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  1. Artificer Reconstruct Removed?
  2. Artificer Bonus Crafting Levels
  3. Artificer spell not prepared
  4. Artificer Buffing your dog
  5. Artificer No Sneak Feat?!
  6. Are the Devs secret Keenan fans? ;)
  7. Artificer Artificer / Monk Questions
  8. Artificer Is pet level based off Artificer level?
  9. Artificer Conjurers Anonymous
  10. Artificer artificier without GS items
  11. Artificer Select Pet Hotkey - is there one?
  12. Update 11 love...........
  13. Artificer Need some hints please
  14. Artificer pets what type of weapons does pet use?
  15. Elvyn Edge bugged?
  16. Rogue New scroll enhancements
  17. Bard wondering if vereran status is worth it
  18. Artificer How does Deadly Weapons Infusion work with PBS
  19. Artificer Is Anyones Artificer Knowledge Potions working?
  20. Artificer, What is the point?
  21. Artificer Artificer trap disabling
  22. Artificer VIP Account has to buy Artificer?
  23. Repeater question
  24. Artificer So who will be the 1st 20th level Artificer in the game?
  25. New Rogue Enhancement
  26. Dont Mind this
  27. Artificer Looking to TR into an Epic-Viable Artificer
  28. Am I doing something wrong on my Arti?
  29. artificer stats - did I mess them up already?
  30. Artificer Artificer Spells
  31. Artificer Artificer umd bug?
  32. Artificer Rogue or Monk Splash?
  33. Rogue 14/Arti 6
  34. Artificer Question about DEX and CHA
  35. Artificer Pet Docent and Module Crafting
  36. Rogue IC: Slashing feat swap not working?
  37. Bard gear check @ lvl 16
  38. Artificer Changing Memorized Spells
  39. Artificer Rune arms?
  40. Artificer Pet keymapping
  41. Best pet docents
  42. Problem with arti scrolls and handwraps
  43. Rogue Epic Raiding Rogues - How do you contribute now?
  44. Artificer How do you prevent enchant spells?
  45. Artificer Let's see some builds
  46. Artificer-Any reason NOT to be WF?
  47. PBS critical damage
  48. Artificer two draft builds
  49. Ranger AA ranger splash.
  50. Warforged Artificer Runic Champion
  51. assassinate changes?
  52. Artificer Does your dog eat wood?
  53. Artificer Drow Artificer build
  54. Artificer Artificer Basics
  55. To all trappers....
  56. Two Handed Melee Artificer with Thrown weapons.
  57. Rogue Crippling strike...now with fort reduction...
  58. Artificer Grease :(
  59. Artificer Homunculus Skills
  60. Artificer Looking for Artificer Feedback
  61. Bard New to Bards - Need advice
  62. Need help with bard meele build,
  63. Artificer Pet breaking crates?
  64. Artificer Pet Trip and Intimidate automatic?
  65. Artificer, giving the finger to mechanics
  66. Arti Search/Spot points
  67. Artificer My spell pools is over 9000!
  68. Artificer builds
  69. Artificer Artificer Builds and Charisma
  70. insightful strikes not working properly?
