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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    However, it has been stated in this thread that there are 3 shrines. We did not have a rogue. That must have been the problem

    Must be a secret door or two we missed somewhere.
    Possibly. I had a lvl 6 multiclass rogue whose spot should have been good enough to see anything a lvl 4 rogue could see, and I found no hidden shrines.

  2. #62
    Master Cryptologist Wulf_Ratbane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dariun View Post
    Possibly. I had a lvl 6 multiclass rogue whose spot should have been good enough to see anything a lvl 4 rogue could see, and I found no hidden shrines.
    I had the Spectacles on the whole time, and I don't recall any secret doors at all, actually.

    Even though I did zerg it, the layout is tight enough that, if there were secret doors in there, they would have to be in the one of the few bigger rooms, somewhere I didn't get close enough to automatically reveal them.

    I saw 1 shrine, and it's not hidden.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wulf Ratbane View Post
    I had the Spectacles on the whole time, and I don't recall any secret doors at all, actually.

    Even though I did zerg it, the layout is tight enough that, if there were secret doors in there, they would have to be in the one of the few bigger rooms, somewhere I didn't get close enough to automatically reveal them.

    I saw 1 shrine, and it's not hidden.
    Maybe the person posting about the 3 shrines thought we meant the new outdoor exploration area....


  4. #64
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    Maybe the person posting about the 3 shrines thought we meant the new outdoor exploration area....

    IIRC, someone in the Risia forum said there was a 2nd, hidden shrine in PiitP. I have yet to find it. I did locate a "secret door alcove" on the map, but no secret door there. Maybe a lever door with a hidden lever? Maybe just a fakeout? I'll have to look behind tapestries and boxes when I run the quest again.

  5. #65


    did this last night again, this time with lowbies on normal, no caster ,2 clerics, nobody was really twinked, we had no trouble no deaths all lvl 4-6. The quest was fun, and yes the loot sucked but comparing this to SC is a joke. SC is a lvl 8 quest on normal of course you will get better loot.

    Loot works this way. A chest will give out loot 3 lvls below the quest level so POP on elite will give out lvl 13 items, this quest gives out lvl 1 items, on elite lvl 3 items.

    The XP for the quest lvl is appropriate 3500 for 30 minutes at lvl 4 is not bad.
    none of us had shield clickies but the clerics were using nightshield on themselves. Our strategy was simple move through the dungeon together put the tanks up front to absorb damage and have the ranger pull them them into our portable cuisinart.
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  6. #66
    Community Member Karethon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    Maybe the person posting about the 3 shrines thought we meant the new outdoor exploration area....

    Given the rest of that persons post, I suspect they were referring to The Pit, and not Proof is in the Poison. Based on the comments here and the Risia forums, I suspect the second shrine is past the Silver Door - and I'm thinking in the room with the Drow supervisor, but I have not been back into the quest to verify that. I'm not sure where the alcove MB referred to is located, but that could be it as well.

  7. #67
    Community Member Cruzer's Avatar
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    I like this quest, but I do think its a little too hard for the level. This is another quest just like the "swiped signet" that I will always completely skip while leveling a character, and only go back to it if I need favor.

    I had to solo it with my lvl 12 (10 ftr / 2 barb) last night after reading all these posts. I have shield clickies and greater resist items. On normal and hard combined I drank TWO cure serious potions for my healing. I think I dropped below 300hps (out of 374) maybe once (acid). The encounters were repetitive enough that I knew when I should burn a shield click and when not to.

    I have to say though that for a regular lvl 4-6 character, this quest is too much trouble for the reward. Being hit by acid for 20pts through a 30pt resist is silly, too.
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  8. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by Cruzer View Post

    I have to say though that for a regular lvl 4-6 character, this quest is too much trouble for the reward. Being hit by acid for 20pts through a 30pt resist is silly, too.

    I had no issues with a lvl 4-6 party none of us were really tweaked, and we moved through at a decent pace, nothing really gave us too much trouble. and there are not many lvl 4 quests giving out 3000xp on normal so the xp is fine for the lvl. Any chars I have in the future will be doing this for xp at lvl 4. In my first post I agreed the acid dmg is too high, but the acid is easily avoided, and the places where you have to pull switches and play mario bros. only one person is required to make the trip.

    A lot of people are comparing this to Storm cleave, saying that for better XP at the same lvl I would rather go there. The simple fact is that SC is way too easy if we are running in there and beating it at lvl 4. This quest is not easy but run it a few times and it will be just as easy as SC, just like every other quest we have run a million times.
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  9. #69
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    this quest reminds me more of Tear of Dhakkan than The Pit. very long, limited shrines (seeing as i almost always run Tear w/o rogue), and big fights with lots of casters. Fortunately, i'm a fan of Tear. least there's no room with infinite spawns in Proof.

    but, this thread is filled with about as many people saying it can't be done at level4 as people that have said they've done it... to me, that's proof enough.

  10. #70
    Community Member JD2134's Avatar
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    Just pick up a shield wand , If you manage a lvl ten shield wand it last for ten minutes. and prevent them nasty MM attack then couple a acid rest and your set

  11. #71


    Went back in last night to check on these rumors. Multiple level 14's, including my multiclass rogue and a pure. Uncovered the whole map. Searched for secret doors everywhere.

    -2 traps, both in first bridge room. (1 on bridge, 1 below on floor)
    -1 shrine, halfway in (stairs up/down room)
    -1 locked room before passage to last fight, chest
    -no secret doors
    -did notice alcove on map near beginning that looked like should be secret door behind tapestry, but no luck (even used DSD wand), guessing devs removed it.

