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  1. #21
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    I soloed it on my hybrid. Didn't even have to rest. Used up my entire mana bar, though... Extended Acid/Fire Resist, Barkskin, Jump, non-Extended Acid Prot. Went through around 30 or 35 charges on one of my CSWs, as well.

    I did have a 2K gp repair bill though. I think that was mostly because there were a few oozes that slipped into combat while I was beating down other critters.

    Course, that was on normal, so we'll see how it goes on hard/elite tonight.
    Christov Olaffsson, Hybrid Tempest
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  2. #22
    Community Member Karethon's Avatar
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    Ran it in groups of 3-4 level 14 characters several times. As was noted earlier, the biggest factor in being able to successfully complete it was knowledge of the quest. Not sure what kind of XP it awards at level, but it seemed to be sizeable, considering the base amount and ease of conquest + ransack if you tried. There are a few spells that make it a lot easier on elite, but I don't know that I would call any of them required.

  3. #23
    Community Member Bombalo's Avatar
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    Normal and hard settings are relatively simple because of the small amounts of damage that most of the casters do. ELITE however is a completely different story. On elite your looking at a level 6 quest. Good luck running that without at least one lvl 9 cleric in your party. And that cleric is needed for one spell True Seeing. Normal and hard shouldnt be that difficult for a group around the quest level. Elite however I dont see being accomplished by any group lower than average level 9/10.

  4. #24


    soloed this in 25 minutes with a pally12/rogue 2, a level appropriate group will have to use some strategy here with the casters otherwise its just volume of mobs and the traps which I just ran through but I am sure could be deadly to level 4's. I was surprised at how much dmg the acid did with 30 resist I was still taking 6 points of dmg, this will kill some lower lvl characters.
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  5. #25
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    Default Interesting but difficult for level 4

    Ran this first with my level 14 cleric solo. Normal was 44 minutes as I learned it and hard was 20 minutes. Though I don't believe it was necessary, on elite I brought along a bard for the company and still didn't have any issues. Nightshield was key as was acid/fire/lightning resists. I generally just aggroed everything into a large group and cast cometfall and flamestrike until there was just a smoldering pile of 50+ dead quickfeet and iron defenders on the ground.

    It seems with its 1 shrine it would be difficult for a level 4 party and all of the magic missiles that seem to get cast but just like fighters bring along plenty of healing potions at the higher levels they should probably do the same here. Charm person or its offshoots would probably make it a bit easier as well.

    The whole drow assassin guy was kind of cool to come upon. But I enjoyed the quest for what it was.

  6. #26
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prior View Post
    Charm person or its offshoots would probably make it a bit easier as well.
    that was the conclusion we made from the quest.
    get a couple casters, and the quest changes dramatically.

    especially on elite where they're suddenly throwing fireballs and lightning bolts.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyan027 View Post
    Wose thing is, in the whole quest there are only 1 shrine, so I have to recall twice for my mana.
    Not true, there are three shrines in the quest.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyan027 View Post
    This is not the whole story. The quickfoot casters can cast Magic Missiles, the only spell that can't be resisted in the whole DDO. So you have to either kill them first to prevent them from casting, or you can only heal the damage they cause. And, those lv3 fighters can hit me with ease, even I have nearly 40 AC. Seems they dont have much problme penetrate my defense. How can a Lv3 fighter has nearly +20 toHit rate?
    Shield spell/clickies, as many mentioned.

    That said, the Pit has traditionally had poor loot/XP for the effort required. They upped everything a bit a couple of mods ago, the XP seems right, but the treasure is still off (excluding the elusive Muckdoom, of course).

    Edit: never mind, I now realize that the OP is indeed *not* talking about The Pit. Sigh.
    Last edited by Strakeln; 07-19-2007 at 01:27 PM.

  8. #28


    Did it on normal wtih two level 7s (bard/barbarian and Fighter/ranger) We pretty much breezed through, only having trouble when both of us were dancing. I used some wands but I'm always using wands on that character. We didn't have any energy resist beyond some of the old level 1 resist wands.

