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  1. #821


    Quote Originally Posted by Enus View Post
    If you don't want to run the app as admin, you can also clear the security block on the application and that should let it run fine without resorting to Run As Admin. It happens because the executable file showed up from a foreign source and did not go through a proper installation.

    Checking unblock should stop Windows from preventing the app from running.

    Have you considered offering the apps in an installer? I could set you up with a simple one using Inno Setup (free).
    This is also an issue with the DDOCharacterPlanner. Can be fixed the same way on Windows version 7+.
    Main Characters Adarshae, Adenasenka, Nimithar Pyri and of Argonnessen
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  2. #822


    Quote Originally Posted by Enus View Post
    If you don't want to run the app as admin, you can also clear the security block on the application and that should let it run fine without resorting to Run As Admin. It happens because the executable file showed up from a foreign source and did not go through a proper installation.

    Checking unblock should stop Windows from preventing the app from running.

    Have you considered offering the apps in an installer? I could set you up with a simple one using Inno Setup (free).
    This is also an issue with the DDOCharacterPlanner. Can be fixed the same way on Windows version 7+.
    Main Characters Adarshae, Adenasenka, Nimithar Pyri and of Argonnessen
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  3. #823
    Community Member QueenOfTheHook's Avatar
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    Anyone else getting a nasty trojan virus with this most recent download?

  4. #824
    Community Member
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    Default error.log popup: Ablative Armor

    Is it only me or anyone getting the error.log popup during start of program?

    1 Errors:
    Classes.txt: Artificer has invalid level 1 spell:
    Ablative Armor
    I search the entire thread and cannot find anyone mention about it

  5. #825


    Quote Originally Posted by QueenOfTheHook View Post
    Anyone else getting a nasty trojan virus with this most recent download?
    I'm unaware of any virus in the exe. AVG scans it as clean for me, and there are no viruses in the code itself.

    Just to toss it out there, each time I post a release, I download it from the link and unzip it to my live folder the same as everyone else. As opposed to just copying it over from my development folder, I go through the actual "install" that everyone does. (Mainly because it's easier that way, but also to test that the new version is posted properly.) I haven't run into any viruses.

    Quote Originally Posted by volospin View Post
    Is it only me or anyone getting the error.log popup during start of program?

    1 Errors:
    Classes.txt: Artificer has invalid level 1 spell:
    Ablative Armor
    I search the entire thread and cannot find anyone mention about it
    I'm not getting that error. Things you can try:

    - Re-download the current version
    - Check Data\Builder\Spells.txt to see if Ablative Armor (the very first spell) has some weirdness going on (extra character or space?)
    - Check Data\Builder\Classes.txt to see if the SpellList1: line for Artificer has some weirdness going on (extra space before comma?)
    - Just ignore it by going to Tools => Options and unchecking the box that says "Show Error Log on startup"

    Spells aren't prereqs for anything, so there isn't actually any problem just ignoring the error. The worst that can happen is you don't get any description of the spell in the details box when you highlight it on the spells screen.

  6. #826
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    I downloaded the version a couple times in the last few weeks without any virus from my scanners.

    Love the program. One thing I occasionally wish it did was calculate the character's HP.

  7. #827
    Community Member QueenOfTheHook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    I'm unaware of any virus in the exe. AVG scans it as clean for me, and there are no viruses in the code itself.

    Just to toss it out there, each time I post a release, I download it from the link and unzip it to my live folder the same as everyone else. As opposed to just copying it over from my development folder, I go through the actual "install" that everyone does. (Mainly because it's easier that way, but also to test that the new version is posted properly.) I haven't run into any viruses.

    I'm not getting that error. Things you can try:

    - Re-download the current version
    - Check Data\Builder\Spells.txt to see if Ablative Armor (the very first spell) has some weirdness going on (extra character or space?)
    - Check Data\Builder\Classes.txt to see if the SpellList1: line for Artificer has some weirdness going on (extra space before comma?)
    - Just ignore it by going to Tools => Options and unchecking the box that says "Show Error Log on startup"

    Spells aren't prereqs for anything, so there isn't actually any problem just ignoring the error. The worst that can happen is you don't get any description of the spell in the details box when you highlight it on the spells screen.
    According to my scanner, the attack is on the colors.exe . Granted, when i search for that particular trojan virus code online, nothing is coming up. Not accusing of mal intent as I love your program and how you keep it up to date, I was just wondering if it had been attached at the upload source at some point.

  8. #828


    Quote Originally Posted by QueenOfTheHook View Post
    According to my scanner, the attack is on the colors.exe . Granted, when i search for that particular trojan virus code online, nothing is coming up. Not accusing of mal intent as I love your program and how you keep it up to date, I was just wondering if it had been attached at the upload source at some point.
    I could see that being a false positive.

    Colors.exe "broadcasts" messages to any open DDO Lite tools by running through every open window on your computer, and if it finds an open window with a specific window caption ("EllisoftLightMessages") it stuffs the word "Colors" into the first textbox on that window. All the lite tools open a hidden form on startup with that caption and a texbox, and the on-change event for the textbox responds to broadcast messages. (In this example, if the text is "Colors", it reloads colors from Settings.txt. So colors.exe just has to save any changes to settings.txt then broadcast "colors" and it's done.)

