The Reaper typed bonuses on items work just like a second Mythic type bonus. In that you can get one in each item slot and they stack with each other. They apply in all content regardless of difficulty.
Each item with a Reaper bonus will have one of:
- "Reaper Power" (Melee Power, Ranged Power, Spell Power) +3
- PRR +3
- MRR +3
- All Attributes +2 (These only appear on helmets and thus you can not stack multiple all attributes Reaper bonuses)
EDIT: Messed up the bonuses originally. Fixed.
Sure. There's no reason not to lay out the reward system. It's there to incentivize people to play Reaper. The reason to hold back info on actual Reaper mechanics is A: For it to be an exploratory process of playing to find the best ways to counter things as opposed to simply theory crafting. and B: To make sure people are giving feedback on the difficulty through actual experience rather than just guessing based off of numbers. Neither of those things apply to the rewards system.
Last edited by Cocomajobo; 01-06-2017 at 03:09 PM.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
The "Reaper Power" effect grants all 3 of Melee Power, Ranged Power, and Spell Power.
The bonuses do not currently have a range. The values listed in my previous post are the only currrently planned variations.
The percentage chance for a named item to have a Reaper Bonus when it drops is higher at higher skull ratings. This is in addition to the chance for a named item to drop at all increasing at higher skull ratings. While completing higher skull ratings is expected to be much slower the actual chance of gaining these bonuses is, all told, proportionally much higher at 10 skulls than 1 skull (and increasing at every step in between of course).
Litany is a Profane Bonus and does not stack with other Profane Bonuses (such as the profane bonus from eating all Festivult abishai cookies). Given Mythic-type and Reaper-type bonuses stack with themselves, they would stack with everything else... and hence could not be a profane non-stacking type bonus.
I'd say yes, Stacks with Litany.
Hmmm... so what are some good recent helms that would be so much prettier with mythic and a +2 attribute bonus?
Side note. Now that DDO has moved crafted, random, named items bonuses almost 50% higher than they were for the previous 80% of the game's life... would really be nice if you could go back through and make all the previous raid and then many named items use the much higher statted values for attributes and other numbered bonuses. Go get that one intern back to update them all and put in crafting-stone recipes to update older items if needed. I've had two guildies return to find that all their previous gear is pretty but junk compared to the power creep of current random items. It would be nice to tell them how they can "make relevant" any of those items.
Last edited by Gratch; 01-06-2017 at 05:21 PM.
Casual DDOaholic
This is a "Reaper" typed bonus which is entierly new and should stack with everything.
If I recall correctly, Litany has a "Profane" typed bonus. There should be nothing stopping these two things from stacking as currently designed/implemented. If they don't that would be a bug.
This is a good question that I completely forgot to caveat: When I say that Reaper Bonuses (and Mythic for that matter) can now be found on all named items that drop as quest loot that (to my recollection while at home away from notes/documentation) specifically excludes named items that can be upgraded via crafting because that would have, as you suspected, caused the bonuses to be removed which is an undesirable headache.
I will amend the original statement to reflect this.
I see that rewards have been announced for Reaper but no discussion on Reaper XP(tm). While it might be too late, I have a suggestion for implementing Reaper XP(tm) in the game. Reaper XP(tm) would be used for crafting augments. The recipes would be quite simple. Players earn Reaper XP tokens(tm) by completing Reaper level challenges, generally 1 token per skull. Using the Reaper XP Crafting Station(tm)*, a player would add 10 Reaper XP tokens(tm)* and one item. The two ingredients would combine into 1 Reaper augment(tm). Reaper augments(tm) go in any augment slot are are minimum level 1, regardless of the level of the ingredients.
Example: add 10 Reaver XP tokens* and 1 Epic Sword of Shadows (augmented with 1 Ruby Eye of the Inferno), and viola, one "Reaper Augment of the Epic Sword of Shadows with Ruby Eye of the Inferno", which could be added to any slot to add all of the associated effects to any attack (melee, ranged, or spell). Slot the newly created "Reaper Augment of the Epic Sword of Shadows with Ruby Eye of the Inferno" into Epic Riftmaker, then use the Reaper Crafting System(tm) to make an "Epic Riftmaker with Epic Sword of Shadows with Ruby Eye of the Inferno" augment to add to your favorite ML1 throwing dagger for your next TR.
I understand the need to incentivize play in Reaper mode. I think this creates modest incentive without adding any undo power creep. Additionally, it should help with the TR Bank lag as players can now reduce inventory by consolidating gear into just a few augments, or even one augment!
*available for purchase in the DDO store
Okay, yeah, I figured that there would be an issue there. Hopefully in the future, someone will have time to do custom-coding on those items/upgrade interfaces to allow for the mythic upgrades to appear on the base items and persist through upgrades.
And by 'persist', I mean 'also appear', since I get the fact that the 'upgraded' item is technically-speaking a brand-new item. But you know what I mean.
Last edited by changelingamuck; 01-06-2017 at 08:21 PM.
Does this apply to EE MOD loot?
A reaper litany or Quiver would be an EXCELLENT chaser item.
I am looking forward to that in a HUGE way. That raid is awesome.
The caster helm from there with reaper +2 attributes will be BIS.
I don't want to see the upgrade system exclude this loot, although I'm very concerned about Slavers Loot becoming extremely OP.
My 10cents.
This system looks great.
The issue is any loot that is 'upgraded' by actually being replaced by a brand new item in your inventory. Anything that when currently upgraded has stone-of-change effects wiped or festival icy burst wiped would be excluded because of the same technical issue. The game doesn't actually retain the base items that are upgraded. They're deleted entirely and a new item (the 'upgraded' item) is simultaneously placed in your inventory. That's why retaining certain effects from the base items presents a technical challenge.
I do not know the answer to this question for sure as I am working on periphery knowledge having not directly worked on the Reaper itemization. On Monday I will confer with either NoWorries (the person who actually implemented the change) or KookieKobold (who is in the process of testing it all) for the answer.
Hey thanks for all the work. I do have a couple questions that I hope you take a second to address:
-How much new content could you guys have designed if you had spent the time you are spending on Reaper on making new content the whole community will enjoy?
-Do you realize that the way the rewards are laid out that Reaper will become the new default diff for people? Do you realize what that will do to new and casual players?