Greetings! I'm really enjoying this character builder a lot, and I've used it to make some pretty strange builds lately. One quick error I did stumble upon today though and wanted to let you know about:
- In the planner, Water Savant's Tier 4 ability Water Breathing is erroneously costing 1 AP, when in the game (for some dumb reason) it costs 2 AP to take.
Keep up the great work!
DDO Players Council
I tried using the program...made a druid, got to the enhancements screen, selected "nature's warrior" in the drop down list and clicked "show all"....then the whole program frozed and stopped accepting any mouse input. What happened? Had to manually close the program via task manager.
Edit : It looks like if i go to file->options then click on any of the checkboxes, the program immediately freezes as well. Maybe its some kind of VB issue?
Last edited by Question2005; 11-18-2018 at 11:01 PM.
When selecting arcane archer in the wood elf tree, the enhancements don't automatically appear as they do for elf/helf. Am I doing something wrong?
Nope, that's my bad. You can fix it yourself right now easily enough, though. Open Data\Builder\Enhancements.txt in notepad, search for TreeName: Elf-Arcane Archer and scroll down a tiny bit to the first enhancement: Arcane Archer.
Change the One: line to the following:
One: Elf Tier 3: Arcane Archer, Half-Elf Tier 3: Arcane Archer, Morninglord Tier 3: Arcane Archer, Wood Elf Tier 3: Arcane Archer
It'll be fixed in the next release, but that won't be until the next game update. (Or if I find a fix to Question2005's checkbox problem.)
That sounds strange. Sending you a PM.
Last edited by EllisDee37; 11-21-2018 at 04:53 PM.
Next update will be soon. I'm hoping tomorrow, but no promises.
So far I have already added the orb logic for the crafting planner, the new spells and updated spell descriptions, and the new quest to the compendium. I have not yet updated the enhancements that changed; that's tedious and I'm too tired to do that today. (If anyone wants to update the EK tree on wiki sometime today, that would greatly speed things up for me.)
I also need a screenshot of a craftable orb for the crafting planner. What's the easiest way to acquire a craftable orb in-game? Is there a vendor that sells them for plat anywhere?
3 simple(?) requests for crafting planner:
1) An area for "Notes" (sim to Character Planner). Some gear gets complex to remember, and/or has quirks re its use/timing/etc.
2) Augment Slots - clear, red/yellow/blue, green, etc. (w/ a txt window for what augment is being planned there. Bonus points for tying that augment to it's proper (max) ML value. But just a blank txt slot would be great. Maybe for any random notes re that one gear item?)
3) Gear Swaps. An option for more than one set of effects for a single slot. A third ring, a Haggle helmet, trapper-swap gear, whatever. (This would be perfectly acceptable to be hand-done, seems too tough to expect the AI to parse that.)
As a work-around or place-holder, you could use the image in the corner of this tooltab shot:
Maybe change the black background to the cream-ish one used for some craftable items? <shrug>
All good ideas. The only one that has a chance at making it into this coming release is notes. I've wanted to add augments ever since initial release but it hasn't quite come together yet. Gear swaps sound interesting and not crazy difficult; I'll add that to my wish list.
Still hoping someone else updates both Eldritch Knight trees (Sorcerer and Wizard) on wiki.
EDIT: Picked up an orb from the auction house, images captured.
Last edited by EllisDee37; 12-06-2018 at 12:49 AM.
Last edited by Ordinary; 12-06-2018 at 11:40 AM. Reason: updated which trees I have done
Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
Maetrim's DDO Character Planner:
is there a raid timer tracker in your tools? If so I am not finding it. If not, I would find it useful. I have several toons and it would be much easier to to chek the compendium to see who is off timer, versus trying to remember (I am Old) or having to log on several toons to find one off timer.
Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier
Updated December 7th, 2018
Character Builder Lite v3.1.3 complete release notes:
- NEW Eldritch Knight trees revamped
- NEW Added new Arcane spells for Wizards and Sorcerers
- Acid Bolt, Electric Bolt, Fire Bolt, Freezing Bolt
- Acid Well, Iceberg, Thunderstrike
- Updated descriptions for existing arcane damage spells where damage dice was increased
- Added new selectable Bard feat: Improved Bardic Music
- NEW Indent output display (Tools => Options) so it's not flush against left side of window
- BugFix: Spring Attack once again recognized as a Fighter Bonus Feat
- Falconry Tier 3: Killer Instinct II no longer requires Tier 2: Killer Instinct I
- Water Savant Tier 4: Water Breathing costs 2 AP, not 1 AP
- Fixed Wood Elf Weapon Training Enhancements (no longer offer the Elf selectors)
- Wood Elf now properly allows Elf-AA tree when you take the Arcane Archer enhancement
Cannith Crafting Builder Lite v2.2 release notes:
- NEW Added Orbs to Item and Gearset planners
Descriptions updated by wiki crawler:
- Assassin Tier 0: Assassin's Trick
- Assassin Tier 5: Assassinate
- Assassin Tier 5: Knife Specialization
- Falconry Tier 1: Hunter's Knowledge
- Falconry Tier 4: Expose Weakness
- Falconry Tier 5: Thrill of the Hunt
- Frenzied Berserker Tier 3: Supreme Cleave
- Knight of the Chalice Tier 5: Holy Retribution
- Knight of the Chalice Tier 5: Avenging Cleave
- Radiant Servant Tier 1: Altruism
- Spellsinger Tier 0: Spellsinger
- Spellsinger Tier 0: Music of the Sewers
- Spellsinger Tier 0: Music of the Dead
- Spellsinger Tier 0: Music of the Makers
- Spellsinger Tier 0: Virtuoso
- Spellsinger Tier 0: Maestro of Life and Death
- Spellsinger Tier 5: Spell-Like Ability
- Tempest Tier 5: Dance of Death
- Vanguard Tier 0: Shield Champion
- Warchanter Tier 0: Fighting Spirit
- Warchanter Tier 0: Victory Song
- Warchanter Tier 0: Warmaster
- Warpriest Tier 4: Ameliorating Strike
- Draconic Incarnation Tier 6: Energy Vortex
- Fatesinger Tier 1: O Fortuna
- Fatesinger Tier 1: Allure
- Fatesinger Tier 2: Tailwind
- Fatesinger Tier 2: Lucidity
- Fury of the Wild Tier 5: Fury Eternal
- Fury of the Wild Tier 6: Unbridled Fury
- Shadowdancer Tier 5: Executioner's Strike/Shot
Last edited by EllisDee37; 12-07-2018 at 08:03 AM.
New version is up, release notes in previous post.
I didn't add any of the just-requested features (gearset notes, raid timer trackers) but at least all the U41 changes are in there. I do kind of feel motivated to do a more significant update sometime in the coming weeks. Maybe by Christmas? We'll see if my newfound motivation holds up.
One annoyance I have is that the Wood Elf enhancements on wiki are non-standard, with blue coloring on some of the rows. This breaks my crawler such that no wood elf enhancements have ever been successfully crawled, including this release. I manually edited the descriptions for the Weapon Training enhancements (and also removed the selectors.) I'd love it if that blue coloring went away.
Unfortunately, they serve a function, to (literally) highlight diffs between Elf and WE, so they can't simply be erased. However, imo, this project also serves an important function to the DDO community. Once the coffee kicks in, I'll see if there's some less "colorful" solution.
Does your crawler need 100% to be uncolored? (If just the icon had a background color, would that work?) Cogitatin' on it...
Edit - if (some of?) the text itself were highlighted w/ a background color, rather than the whole cell/row, would that work?
Last edited by C-Dog; 12-07-2018 at 02:09 PM.
Honestly it's probably easier for me to fix the crawler than to figure out a way to highlight rows without breaking the existing crawler. It's not all that hard to change the crawler; in fact it will probably be fairly easy. I'm just lazy.
I'm not sure how important the wiki function is, to be honest. Differences aren't highlighted in any of the other tree "pairs": Eldritch Knight (Sor/Wiz), AA/Elf-AA, Warpriest/War Soul, Stalwart/Sacred Defender. (Okay, that last one is a reach.) Having said that, I officially retract my complaint. I'll fix the crawler, no harm no foul.
Last edited by EllisDee37; 12-07-2018 at 03:44 PM.