I would argue that your chart shows the price at which essences do not sell. Otherwise they would have sold and not still be listed.
My experience is that 10k essences is worth around 100 astrals.
I would argue that your chart shows the price at which essences do not sell. Otherwise they would have sold and not still be listed.
My experience is that 10k essences is worth around 100 astrals.
OK, fair enough let's go with that.A few posts back, you'd asked if the values in terms of essences were fair/reasonable, and all I could tell you was that they didn't seem unreasonable. I've been trying to get to a better answer to your question. So using these numbers:
- 10,000 essences = 100 AS
- 700 essences in 3600 seconds (from epic dailies) = 0.194 essences/second = 5.1 seconds/essence
- The time values you've collected in the first table so far
Let's also ignore rares for now, because they're potentially weird. Let's ignore plat values, and the demand table, and also any collectible types that might need hand-adjusted due to oversupply. That means the opportunity cost (time value of money) for collectibles is shaping up like below. What I'd read into that is that if someone is offering them for less, it's a bargain. If someone were offering them for more, it would effectively be "cheaper" for me to farm them. So I'd have to decide whether I'm willing to pay the convenience charge.
I might expect to pay a higher convenience charge for a high demand collectible. I might expect a discount for an item in oversupply.
Is this helpful, or am I thinking about this wrong?
Last edited by SuperNiCd; 04-02-2017 at 12:44 PM.
That's an interesting perspective; I'm not entirely sure I can wrap my head around it properly at the moment.
What I forgot to mention earlier is that I've also listed 10k essences for 150 astral buyout at least twice for 3 days each and they've never sold, so that's why I keep looking sideways at 10k essences for 200 astrals. (I'm on Argo.)
As for this project, I've mostly finished incorporating the new data structures, data and code for collectable values into my crafting planner: Shard demand, collectable farming times, eberron-only collectables, pool size for a given school+tier, etc... Now I'm working on redoing ALL farming data for my crafting planner to get away from the other thread's data, much of which I feel is suboptimal. (Church and the Cult for Silver Flame Hymnals? Temple of Vol for glass phials? *shudder*)
So far I'm mostly done with Arcane, so hey, that's progress. I'm mostly looking for at least two farms per shool+tier to recommend, preferably with one being a free to play quest. If no F2P option then ideally three farms from three different packs.
Partly I've switched to this because calculating the best supply numbers for each collectable and adding up all the demands looks like it's going to be a ton of loops, enough that it might actually cause a 1-second delay on startup. That tastes like suck, so I'm putting it out of my mind for the moment.
Last edited by EllisDee37; 04-02-2017 at 02:00 PM.
I was looking for a secondary lore farm for tier 2 and a guildie recommended Repossession, which turns out to be the clear best lore farm for both tier 1 and 2. No more baudry farming for me, woohoo!
Table on the first page is updated.
Yep, sorry. One reason it is not making sense is that there's an error in my formula. The second is that I probably went too quickly to my conclusion without showing the work. I am trying to equate time to time (collectible vs. essence) as the basis.
Let me try again and start with an example.
Example: I need 1 more glass phial (T3 Arcane) to make my CON item and don't have it. I can go farm it, and based on your work, I'd expect it to take me 245 seconds to get it.
If I were doing normal questing, in 245 seconds, I could expect to earn 245s * 0.194 essences/sec = 48 essences. So basically it takes me the same amount of time to farm out that glass phial as it does to earn 48 essences in epic dailies.
48 essences for 1 glass phial seems wrong (too low). And I think the problem is that the time spent farming and the time spent doing epic dailies are not exactly "equal". If you're doing dailies (or any normal questing), you're earning XP (in fact that's the point) and, incidentally, essences. If you're farming collectibles, pretty much all you're getting is collectibles.
In my screenshot above I accidentally multiplied by the inverse (5.1 sec/essence number) instead of the 0.19 essences/sec number. I had devalued the "normal questing" time by a factor of around 26x. But it actually made the numbers look reasonable, and it is consistent across the board, and still based on time. Not sure if 26x is exactly the right coefficient for value of farm time vs. xp questing time, but we could use any number that is agreeable and come up with consistent baselines based on time (essences) = X * time (collectibles). Then start adjusting from there for supply/demand of particular collectibles.