    Its a challenging quest, but its not all that hard. Any level 14 having issues in there isn't playeing their character with any competence. (not saying you are a bad player, just that you wern't trying very hard due to the quest level)

    I rather liked it. A bit long for its level, and a bit monotonous in therms of what you fight until the end. I think the Dungeon Designers need to avoid quests that just repeat the same mobs over and over in the same settings over and over. Gets kind of monotonous. I liked the dungeon layout, found it pretty easy just to bumble my way through there. (keep your eye open for keys!) I only had to backtrack looking for doors once.

    Treasure was horrible.. but all level 4 quests have horrible treasure.
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  9. #29
    Community Member WilbyZ's Avatar
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    Mobs die real easy in the acid pools and traps. Lead them to it and they will come.

  10. #30
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Proof is in the Poison follows the long tradition of stand alone marketplace quests: Too difficult for the suggested level.

    Soloed it with my lvl 14 on normal and hard. Died once on hard because of an unfortunate Ottos Irresistable Dance followed with a volley of magic missles.

    Ran it with a party of lvl 5-7's. Only 2 deaths, half a Cure Moderate wand and a quarter of a resist energy wand. Not a zergfest, but doable. (Kinda like Freshen the Air, Missing in Action and the Swiped Signet.)
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  11. #31
    Community Member Sue_Dark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyan027 View Post
    Proof of the poison: The lv4 Pit.

    This quest is amazing long enough, and even more amazing, fulled with casters. I never seen any quest has more casters than fighters, but I saw it now, in [proof of the poison]

    What Turbine wanna show us? Arcanes still powerful? Yes I admit arcanes still powerful enough, *IF* we players has unlimited mana as mobs do, or we can bring in a full brigade of casters to finish the quest. But sorry, we can only have 6 ppl in a team, and our mana is limited. What I feel is how powerless an arcane can be in this quest, again,

    Run it on normal with my lv14 cleric and 2 other my guildies both lv14. I am not wasting my mana, and I use sound burst to CC those casters to minimise my mana cost on healing, with 32 wisdom still half of the casters can save against my sound blast stunning effect, in NORMAL difficulty! Wose thing is, in the whole quest there are only 1 shrine, so I have to recall twice for my mana.

    This is not the whole story. The quickfoot casters can cast Magic Missiles, the only spell that can't be resisted in the whole DDO. So you have to either kill them first to prevent them from casting, or you can only heal the damage they cause. And, those lv3 fighters can hit me with ease, even I have nearly 40 AC. Seems they dont have much problme penetrate my defense. How can a Lv3 fighter has nearly +20 toHit rate?

    And those are all happened when I run that quest in NORMAL difficulty. I just can't image how terrible the quest will be in elite.

    I somehow wonder what lv difficulty Turbine design this quest for? Are they desing this quest for level 14 [Forteen] not Level 4 [Four]? Do they understand that Lv4 casters has merely around 300 mana and can't last long enough through the quest EVEN THEY SIMPLY DOING THE BUFFING JOBS?

    The only way I figure out to do this quest is bringing in enough casters to cast all the buffs, and carry at least 20 healing wands in order to compensate the massive damage your team will suffer, if you really want to run this quest with a lv4 team. But I seriously doubt any cleric can afford the healing costs, the whole quest has only 2 poorly stuffed chest, I can only earn about 500 gold pieces from the whole run -- not even enough to afford the cost of a CURE LIGHT healing wand!

    I can see there is another quest serves nothing but providing favor for high level characters who pursuiting favors. This quest has 15 favor if finished on elite, the only good point I can see in this quest.

    I duo'd this one with my partner, her level 3ftr/1rgr me L1rog/4rgr. She died once because I was dancing with her and they liked her better. Otherwise, with no shield clickie and only store bought pots, we made it thru just fine.

    This quest is not hard at all, a bit long on the first run learning the layout, but not hard by any means. My toon has all of 34 AC and hers is +/- a few points and yes we did take some hits, but they were not hitting every shot.

    It is just nuts thinking that the quest is hard for a L14 anything, much less a caster type... You have alot more cc available as a L14 cleric than just soundburst, try something a bit stronger.... maybe try setting a trap of your own...