    Oh, and for those who thought it was hard, come on now, did it on first night on norm and hard with 3 (6ftr/5clr/4rog) with no deaths and no problems. Didn't even use shield or night shield....just 10 acid resistance. Elite probably is different story, but hey, we'll tackle that today . Just don't zerg! Use terrain to your advantage. Body pull some mobs and fall back back to a corner, lay in your ambush, and surprise the **** out of their casters. Easy as eatin' pancakes.

    Happy hunting,
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  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD2134 View Post
    a lvl ten shield wand it last for ten minutes
    True, but what good is a level 10 shield wand for level 4 characters?

  13. #73
    Community Member Akerue's Avatar
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    Wow, this thread is a little amazing. I logged on right after the update and soloed it with my 10/2/2 Rgr/Rge/ftr. It took 45 Minutes. No Deaths and not even close to using a full wand of any size. Found the 2 Traps a beginnings and Secret door with terrible chest.

    I liked the big hits from the Acid pools. Nice surprise. I was using a paralyzer on the mobs and had my Ranger Acid Resists. I thought it was fun.

    A little while later I ran it with a pug that zerged like I have never seen before. We were 4 lvl 14s. A Fighter, A Wiz, A Cleric and me. We would run until we couldn't run anymore and turn and kill of everything following us. We were done in 18 minutes with no deaths. The cleric kept getting lost and basically met up with us towards to end.

    A Little after that I ran it with a 14 sorc guildy. We tried the zerg thing and wiped. We took it slower and finished with no problem in about 25-30 minutes.

    I don't have an appropriate level alt to run through it, but look forward to it when I do. Overall, I would give it a B+. The **** loot drops it from an A for me.
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  14. #74
    Community Member Wertik's Avatar
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    Default So Much Crying & So Little Teamwork

    Has everyone forgotten how a new challenge is supposed to work. They produce a new quest and expect you to learn it. This requires players to use their brains, not just zerrgg through the quest for the high xp. I took my Lvl 14 Cleric through it only moments after the servers came online, and even though I used a ton of Spellpoints, I learned alot about the quest and how if you rush ahead the mobs will kill you. Fortunately, I did not do this. I took my time and dungeon crawled the thing and came out unscathed do to acid resitance, nightshield and blade barrier. Cometfall for the guys high out of reach and I was certainly glad to come across the shrine. It is well placed though. Once again, good job developers on this dungeon and the rest of you quit whining because you zergers can't just blast through a quest. TEAMWORK is the key.....

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oran Lathor View Post
    I'm with virtually everyone else who's posted here. The quest is pretty cool, nice length, difficult but not over the top at appropriate level. 3 level 14s having trouble with this on normal is absolutely mind boggling.

    I ran this with a pug of lvl 4-7. None of us had done the quest before. Was a lil tough but no big deal. Having ran threw it would be cake now with the same lvl group. BTW I think it was a blast, havn't ran a quest where at least one person didn't know it like the back of there hand in a long time.

  16. #76
    Community Member wamjratl1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olaff View Post
    No, there's a box that turns off the firetraps as well, but you have to go through the fire to get to it.
    Just disable it before before you pull the switch downstairs. Or don't croos the bridge - use the ledges on the outside wall. But best to disable it before the switch.
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  17. #77
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wertik View Post
    Has everyone forgotten how a new challenge is supposed to work. They produce a new quest and expect you to learn it. This requires players to use their brains, not just zerrgg through the quest for the high xp. I took my Lvl 14 Cleric through it only moments after the servers came online, and even though I used a ton of Spellpoints, I learned alot about the quest and how if you rush ahead the mobs will kill you. Fortunately, I did not do this. I took my time and dungeon crawled the thing and came out unscathed do to acid resitance, nightshield and blade barrier. Cometfall for the guys high out of reach and I was certainly glad to come across the shrine. It is well placed though. Once again, good job developers on this dungeon and the rest of you quit whining because you zergers can't just blast through a quest. TEAMWORK is the key.....
    "new challenge"? It's a level 4 quest. If you want a clear idea of what kind of "challenge" it is, go to a brand new server where you don't know anyone, create a 28-point character, & level it to 4. Then try the quest (solo, if you really like a challenge). A level 14 cleric should be able to "zerg" it with the new nightshield & elemental resists/protects. It's not a question of how tough it is for a 14; rather of whether the "challenge" is appropriate for a level 4 quest.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by wamjratl1 View Post
    Just disable it before before you pull the switch downstairs. Or don't croos the bridge - use the ledges on the outside wall. But best to disable it before the switch.

    What I should have said was "the box is on the far side of the traps."
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  19. #79
    Community Member Cruzer's Avatar
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    I don't think this thread would have grown nearly as big if one of the first few posts hadn't been from people that couldn't finish it with a lvl 14. If thats the case you should probably uninstall DDO and throw the disc out.

    As for level 4-6, this quest isn't impossible, but there are easier missions to do at level 4 for 3-3.5k xp that doesn't require you to be a MM pin-cushion. It was fun to run through a new, semi-maze quest though.
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  20. #80
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    to acurately measure the difficulty of this quest, you need to run with characters as low as possible. A level 14 is expected to get thru this on normal. That being said I did complete normal and hard with a full group of levels 3-5 (as I stated earlier in the post) it was easy enuff. yes the acid does a lot of damage but only if you walk in it....which you dont have all......ever.

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