Hope that makes more sense. It actually does make good sense to me to try to boil essences and collectibles down to the same unit (grind time) before adjusting for any type of supply/demand adjustments to be able to tell if the final numbers seem reasonable.
Looking quite forward to the new version of the planner!
Has Servants of the Overlord been evaluated as an F2P route for cultural T4/5? I'm not sure where the master list is at this point, as I've mostly been using your app. But didn't find it in the other thread.
The optional in there where you have to open the magic barrier to disrupt the ritual and Khyber Reavers keep spawning. As long as you can survive the spawns indefinitely and keep unsuccessfully pulling the lever, they will just keep -respawning and dropping treasure bags at a pretty good rate.
What level culture do they drop? It's based on monster type, not quest level.
Elementals drop smoldering embers, which are tier 5. Other than that, the only way I'm aware of to get any cultural tier 4, 5 or 6 is to collect Any dispensers.
That's why the Wheloon Prison backpack run is such a sweet farm.
Just ran it on HC and EC, and they drop T3 Cultural, so assuming changing the difficulty won't change that. Might still be a good T3 cultural farm in the sense that you don't have to get into a recall loop. You don't even have to pull the lever to get more spawns. And it is F2P.
I took an epic auralock in on HC, and if it weren't for the fact that the Khyber Reavers are occasionally smart enough to back up a few steps out of the aura, I could have just left the room for a few hours and built up treasure bags lol. They were dropping planar spoors and small planar crystals.
Nice! I've added it to the "Demons" farm listing in the planner for tier 3 cultural. I also added a note about the respawning optional similar to how the "Goblinoids" farm for cultural tier 2 mentions the respawning city in Tear of Dhakaan.
I just now finished all the coding to calculate the supply, demand and essence value for all the collectables, plus I'm pretty much finished with the data. Tomorrow I'll post the initial tables so we can eyeball it and see what doesn't look right. There will absolutely have to be tweaks, I think.
Actually, here's the raw data if you want to look it over now. When calculating the value I round it off to the nearest 25.
My initial thought is that some of these demand values have run wild. I'm thinking maybe cap the demand totals at the highest 5 shards for any given collectable. Using the "old" (current) version of my planner, look at some of the highest demand shards and what they're used for and see what you think. (Mortar and Pestle is the ultimate example.)Code:Value Supply Demand Collectable 1950 245 41 Silver Bowl 1700 300 29 Ivory Scorpion Icon 1575 450 18 Silver Flame Hymnal 1550 250 32 Ornate Charm 1475 450 17 Scholarly Notes 1325 175 39 'Wavecrasher' Cargo Manifest 1175 225 27 Fragrant Drowshood 1175 178 34 Sparkling Dust 1125 150 39 Cryptmoss Worm 1050 450 12 House-Sealed Letter 950 150 33 Stone Fetish 925 122 39 Fractured Femur 900 150 31 Cryptmoss 850 272 16 Charred Soarwood 775 149 27 Academic Treatise 775 219 18 Archaic Logbook 750 245 16 Glass Phial 750 300 13 Polished Ore 700 149 24 Warehouse Ledger 625 89 36 Vial of Pure Water 600 80 38 Blister Beetle 575 225 13 Headsman Beetle 575 88 33 Khyber Prayer Pamphlet 525 245 11 Moonstone 475 225 11 Intact Spore Pod 450 75 31 Deadly Feverblanch 425 122 18 Pouch of Bone Fragments 400 33 63 Mortar and Pestle 375 175 11 Research Diary 350 80 22 Glowmoss Spore 350 80 22 Romantic Sonnet 350 47 37 Skull Fragment 325 80 21 Bloodfeast Fungus 325 47 36 Caravan Logbook 325 65 25 Lodestone 325 72 23 Singed Soarwood 325 40 43 Smoldering Ember 300 60 25 Bruised Spore Pod 300 40 37 Cryptmoss Worm Larva 300 47 33 Glittering Dust 300 178 9 Powdered Blood 275 40 36 Cryptic Message 250 60 21 Sour Darkcap 225 65 18 Blessed Candle 225 80 14 Runic Parchment 200 58 18 Ancient Text 200 33 30 Brass Censer 200 40 25 Chipped Bone Talisman 200 47 23 Phoenix Tavern Purchase Order 175 40 24 Mystical Formula 175 23 40 Page Torn from a Research Notebook 175 40 22 Withered Cryptmoss 150 24 33 Amber Vial 150 67 12 Flint Knife 150 40 18 Hairy Trumpet Mushroom 150 21 39 Ruddy Fungus 125 21 33 Slime Mold 125 20 34 Sweet Whitecap 100 65 8 Ceramic Bowl 75 21 20 Zygomycota Fungus 50 11 26 Crypt Moth 50 60 4 Duskbrood Trumpeter 0 0 19 Amulet of the Lost Empire 0 0 25 Amulet of the Six 0 0 22 Blade of the Dark Six 0 0 41 Funerary Token 0 0 27 Mark of the Keeper 0 0 9 Planar Spoor 0 65 0 Ritual Candle 0 0 26 Signet of the Devourer 0 0 21 Small Planar Crystal 0 0 42 Small Wooden Idol 0 0 35 String of Prayer Beads 0 21 0 Swaying Mushroom Cluster 0 80 0 Swaying Mushroom Spore Pod 0 245 0 Vial of Heavy Water
EDIT: You know, as I sit here and obsess over the numbers (my precious!!!) I'm thinking maybe cap the category contributions: Unlimited universals, 5 commons, 3 uncommons, 2 niche, 1 obsolete, 1 rarely used. So if a collectable is used for 10 niche effects it only counts as 2 effects. Something like that, anyway.
