credits: Narrated by DDO's own former US Marine Sergeant Bekki. Produced by Mississippee.
Then I asked if anyone wanted to mention or PM any family and friends that served their country but wasn't with us any longer... What followed, one by one, was a listing of mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, cousins, nephews and friends. I'm always taken aback & humbled, and I believe it set the tone for the rest of the ceremony.
We then walked over to House Jorasco to close out our gathering with our own rendition of the 21 Gun Salute.
The 3-volley salute is a ceremonial act performed at military and police funerals as part of the drill and ceremony of the Honor Guard. It consists of a rifle party firing blank cartridges into the air three times. The custom originates from the European dynastic wars, where the fighting ceased so the dead and wounded could be removed. Then, three shots were fired into the air to signal that the battle could resume.
The seven Honorary Archers took their positions, took out their bows, and pointed to the sky.
We read this poem:
By M. M. (this was written by the wife of a DDO subscriber, who was in Afghanistan at the time I recieved this poem {2O11}. She asked to remain anonymous.
Blue violets open their saintly eyes,
Red columbines bend and sway,
White star-flowers twinkle in beds of moss,
And, blooming, they seem to say,
“We bring you the red and the white and the blue
To welcome Memorial-day.”
So gather them, children, at earliest dawn,
While yet they are fresh with dew,
And we’ll scatter them over the sacred mounds
Where slumber our soldiers true;
For we’ll give them only the colors they loved-
The red and the white and the blue.
The Honor Guard begins the 21 Gun Salute.
"Ready - Aim – Fire"
The seven Honorary Archers shot into the House Jorasco sky.
"Ready - Aim – Fire"
The seven Honorary Archers shot into the House Jorasco sky.
"Ready - Aim – Fire"
The seven Honorary Archers shot into the House Jorasco sky.
The closing:
Remember the families. Remember the veterans. Fight for a better veteran health care system. Our troops deserve better!! Please remember this week all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for you.
Keep the torch of our freedom burning brightly. Keep faith with those who died yester-year and with those who will die today and tomorrow. Teach your children well the importance of Memorial Day.
Thanks for coming, good night.