View Full Version : Artificer Drow Artificer build

09-15-2011, 10:20 AM
I've been out of DDO for about 6 months and had the itch to get back in to span the time before Skyrim comes out. Looks like a good time with the Artificer's now available.

I've tried a couple different races so far but I'm really liking the Drow. The stat bonus' are right up this classes ally.

So my current build just got to level 2 on Korthos.

STR: 10
DEX: 18
CON: 14
INT: 16
WIS: 8
CHA: 10

Took Point Blank Shot feat first. Will probably take Toughness next to avoid being too squishy.

I hate being enfeebled and I like to carry a lot of junk thus the 10 strength.
I went with 18 Dex as I see myself going pew-pew with this build. Love the repeater crossbow. Plus only a +1 tome or single stat increase to get to 19 for IPC.
Int of 16 still gets me access to all spells.
Don't know if I'll do level up in Dex for more pew-pew of INT for better spell DC, we'll see how I'm actually playing by level 4.

Still just getting the feel of this class but it's really up my alley so far. We'll see how it goes. I play for fun mostly and this is a lot of fun.

09-15-2011, 10:58 AM
So I also like Drow for the build since the stat's match pretty well (except con of course).

My personal preference:

STR: 10
DEX: 14
CON: 14
INT: 18
WIS: 8
CHA: 12

I don't need STR, I'm not planning to melee.
Dex seems less important to me because of Insightful Strikes, so I would pump Int. (It is nice to have some bonus for AC and Ref saves however.)
I gave a small boost to Cha too for UMD. If you are going Drow you might as well be going for UMD also.
The reason I went with Int 18, is for casting ability, Skill points, and disable device, repair, and search.

09-15-2011, 11:16 AM
DEX is for Improved Precise Shot, which requires DEX 19. To go from 14 to 19 is a lot of level-up points to DEX.

09-15-2011, 02:19 PM
DEX is for Improved Precise Shot, which requires DEX 19. To go from 14 to 19 is a lot of level-up points to DEX.

this is an important consideration that many people may overlook if they don't plan ahead and check up on feat requirements. almost all Arti builds I have seen posted so far plan on adding at least 4 level up points to Intel. some are going with 16 starting dex and planning on 1 level up point and a +2 tome. some are going with 17 and a +2 tome.

drow do appear to be a very good option for arti class, being able to get your dex up to that 16 - 18 range and keep a high intel score. still on the fence for which race to use myself as I have held off on doing much crafting and will probably use an arti as my main crafter, which adds more weight to the human option.

09-15-2011, 05:41 PM
this is an important consideration that many people may overlook if they don't plan ahead and check up on feat requirements. almost all Arti builds I have seen posted so far plan on adding at least 4 level up points to Intel. some are going with 16 starting dex and planning on 1 level up point and a +2 tome. some are going with 17 and a +2 tome.

drow do appear to be a very good option for arti class, being able to get your dex up to that 16 - 18 range and keep a high intel score. still on the fence for which race to use myself as I have held off on doing much crafting and will probably use an arti as my main crafter, which adds more weight to the human option.
That seems like a pretty big cost just to get one feat which I can easily live without. Especially not necessary at least until you are on your 3rd TR or so.

09-15-2011, 07:25 PM
That seems like a pretty big cost just to get one feat which I can easily live without. Especially not necessary at least until you are on your 3rd TR or so.



you haven't ever actually *used* improved precise shot, have you?

09-16-2011, 09:06 AM
That seems like a pretty big cost just to get one feat which I can easily live without. Especially not necessary at least until you are on your 3rd TR or so.

if you are planning on focusing on ranged, then IPS is THE feat that really ups your damage. and is worth every bit of the cost

if you are planning on being a caster, support, sometimes melee with a little bit of range for fun, then the lower dex is fine.

I won't deny it's not a major consideration and you may decide the stat points are better spent by spreading them out instead of concentrating so many in dex. but it's also worthwhile to point out to others that may read these threads why so many people are listing a starting dex of at least 16

09-16-2011, 09:39 AM


you haven't ever actually *used* improved precise shot, have you?

Actually, I think many people haven't ever used spells at high level. Consider this. Even if you max out your intel, and spend two feats on spell focus, you are still gonna come in one DC point down from just an average caster. A few points low does not probably sound like a lot to most melee or ranged attack oriented players ( and developers ), but in the casting world, high end saves are a lot closer to Spell DC's than to hits are to mob AC's. A few points can make a world of difference.

Not maxing your intel will not make just an average caster. Artificers begin at that point. It will mean you will be a poor or no spell caster. Improved precise shot, Blah, Sorcers, wizard do just fine without it. Of course they need to learn how to hit their targets.

Before dumping that intel or picking up too many missile feats, take some time and see what you will need to hit 38ish DC for reflex, 40 for will, and 44 for fort. To be effective, These are ball park end game values.

I don't believe a pure missile toon is viable end game.

09-18-2011, 04:13 AM
My personal preference:

STR: 10
DEX: 14
CON: 12
INT: 18
WIS: 8
CHA: 16

Good charisma to have a good chance to Use Magical Items. Nice INT. Weak point, the low Constitution. What do you think of these?

09-18-2011, 06:28 AM
I went with ( full build listed in a previous thread )

STR: 8
DEX: 16 ( will eventually be 19 via tomes and level gain )
CON: 12 ( took toughness twice )
INT: 20 ( all other level gain bonuses go to this stat )
WIS: 8

for my Drow artificer with monk evasion splash. ( with Insightful reflexes )

Wisdom, charisma and strength are dump stats and treated as such. I'll still be able t manage a mid 40's use magic device skill even without pumping starting points into charisma.

Elves United
Knalon Nightseeker --> Elven Zen Tempest Rogue ( 1 Monk / 18 Ranger / 1 Rogue )
Kcharas Dayfinder --> Elven Radiant Arcane Archer ( 10 cleric / 1 Wizard / 2 Ranger )
Kluap Dawntreader --> Drow Ninja Tempest Avenger ( 6 Monk / 3 Ranger )
Keltsen Eveningbane --> Drow Battlesmith Disciple ( 6 Artificer / Monk 2 )

11-28-2011, 07:57 PM
well my artie is a WF and i took 14 starting dex. this was a mistake but i can still make IPS just by putting 2 lvl up points into dex, and by using a +3 tome, and since ur gonna be a drow i wouldnt worry too much about it