Last edited by EllisDee37; 04-03-2017 at 06:32 PM.
I commend and thank you on the time and thought you've put into this!
There's still something about the model/methodology that is making me question how accurate the valuations are going to be. So far, I've been unable to articulate it - maybe even to myself. So I'm going to try again, and maybe you or others can help either flesh it out put the concern to rest. Please bear with me through another wall o' text.
Let's start with demand. Demand is always going to be in the eye of the beholder, to some extent. We can say that an fragrant drowshood, for example, is worth X essences or Y shards. Someone might offer it for 2*X essences or 5*X essences. Will I buy it or make that trade even though the model says the value is X essences? I might. It really depends on my available time and tolerance for farming , and also the urgency with which I need it. Maybe also on how many extra essences I have saved up.
Moving on to supply. I think supply will be a moving target. Let's say for example that the most valuable collectible turns out to be ornate charms. Maybe we decide here that they're worth 10 shards each. That's a pretty good amount of astrals for an item that I can reliably farm out - no real challenge involved. I might decide to farm some in order to get some astrals. Maybe I decide to take 15-30 minutes each session to farm ornate charms, and within a little while, I'm happily earning X AS/day. Then a few more people on my server see this opportunity and decide to do the same thing as I did. When I go to post my next stack of ornate charms for X AS, I see there are already 3 other listings for it at that price. So I set my buyout one lower than that, because that's the only thing that will differentiate my listing. The next seller comes along, sees my listing at X-1 AS, and sets his buyout at X-2.
This continues until we drive the price down to the price of the 2nd highest value collectible at which point (if I am smart),I decide to start farming that instead - the 2nd highest valued collectible is now more valuable than ornate charms - on my server at this point in time.
So the supply is a moving target and the demand is at least somewhat subjective, personal, and variable over time. <-- This is the crux of my doubt - that we can produce static numbers for supply and demand that will be generally accepted and constant.
I think this is why I was trying to find a way to set the baselines as some function of opportunity cost (time). If we could somehow get a general acceptance of a few equations:
- 1 hour of questing produces ~700 essences
- 10k essences equals 100 AS
- X minutes of questing is equal to 1 minute of pure collectible farming, where X>1 because regular questing provides XP and is (I'd assume for most), fun. Collectible farming on the other hand is tedious, boring, and yields no rewards except collectibles.
If we could get agreement on those equations, I'm wondering if you haven't already done all the hard work, and the demand numbers could be left out of the model.
I would know that if I want to buy an ornate charm, the opportunity cost of farming it (time spent questing) is equivalent is X essences or Y shards. Anything > X or Y is a convenience charge, and I can decide if I'm willing to pay it. Anything less is a discount, probably based on market saturation or the seller's own personal over-supply, and I know it's a good deal. As a seller, I can decide how much of a discount or convenience up-charge I want to charge based on current conditions.
But either way, I know the value of the item's opportunity cost in AS, essences, and ratios to other collectibles, so at least everyone knows if the offered price is an up-charge or discount, and how much. As an aside, my guess is that most AH offerings will have some amount of convenience charge built in. Crafter to crafter exchanges may be closer to the stated rates.
