View Full Version : The Adventures of Detective Panchetta

04-02-2014, 08:34 AM
It was a late night at work when a knock came at the door. Detective Panchetta looked up from his newspaper wondering who could be calling so late. Taking his feet off the desk, he stood to answer the door as a flash of lightning lit up the stormy sky behind him. Ignoring the weather, Detective Panchetta walked to the door when a second flash gave him a blurry glimpse through the fogged window of his office door.

Suddenly, Detective Panchetta dove to the floor as the guns began their thunderous cry. Crawling back behind his desk under a hail of bullets, he wondered how he could have gotten into a mess like this when it came to him. The Fruitarian League must be striking back at him for putting one of their leaders on ice. He had gotten what he deserved, promoting artificial growth hormones and heavy handed pesticide treatments but it seemed that didn't matter.

Huddling up behind his desk, Detective Panchetta reached up and into one of his drawers, pulling free his good cigars and a lighter. Getting it lit, he savored the sweet maple flavor of it before making his decision... It was time to get out of the pan and into the fire.

Find out what happens in the next issue of…

The Adventures of Detective Panchetta

04-02-2014, 08:41 AM

Looking forward to the next installment

04-02-2014, 09:00 AM
Nice...kind of a detective noir story ^^