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  1. #1
    Community Member cyan027's Avatar
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    Default Is there no proof to the poison?

    Proof of the poison: The lv4 Pit.

    This quest is amazing long enough, and even more amazing, fulled with casters. I never seen any quest has more casters than fighters, but I saw it now, in [proof of the poison]

    What Turbine wanna show us? Arcanes still powerful? Yes I admit arcanes still powerful enough, *IF* we players has unlimited mana as mobs do, or we can bring in a full brigade of casters to finish the quest. But sorry, we can only have 6 ppl in a team, and our mana is limited. What I feel is how powerless an arcane can be in this quest, again,

    Run it on normal with my lv14 cleric and 2 other my guildies both lv14. I am not wasting my mana, and I use sound burst to CC those casters to minimise my mana cost on healing, with 32 wisdom still half of the casters can save against my sound blast stunning effect, in NORMAL difficulty! Wose thing is, in the whole quest there are only 1 shrine, so I have to recall twice for my mana.

    This is not the whole story. The quickfoot casters can cast Magic Missiles, the only spell that can't be resisted in the whole DDO. So you have to either kill them first to prevent them from casting, or you can only heal the damage they cause. And, those lv3 fighters can hit me with ease, even I have nearly 40 AC. Seems they dont have much problme penetrate my defense. How can a Lv3 fighter has nearly +20 toHit rate?

    And those are all happened when I run that quest in NORMAL difficulty. I just can't image how terrible the quest will be in elite.

    I somehow wonder what lv difficulty Turbine design this quest for? Are they desing this quest for level 14 [Forteen] not Level 4 [Four]? Do they understand that Lv4 casters has merely around 300 mana and can't last long enough through the quest EVEN THEY SIMPLY DOING THE BUFFING JOBS?

    The only way I figure out to do this quest is bringing in enough casters to cast all the buffs, and carry at least 20 healing wands in order to compensate the massive damage your team will suffer, if you really want to run this quest with a lv4 team. But I seriously doubt any cleric can afford the healing costs, the whole quest has only 2 poorly stuffed chest, I can only earn about 500 gold pieces from the whole run -- not even enough to afford the cost of a CURE LIGHT healing wand!

    I can see there is another quest serves nothing but providing favor for high level characters who pursuiting favors. This quest has 15 favor if finished on elite, the only good point I can see in this quest.
    Last edited by cyan027; 07-18-2007 at 07:37 PM.

  2. #2
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    Normal and elite are pretty easy as long as you remember to get your resist: acid buff before entering. Hard was nice EXP at level 6-7, 5000, took about 20-25 mins, after having ran it on normal and knowing the layout. Elite on the other hand was very difficult, went through many many wands healing. Casters spamming Otto's and Lightning Bolts, not EXP barely any better than Hard considering it took 3x as long.

  3. #3
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyan027 View Post
    The quickfoot casters can cast Magic Missiles, the only spell that can't be resisted in the whole DDO.
    Carry a Shield clickie (or three). Shield blocks both Magic Missle and Force Missle. Keep an eye out for Nightshield clickies too... they may start to pop up any time now.

    As for the quest - I won't be running it after the overwhelmingly negative feedback I've heard about it. I play this game to have fun - not to punish myself.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Riorik's Avatar
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    You do know there's a new Cleric/Wizard spell - level 1 called Night Shield that provide protection from Magic Missiles (exactly like the 1st level Shield Spell for Arcanes).

    After reading the above post - I decided to go find this quest and solo it - used my Ftr11/Pal3. I used a Greater Acid & Fire resist item - and pretty much walked through everything in the quest effortlessly. Think I used 6 charges off a CSW wand - and approximately 400 pts of healing via other it, around 520 or so healing total through the entire thing. The quest as a whole was pretty linear - you had one choice and you went to look for a valve, switch, lever or a key - and then used it. The only hesitation was the "deep acid" that was doing 10d6 for simply standing in it - obviously an attempt to give it some relevance instead of an inconvenience. At least 25% of the damage I took was from these until I noticed.

    I guess what I'm saying is, a lot of the comments above struck a chord - they seemed similar in theme to another 4th level quest, Freshen the Air - that as I recall, most players I know solo'd it on elite - or at worst ran it with a couple other guildies without issues...before they adjust the quest slightly. Really, it never was hard - it just forced players to do something they hadn't had to do up to that point.

