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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by IconicHero View Post
    say you need 100 apples 80 carmaels 200 cinnamon and 140 almonds i usually farm the drop all quests to get nine of each up to the point i have completed the lowest one i need and the farm the individuals after that. The reason being 4 keys give me nine of each for a total of 36 ingreds. where single drop quests give 23 of one item. less keys when it come down to it. Just may personal way of doing it. If you crafting something like the reaper armor that requires all the same always do mass quest for less keys.
    This seems like the winner. Thanks for sharing. Gonna be doing this for the rest of the event.
    Stratis on Khyber

    Solo/duo raids and solo R10s. Come see what a bard can do.

  2. #42
    Community Member Sqrlmonger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    What level are you running? I'd love some company on a 15 if you have one. (If not, you could roll up a morninglord death domain turn specialist.)

    I'm also farming keys on my heroic challenge farmer gracie, but easiest is to just look for Ellisopening, who I dualbox in for both key farming and running the challenges.
    Apologies I have not been around the forum or the game much this week, about to get back to things a bit though, at least until Mabar is done.

    I've been running level 35 runs, last year I farmed with my PM this year I am farming with WLK. Honestly they run it about the same speed, though I could re-optimize my spells if needed and the WLK might speed up a bit. Technically the WLK is just my TR toon I've camped at 35 for a while since I am putting off farming RTRs.

  3. #43
    Community Member Sqrlmonger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fivetigers33 View Post
    This seems like the winner. Thanks for sharing. Gonna be doing this for the rest of the event.
    Truthfully it just boils down to what you need based on what you want to farm this year. But you should go until your 2nd least as well.

    For example:

    All Ingredient Quests - 9 Chocolate - 36 Ingredients (split 4 ways)
    Single Ingred. Quests - 23 Chocolates - 23 Ingredients

    Since chocolate is fairly easy to get with Draughts the best thing to do is really to farm up as much as you need of your least and 2nd least needed ingredient before swapping to the targeted farming.

    You want to continue with the ALL quest farming until you meet your 2nd least needed ingredient as well because with your least needed ingredient done the quests still look like this:

    All Ingredient Quests - 9 Chocolate - 27 Ingredients (split 3 ways) - 9 Not Needed Ingred.
    Single Ingred. Quests - 23 Chocolates - 23 Ingredients - 0 Not Needed Ingred.

    As you can see you are still getting 4 more needed ingredients per run with the "all" run than you are with the targeted runs. And yes, 14 chocolates are worth giving up for 4 more ingredients. Once you have two ingredients done though it looks like this:

    All Ingredient Quests - 9 Chocolate - 18 Ingredients (split 2 ways) - 18 Not Needed Ingred.
    Single Ingred. Quests - 23 Chocolates - 23 Ingredients - 0 Not Needed Ingred.

    And so you are obviously better off switching to single reward quests.
    Last edited by Sqrlmonger; 10-25-2017 at 02:33 PM.

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Fivetigers33 View Post
    What's the Cannith Challenge trick to get tons of essences?
    Requires 3 or more people with 50-60 free inventory slots.

    3 people enter Epic Short Cuts CR25
    All 3 run to different large extractors, kill the 2 rednames at each
    Recall, reset, re-enter

    Each run puts 6 chests into everyone's inventory, one for each redname. Fewer than 3 people means only one redname spawns at each large, cutting production in half.

    After 8 runs, head to crafting hall (right there) and open all 48 chests, deconning the 48 items you get from them. Average only around 17 essences per decon because the chest level is very low to prevent tome farming with this technique.

    Each run is around 90 seconds (~12 minutes per 8-run circuit) and each decon session is ~8 minutes, for 20 minutes per circuit. Three circuits per hour = 48 * 3 = 144 item decons per hour = 144 * 17 = 2448 essences per hour.

    It's brutally grindy, but if you need to quickly farm up 30k essences for a crafting bonus weekend, you can't beat this technique. Also note that challenge chests in your inventory are not subject to chest ransack.

  5. #45
    Community Member Annex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    No DDoor on an item or it would be the most farmed object in-game!