    Oh, btw, the traps disarmed no problem on normal with a +20 disable (didnt get to check rolls cause the partner was busy drawing agro ). I'm considering going back tonite with my L14 rogue and solo the place... just to do it... if I do, I'll repost to laugh at you, OP.
    Fyshie the Tasty, of Thelanis
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  12. #32
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Just another take - duoed this yesterday with a cleric 6 & rog2/ftr4 (both 28-point elves). We finished it with no recalling & no deaths, but it wasn't much fun. Long, resource-intensive (used all the cure wands I had - 3 partial cure mods & 2 partial cure lights). We explored pretty throughly and only found one shrine - someone up there said there were 3?

    I think the acid pits are a bit much - they seem far more damaging (38 points a shot) than the lava pools in the Fire Caves (comparable level quest in 3-barrel cove). For a level 4 quest, damage that basic resist elements can make a real dent in would seem more appropriate.

  13. #33
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Soloed this one yesterday on normal with my lvl 14 multi class toon. It was easy for me cause I routinelly have shield cast in me anyway, but I was amaszed at how difficult this quest was set up to be......I think any lvl 4 group would wipe over and over again on this quest......yes, they can leesen this with acid resist and nightshield cast on them, but the duration for bussa at lvl 4 is very short, and with only one shrine the casters would be out of SP very quickly.
    Another surprise was the rooms filled with acid that you have to jump over......this acid did an amazing amount of damge if you fell into it or walked on it.....I'm shure this would be the death of many a toon as well.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  14. #34
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    Default long but not impossible

    I agree that it's not a level 4 quest. For level 4, there should have been three shrines in there. It's more like a level 6 or 7 the way it's built now.

    My level 13 cleric (walking shrine build, terrible at combat) soloed it on normal last night. It was tough for her, but then she was solo and she sucks in melee. I used most, maybe all, of a CSW wand. The traps were completely avoidable, the spells mainly bounced off her resist spell and the enemies didn't hit all that much. (+1 FP)

    Resist Acid on normal is a must. Some way of being immune to magic missiles would have helped somewhat, but knowing when to duck behind an obstacle helped a lot also. (devs, fix that line of sight bug with MM!)

    On hard I imagine this would take a party to do, or a determined paladin who didn't mind using wands and potions a fair amount. It would get messy if the party wasn't tight and fairly well equipped, and had potions and wands instead of relying solely on mana. Seriously, any low level fighter that doesn't carry resist potions needs to get his butt kicked until he starts doing so.

    On elite I think I'd wait for a party of 10+ level's just too long, too many spells and too few shrines for low levels to really do it. The person/people who compare it to freshen the air have it right.

  15. #35
    Community Member Karethon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VirieSquichie View Post
    Resist Acid on normal is a must. Some way of being immune to magic missiles would have helped somewhat, but knowing when to duck behind an obstacle helped a lot also. (devs, fix that line of sight bug with MM!)
    As others have mentioned, the new spell Nightshield (Clr 1) grants immunity to magic missiles. On elite you'll want to pack True Seeing as well as a few more elemental resists, but otherwise you should be fine.

  16. #36
    Founder Spell's Avatar
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    Very soloable at lvl 14.
    My lvl 14 wizard went thru all 3 difficulties with no problems.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spell View Post
    Very soloable at lvl 14.
    My lvl 14 wizard went thru all 3 difficulties with no problems.

    It's a level 4 quest. How is a level 14's performance any measure of the difficutly? Just curious.

  18. #38
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    L6 quest on Elite. Casters buffing themselves with Displacement.

    When does everyone get to cast True Seeing again?

    Oh, right, L9.

    Something stinks, and it ain't the sewers.

    Lower the number of casters by a very significant amount and maybe I'd call it level appropriate. Otherwise it's just another favor crunch run that people will do once they hit the cap or need to hit 1750 (since it does grant 15 Coin Lords favor on Elite).
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  19. #39
    Community Member DKerrigan's Avatar
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    We didn't have a rogue in our party so I'm just there a box for BBQ bridge?
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  20. #40
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DKerrigan View Post
    We didn't have a rogue in our party so I'm just there a box for BBQ bridge?
    Edited - There is a box on the lower floor in the middle of the eggblenders. You can disable it before pulling the switch. It only stops the blade traps though. Apparently there's another trapbox and I'm off to go find it...
    Last edited by QuantumFX; 07-19-2007 at 07:07 PM.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

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