What's more, if we can get this into absolutes (time=time), and you're going to put it into an application, we don't even have to agree on the equations! Maybe I agree that 10k essences = 100 AS, but I don't feel I can earn 700 essences/hour. I could change that value in an app, and it would tell me what the collectibles should be worth to me. Or if ULFO thinks 10k essences = 200 AS on his/her server, that number could also be changed by ULFO to reflect ULFO's experience. It also in a way future proofs it against a variety of game updates (new, better farms for a particular collectible excepted).
The one thing it doesn't do is produce a absolutely static list that everyone can look at to see the cost. But my concern if someone doesn't agree with an assumption, it invalidates the whole thing for them. So this way becomes more of a decision making tool instead of a price list.
Did I explain myself any better? And if so, thoughts?
Last edited by SuperNiCd; 04-03-2017 at 08:47 PM.
I don't share you concern on this point because this is a truism that applies to everything players trade or buy on the auction house, not just collectables. It applied to LDS and red scales back in the day, dwarven ingots when mortal fear was all the rage, etc...
I also don't share this concern because again, this is a universal truth. Think of it this way: Players already know that ornate charms have value, and they've already been doing this very thing.Moving on to supply. I think supply will be a moving target. Let's say for example that the most valuable collectible turns out to be ornate charms. Maybe we decide here that they're worth 10 shards each. That's a pretty good amount of astrals for an item that I can reliably farm out - no real challenge involved. I might decide to farm some in order to get some astrals. Maybe I decide to take 15-30 minutes each session to farm ornate charms, and within a little while, I'm happily earning X AS/day. Then a few more people on my server see this opportunity and decide to do the same thing as I did. When I go to post my next stack of ornate charms for X AS, I see there are already 3 other listings for it at that price. So I set my buyout one lower than that, because that's the only thing that will differentiate my listing. The next seller comes along, sees my listing at X-1 AS, and sets his buyout at X-2.
This continues until we drive the price down to the price of the 2nd highest value collectible at which point (if I am smart),I decide to start farming that instead - the 2nd highest valued collectible is now more valuable than ornate charms - on my server at this point in time.
So the supply is a moving target and the demand is at least somewhat subjective, personal, and variable over time. <-- This is the crux of my doubt - that we can produce static numbers for supply and demand that will be generally accepted and constant.
I think of it like ticket scalping. Who's the big pop star right now? I'm an out of touch old guy, so let's say Katy Perry. I could go buy Katy Perry tickets and then sell them to kids who want to see her for a mark-up. I could keep doing this to earn more and more money if I wanted. But it's not really going to change the face value of the tickets.
Pretty much everyone who would do this has already been doing this.
Demand numbers can never be left off the model, and a simple example shows why: You're never going to convince people that Moonstones are worth exactly the same as Glass Phials. They're both tier 3 Arcanes that appear in the same frequency in the same farms, but people want to craft Constitution more than they want to craft Combat Mastery. They just do.If we could get agreement on those equations, I'm wondering if you haven't already done all the hard work, and the demand numbers could be left out of the model.
You can do this in my app. I had already added user-configurable settings in a data file called General.txt that currently looks like this:What's more, if we can get this into absolutes (time=time), and you're going to put it into an application, we don't even have to agree on the equations! Maybe I agree that 10k essences = 100 AS, but I don't feel I can earn 700 essences/hour. I could change that value in an app, and it would tell me what the collectibles should be worth to me.Code:' Frequency is the ratio of Uncommon / Common / Rare for all dispensers, as confirmed by a dev Frequency: 0.75, 0.20, 0.05 ' Any is the Any dispenser ratio of Arcane / Culture / Lore / Natural, as determined by testing ' Forum thread: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/484819 Any: 0.22, 0.50, 0.20, 0.08 ' EssenceRate is the average essences per second from solo epic dailies (700 / 3600) EssenceRate: 0.19444
Again, I'm not seeing this train of thought. When I look on the ah for yellow-slot accessories, and I see some listed at 90k plat (9x more than I would pay for them) I don't think to myself "the whole auction house is invalidated for me."The one thing it doesn't do is produce a absolutely static list that everyone can look at to see the cost. But my concern if someone doesn't agree with an assumption, it invalidates the whole thing for them. So this way becomes more of a decision making tool instead of a price list.