    That's potentially virus-like behavior, but most of the big-name anti-virus program seem smart enough to not flag it.

  9. #829
    Community Member Greantun's Avatar
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    Just downloaded the newest version, and noticed an issue with the vistani tree (I have fixed it in my local copy already)

    Tier 2 Haste Boost only has 1 Rank, not 3

  10. #830


    Quote Originally Posted by Greantun View Post
    Just downloaded the newest version, and noticed an issue with the vistani tree (I have fixed it in my local copy already)

    Tier 2 Haste Boost only has 1 Rank, not 3
    Nice catch, thanks much.

    I've updated it on my development version, so it will be fixed next time I post a release.

  11. #831
    Community Member Greantun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    I could see that being a false positive.

    Colors.exe "broadcasts" messages to any open DDO Lite tools by running through every open window on your computer, and if it finds an open window with a specific window caption ("EllisoftLightMessages") it stuffs the word "Colors" into the first textbox on that window. All the lite tools open a hidden form on startup with that caption and a texbox, and the on-change event for the textbox responds to broadcast messages. (In this example, if the text is "Colors", it reloads colors from Settings.txt. So colors.exe just has to save any changes to settings.txt then broadcast "colors" and it's done.)

    That's potentially virus-like behavior, but most of the big-name anti-virus program seem smart enough to not flag it.
    Interesting that Windows Defender also just complained today about colors.exe

    It found it as :


  12. #832


    Quote Originally Posted by Greantun View Post
    Interesting that Windows Defender also just complained today about colors.exe

    It found it as :

    Windows Defender has a pretty nice "Submit your false positive for review" feature, in that it's super simple to use. I've submitted colors.exe, so hopefully they add an exception for it or whatever.

    EDIT: Well that was fast. Just noticed an email in my inbox from 9:26pm -- 2.5 hours after I submitted colors.exe for analysis -- saying they determined it's not malware. From what I can tell, the report I got seems to say it's already live in their definitions file.

  13. #833
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Really? I went into the game to compare the in-game compendium order with my compendium order to make sure the new Ravenloft quests lined up properly and didn't see Old Baba's Hut anywhere in the quest list. Checking again now I still don't see it, and typing "Baba" into the search box turns up nothing.

    Also, I never got any response to my thread about what the wilderness area level ranges are for Barovia, so I just plugged in some educated guesses.
    Just to make sure you've seen it, I've updated EN, EH, & EE XP values for the saga. 96K, 147K, 207K.
    "Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."
    Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh

  14. #834
    Community Member Greantun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Nice catch, thanks much.

    I've updated it on my development version, so it will be fixed next time I post a release.
    A couple of other things as I am trying to build a 12Fvs/6Monk/2Rogue.

    1) I can't select Adept of Forms at level 6 with 2 Monk then (R1/F3/M2)
    2) I can't select Child of Aureon at Level 5 with 3Fvs (R1/F3/M1).

  15. #835


    Quote Originally Posted by Greantun View Post
    1) I can't select Adept of Forms at level 6 with 2 Monk then (R1/F3/M2)
    If the build has 6 monk levels, Adept of Forms is granted at the 6th monk level. If that's the case, it won't show up as a selectable feat earlier than that due to the logic that prevents normal feats from being taken more than once.

    If you really want to select it in a standard feat slot even though you later take six monk levels, first remove the extra monk levels so that it isn't granted, then select it, then go put your monk levels back. Adept of Forms will stay as a selected feat. (And also as a granted feat, but that won't hurt anything.)

    2) I can't select Child of Aureon at Level 5 with 3Fvs (R1/F3/M1).
    Child Of and Beloved Of feats are no longer selectable in the builder for favored souls, only paladins and clerics. They were always extra-complicated to implement due to being selectable feats for clerics and paladins in regular feat slots, and when I implemented feat channels it just ended up being too much hassle*. For favored souls they don't offer a choice: You have to pick the one associated with your deity. So I felt that it wasn't a loss to just drop them from favored souls.

    For clerics and paladins you can still choose them if you like.

    *EDIT: Specifically, Child Of and Beloved Of feats would appear in the Deity channel for favored souls, but the General channel for clerics and paladins. For a 7/7/6 Cleric/Paladin/FVS build, they would appear know what? I'm just going to remove them from favored souls and call it a day.

  16. #836
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Y’all wouldn’t happen to have one of those Nature’s Protector PrE’s in your builder?
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  17. #837


    Quote Originally Posted by QuantumFX View Post
    Y’all wouldn’t happen to have one of those Nature’s Protector PrE’s in your builder?
    I haven't started working on updating my tools for yesterday's update yet. I'm thinking next week sometime.

    The past few updates it's been weeks since ddowiki got updated, and I take a lot of my data from wiki, so I like to give it some time. The slowest wiki updates are stuff like favor for the new quests, but also some enhancements take forever. For example, the warforged changes (where they added that Memories of the Last War +15 Melee Power thing) took like 6 months and several game updates before it ever showed up on wiki.

