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  1. #881


    Just an FYI: Data\Tomes.txt currently has a 9th value for stat tome levels (25) because I was testing the changes right before I finalized the release and forgot to change it back. (I was testing for +9 tomes, and guessing that they'd be ML25. I remembered to switch 9 back down to 8, but forgot to remove the 9th value in the list.) It doesn't hurt anything to be in there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bolo_Grubb View Post
    is there a way to increase the margins in the character builder? For me the text is the very left hand edge, I would prefer a bit of space. I think it makes it a bit harder to read without any margin. If not, no worries. Just thought I would ask
    Sure, I don't see why not. There's precedent in the Compendium already, with the sides and bottom margins there. Likely not until Update 40, though, unless some major bugs get uncovered that I need to patch.

  2. #882
    The Hatchery
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    Just FYI, "Kind of a Big Deal" is only 4 base favor, not 5. (Wiki has now been updated for future crawling.)
    "Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."
    Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh

  3. #883


    Quote Originally Posted by LrdSlvrhnd View Post
    Just FYI, "Kind of a Big Deal" is only 4 base favor, not 5. (Wiki has now been updated for future crawling.)
    Thanks much, I made the change on my end so next time I post it'll be included.

    For anyone who wants to update theirs now and isn't sure how, open Data\Compendium\Quests.txt, search for "Kind of a Big Deal" and change the "Favor: 5" line to "Favor: 4".

  4. #884
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    Found a bug with a quick and easy fix: beacon of hope tree wasn't showing up.

    To fix, open the classes.txt file in Data>Builder, scroll down to or search for

    ClassName: Favored Soul

    and change the line a bit below that from

    Trees: Angel of Vengeance, War Soul


    Trees: Angel of Vengeance, War Soul, Beacon of Hope

  5. #885


    Doh! I totally spaced that.

    That's an easy fix, but I think I might go ahead and repost a new version to correct that. At the same time I'll fix the base favor for Kind of a Big Deal.

  6. #886


    Okay, I made those minor data corrections and re-posted. The programs didn't change:

    - Beacon of Hope is now properly connected to Favored Souls
    - Kind of a Big Deal is now properly base favor 4 instead of 5
    - Data\Tomes.txt no longer has a (made up, harmless) 9th value in stat tomes schedule

    I also re-crawled, but the results were unsurprisingly sparse:

    - Beacon of Hope Tier 2: Might's Reward now shows antireqs in descrip (antireqs were already set in data so it wasn't an issue)
    - Nature's Protector Tier 0: Big Claws (very minor typo corrected)

    If you've already made the above corrections yourself, you don't need to re-download, but if you want to anyway go for it.

  7. #887
    The Hatchery Dielzen's Avatar
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    Silly question, but is there any way to do a CSV export for the skills section? I wanted to dump some various level orders into a spreadsheet so I could compare them, but they're garbage if I do so.
    Playing (and dying) since Open Beta...

  8. #888


    Quote Originally Posted by Dielzen View Post
    Silly question, but is there any way to do a CSV export for the skills section? I wanted to dump some various level orders into a spreadsheet so I could compare them, but they're garbage if I do so.
    You actually can, now, thanks to the new reddit export format. It's a little weird, but starting in the Character Builder Lite "Export to Forums" screen:

    1. Choose "Reddit" from the Format dropdown, "Skills" from the Section dropdown
    2. Copy to Clipboard, paste into notepad
    3. In notepad, replace the pipe (|) character with commas (,) -- replace all
    4. Save as a file with a csv extension

    Double-clicking the csv file should open it up in Excel with proper columns and whatnot.

    EDIT: You can also open multiple instances of Character Builder Lite and compare skills side by side, though it's not as elegant as it could be. For such a comparison you'd probably want to uncheck the Child Windows checkbox in Options so you could minimize the main forms and just have the Skills screens visible for both builds. You'll also probably get a notification on startup about how a backup build exists and if you want to restore or delete it. You can choose to delete it, it won't hurt anything.

    But in all honesty, the csv method is probably easier than running multiple instances with different builds.

