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  1. #1
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Lokalisierung Reaktionen

    Vielen dank für alles Kommentare und Anregungen! Unser QA Gruppe hat ähnlich Inkonsistenzen Übersetzung und Fehler sehen. Wir machen grosse Anstrengung für besser und mehr richtiger Lokalisierung. Dieses Beta sind ersten Schritt für DDO ins Europe zu bringen. Hier werden wir eure diskussion und Fehlerberichte ganze Zeit hindurch lesen! Hertzlichen dank!

    (Thank you for all the comments and suggestions! Our QA team has seen similar translation inconsistencies and errors. We are working hard for better and more accurate localization. This beta is the first step to bring DDO to Europe! We'll be continuously reading your discussions here and bug reports! Thank you so much!)
    Last edited by Tolero; 03-15-2011 at 12:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Jaguras's Avatar
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    Your German is simply horrible, Tolero. :-D Hope that was a Translator from the Web or something. Well, i changed the Language back to english right after the Launcher turned to german without asking. Even though im from Austria, i hate reading german on my PC.

  3. #3
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaguras View Post
    Your German is simply horrible, Tolero. :-D Hope that was a Translator from the Web or something. Well, i changed the Language back to english right after the Launcher turned to german without asking. Even though im from Austria, i hate reading german on my PC.
    I know, it doesn't stop me from continuing to try I at least tried to do most of that from memory and referencing translators for the root words. I'm still bad with endings.

    Did you try the lamannia client prior to monday? I noted that anyone who tried the other languages on Lamannia it detected those settings on live. I had been playing with the german Lamannia so when I logged into live last night I was much surprised to see the german. It's easy to change back though in the upper right of the launcher is a "DE" button you can click and you'll get a drop down of EN and FR to pick from.

    Post script: correction, I'm still bad with endings and word order

  4. #4
    Community Member vrobel's Avatar
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    i think it would be usefuller if you write the quest names in german and if you mouse over them you see the english names,makes grouping with english mates easier

    p.s turbine should search for a native german that can translate everything in proper grammar.
    Last edited by vrobel; 03-15-2011 at 01:04 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Grimgore's Avatar
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    I applaude Turbines attempt at pleasing and making people feel at home but this might need to be taken away until it can be fixed as it's fairly insulting. A 3rd grader in a language outreach program is better than most of the websites out there, especially when it comes to "non-romance" languages. It seems like this was not too well thought out and cobbled together by someone in the client relations department who wanted to have their name on a project.

    So close folks, but it might be time to go back to the drawing board...


  6. #6
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    This is how I see it, and I write this because I hope that it will help you understand how the current situation works for german speaking players. I don't intend to speak for anyone else but myself, but I am under the impression that my German speaking guildmates have a similar feeling about this.

    I feel confident enough in the English language that I am going to use the English version in favor of a German one with minor flaws. And this 'beta' has not just minor flaws - there are yet untranslated parts. I already vented a bit in the Lamannia German Feedback forums about that.

    There are a couple of things for me why no German client is no problem for me:

    The main reason is that I had English as a second language in School, starting at 5th grade. Not every german pupil has that, but I am guessing that at most 30% of all 5th-graders take latin, french or spanish.
    The second thing is that I am used to play games, read books and watch movies in english. Although Germany is one of the few countries to have a film translation industry, e.g. a lot of TV series are taken to the german TV rather late.
    A third thing is that I am using english as a language to communicate with working colleagues. Even if there is one guy from Germany, one from Russia and one from Venezuela - Bad Simple English works best.

    The main question Turbine should ask themselves is: Do you want to attract players who are not able to understand basic english? Who are possibly not able to communicate with other players?

    Imho, there are language versions which would add a much higher benefit to the players, eg Spanish or Portuguese.
    Toons on Orien: Meinir // Flodur // Twiddler // Thorkar // Impetor // Juliacantor // Minor all Soko Irrlicht
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We may or may not intentionally insert in red herrings, purple mackerels, or horses of different colors. Void where prohibited. Not available in all planes of existence.

  7. #7
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Euer Fehlerberichte sind soweit ähnlich zu unsere Untersuchungen, und wir arbeiten noch an ihnen. Es ist sehr hilfreich wenn, euch in euren reaktionen bestimmte Beispiele umfasst. zum Beispiel...
    • Wenn Korthos Übersetzung ist es besserer oder schlechter wie Sharn Syndicate oder auch Phiarlan Carnival.
    • Oder Gilde Benutzeroberfläche ist so verwirrend du die Inhalt nicht versteht.
    • Oder Luftschiff-System hat viele worten noch nicht übersetzt.
    • Oder Charakter Benutzeroberfläche sind gekürztlich, aber Waffen Beschreibungen in Ordnung sind.

    Diese Reports Arten helfen uns, die Übersetzungen schneller verfeinern.

    (So far the overall bug reports and forum comments are similar to our own findings, and we're working through those still. One thing that is greatly helpful to us for further feedback is: if you notice a particular aspect of the game that you feel needs more attention than another, please call those out and with specific examples.

    For example:
    • It could be that you notice the translations in Korthos are much better or worse than Sharn Syndicate and Phiarlan Carnival.
    • Or a particular part of the Guild UI is so confusing that you can't understand what is meant at all.
    • Or a game system like airships has many words that weren't translated.
    • Or that the UI text is cut off and difficult to read in the character sheet and social panel, but seems fine in the equipment and item descriptions.

    These are the types of things that will help us refine our translations more quickly.)
    Last edited by Tolero; 03-15-2011 at 05:00 PM.

