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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default old shards are useless??

    Hey, returning player here and I just wanted to confirm what appears to be the case....

    Are the pre U32 cannith shards all useless now or is there some way to redeem/use the hundreds of shards that I had crafted before the update?

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Items of the "Old Cannieth" crafting system have been removed or put in a state where you cannot craft with them.

    However, before simply destroying them, check out the trader in the crafting hall, as some of the "old" items can be converted to the new system, and I believe some of the "old" crafted upgrades can be "deconstructed"

    So I would recommend looking at those before making an executive decision of throwing them out.

  3. #3
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Old shards are worthless, can't be used or deconstructed.

    The old Cannith Essences will convert to the new singular Cannith Essence.

    New crafting for the most part is vastly superior in power at the same level. a few old low level items are still worthwhile so don't trash your gear until you compare to the new stuff.
    New cannith crafting will work with augment slot random gen items (effectively making old gear less desirable).
    New Cannith crafting bound alter is BTA by default even with augment slot items, so no need to go farm BTA random gen items... no more BTC... yay..
    The unbound alter is BTAoE and is effectively 2x the cost in collectibles and higher level requirement.. making it undesirable to craft for others.


    A decent cannith crafting planner
    Last edited by JOTMON; 10-27-2018 at 11:59 AM.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
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  4. #4
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    (Edit - ninja'd. What Jotman said.)

    There was a period where you could deconstruct old-system shards for essences, but that period ended long ago, unfortunately. This includes both specific effects and the various numeric "+" shards, etc.

    Exact same thing happened to me, but I returned about one day after that period ended.

    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    Items of the "Old Cannieth" crafting system have been removed...
    There are several types of "items" - not sure which you're referring to.

    It's true that you can still trade in the old essences for new ones, that you can do, 100%! Go to any Crafting Hall trader and select the 2nd option ("I want to trade essences"). Lesser essences trade in at 10:1, Greater trade in at 1:1. No other use for the old-system essences, except to link in a /chat message and draw nostalgic responses.

    And most (all?) (semi-)finished gear items created w/ the old system can be melted, and any can still be blanked. However, be aware that many older items are superior to new ones - compare/contrast before you clean house.

    Note also that any of the old reward list ingredients (esp in Vale of Twilight*) are equally useless (and should be removed, imo).

    (* like Mystical Dried Fish, for example. GS crafting and ingredients didn't get changed, that still works the same.)

  5. #5
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    Well that's disappointing. I have SO MANY old shards on my crafter from when they leveled I could have been making lots of stuff but now its all wasted

    The good side of the system I do see. It basically lets you make what lootgen makes, and that's more than it used to. But I'm still going to go away sad over the lost stuff...

  6. #6
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    You'll get over it... (or so I'm told - not sure I have yet).

  7. #7
    Community Member wraxzz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    You'll get over it... (or so I'm told - not sure I have yet).
    I was blissfully unaware that the old rewards list craftables have become useless. That's a hefty slap in the face with a rotten fish after picking them out above lootgen items every vale quest run. Like you say, I wonder how long this rotten fish smell will linger after the impact bruise is healed up.

  8. #8
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Don't get me started on my collection of mithral armors that are now pretty much sub-standard to droploot.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citzen_Gkar View Post
    Well that's disappointing. I have SO MANY old shards on my crafter from when they leveled I could have been making lots of stuff but now its all wasted

    The good side of the system I do see. It basically lets you make what lootgen makes, and that's more than it used to. But I'm still going to go away sad over the lost stuff...
    Like you I came back to a sack full of shards that they didn't even have the decency to allow a mass conversion (or even just mass trash) and forced me to manually "agree" to dump my loads of shards. "Are you sure you want to throw away your 5 bound shards of Holy burst?" No I don't want to freaking throw them away! <click okay> "Are you sure you want to throw away your 7 bound shards of lesser vampirism?" Yeah... Twist that knife!

    I expect if people log in one day to find "piles of greensteel dust" there will be a riot.

    The new system is so much better and so much worse than the old system. I've never been so impressed and disappointed at the same time.

    Bad stuff: No more bodyfeeder of vampirism\lesser Vamp and new vamp procs are timed now. No more easy everbright gear (DDO loves their low level oozes and treats them like endangered animals). No more weaken of enfeeble (which actually didn't rock so much as it used to). Lots of cool gear slot combos gone due to how enhancements go on gear now. Collectibles are so SLOOOOOOOW to farm. Fortunately I'm a hoarder and kept buying up all of the trash collectibles over the course of a few years so I had a pretty substantial pile to start with. Had to dump old shards which was sneaky and mean.

    Middle stuff - I craft significantly less as the mats are harder to come by. I dont need to craft as much because gear sharing and no real reason to build a beater for everything individually.