Also, my goal for this entire project is to create a decision-making tool, not a price list. I thought it went without saying that people would look at the prices the same way they would look at auction house listings. Some you think are crazy, you'll go farm those yourself. Some are low, I'm definitely going to try and just buy those because these fools don't know how valuable they are to me. etc... etc...
I'm not trying to impose collectable values on an unwilling population. I'm trying to create a relative value guide for people to use to assess value of collectables they have no clue about ("How valuable are Caravan Logbooks?") by giving them a basic scale that relates back to collectables that already have an inherent value for them. (Fragrant Drowshood, Glass Phials, Ornate Charms)
Last edited by EllisDee37; 04-04-2017 at 05:12 AM.
Here's how the values look if I only take the 5 highest demand values for any given collectable:
I think this looks immediately and obviously better than the previous chart, but now I'll check the results when using the second idea of limited contributions from the different demand values.Code:Value Supply Demand Collectable 1575 450 18 Silver Flame Hymnal 1550 250 32 Ornate Charm 1475 450 17 Scholarly Notes 1425 245 30 Silver Bowl 1275 300 22 Ivory Scorpion Icon 1175 225 27 Fragrant Drowshood 1050 450 12 House-Sealed Letter 1000 150 34 Cryptmoss Worm 975 178 28 Sparkling Dust 950 175 28 'Wavecrasher' Cargo Manifest 850 272 16 Charred Soarwood 825 150 28 Cryptmoss 775 219 18 Archaic Logbook 750 245 16 Glass Phial 750 300 13 Polished Ore 700 150 24 Stone Fetish 625 149 22 Academic Treatise 625 122 26 Fractured Femur 575 225 13 Headsman Beetle 575 149 20 Warehouse Ledger 525 245 11 Moonstone 525 89 30 Vial of Pure Water 475 225 11 Intact Spore Pod 450 88 26 Khyber Prayer Pamphlet 425 80 28 Blister Beetle 425 122 18 Pouch of Bone Fragments 375 175 11 Research Diary 350 80 22 Romantic Sonnet 325 72 23 Singed Soarwood 300 80 19 Bloodfeast Fungus 300 60 25 Bruised Spore Pod 300 75 20 Deadly Feverblanch 300 65 24 Lodestone 300 47 32 Skull Fragment 275 80 17 Glowmoss Spore 275 178 8 Powdered Blood 250 47 26 Caravan Logbook 250 40 32 Cryptmoss Worm Larva 250 47 26 Glittering Dust 250 60 21 Sour Darkcap 225 40 28 Cryptic Message 225 80 14 Runic Parchment 200 58 18 Ancient Text 200 33 30 Brass Censer 200 33 30 Mortar and Pestle 175 65 14 Blessed Candle 175 40 22 Chipped Bone Talisman 175 47 20 Phoenix Tavern Purchase Order 175 40 22 Smoldering Ember 150 67 12 Flint Knife 150 40 18 Hairy Trumpet Mushroom 150 40 20 Mystical Formula 125 24 26 Amber Vial 125 23 30 Page Torn from a Research Notebook 125 40 17 Withered Cryptmoss 100 65 8 Ceramic Bowl 100 21 26 Ruddy Fungus 100 21 24 Slime Mold 100 20 24 Sweet Whitecap 75 21 18 Zygomycota Fungus 50 11 26 Crypt Moth 50 60 4 Duskbrood Trumpeter 0 0 19 Amulet of the Lost Empire 0 0 25 Amulet of the Six 0 0 18 Blade of the Dark Six 0 0 30 Funerary Token 0 0 24 Mark of the Keeper 0 0 9 Planar Spoor 0 65 0 Ritual Candle 0 0 25 Signet of the Devourer 0 0 21 Small Planar Crystal 0 0 24 Small Wooden Idol 0 0 20 String of Prayer Beads 0 21 0 Swaying Mushroom Cluster 0 80 0 Swaying Mushroom Spore Pod 0 245 0 Vial of Heavy Water
While I do that, if anyone would like to try and farm a Silver Flame Hymnal from Mask of Deception on heroic casual to see if they actually drop in the realms, that'd be great. My numbers say it takes 16:15 to farm one there, so it's a painful test.