    I am thinking the quest may be a bit under-leveled - for me it was effortless because of 30 pt resist items - obviously, 4th level characters aren't going to have access to this - at best, 7th level will have 20 pt resists which would probably be sufficient considering most damage was from acid arrow (<10 damage)

    I think you may need to re-evaluate your efforts and consider alternative approaches since I was able to zerg it without much effort - on my very FIRST time through the quest - without any input from any other player or reading up on it.

    Last edited by Riorik; 07-18-2007 at 08:49 PM.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyan027 View Post
    Proof of the poison: The lv4 Pit.
    This is not the whole story. The quickfoot casters can cast Magic Missiles, the only spell that can't be resisted in the whole DDO. So you have to either kill them first to prevent them from casting, or you can only heal the damage they cause. And, those lv3 fighters can hit me with ease, even I have nearly 40 AC. Seems they dont have much problme penetrate my defense. How can a Lv3 fighter has nearly +20 toHit rate?
    Cant be Resisted? Maybe not.. But you can become Compeltely Immune to it.... Sheild CLicky.. Nightsheild Spell....
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  6. #6
    Community Member jaitee's Avatar
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    i joined a pug group, for it, and they all died, in a few seconds, the cleric bailed after he used up his 2 wands he could afford and the 2 the group gave him, every one was outa sps, and pretty soon we got the famous, i have to leave
    Quote Originally Posted by KindoRaber View Post
    - What bothers me about buffer types and patient characters can be summed up like this... Nothing. It's their style but I am usually on a strict time limit and need to complete as much in as little a time as possible. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am better than you.

  7. #7
    Community Member Conejo's Avatar
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    level 1 Sor/Wiz spell.
    makes you immune to Magic Missile (not Force Missile)

    level 1 Cleric, Sor/Wiz spell.
    makes you immune to Magic Missile and Force Missile.

  8. #8
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    I soloed the quest as my 14th level rogue. But it was wand and resist potion extensive.

    I could certainly see a group of 4th level adventurers have a difficult time with it. I think the casters should probably be cut in half and replaced with a few rogues. I mean, they are a group of thieves, so why is it only casters and fighters?
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coldin View Post
    I could certainly see a group of 4th level adventurers have a difficult time with it. I think the casters should probably be cut in half and replaced with a few rogues.
    Or replaced with empty space. 230 mobs is a lot for a single level 4 quest.

  10. #10
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    It was fairly difficult on normal for my group of 4 lvl 6's and 2 lvl 3s. I'm sure having a rogue would be a great idea for this quest for level appropriate characters.

  11. #11
    Community Member Karters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conejo View Post
    level 1 Sor/Wiz spell.
    makes you immune to Magic Missile (not Force Missile)

    level 1 Cleric, Sor/Wiz spell.
    makes you immune to Magic Missile and Force Missile.
    shield does stop force missiles, go solo the 1st part of the queen raid with and then without a shield clickie, the effraits use force missile and shield does stop it

  12. #12
    Community Member pcgammerm's Avatar
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    if you are having trouble with this quest on norm with lvl 14s you should seriously reevaluate your chars. i soled the thing on normal with a lvl 6 no prob

    and as far as the one shrine goes i ran it hard with a pug in 24 mins with no probs.

    sp bars were not hurting through most of the quest, so if at lvl 14 you are having trouble....then i don't know how you make it through the giant hold quests

    if a pug grp (max lvl 7) can run hard in 24 mins, with only half the grp knowing anything about the quest then you better not be having probs with lvl 14s
    If you always do what you always did, then you will be condemned to get what you always got......

  13. #13

    Default Its only hard once.

    Ran it on Normal tonight with a 3-5th level party and no cleric. It was painful and long and we had no idea what we were doing. We did finish, many deaths and much time.

    Ran it again immediately after. Replaced 5th level fighter with 7th level barb and 4th level sorc with 7th level sorc. Added level3 cleric. Totally owned the quest on Hard, finishing in ... I dunno, 30 minutes? Still no acid resist but managed no deaths.

    Biggest difference? Not the character upgrade, although that helped, and not the cleric although that helped too. The improvement was at least 90% because of knowing the quest.

    Oh - and BTW I think a bard or wiz with charm could solo the quest pretty easily.

  14. #14
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Okay - I did run it just to see what the fuss is about. It's not as hard as I've been hearing. Yes, I think it's too hard for the level of the quest, has waaaaay too many casters, and the level design is obnoxious (to use the most polite word I can muster).

