Did an epic Demon Queen raid tonight where I won the roll for a +4 int tome. I was playing my warrior that's going to be TRed into a pure barbarian very soon.
When I won the roll, the person who put it up for roll decided that I couldn't get the tome because people who rolled lower rolls were more qualified because of their class.
The person who got the tome looted it of course. No second thoughts there, hehe.
But really, what I'm saying is it would be nice if people who put stuff up for roll would be more clear in who can actually roll for the item BEFORE they put it up for roll. Similarly people who receive an item in an awkward way could think twice before looting it ;-)
Anyway, just wanted to make this something people could think about since this 'trade' happened between two prominent guilds on Cannith. I felt mildly neglected in that trade, tbh.
If anyone doesn't believe it send me a tell and I'll share the video.