    EDIT: Another example would be saga data, which still hasn't been updated for Ravenloft and which I use/need for my Compendium. Fortunately, people posted the info in my Compendium thread so I have what I need for that. Just an example of why I've taken to waiting a bit before updating my tools.

  18. #838


    Updated April 21st, 2018

    Character Builder Lite v3.0.2 complete release notes:

    Artificer Pass
    • NEW: Renegade Mastermaker tree added
    • Combat Expertise now available as an artificer bonus feat
    • Empower Healing Spell now available as a regular or bonus feat
    • Admixture: Cure Critical Wounds added as a level 5 spell
    • Arcanotechnician Tier 1: Uncaring Master replaced with Arcane Skills
    • Arcanotechnician ML18 Core (Critical Admixture) replaced with Runic Efficacy
    Druid Pass
    • NEW: Nature's Protector tree added
    • Nature's Warrior tree updated
    • Season's Herald tree updated
    • Stat templates updated (Caster, Wolf, Bear)
    • Natural Fighting Feats updated, and now require Druid 3 instead of 9
    • Spell descriptions updated (spell descriptions aren't crawled)
    • Jaws of Winter moves from spell level 7 to 6
    Stats Screen
    • NEW: Stat templates can be manually customized
      • See Help on Stats screen for detailed information
    Data Changes
    • Feats
      • Improved Construct Essence now does what Construct Exemplar used to
      • Construct Exemplar now grants +20 repair amp and +10 MRR, no prereqs except ML21
      • Master of the Wilds now includes Salt Ray
    • Spells
      • Camouflage and Mass Camouflage bonus type changed from Circumstance to Determination
    • Enhancements
      • Air Savant Tier 5: Wind Dance costs 1 AP, not 2
      • Vistani Tier 2: Haste Boost has 3 ranks, not 1
      • Half-Elf Tier 2: Dilettante Special Ability: Improved Recovery is anti-req for Shintao tree

    Compendium v1.1.4 release notes:

    • NEW: Disciples of Rage adventure pack added
    • "Skip this Quest" now works again
    • Stat tomes on the Character screen now go to 8
    • Riding the Storm Out is base favor 10, not 9
    • Added Ravenloft saga xp totals
    • Corrected Epic Barovia level range and wilderness xp

    Cannith Crafting Builder Lite v2.1 release notes: (data changes only)

    • Parrying goes on Shield Extra

    Descriptions updated by wiki crawler:
    • Aasimar Tier 4: Divine Form
    • Angel of Vengeance Tier 0: Ascendancy
    • Arcanotechnician Tier 0: Palliative Admixture
    • Arcanotechnician Tier 1: Arcane Skills
    • Assassin Tier 0: Lethality
    • Assassin Tier 1: Poison Strikes
    • Battle Engineer Tier 3: Shatter Defenses
    • Battle Engineer Tier 4: Battle Mastery
    • Battle Engineer Tier 5: Thunder-Shock
    • Dragonborn Tier 4: Memory of Flight
    • Frenzied Berserker Tier 3: Blood Trail
    • Gnome Tier 2: Lesser Dragonmark of Scribing
    • Gnome Tier 3: Greater Dragonmark of Scribing
    • Half-Elf Tier 2: Improved Dilettante
    • Half-Orc Tier 4: Brutality
    • Henshin Mystic Tier 0: Riddle of Fire
    • Henshin Mystic Tier 0: Ki Bolt
    • Henshin Mystic Tier 0: Sounding Staff
    • Henshin Mystic Tier 0: Incinerating Wave
    • Henshin Mystic Tier 0: Cauldron of Flame
    • Henshin Mystic Tier 0: Serenity
    • Human Tier 1: Action Surge
    • Kensei Tier 0: Spiritual Bond
    • Radiant Servant Tier 2: Divine Healing
    • Sacred Defender Tier 0: Glorious Stand
    • Sacred Defender Tier 4: Spellshield Aura
    • Shintao Tier 0: Touch the Void Dragon
    • Shintao Tier 0: To Seek Perfection
    • Vanguard Tier 5: Shield Charge
    • Vistani Knife Fighter Tier 2: Bleeding Cuts
    • Vistani Knife Fighter Tier 2: Weapon Versatility
    • Vistani Knife Fighter Tier 3: Deadly Blades
    • Vistani Knife Fighter Tier 4: Double Daggers
    • Warforged Tier 4: Warforged Resolve
    • Warpriest Tier 5: Divine Vessel
    • Divine Crusader Tier 5: Celestial Champion
    • Fury of the Wild Tier 4: Gird Against Demons
    • Fury of the Wild Tier 6: Unbridled Fury
    • Legendary Dreadnought Tier 5: Advancing Blows

  19. #839


    New version is up, release notes in previous post.

    This is mostly a bare-bones update for the druid and artie passes and adding the new pack to the compendium, plus data corrections that have been pointed out since the previous update. No real feature changes other than adding in some support for customizing stat templates in the character builder.

  20. #840
    Community Member jayboss1's Avatar
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    Mastermaker and Converter have only 1 rank and cost 1AP

    The builder has them at 3 ranks and Mastermaker costing 2AP per rank

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