    Good stuff: setting a max level for your gear with a shard instead of having to guess\planner it. Damage dice for effects way better. More damage effects. Easier to add banes to items in most cases (what do I do with my Blood of Dragons now?). Ability items got a huge boost. Cannith crafted stats typically better than randomgen loot and Bound crafted items are BtA. Augment slots only effect the base ML but not the enhancement level(pushing a recipe out of bounds) Likely better balance than the previous system offered.

    It's some significantly good stuff and some mean bad stuff that they changes.

    I recently came back from a long break. It seems lots of people have as I keep seeing posts saying so AND I keep seeing sneaky devils trying to sell piles of their old useless shards on the AH. Maybe the devs noticed a lot of AWOL players and saw an opportunity to level the economy a bit. The limited deconstruct period makes sense in that context. Otherwise I'm not sure what purpose it served. Maybe less whining during the transition because deconstructing a legacy shard didn't give you mats enough to construct an equivalent shard in the new system... or any shard at all since they all take collectibles now.

    Quote Originally Posted by wraxzz View Post
    I was blissfully unaware that the old rewards list craftables have become useless. That's a hefty slap in the face with a rotten fish after picking them out above lootgen items every vale quest run. Like you say, I wonder how long this rotten fish smell will linger after the impact bruise is healed up.
    Gah! See? I didn't even know that... This is the shaft that keeps on shafting... I'm done throwing **** away until my 13 spooky caramels ... oxidize or whatever **** they do to those at the end of the year
    Last edited by st0rmcr0vv; 10-30-2018 at 02:48 PM.

  10. #10
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    Don't get me started on my collection of mithral armors that are now pretty much sub-standard to droploot.
    Some of those old armours are amongst the best looking heavy armours we have ever had in the game. Use them for mirroring

  11. #11
    Community Member NemesisAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    (Edit - ninja'd. What Jotman said.)

    There was a period where you could deconstruct old-system shards for essences, but that period ended long ago, unfortunately. This includes both specific effects and the various numeric "+" shards, etc.

    Exact same thing happened to me, but I returned about one day after that period ended.

    There are several types of "items" - not sure which you're referring to.

    It's true that you can still trade in the old essences for new ones, that you can do, 100%! Go to any Crafting Hall trader and select the 2nd option ("I want to trade essences"). Lesser essences trade in at 10:1, Greater trade in at 1:1. No other use for the old-system essences, except to link in a /chat message and draw nostalgic responses.

    And most (all?) (semi-)finished gear items created w/ the old system can be melted, and any can still be blanked. However, be aware that many older items are superior to new ones - compare/contrast before you clean house.

    Note also that any of the old reward list ingredients (esp in Vale of Twilight*) are equally useless (and should be removed, imo).

    (* like Mystical Dried Fish, for example. GS crafting and ingredients didn't get changed, that still works the same.)
    Wait, old vale ingredients are also useless?!?!

  12. #12
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NemesisAlien View Post
    Wait, old vale ingredients are also useless?!?!
    He means things like Mystical Plant, Mystical Dried Fish, Mystical Vessel etc

  13. #13
    Community Member wraxzz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lonnbeimnech View Post
    He means things like Mystical Plant, Mystical Dried Fish, Mystical Vessel etc
    Their post literally say "(* like Mystical Dried Fish, for example. GS crafting and ingredients didn't get changed, that still works the same.)", not sure why you thought superfluous clarification was needed?

  14. #14
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    (I know - but have you met the internet?) <shrugs>

  15. #15
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    Don't get me started on my collection of mithral armors that are now pretty much sub-standard to droploot.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  16. #16
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    Ah. Phooey.

  17. #17
    Community Member NemesisAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lonnbeimnech View Post
    He means things like Mystical Plant, Mystical Dried Fish, Mystical Vessel etc
    Quote Originally Posted by wraxzz View Post
    Their post literally say "(* like Mystical Dried Fish, for example. GS crafting and ingredients didn't get changed, that still works the same.)", not sure why you thought superfluous clarification was needed?
    Makes me wonder why these items are STILL given out as quest chain loot, example tangleroot, sorrowdusk.

  18. #18
    Community Member Alrik_Fassbauer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NemesisAlien View Post
    Makes me wonder why these items are STILL given out as quest chain loot, example tangleroot, sorrowdusk.
    It's an old problem that lower level content in MMOs usually is forgotten over time ...

    I came back a month ago and have now the same problem : Shards which cannot be used anymore ... However, I still do have lots of essences, so I can at least trade them in ...

    I'll keep a few, however, just to have the look of them for archive purposes.
    Last edited by Alrik_Fassbauer; 02-24-2019 at 07:28 AM.
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  19. #19
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wraxzz View Post
    Their post literally say "(* like Mystical Dried Fish, for example. GS crafting and ingredients didn't get changed, that still works the same.)", not sure why you thought superfluous clarification was needed?
    Lol this had passed me by also, I've still been taking them when offered, on reflex.

    Really really should have just been removed from the game by now.
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    My words are great. Even out of context.

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