    Do you mean bane of undeath, not purge the wicked? that is a great idea. I think I will do that too.
    Confront any foe is very good, but you need turn undead (so twist that too...). Looks like Divine crusader is just better for these undead quests than SD...I like the DDoor clickie of SD but you can sneak through fine without SD and then exit quick enough after killing the Orange headless guy.
    I am often confused.

    Over the last few weeks I experimented with various ways to increase my critical damage. One of those experiments involved running in Legendary Dreadnought with Purge the Wicked in place of Balanced Attacks. (My best critical in that configuration was 3,500 damage at L27.) However, your idea of using Bane of Undeath should work even better for Night Revels.

    I will give Invisible Speed Running through Lordsmarch a try. My attempts to invisibly run through Hayweird ended rather poorly. :/

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Requires 3 or more people with 50-60 free inventory slots.

    3 people enter Epic Short Cuts CR25
    All 3 run to different large extractors, kill the 2 rednames at each
    Recall, reset, re-enter

    Each run puts 6 chests into everyone's inventory, one for each redname. Fewer than 3 people means only one redname spawns at each large, cutting production in half.

    After 8 runs, head to crafting hall (right there) and open all 48 chests, deconning the 48 items you get from them. Average only around 17 essences per decon because the chest level is very low to prevent tome farming with this technique.

    Each run is around 90 seconds (~12 minutes per 8-run circuit) and each decon session is ~8 minutes, for 20 minutes per circuit. Three circuits per hour = 48 * 3 = 144 item decons per hour = 144 * 17 = 2448 essences per hour.

    It's brutally grindy, but if you need to quickly farm up 30k essences for a crafting bonus weekend, you can't beat this technique. Also note that challenge chests in your inventory are not subject to chest ransack.
    This is an awesome strategy! However I don't think I could get 2 other people to commit to it, let alone 2 with 50-60 free inventory slots hahaha. I think your friends are better at DDO than mine. I might be able to pull off a 2 man version in smaller increments though.
    Stratis on Khyber

    Solo/duo raids and solo R10s. Come see what a bard can do.

  7. #47
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IconicHero View Post
    say you need 100 apples 80 carmaels 200 cinnamon and 140 almonds i usually farm the drop all quests to get nine of each up to the point i have completed the lowest one i need and the farm the individuals after that. The reason being 4 keys give me nine of each for a total of 36 ingreds. where single drop quests give 23 of one item. less keys when it come down to it. Just may personal way of doing it. If you crafting something like the reaper armor that requires all the same always do mass quest for less keys.
    It's actually better key-wise to farm Hayweird until your second lowest ingredient hits - 3x9 > 23.

    Although sometimes you just get sick of Hayweird, and have to remember that it's a game. Have some fun!
    -Khysiria of Cannith
    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Annex View Post
    I am often confused.

    Over the last few weeks I experimented with various ways to increase my critical damage. One of those experiments involved running in Legendary Dreadnought with Purge the Wicked in place of Balanced Attacks. (My best critical in that configuration was 3,500 damage at L27.) However, your idea of using Bane of Undeath should work even better for Night Revels.

    I will give Invisible Speed Running through Lordsmarch a try. My attempts to invisibly run through Hayweird ended rather poorly. :/
    no! stealth, not invisi running!!! That will cause DA
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  9. #49


    For some reason, two of my toons auto select spawns when they activate in the graveyard. I tried it on another and that only works when they are activated via an attack. Anyone lnow how this is so? I like having them spawn with the bars activated over them

    resolved: see this thread here!
    Last edited by Saekee; 10-25-2017 at 06:18 PM.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  10. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Fivetigers33 View Post
    This is an awesome strategy! However I don't think I could get 2 other people to commit to it, let alone 2 with 50-60 free inventory slots hahaha. I think your friends are better at DDO than mine. I might be able to pull off a 2 man version in smaller increments though.
    The 2-man version is slower, but still effective.

    On entry...
    ...Stronger character kills rednames at extractors #1 and #3
    ...Weaker character calls hireling then kills rednames at #2

    I'm pretty sure one single cleric hireling is enough to reach 2-rednames-per-large scaling, but if not you can both call hirelings.

    I'm not entirely sure what happens if the stronger guy gets to extractor #1 before the hireling is called. Does another redname just appear right on top of him? If so, all good, but if not, stronger guy should wait a beat before heading out.