Figure click the cabinet 100 times and tally up what you get, stopping as soon as you pull one hymnal. It takes 1 minute per click, so, yeah. Not fun at all. On the plus side, if you also click the bookshelf for arcane (still 1 minute per run) you should end up with 10 glass phials after 100 runs, so there's at least some value for your troubles.
Last edited by EllisDee37; 04-04-2017 at 06:00 AM.
OK, I think you've successfully quelled my doubts. And I definitely see where the demand numbers can't be eliminated from the model now. Thanks for adding the additional perspective.
The list using the method of using only the 5 highest demand values definitely looks more sane. I've struggled with Silver Flame Hymnals in the past so I'm not surprised to find them near the top of the list. I'm a little surprised they're at the very top considering they have nothing in the universal slot. Wonder if some of these demand values having reasonable alternatives is a consideration. E.g. I might want a chaos proc weapon effect, but if silver flame hymnals are too hard to come by, I'd probably settle for a light weapon damage proc.
I'm willing but not sure when I can get to it - possibly later today but can't commit to that yet. I'll check back and if no one else has beat me to it when I have a time slot for it, I'll do it. I could use some more phials anyway.While I do that, if anyone would like to try and farm a Silver Flame Hymnal from Mask of Deception on heroic casual to see if they actually drop in the realms, that'd be great. My numbers say it takes 16:15 to farm one there, so it's a painful test.
PS - EC would be the preferred difficulty BTW. HC only spawned one mob at a time, EC spawned 3 or 4 on each respawn.Nice! I've added it to the "Demons" farm listing in the planner for tier 3 cultural. I also added a note about the respawning optional similar to how the "Goblinoids" farm for cultural tier 2 mentions the respawning city in Tear of Dhakaan.
Last edited by SuperNiCd; 04-04-2017 at 07:15 AM.
Here's the value chart when using the Weighted technique instead of Top 5:
I like this one better than Top 5. Most values stayed the same, but not all. Compared to the Top 5 technique, the weighted values change the following:Code:Value Supply Demand Collectable 1575 450 18 Silver Flame Hymnal 1550 250 32 Ornate Charm 1475 450 17 Scholarly Notes 1475 245 31 Silver Bowl 1175 225 27 Fragrant Drowshood 1125 150 39 Cryptmoss Worm 1050 450 12 House-Sealed Letter 875 300 15 Ivory Scorpion Icon 875 178 25 Sparkling Dust 850 272 16 Charred Soarwood 850 175 25 'Wavecrasher' Cargo Manifest 775 219 18 Archaic Logbook 750 245 16 Glass Phial 750 300 13 Polished Ore 725 150 25 Cryptmoss 575 225 13 Headsman Beetle 575 89 33 Vial of Pure Water 550 122 23 Fractured Femur 525 245 11 Moonstone 500 88 29 Khyber Prayer Pamphlet 500 150 17 Stone Fetish 500 149 17 Warehouse Ledger 475 225 11 Intact Spore Pod 425 149 15 Academic Treatise 425 122 18 Pouch of Bone Fragments 400 80 25 Blister Beetle 350 80 22 Romantic Sonnet 325 65 25 Lodestone 325 72 23 Singed Soarwood 300 60 25 Bruised Spore Pod 300 175 9 Research Diary 300 47 33 Skull Fragment 250 40 33 Cryptmoss Worm Larva 250 60 21 Sour Darkcap 225 80 15 Bloodfeast Fungus 225 80 14 Runic Parchment 200 58 18 Ancient Text 200 33 30 Brass Censer 200 47 23 Caravan Logbook 200 40 27 Cryptic Message 200 47 23 Glittering Dust 200 33 31 Mortar and Pestle 175 178 5 Powdered Blood 150 67 12 Flint Knife 150 80 9 Glowmoss Spore 150 40 18 Hairy Trumpet Mushroom 150 23 33 Page Torn from a Research Notebook 125 24 29 Amber Vial 125 65 9 Blessed Candle 125 40 15 Chipped Bone Talisman 125 75 9 Deadly Feverblanch 125 40 17 Smoldering Ember 100 65 8 Ceramic Bowl 75 40 9 Mystical Formula 75 47 9 Phoenix Tavern Purchase Order 75 21 19 Ruddy Fungus 75 21 17 Slime Mold 75 20 19 Sweet Whitecap 75 40 9 Withered Cryptmoss 75 21 17 Zygomycota Fungus 50 11 26 Crypt Moth 50 60 4 Duskbrood Trumpeter 0 0 15 Amulet of the Lost Empire 0 0 25 Amulet of the Six 0 0 17 Blade of the Dark Six 0 0 27 Funerary Token 0 0 17 Mark of the Keeper 0 0 9 Planar Spoor 0 65 0 Ritual Candle 0 0 25 Signet of the Devourer 0 0 17 Small Planar Crystal 0 0 19 Small Wooden Idol 0 0 11 String of Prayer Beads 0 21 0 Swaying Mushroom Cluster 0 80 0 Swaying Mushroom Spore Pod 0 245 0 Vial of Heavy Water