  9. #889
    The Hatchery Dielzen's Avatar
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    Is there any way to modify the screen? Right now all the text uses up less than half the screen.

    It'd be cool if it looked something like:

    Playing (and dying) since Open Beta...

  10. #890
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    When working on builds, I usually just put the builder on one half of the screen and Chrome (with the DDO forums or Wiki page open) on the other half. But if the builder natively supported a "dual-page" view, that'd be cool too.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  11. #891
    Community Member ThomasHunter's Avatar
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    Default Printing

    I know I have printed from the program before, but I don't see that option right now. Am I missing something? Appreciate the tool and any help!

  12. #892
    Community Member Rauven's Avatar
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    I'm making the switch to using your planner from [Ron's/Tom's] DDO Character Planner V4. I still like that planner but the project seems to have gone into hibernation mode. While there is going to be a slight learning curve, and I'm going to miss the visual enhancement trees in Character Planner V4, so far I like what I see. Just wanted to drop in and say thanks for your hard work. The planner looks great and once I get used to doing things your way I'm sure I'll be using it as easily as I do Character Planner V4.

  13. #893
    The Hatchery
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    Warlock > Soul Eater T5, you have "Eldritch Ward", it should be "Eldritch Wave"
    "Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."
    Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh

  14. #894
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    Since the last update (wpm/falc) my system has been getting incredible slow-downs. The only commonality has been that CharBuilderLite(CBL) has been open. I thought it was windows or firefox or some setting but nothing has worked to fix it. I have, in the past, left CBL open nearly 24/7 because of all the building I do and try out. Today, I leveled, opened CBL to recall the skill allocations then didn't close it while sorting through the cache to grab the new gears. 20 minutes later mega-slowdown arrives. Took 1 minute for an alt-tab and then 2 minutes for the click to close CBL to happen. After 5 minutes my system seemed to be about back to normal.

    Anyone else experiencing the same thing? Or maybe its some other piece of junk in this system *sigh* .... windows, better go reboot to finish the cleanse.

  15. #895


    I need some info before I release the new version for Update 40, but first I see some questions and comments since I last checked in:

    Quote Originally Posted by Dielzen View Post
    Is there any way to modify the screen? Right now all the text uses up less than half the screen.
    I always intended the build to take up only half the screen so that the data/export/whatever dialogues could be on one side and you could still see the entire build. Your idea is good, but unfortunately it would be difficult to implement scrolling properly for such a setup, so it's unlikely I will pursue that.

    Quote Originally Posted by ThomasHunter View Post
    I know I have printed from the program before, but I don't see that option right now. Am I missing something? Appreciate the tool and any help!
    The easiest way to print is to export to Plain Text format, copy the result to Notepad, and print it from from Notepad. Depending on your enhancements and destiny, landscape format may be preferred.

    Quote Originally Posted by LrdSlvrhnd View Post
    Warlock > Soul Eater T5, you have "Eldritch Ward", it should be "Eldritch Wave"
    Thanks much, I'll fix that for this update.

    Quote Originally Posted by xenon211 View Post
    Since the last update (wpm/falc) my system has been getting incredible slow-downs. The only commonality has been that CharBuilderLite(CBL) has been open. I thought it was windows or firefox or some setting but nothing has worked to fix it. I have, in the past, left CBL open nearly 24/7 because of all the building I do and try out. Today, I leveled, opened CBL to recall the skill allocations then didn't close it while sorting through the cache to grab the new gears. 20 minutes later mega-slowdown arrives. Took 1 minute for an alt-tab and then 2 minutes for the click to close CBL to happen. After 5 minutes my system seemed to be about back to normal.

    Anyone else experiencing the same thing? Or maybe its some other piece of junk in this system *sigh* .... windows, better go reboot to finish the cleanse.
    This sounds very similar to issues people have reported with a new anti-virus feature "Do Not Disturb" that was recently rolled out for AVG and Avast. If that's the case, disabling Do Not Disturb for the DDO game client should fix it. Character Builder Lite itself has a very small footprint, and is unlikely to cause slowdown on even struggling computers.