  11. #51
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    no! stealth, not invisi running!!! That will cause DA
    Not much if you do it well, I can invisi run Hayweird and hit green DA at most You just need to path carefully through/over the mobs, and I've found that jumping when you're closest to them seems to reduce aggro - less time on the ground = less time making footsteps or something.

    For a bit I had a party member who grabbed 100% of the aggro when invisi running however, so YMMV.

    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    After 8 runs, head to crafting hall (right there) and open all 48 chests, deconning the 48 items you get from them. Average only around 17 essences per decon because the chest level is very low to prevent tome farming with this technique.

    Each run is around 90 seconds (~12 minutes per 8-run circuit) and each decon session is ~8 minutes, for 20 minutes per circuit. Three circuits per hour = 48 * 3 = 144 item decons per hour = 144 * 17 = 2448 essences per hour.
    I wrote a QoL script that would help quite a bit if you're interested, it'll make deconstructing a lot quicker and nicer. It's very user friendly, fairly intuitive, and comes with decent line notes.

    Might help you out a bit if you need to use this method in the future.
    -Khysiria of Cannith
    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    The 2-man version is slower, but still effective.

    On entry...
    ...Stronger character kills rednames at extractors #1 and #3
    ...Weaker character calls hireling then kills rednames at #2

    I'm pretty sure one single cleric hireling is enough to reach 2-rednames-per-large scaling, but if not you can both call hirelings.

    I'm not entirely sure what happens if the stronger guy gets to extractor #1 before the hireling is called. Does another redname just appear right on top of him? If so, all good, but if not, stronger guy should wait a beat before heading out.
    I really appreciate this. I'll probably give it a shot the next time a bonus crafting weekend comes around.
    Stratis on Khyber

    Solo/duo raids and solo R10s. Come see what a bard can do.

  13. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by Fivetigers33 View Post
    I really appreciate this. I'll probably give it a shot the next time a bonus crafting weekend comes around.
    Fair warning that the rednames tend to paralyze and annihilate hirelings with extreme prejudice. Like, immediately. When I bring hires for scaling I tend to have them just stand ground at the start.

  14. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by Ulfo View Post
    Today i'm run Lordsmarch at lvl32 with my lvl27 fury-shury and get exactly 11 mats each type. Done all star, kill all include mobs at shrine behind closed door.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulfo View Post
    I don't know, really, I run it many time before for first time xp bonus in many chars and, of course, run it fastest way and get only 8 mats. But now i try it and get 11. Mebbe it's some sort bug, mebbe here was hidden boost. I have screenshot as evidence, just need free hoster without stupid restriction for 3rd party application to link it here.

    Ulfo how is this happening? Does the experience duplicate--still 11? I keep getting a lousy 8 and that includes killing the ones at the shrine. i do not kill all of them in the library--maybe that is what needs to be done? will try. Big difference between 8 and 11.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  15. #55
    Community Member Annex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    no! stealth, not invisi running!!! That will cause DA
    This morning I ran Hayweird in various configurations--Invisible only, Stealth only, Invisible and Stealth. The latter ends up the best for obvious reasons but, what the hey, I thought I would tempt Fate. In all three modes I saw a goodly amount of Red Alert until my skill improved.

    I stopped bringing along Mister Gladwin since he rather dislikes skeletons. For each run I summoned Mister Gladwin, asked politely for Death Ward, then dismissed him. That noticeably reduced dungeons scaling.

    With Auntie and one Sister chatting at the door, my best L25 run was 11 minutes 7 seconds. Using Invisibility and Stealth I could reliably skip 8 of 12 skeleton parties. Lag slowed me down a fair bit. My main computer died and my little writing laptop struggles badly with three clients on ultra low settings. I have come to dread the words, "Not Responding".

    Bane of Undeath slightly decreased my run times but the Turn Undead portion was utterly useless in my current configuration. Tonight I will try Purge the Wicked instead.

    On the key front my luck once again turned. I am back to finding one key every 12 or so minutes, even with three clients going and running in the most difficult Graveyard. I am no longer convinced running in a higher level Graveyard actually helps with keys.