Silver Bowl +50
Cryptmoss Worm +125
Ivory Scorpion Icon -400
Sparkling Dust -100
'Wavecrasher' Cargo Manifest -100
Cryptmoss -100
Vial of Pure Water +50
Fractured Femur -75
Khyber Prayer Pamphlet +50
Stone Fetish -200
Warehouse Ledger -75
Academic Treatise -200
Blister Beetle -25
Lodestone +25
Research Diary -75
Bloodfeast Fungus -75
Caravan Logbook -50
Cryptic Message -25
Glittering Dust -50
Powdered Blood -100
Glowmoss Spore -125
Page Torn from a Research Notebook +25
Blessed Candle -50
Chipped Bone Talisman -50
Deadly Feverblanch -175
Smoldering Ember -50
Mystical Formula -75
Phoenix Tavern Purchase Order -100
Ruddy Fungus -25
Slime Mold -25
Sweet Whitecap -25
Withered Cryptmoss -50
Any number of pulls you can stomach is welcome, and if I do the same we should be able to get a clear answer whether they drop or not. So if you start wanting to claw your eyes out by run 20, no worries, just post the 20 results and that's a 20-run head start for me.
I don't actually list difficulties for treasure bag farms, I just point people to good quests / locations for farming. But I would think HE on an epic alt would be the best rate of return, preferably with a hireling for added scaling.PS - EC would be the preferred difficulty BTW. HC only spawned one mob at a time, EC spawned 3 or 4 on each respawn.
One of the delays posting the weighted value chart is that I added the ability for the end user to choose which technique to use, and also the # of values in the Top # technique to use, and the cap for each category for weighted by changing settings in General.txt. I'm pretty happy with it.
Last edited by EllisDee37; 04-04-2017 at 07:18 AM.
My reaction exactly. The biggest issue with hymnals is that their pool is so huge. The best farm I know of is Eyes of Stone, where you get 3 lore pulls in 90 seconds. That's not a terrible rate, but the pool of tier 3 lore is so large that it still takes 7:30 to farm up just one hymnal. Ouch!
Ideally we could find a better tier 3 lore farm. Even shaving it down 5 seconds (0:25 per lore pull instead of 0:30) it would get it down to 6:15, which is still bad but way better. Then their value would drop down to 1300, I think, depending on rounding. (Scholarly notes would also drop, since they're also tier 3 lore uncommon, and are used for doublestrike.)
Last edited by EllisDee37; 04-04-2017 at 07:26 AM.
2 shrines in (so 24 runs -- 12 sprint boosts per shrine) and I can already say with confidence that silver flame hymnals don't drop in Mask of Deception heroic casual. I started with an empty collectable bag so I don't have to track what I pull, and here's what's in it now:
Arcane Tier 3
Common: 12 Ceramic Bowls, 5 Lodestones
Uncommon: 5 Glass Phials
Rare: 1 Crystal Decanter, 1 Stellar Orb
Lore Tier 4
Common: 19 Cryptic Messages
Uncommon: 5 Academic Treatises
Here's what's conspicuously absent:
Arcane Tier 3
Common: Singed Soarwood
Uncommon: Charred Soarwood, Moonstone
Rare: Lightning-Split Soarwood
If -- and this is a big if -- Moonstones only drop in Eberron, then mirror darkly becomes a fantastic glass phial farm since glass phials would be the only possible uncommon to drop from all 10 arcane dispensers.
I'm kind of digging just listening to music (which I don't do that often) as I run these, so I think I'll do another 24 hoping to not pull any Moonstones.
Booooooo! Five runs later:
(Standard): You obtain a Moonstone.
Last edited by EllisDee37; 04-04-2017 at 12:21 PM.