  16. #896


    I have the new update ready to go including Wood Elf and the new raid, but I'd like to confirm some info that I can't personally verify in-game:

    Killing Time: base favor? (my guess is 10)
    Killing Time: patron? (my guess is Agents of Argonnessen)

    New enhancements for Wood Elf that replace the dragonmarks, do they require each other? Or could you just take Tier 3 without taking Tier 2 and 1 first?

    Wood Elf Tier 4: Natural Skill is very similar to Human Tier 2: Fighting Style, which has variable AP costs depending on which one you take. Does Natural Skill always cost 1 AP (as per wiki) or do some selectors cost 2 AP? If so, which ones?

  17. #897
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    I have the new update ready to go including Wood Elf and the new raid, but I'd like to confirm some info that I can't personally verify in-game:

    New enhancements for Wood Elf that replace the dragonmarks, do they require each other? Or could you just take Tier 3 without taking Tier 2 and 1 first?

    Wood Elf Tier 4: Natural Skill is very similar to Human Tier 2: Fighting Style, which has variable AP costs depending on which one you take. Does Natural Skill always cost 1 AP (as per wiki) or do some selectors cost 2 AP? If so, which ones?
    I converted this tree last night for my planner. Answers are:

    The enhancements that replace dragonmarks are stand alone.

    The Natural Skill enhancements all have the same cost of 1ap.
    Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
    Maetrim's DDO Character Planner:

  18. #898


    Updated October 5th, 2018

    Character Builder Lite v3.1.2 complete release notes:

    • NEW Race: Wood Elf
    • File Menu MRU list now supports filenames with ampersands (&) in them
    • Fixed minor display bug in enhancement details box when same tree is available to multiple classes in build
    • Soul Eater Tier 5: Eldritch Wave now has correct name (was Eldritch Ward)

    Compendium v1.2 release notes:

    • NEW: Added new raid Killing Time
      • Set as base favor 10, which is a guess

    Descriptions updated by wiki crawler:
    • Aasimar Tier 4: Divine Form
    • Air Savant Tier 0: Elemental Apotheosis
    • Assassin Tier 1: Stealthy
    • Beacon of Hope Tier 0: True Resurrection
    • Beacon of Hope Tier 2: Might's Reward
    • Enlightened Spirit Tier 4: Medium Armor Proficiency
    • Falconry Tier 0: Summon Avian Companion
    • Falconry Tier 1: Out in Nature
    • Falconry Tier 1: Wanderlust
    • Kensei Tier 5: One with the Blade
    • Nature's Protector Tier 0: Big Claws
    • Nature's Warrior Tier 5: Throat Rip
    • Occult Slayer Tier 0: Resistance
    • Occult Slayer Tier 0: Elemental Defense
    • Occult Slayer Tier 0: Blank Thoughts
    • Occult Slayer Tier 0: Force Ward
    • Sacred Defender Tier 3: Greater Sacred Defense
    • Shintao Tier 1: Ki Shout
    • Vistani Knife Fighter Tier 4: Double Daggers
    • War Soul Tier 4: Holy Striker
    • Divine Crusader Tier 3: Sacred Ground
    • Divine Crusader Tier 4: No Regret
    • Divine Crusader Tier 4: Crusade
    • Divine Crusader Tier 5: Castigation
    • Fury of the Wild Tier 2: Damage Reduction

  19. #899


    New version is up. Release notes in previous post.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bolo_Grubb View Post
    is there a way to increase the margins in the character builder? For me the text is the very left hand edge, I would prefer a bit of space. I think it makes it a bit harder to read without any margin. If not, no worries. Just thought I would ask
    I put this on my to-do list. I would have thrown it in just now, but it's more complicated than it should be. Hopefully I'll have it in for the next release.

  20. #900
    Community Member Yamani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Killing Time: base favor? (my guess is 10)
    Killing Time: patron? (my guess is Agents of Argonnessen)
    It's 11.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Added even later: Ignore this add, I am the dumb.

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