    *sighs* Back to the Graveyard to look for keys...

    Edit: I am thinking a pair of Heroic Dice daggers may speed things up with the extra Armor Piercing. A pity I do not have them lying around.
    Last edited by Annex; 10-26-2017 at 07:10 PM.

  16. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by Annex View Post
    This morning I ran Hayweird in various configurations--Invisible only, Stealth only, Invisible and Stealth. The latter ends up the best for obvious reasons but, what the hey, I thought I would tempt Fate. In all three modes I saw a goodly amount of Red Alert until my skill improved.

    I stopped bringing along Mister Gladwin since he rather dislikes skeletons. For each run I summoned Mister Gladwin, asked politely for Death Ward, then dismissed him. That noticeably reduced dungeons scaling.

    With Auntie and one Sister chatting at the door, my best L25 run was 11 minutes 7 seconds. Using Invisibility and Stealth I could reliably skip 8 of 12 skeleton parties. Lag slowed me down a fair bit. My main computer died and my little writing laptop struggles badly with three clients on ultra low settings. I have come to dread the words, "Not Responding".

    Bane of Undeath slightly decreased my run times but the Turn Undead portion was utterly useless in my current configuration. Tonight I will try Purge the Wicked instead.

    On the key front my luck once again turned. I am back to finding one key every 12 or so minutes, even with three clients going and running in the most difficult Graveyard. I am no longer convinced running in a higher level Graveyard actually helps with keys.

    *sighs* Back to the Graveyard to look for keys...

    Edit: I am thinking a pair of Heroic Dice daggers may speed things up with the extra Armor Piercing. A pity I do not have them lying around.
    if farming keys, try this visual setting:

    I used my iconic challenge farmer and found that she was able to do the Lordsmarch one faster than my main (she is parked at level 16 and uses a GxBow). It was taking me about 12 min on my assassin and sometimes I was body surfing with absurd DA in the endfight thx to broken stealthplay. If I do things more carefully I should be able to avoid red alert but I get sloppy...
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    Ulfo how is this happening? Does the experience duplicate--still 11? I keep getting a lousy 8 and that includes killing the ones at the shrine. i do not kill all of them in the library--maybe that is what needs to be done? will try. Big difference between 8 and 11.
    I wanna try it again, but later, because now Argonessen not have option to run Night Revels. Currently I just don't know, I just do relaxed run, kill all mobs and after kill last Headless get 11 mats. Oh, mebbe it's important - I run it night before last patch. Possible this bug ( if it's bug) already fixed. Need more investigation.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    Ulfo how is this happening? Does the experience duplicate--still 11? I keep getting a lousy 8 and that includes killing the ones at the shrine. i do not kill all of them in the library--maybe that is what needs to be done? will try. Big difference between 8 and 11.
    Since the patch, I've been getting 15 of all candies in Resurrection Chamber. Takes about 15 minutes. 1 candy per minute isn't too bad, and it's more total than both 8 and 11.
    Stratis on Khyber

    Solo/duo raids and solo R10s. Come see what a bard can do.

  19. #59
    Community Member Annex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    if farming keys, try this visual setting:

    I used my iconic challenge farmer and found that she was able to do the Lordsmarch one faster than my main (she is parked at level 16 and uses a GxBow). It was taking me about 12 min on my assassin and sometimes I was body surfing with absurd DA in the endfight thx to broken stealthplay. If I do things more carefully I should be able to avoid red alert but I get sloppy...
    I saw your other tread and started doing that. Thank you! Unfortunately, I simply have terrible luck finding keys. Someone needs to sit at the bottom end of the Bell Curve. *grumbles*

    Best time in L25 Hayweird (scaled for three) with L20 Avatar now 10 minutes 30 seconds. Red Alert sucks vampire face.

    I tried Purge the Wicked this morning and think it performs slightly better than Bane of Undeath due to the larger critical hits. I have no way to back it up with math and stuff but my runs were about 30 seconds faster than the day before.

  20. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by Fivetigers33 View Post
    Since the patch, I've been getting 15 of all candies in Resurrection Chamber. Takes about 15 minutes. 1 candy per minute isn't too bad, and it's more total than both 8 and 11.
    that is the best deal/key then!
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

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