My quick initial reactions:

Harper enhancement I seems a little too strong. A +1 to hit/damage and +3 usp that gives additional 20SP that works will ALL weapons all for the low cost of 2 AP? at T1?

Strategic combat II made me jump for joy, because finally we have a way to give repeaters to int damage mods without needing 6 art or 6 rog. Though Strategic Combat I seems a little... to powerful when combined. After all, artificer special enhancements are exclusive (int to hit OR damage only, not both)

Versatile adept seems a little too powerful for heroic levels for my taste. I mean a total of 24 MP/RP AND USP over what I would assume is 24 AP is kinda powerful. Seems more of master of everything than jack of all trades.
How about making it a core that gives 1/3 the amount spent in tree to MP and RP, and 1/2 to USP? It'll free up one entire line of enhancement worth of space, and if it's Core 1, could cost either 2 or 4 AP to "open" the tree. After all, literally every build would take versatile adept, so its
not really a tax, while making the core an expensive but powerful ability.

While we're at it, no offense, but the cores seem rather uninspired.

Master of Austerity is a pretty nice quality of life enhancement. Could be knocked down to tier 3 but I can see it in t4.
Master of Patience is another really sweet QoL enhancement. Perhaps try putting it in the arcane/divine trees as well in their T5s?

The overall int focus seems dangerous to me, with casters getting a potential +4 to int and + 1 DC with 23 AP.

Harper's freedom needs a much longer duration or a much shorter cooldown.

Know the angles is a little over the top. While I like it alot because its what Divine Might should be (+damage & tactical instead of + strength), having both strategic combat and know the angles in the same tree means min-maxing int here produces crazy about of damage.

Throat dagger is something I wish rogues get in one of their trees (maybe assassin) and looks pretty solid.

Heroic Companion is nice, but I do wish that Halflings get a superior version since everyone has access to Harper(maybe try +0.5/0.75/1.25[W], +3/5/7 to hit and saving throws, 3%/5% dodge, 12 PRR and MRR. Also, please list the duration and cooldown.

Moment of Clarity seems... dangerous, but I'm not a caster player, so I can't really comment.

I would love it if we brought back the old base class trees, while making ALL class trees non-class restricted, via this tech.
I'll settle for more classless trees like these though, if you can find a way to prevent crazy munchkining.