My first experience using the data was positive. I definitely felt much more confident after the transaction that we both received fair value, compared to the last time I did a large collectable trade when I was left feeling like "I'm pretty sure one of us got ripped off, but I have no idea which one."
Insightful Fortification and false life arn't universal. Paladins and fighters in defender don't need it. Nor do barbs need false life. Drawven con users either.
Sometimes I pull one out just to watch it die over and over. That's how much I hate hires.
psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm
Community Member
May I humbly request that you add rare collectables used in rituals, etc. to your list (lightning-split soarwood, tome: prophecies of khyber, luminescent dust, etc.)
Community Member
Just put together a sheet that can calculate the total value of a bunch of collectibles based on the values you have here in the 2nd post.
If you're signed in to a google account you can go to File>Make a copy... to add a copy to your account. Otherwise, you'll have to download it, as it's view only.
Just copy/paste whatever collectibles you have from ddo into the leftmost column, and copy cells B3 to E3 into the new row. I think I got all the correct pluralizations, but if I missed any, let me know. Anything not on the list shows up as "rare/other".
Great thread, love it
I have made my own valuation sheet for collectables based on shards, I traded the collectables a lot so I have a fair understanding of their relative worth.
Also I sold lots and lots of rare collectables, so they are certainly worth a lot. Most of them sell for more than Silver Flame Hymnals (but then so do several uncommon ones, so perhaps I'm too cheap on the Hymnals. On Ghallanda at least there are apparently still a lot of guild crafters and people with too many Astral Shards, hence lots of demand for rare collectables.
I wondered about the obsolete column. OK I also rarely craft Fortification (just Ins.Fort.), because I use augments for normal Fort (or racial or named items).
But Feather Fall, Deathblock and UWA? Sure I often have augments for FF & DB, but the FF and DB augments are quite a bit rarer than the Fort ones. So I tend to re-craft the item (leaving those augments in place, or I have to use a jeweler's toolkit... FF or DB crafted is cheaper IMHO. So for leveling up I more often go for crafted, certainly FF (and UWA).
And a few changes I would like to propose.
Propose to move up Aligned, Metalline, Keen and Ghost Touch, as I see those very often on crafted weapons.
[Spell Power]
Potency: move up, very often used as backup for a.o. multi-element casters (with sticks & augments supplying max for specific spellpowers). Not going to switch sticks just because I'm switching to using less common spells.
E.g. Sorc/Wizzy with strong Force and Corrosion (or Electric) spells needing to do Fire or Ice spells.
Same for arcane archers. Can't have just one element. Need (say) Corrosion (or Electric) and Force. But archers (or repeaters) only have one red augment slot. And once you move to the named weapons, or are using a special non-elemental spell power augment, you still need the spellpower.
IMHO Spellsight is a must have, or at least very nice to have, for many classes (majority I think) so make that Common or Uncommon.
Devotion: move down. Why have it when you can't self heal using spells? Not needed for Bladeforged, Warforged, Undead and all scroll healers (quite a number of classes have no innate options of casting a healing spell). Just for Cocoon (for when the scroll healers have that)? IDK, and one can wear that as an augment.
Also we all already have Potency and Spellsight, right?
Natural Armor and Protection are much more common for non-heavy armour / non-tanks, say move to uncommon.
Insightfull wizardry I will always craft for wizard or sorcerer, despite only one spot for it. That spot is reserved.
You can never have too many SP, really.
I think you're overvaluing spellsight. It does not give positive spellpower. It does not give sonic spellpower. It does not give repair spellpower. So it's good for?
nearly all Warlocks, Sorcerers.
Some wizards, artificers, fvs, druids and clerics.
Which is about half the classes, if you consider a class which has a build which uses it as a class that uses it. (Certainly I wouldn't consider the majority of wizards, clerics or druids to be max-damage-spellpower types, and "spellsight" gives considerably less then "spellpower").
I'm quite happy to have devotion and heal crafted into both of my sets of slavelords gear (8 and 28), and I really don't feel the need to craft spellsight into any of the items.
Selvera: Aasimar Fighter 20/Epic 10; Old and wise fighter.
Jen: Half Elf Fvs 4; Healer Archer on a TR with friends
Mayve: Drow Bard 14/Wizard 6/Epic 7; Vampire Enchantress
Nice :0
By the way, as is visible from Solarna market prices (same on Ghallanda): Crypt Moths seem to be a bit undervalued.
Here is what they can be used for:
- Ability : Insightful Dexterity
- Ability : Insightful Strength
- Defense : Insightful Physical Sheltering
Which are some of the most popular things....
Remember that lower ranked players in Heroics all love to have these (and can after L10), but have no access or limited access to Epic collectables (unless TR-ed, unless they have a collectables farmer).
That is fine, but I still think devotion is overrated and spellsight underrated in that overview.
Spellpower determines the amount of DPS for many builds. Every little bit counts.
Spellcraft/spellsight is a class skill for Artificers, Bards, Clerics, Druids, Favored Souls, Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Wizards. And Arcane Archers can use it too, that means many Rangers and Repeater Rogues. That is 8 to 10 out of 14.
Sure Devotion is a must have for healers but the have to be able to cast healing spells, without scrolls. So Clerics, Druids, Favored Souls, Paladins and Rangers. That is 5 out of 14.
A few races have innate healing, like Halfling or Aasimar. We are still left with more than half of the playerbase who either use repair, are undead or need to use scroll healing.
Of course in the epics we have a few more options, like Cocoon.
I just never thought of using devotion (just for Cocoon) when in Epics as a Wizard, Sorcerer, Arcane Archer or Warlock. But then all of those had Potency + Spellsight.
Perhaps I should![]()
Which is exactly what I did (but on Ghallanda). Farmed as a side drop from farming Hairy Trumpets (& the odd Shimmering Spore Pod).
I did the same with the Singed Soarwood when farming for Glass Phials (and Charred Soarwood), but looking at your list I'm afraid that I've sold those for too little. Some of my runs where a bit too rich on the Singed Soarwood and I kind of needed the money.
Waste feat slot... exactly was I say before. So? 8)
If you not have slot to put DEX in cc gear, you just did it wrong. :POften also using Harper tree. In that case all points to INT (& CON), none to DEX or say STR (except for maybe a low base).
So only CON is Universal. Certainly not DEX.
Of course DEX clearly same universal as CON! Any build can use additional HP, any build can use additional protection from AC and reflex, non-any build use Harper or waste feat slot for ins reflexes. It's simple. 8)