  71. Artificers are Kewl!
  72. Artificer inflict damage spells not working on non warforged?
  73. Rogue Hide/MoveSilently
  74. Artificer Pet AI fix proposal
  75. Artificer Construct essence trouble?
  76. Sharpshooter build?
  77. Ranger Companions for Rangers
  78. Ranger advice needed plz help
  79. Ranger Alacrity??
  80. Artificer Rune-Arm usage and tactics
  81. Artificer what rune arm are you useing on your lowbie?
  82. Artificer Captain Obvious Build
  83. Artificer Looking for a "Pew pew" artificer
  84. Insightful Strikes
  85. Which way to go?
  86. Artificer If you really wanted to cap an arti fast
  87. Pet Maintenance
  88. Slayer Arrow
  89. TR and Artificer- What Happens to Crafting XP?
  90. Ranger comments on builds plz
  91. Ranger U11: Point Blank Shot changes
  92. Artificer thoughts on what race to use
  93. Rogue anyone wanna look over my rogue build?
  94. Artificer Problems with the Artificer and Pet.
  95. Artificer 4 Levels in.. when to add 2 rogue?
  96. Ranger 12ftr/6rng/2rog Leveling order
  97. Ranger Gear Questions
  98. Any reason to play a melee artificer?
  99. Rogue Assassin Rogue Build Advice
  100. Artificer My experiance playing with Artificers
  101. Ranged specialized Arti's.
  102. Artificer Pet Enhancements
  103. Ranger Worth going to 18?
  104. Bard Perform Question
  105. Bard - Some advice
  106. Artificer Max DPS arti?
  107. Ranger Feats Change Question
  108. Artificer 36 pt Artificer feedback please
  109. Artificer Loqutus of Borg (ranged/caster spec Arty)
  110. Artificer Questions about arti weapon-enhancing spells
  111. Artificer The Metal Trooper Build
  112. healing rogue build
  113. Artificer Beware the crystal cove!
  114. Artificer Arcane Spell Failure Affects . . . ?
  115. Trielanna - DPS Rogue
  116. Artificer pet intimidate
  117. Artificer Electric Shock (WIP)
  118. The Laser Build
  119. Artificer Artificer Question and Answer
  120. Artificer Artificer stat prerequisites
  121. Rune Arm Crafting...
  122. Artificer Miinsc
  123. Rogue pure assassin in new house C content - how?
  124. Rogue Greensteel Planning
  125. Artificer Pets and Inventory
  126. Artificer Who put this feat on the Bonus list?
  127. Artificer Forgeman - Blue Robotic Artificer of Pew Pew Pew!
  128. Artificer Help with Artificer Build (Also Help with Metas + Infusions)
  129. Artificer Friggin Bolts!
  130. Artificer Spells Available From Scroll Vendors
  131. Rogue "backstabbing" weapons question
  132. Bard Virtuoso - Sustaining Song
  133. Artificer Where/What GS will people make?
  134. Bard Virtuoso - human w/ Power Attack or helf w/ rogue dilly?
  135. Artificer Zorg ZF-1 -- Ranged Arti with TacNuke
  136. Rogue Wrack Construct - Ranged?
  137. Artificer 20 Arti with bastard sword + runearm
  138. Artificer Question about repeaters
  139. Artificer New Arty spell: Lightning Motes
  140. Rogue Maximum dps epic gear....
  141. Damage boost and Sneak attacks
  142. Artificer No Pet Artificer
  143. Ranger Half-Elf BEAARD
  144. Artificer Blade Barrier
  145. Bard Virtuoso... Song of Capering
  146. Artificer Drow Artificer build screw up??
  147. Ranger AA Bows for U11
  148. Artificer Strength v Intelligence: The Melee Dilemma
  149. Rogue AC tanking
  150. Construct essence
  151. Artificer Arcane Archer Artificer Concept
  152. Artificer Artificers are a big end game suck !!!
  153. Artificer Warforged Artificer 28pt builds
  154. Artificer Seeking clarification regarding modules
  155. Artificer Evasion halfling pew pew pew - looking for feedback pls
  156. Ranger TWF Ranger Build help/feed back appreciated
  157. Artificer Half-Elf Artificer build with high DC and ranged damage
  158. Artificer Things that suck about Artificers (Or Why are you not more fun?)
  159. Artificer WF TR Melee Artificer
  160. Artificer Repair Moderate Damage scroll issue??
