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Thread: WoW Solo Zones.

  1. #61
    Community Member Taur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dingo123 View Post
    Those places aren't really balanced so much for solo play, adding regen would help that. Even if it was regen added in solo only I'd be all for it.

    Are you kidding me? I would LOVE to take my assassin rogue throughout searing heights... but every other fight becomes an exercise in drinking potions, using wands, or whatever.

    Adding regen for solo play would do wonders.
    so be careful and carry pots. there's your regen.

  2. 09-01-2007, 06:11 AM

  3. 09-01-2007, 06:20 AM

  4. #62
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalanth View Post
    If you made the effort, spend the money now and get into Giant Hold, your pockets will be so lined with coin that you wont even notice buying a stack of 100 CSW potions. Money means nothing in this game, not a darned thing. More than enough of us here could create a character, not twink him, and send him off into the world and not need a group for a while. I personally don't start looking until about lvl 4 because I can solo through the first 3 levels with ease, and at lvl 4 there start to be some things that I would need at least one other person for.

    I've got tons of cash on my main. I routinely solo Chains/WK/Pre Queen out of sheer boredom. I'd solo the raid itself if I had a spare static Greater Lightning Resist item.

    It takes knowledge of the game and the quest you're soloing. Not free healing spells, not free XP potions, not regen while soloing, not free raid loot.

    If you want to play a solo-friendly game, play something else. DDO is anything but solo-friendly.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  5. 09-01-2007, 09:53 AM

  6. 09-01-2007, 09:56 AM

  7. #63
    Community Member Deriaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dingo123 View Post
    However, having Zones where you could go off and solo wouldn't cause the world to implode. Quite the opposite. It would give people something to do while waiting for a team.
    I'd also like to just add that after thinking about it. . . They do have those kinds of zones. Just not the kind you're thinking off. In your quest log, go to a quest that says Solo/Party. Click "Solo" as the option when you get there, and ta-da, solo zone. Heck, you even get regen by going to shrines that are in the quest. Even better if there's more than one shrine.

    No Solo option on the quest? Well, doing something on Normal usually isn't too bad either. Just may take you a little longer.

    But seriously, as people have said. . . Take the time now to buy those 100 potions (Even if you don't have that much cash to begin with). Heck, you don't even need 100, really. I run around with, maybe, 40. It's really not as expensive as you may think. Especially if you use tactics. Then you don't use nearly as many.

    But. . . Just my opinion. *Shrug.*

    Thelanis - Warforged Shield of the <Fellowship of the Golden Night>

  8. 09-01-2007, 12:00 PM

  9. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    Isn't that sweet.

    You need to work on your builds. If you are going through more pots than you are making in loot then you are not a well rounded enoug design and shouldn't run solo, stick to a group where you can do whatever it was you built that char for.
    Depends on the class too. Some classes just arent suited (more so at lower levels) to rushing out into the middle of every mob they see. You need to think about each fight.

    Here's some advice I once gave to a guildie on Ghallanda who mocked me for attempting to solo Shrieking Mines: "dont have a party for the quest? Simple, just bring along the army of a patient mind."
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
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  10. #65
    Community Member PaintHorseCowboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dingo123 View Post
    The best way I can describe them would be as "WoW" zones. They would be zones where the mechanics of the game would shift in such a way that characters would regen health and mana rather rapidly, rather than require a rez shrine. Further, the once every 60 seconds or so mechanic that heals you of various debillitating damage would function once every four minutes or so.

    Finally, each mob slain would provide XP.

    These zones would be exclusively solo. You could not enter them with teams. You would find solo level bosses that would still provide decent, at least sellable loot.

    The most important aspect of this is that you would regen. Even if they incorporated this into the current zones I'd be pretty happy...

    but regen is extremely useful for solo play, especially for Caster types.

    The regen would be percentage based, regening a portion of your HP and SP every tick... such as 10% or 15% or whatever. You would only regen when not in combat.

    They have them, they're located in the trainer's area of the harbor.

    /not signed

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    Death Waits In The Dark

  11. #66


    I see Dingo is spouting off again.

    1st. This is DDO, not WoW. If you want WoW, go back and play WoW.
    2nd. DDO ISgroup centric. Turbine has stated as such. There is about a handful of quests that are impossible to solo due to the makeup of the quest. (aka switches, steps, etc.)