    The biggest problem with it is that it's lacking something. Fun. For me at least, I think that running this is/was/will be a chore. There are a few quests in this game that feel that way - Necropolis cheif among them. This quest reminded me a lot of the Necro chain, and it would not suprise me at all to learn they have the same person in charge of layout design. That aside, I don't run those quests if I can help it because they are not fun. Now, I add the Poison quest to that list.

    I know there will be some out there who like it. I don't begrudge them that. For me - I simply will pretend this quest does not exist unless I'm in dire need of Favor.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  15. #15
    Founder PurdueDave's Avatar
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    Just ran most of it (conquest) on normal solo with level 6 melee. I think I missed a key because I got stuck. Thought I missed a secret door and when I left to recharge by DSD clickie the quest reset on me (oh well, serves me right for going AFK). Didn't feel like doing it again.

    My impressions (normal diff) are...
    -resist acid is good (lots of Melf's)
    -the dogs and melees can't hit a decent AC
    -don't kill the iron doggies if you have a decent reflex save becaues they grease the mobs for you
    -don't wade in acid
    -it's hard to tell the melees from the casters so try to pull them to you so you can spot the casters buffing
    -the traps have more bark than bite
    -a lot of mobs (I stopped checking at like 180)

    In party, it would seem to be a good intimidate quest. Lots of close quarters fighting for splash damage as well. Enough fleshies for the rogues to have fun.

  16. #16
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    my wizard level 9 wasnt having to much trouble cast shield acid, resist, firewalled, cloudkilled, but got stuck at a gate and couldnt figure out how to get past it.

    will try again with full group at lower levels. Not that bad..just use cover and outsmart them

  17. #17
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    OK so heres the update......

    just did this with 4-8 levels on both normal and hard. 95% of the traps are avoidable, quest is large but linear. Casters die real easy like any other caster. At AC 36 the only things that hit me were MM but I have nightshield, and acid arrows but I had acid resist pots. i used 6 charges on my wand and forgot to use the shrine (on normal) Used about the same amount of charges on hard but I used the shrine this time.

    This quest is semi-fun, good xp and about as hard as the other quickfoot hideout (swiped signet).

    seriously, just have acid pots and dont run around aggro ing everything.
    This is a cake walk terrible loot, good xp. STK is about the same difficulty.

    The 1st thing the casters do is buff themselves, while they do that you see them, attack and they are dead b4 they get off the next spell.

    I would say, get some rest, get together a group, try again when u are rested its not hard at all and very soloable.

    as far as doing it with all level 4 guys...If u have 2 people who can heal or wand, a caster with lots of sp (sorc I guess) a rogue or bard and 2 good tanks u will breeze thru this one.

    This quest is not even worth talking about, I only did it because the OP thought it was too hard...I think u may just have been a little tired is all.

    try again u will see it differently I promise u.
    Last edited by captain1; 07-19-2007 at 02:51 AM.

  18. #18
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    OK last one...need to get ta bed

    6 man group levels 3-5 they have never done it and I turned my voice chat off.

    Used 15 charges from my cure mod wand used the shrine. Also used 3 acid resist pots and 6 charges from my resistance wand. 1 guy died because he ran into the fire trap and the same guy died again because he was standin in the acid. My 4th level cleric with 19 wisdom (no tome and no wisdom item) managed to stun 4/5 mobs with soundburst everytime i used it

    This was on normal and I think I can solo it with just my cleric. The only person with more kills than I had was the fighter. The last group of bosses I would have to run them thru some acid traps but I can solo this if Im careful.

    I wont try tonight but will do it tomorrow. The quest is fine. No need to recall for mana or anything.....thought about using a numonic pot for extra magic at 1 point but didnt.

    bulls str
    acid resist

    and I will be able to zerg this until I reach the last boss group...then as I said will need to run them thru acid.

    Im not a power gamer, but I play smart, my characters are not twinked because Im on a new server. All this talk about taking level 14 guys into this quest and getting beat up is giving this quest way to much credit.

    Its a 4th level quest that was barely a challenge for a group of level 3-5.

  19. #19
    Community Member DKerrigan's Avatar
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    The only proof in this poison is that you need at least a level 6 to complete the quest, after you die in the "well done" trap.
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  20. #20
    Community Member Oran_Lathor's Avatar
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    Default Yeah..

    I'm with virtually everyone else who's posted here. The quest is pretty cool, nice length, difficult but not over the top at appropriate level. 3 level 14s having trouble with this on normal is absolutely mind boggling.

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