  161. Rogue Is it possible to get Weapon Finess on roll?
  162. Ranger Embracing the Ranger: Pure 20 Tempest
  163. Artificer How to use Pure Good Modules on your dog
  164. Artificer Flame Turret
  165. Artificer Orcificer 16art/2ftr/2monk
  166. Artificer pet guild level
  167. Artificer An Ugly Artificer
  168. Artificer Creative doggie fashions: What is your pet wearing?
  169. Artificer Artificer Capstone Discussion
  170. Black Dragon Armor Bow Speed
  171. Artificer Knowledge
  172. Artificer problems
  173. Are any packs worth getting just for a rune arm?
  174. Rogue Gear Setup
  175. Artificer K-Mart (Monk / Arty)
  176. Artificer Quest end rewards
  177. Rogue Crafting rapiers for rogue assassin
  178. Artificer Artificers
  179. Artificer crossbow questions
  180. does one prestige line block other (from different class)
  181. Bard 700 hp on a bard
  182. Artificer Manyshot?
  183. Artificer Some advice about dragonmarked halfelf and the sacrifices i have to make.
  184. Bard Looking for Feedback on WF 16/2/2 Warchanter Build
  185. Artificer TWF Artificer - Why not?
  186. Iron Defender Commands?
  187. Ranger Hide - Move silently Skill Points
  188. Artificer Feedback Please!
  189. Artificer endless fusillade & great crossbow
  190. Is BAB 15 enough for Rogue DPS in Epic?
  191. Artificer Shroud Weapons
  192. Artificer The Mad Tinkerer 14 Art Bat Eng/6 Rog Mech
  193. Can you teach an old dog new tricks?
  194. Ranger How good is Vacuum II bow in Epic quests?
  195. Rogue Fort + Rogue
  196. Rogue The Bluffer: Making the Most of Your Poker Face
  197. Artificer Arti twinking
  198. Ranger Aa Bows And Arrows Post U11
  199. Artificer A few newbie questions related to soloing with Arties
  200. Rogue Crippling Strike still worth taking in endgame?
  201. About my GS hp item
  202. Artificer help...
  203. Rogue end game gear
  204. Artificer Scrolls
  205. Does Arti past life feat stack???
  206. Rogue Surviving as a rogue in new elite/epic level raids.
  207. Artificer Does enhancements affect rune arms?
  208. Artificer and Extend Spell feat
  209. Artificer Lets Talk RuneArms
  210. Ranger Exploiter AC in Amrath question
  211. Artificer Renegade Mastermaker Prestige
  212. Artificer The artificer experiencer
  213. Artificer Quick question About Flame Turret
  214. Rogue Is Epic Cutthroat Smallblade worth grinding?
  215. Artificer Rune Arm Craft
  216. Deepwood sniper vs Arcane Archer vs Arcane Marksmen
  217. Rogue My Drow Assassin Build (Advice please)
  218. Wanted : Melee Arti/Pala build.
  219. Artificer Cant switch bolt types in mission
  220. Artificer CC and artificers
  221. Rogue Build?
  222. Bard Missing capstone on pure Lv 20 Bard
  223. Artificer Devourers Hunger whats the point?
  224. Rogue Assassins and Crystal Coves
  225. Rogue Good ideea to use cavalery plate?
  226. Descor TR1 Rog12/Rng6/Arti 2 DWS Assassin
  227. Bard Would appreciate some help building a bard
  228. Artificer RuneArm Avalibility
  229. Artificer Questions (about spells)
  230. Ranger all the help i can get
  231. Artificer End game gear for pure Artificer
  232. Ranger **** it so much, advice on a screwed up Rogue/ranger
  233. Artificer Pets breath weapon control.
  234. Ranger melee arch
  235. Bard Warchanter/Battle Engineer
  236. Artificer Devs: Justification for Homunculus treated as summon?
  237. Role of artificer in raid
  238. I need a 36 point Art Build
  239. Bard Bardcher - Spellsinger/Arcane Archer (20 Bard)
  240. Artificer Toolikins Tinkerman 18 Art / 2 Mnk (36pt build)
  241. Bard Bard build. (jackotrado)
  242. Are artis packing the +1 AC buffs?
  243. 2 Spontanous spells???
  244. Is precision worth it now?
  245. Artificer Capped arti vs ship dummy
  246. Artificer Basic build suggestions?
  247. Artificer Heart of Wood
  248. Artificer Dwarf full artificer
  249. Rogue TWF vs Shielf fighter
  250. Where's the spells?