    To have the regen that you talk about, it just screams that you want a place to go kill pigs over and over and over for 1 or 2 xp, grow fat and obese, just aching that maybe, maybe, in your wildest dreams you'll be able to get the sword of 1,000 truths. (if I remember what i've been told about that SP ep. I dont' care to watch it at all.)

    Personally, I would be much happier if you play the game as intended, make suggestions that will make DDO become a better game and not a copy of another MMO, be in good health, and above all be happy with life.
    If you don't want to play the game as intended (aka with groups) use your imagination to come up with some crazy builds and tatics that will own everything in sight. That too is a fair accomplishment.

    Now, all of this stated, I can fully understand why rest shrines in quests are a one time use. But why can't you use them more than once in an adventure area? I mean you don't have to put a lot in, and heck, take some out if needed to make it cost time to run back and forth. But I personally think adventure area rest shrines should be able to be used more than once. Maybe a timer on them much like the religion enhancement clickes (30 minutes as I recall.)

  12. #67
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rragnaar View Post
    Read the post as "I'm a disgruntled WoW player who wants another mmo to become just like WoW". This kid obviously watched south park too much and wants a forest where he can kill boars nonstop for 6 months and gain uber levels.

    Stop wasting our time and go back to the other game.
    But I NEED The Sword of a Thousand Truths.
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  13. #68
    Community Member Eldryn's Avatar
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    No offense Dingo, but I've read alot of your posts on this forum, and it seems to me that you really don't want to play DDO. I feel that all of your ideas would be bad for the game as it would make DDO the absolute easiest of all MMOs. I have a few questions for you, and you need not answer them because I believe I already know the answers. Have you ever played pencil and paper dungeons and dragons? You know, with the polyhedral dice and the graph paper. Could you play that game solo? If so, how much fun is it? If you need help with the answers, you already proved yourself wrong. DDO is a group based game. Dungeons and Dragons version 3.5 with the books and dice is a group based game also. So if I understand you correctly, you want to play a group based game solo, and have it be easy. Am I right? I mean, if I'm wrong I can handle it. I am only trying to figure out why you would want to change the way people play a group based game. First raidless raid loot and now WoW zones. I wonder what's next?
    Proud member of Soulless
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  14. #69
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    Eld you obviosly missed the SPless healing for clerics and the one about sorcerors being waaay to powerfull by level 20, all in all humorous reading
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  15. #70
    Founder Guildmaster_Kadish's Avatar
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    Solo in these zones. If you need more mana or health, recall out and go to a tavern. There's no penalty like a normal quest. Why do we need "WoW" zones? There is PLENTY in this game that can be easily soloed for a reasonable benefit.

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  16. #71
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    This is the second time today I've been in this thread having to delete posts, you guys. Feel free to discuss the topic, but do it WITHOUT the insults and profanity. Thanks.


  17. #72
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    It's getting out of hand Patience. But I'll tell you where it comes from.. the Turbine fans who insist that any form of complaint is "whining". It really doesn't matter how well thought out or constructive it is... they will find a reason to call it whining. 100% of the time.

    Can you please warn these fans to just stay out of a thread that they feel is controversial. It would go a long way in keeping the peace.

    Let's not forget the "why don't you go play another game" crowd as well. That's just petty.

    Starting a thread that is controversial should never be squelched. Taking part in one when you are obviously against the ideas just seems a bit like smoking a cigarette near a fuel dump.

  18. #73


    Quote Originally Posted by tekn0mage View Post
    It's getting out of hand Patience. But I'll tell you where it comes from.. the Turbine fans who insist that any form of complaint is "whining". It really doesn't matter how well thought out or constructive it is... they will find a reason to call it whining. 100% of the time.

    Can you please warn these fans to just stay out of a thread that they feel is controversial. It would go a long way in keeping the peace.

    Let's not forget the "why don't you go play another game" crowd as well. That's just petty.

    Starting a thread that is controversial should never be squelched. Taking part in one when you are obviously against the ideas just seems a bit like smoking a cigarette near a fuel dump.
    Dont post if you disagree with the op? Good idea, you start.

    BTW, I'll make sure to quote you on this as soon as you go against your own advice.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  19. #74
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    In other words if the topic of a thread incites your own anger or rubs you the wrong way, resist the temptation to go in there and post.

    Look, if someone is posting an 'Im leaving' thread. Don't go in there and kick the person while they are down.

    You don't see me hunting threads with a 10,000+ post count looking for a fight. I follow threads that actually have a chance of getting Turbine's attention.

    I see you in far too many threads you don't belong in, however.

  20. 09-01-2007, 05:43 PM

  21. #75
    Community Member Rragnaar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tekn0mage View Post
    In other words if the topic of a thread incites your own anger or rubs you the wrong way, resist the temptation to go in there and post.

    Look, if someone is posting an 'Im leaving' thread. Don't go in there and kick the person while they are down.

    You don't see me hunting threads with a 10,000+ post count looking for a fight. I follow threads that actually have a chance of getting Turbine's attention.

    I see you in far too many threads you don't belong in, however.
    If you see a thread that goes against what you beleive in a forum dedicated to developmet of the game, you should respond with counterpoints.

    Do you actually want to see the dev's start to take these ridiculous ideas seriously? Because if no one argues with a point, they will have the thought that nobody disagrees with the point.

    The devs and moderators look at every thread and moderate them, that is their job. They do, contrary to beleif, use the information from the fans for future updates. For instance, they announced about adding the completion of the Drexelhand quest being announced worldwide, and that was squashed due to players complaints.
    Peikel Dwarf Cleric [] BigByrd WF wizard [] Mentau Halfling Barb [] Condoria Human monk

  22. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by tekn0mage View Post
    It's getting out of hand Patience. But I'll tell you where it comes from.. the Turbine fans who insist that any form of complaint is "whining". It really doesn't matter how well thought out or constructive it is... they will find a reason to call it whining. 100% of the time.
    That's the funniest thing I've heard all week.

  23. 09-01-2007, 07:04 PM


  24. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoste View Post
    Dont post if you disagree with the op? Good idea, you start.

    BTW, I'll make sure to quote you on this as soon as you go against your own advice.
    I'm all for disagreement.

    But calling me an idiot? Calling me ridiculous? Telling me to leave? ..

    That's not constructive. That's not even really disagreement. That's just personal cruelty.

    And honestly Ghoste, you knew that's what he meant.

  25. #78
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    So please tell us Tekno, what do you think of these changes? Lately the only time I see a post from you it is the same old, "everyone on the forum is a bully and a Turbine cheerleader". You speak like you are knowledgeable about the game of DDO, so how do you feel about the ideas to change it into something that is not DDO? Keep in mind that your audience is a group of people who obviously enjoy playing said DDO. So please enlighten us...

    1. Do you think healers should have no charge for healing spells?
    2. Should everyone in the DDO world be granted free XP potions just because Turbine needs to take the servers offline from time to time?
    3. What do you think about these solo zones based off a WoW model?
    4. How do you feel about being allowed to get raid level loot without going through a raid?

    I'm not sure what Sunday's post will be, but you can bet there will be another interesting idea.

    So please, please Tekno let us know how you feel.

  26. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by tekn0mage View Post
    No its not your job to "correct" someone. In fact, if you took the higher ground, the thread would die a normal death in a few hours.

    But here comes the holy defenders of Turbine wanting to correct everyone and everything that speaks out against the game. And you think that whiners do damage? You won't even let someone have a bad experience of the game without correcting them. No wonder 75% of the people are gone. They came here to vent their frustrations, and you felt the need to "counterpoint" them.

    They weren't really going to go through with the Drexelhand announcements. You don't honestly think that, do you? If so then there's nothing more for us to discuss if you're that dense.
    It's not correcting them, it's making it clear where you stand on the topic. You dont feel there should be arguing/correcting in threads. Expect people to say you are being hypocritical when, not if, you fail to follow that.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  27. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoste View Post
    It's not correcting them, it's making it clear where you stand on the topic. You dont feel there should be arguing/correcting in threads. Expect people to say you are being hypocritical when, not if, you fail to follow that.
    And exactly how offensive do we get to be? How cruel do we get to be in making this point, out of curiosity?

    You won't respond because it's not in your nature to, at least you won't respond with a serious answer.

  28. 09-01-2007, 07:36 PM

  29. 09-01-2007, 07:41 PM

  30. 09-01-2007, 07:42 PM

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