  8. #8
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    I think Quest names should stay in English as they could be considered as proper nouns and commonly used by other players, the forum, the compendium, the ddowiki, ... and then in the Quest Log they can be additionally translated, where you even have the place for some extra words.

    Well, they probably already have a basic version of the translation that was used in Codemaster, and therefore cheaper to just improve that version then pull off an complete new translation into Spanish. I personally not need a German Version either, as I grown up in Germany, live in France and work in an International Company where we speak English. However I know that not everybody is that familiar with English.

    And I agree, this beta should stay on Lamannia as giving this out to wider public will just earn you bad reputation of the half backed translation, no matter if you name it beta or not. Especially as nobody will notice that it is announced as beta, they will just use it and being disappointed.

    I guess the first and important things that need to be looked at are the things that you daily have to deal with. For example the Quest list in the Adventure Compendium. Or the Translations in the Character Sheet. If you stumble over one single wrong phrase in a NPC conversation you still can go on and probably forget it seconds after. But an error that you see every day you login and start to play is far more serious.

    I will try to start with Classes / Races at first and will try to work me down through the most serious topics. I may even consider going through the list of Quest names and translate them, even if I am totally against the idea of German Quest names for numerous reasons. But maybe you should first do a poll if Quest names should be translated at all.

    • Barbarian (Savage of the Wild, Storm of Kargon, Bastion of the Outlands) -> Barbar (...)
    • Bard (Spellsinger, Virtuoso of the Sword, War Chanter) -> Barde (...)
    • Cleric (Warpriest of Siberys, The Font of Healing, Scourge of the Undead) -> Kleriker (...)
    • Fighter (Stalwart Soldier, Vanguard Warrior, Whirlwind Fighter) -> Kämpfer (...)
    • Favored Soul (Angel of Vengeance, Beacon of Hope, Divine Avenger) -> Begünstigte Seele (...)
    • Monk (Shintao Monk, Ninja Spy, Henshin Mystic) -> Mönch (...)
    • Paladin (The Mighty Protector, The Truthbringer, The Flame of Justice) -> Paladin (...)
    • Ranger (Deepwood Sniper, Tempest, Arcane Archer) -> Waldläufer (Dunkelwald Scharfschütze, Klingensturm, Arkanschütze)
    • Rogue (Master Mechanic, The Dark Blade, Thief Acrobat) -> Schurke (Meistermechaniker, Finstere Klinge, Diebesakrobat)
    • Sorcerer (Arcane Cannon, The Dynamic Hand, The Voice of Power) -> Hexenmeister (...)
    • Wizard (Necromancer, The Ingenious Sage, Elementalist) -> Magier (Nekromant, ...)

    This affect the following places:
    - Character Creation (This is the only place where the '-' is GOOD, because it break the word of Waldläufer and Hexenmeister! Put the '-' maybe instead between Dunkelwald Scharfschütze for proper syllable division)

    - Character Selection (bad, there shouldn't be a '-' neither for Hexenmister!)

    - Character sheet (again, no '-' and Gewitter sound bad as well which is probably Klingensturm, but I have no German Rule Book to verify this)

    And while we are at it in the Character Creation:
    Please replace the cut of words of männlich and weiblich with 'männl.' and 'weibl.' or just 'Mann' and 'Frau' if you not have the space. Further the correct syllabication of the word aus·se·hen

    Last edited by SisAmethyst; 03-15-2011 at 04:53 PM.
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

  9. #9
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Sehr gut Beschreibungen. Es ist schon hilfreich!

    Quote Originally Posted by SisAmethyst View Post
    I guess the first and important things that need to be looked at are the things that you daily have to deal with. For example the Quest list in the Adventure Compendium. Or the Translations in the Character Sheet. If you stumble over one single wrong phrase in a NPC conversation you still can go on and probably forget it seconds after. But an error that you see every day you login and start to play is far more serious.

    I will try to start with Classes / Races at first and will try to work me down through the most serious topics. I may even consider going through the list of Quest names and translate them, even if I am totally against the idea of German Quest names for numerous reasons. But maybe you should first do a poll if Quest names should be translated at all.

    • Barbarian (Savage of the Wild, Storm of Kargon, Bastion of the Outlands) -> Barbar (...)
    • Bard (Spellsinger, Virtuoso of the Sword, War Chanter) -> Barde (...)
    • Cleric (Warpriest of Siberys, The Font of Healing, Scourge of the Undead) -> Kleriker (...)
    • Fighter (Stalwart Soldier, Vanguard Warrior, Whirlwind Fighter) -> Kämpfer (...)
    • Favored Soul (Angel of Vengeance, Beacon of Hope, Divine Avenger) -> Begünstigte Seele (...)
    • Monk (Shintao Monk, Ninja Spy, Henshin Mystic) -> Mönch (...)
    • Paladin (The Mighty Protector, The Truthbringer, The Flame of Justice) -> Paladin (...)
    • Ranger (Deepwood Sniper, Tempest, Arcane Archer) -> Waldläufer (Dunkelwald Scharfschütze, Klingensturm, Arkanschütze)
    • Rogue (Master Mechanic, The Dark Blade, Thief Acrobat) -> Schurke (Meistermechaniker, Finstere Klinge, Diebesakrobat)
    • Sorcerer (Arcane Cannon, The Dynamic Hand, The Voice of Power) -> Hexenmeister (...)
    • Wizard (Necromancer, The Ingenious Sage, Elementalist) -> Magier (Nekromant, ...)

    This affect the following places:
    - Character Creation (This is the only place where the '-' is GOOD, because it break the word of Waldläufer and Hexenmeister! Put the '-' maybe instead between Dunkelwald Scharfschütze for proper syllable division)

    - Character Selection (bad, there shouldn't be a '-' neither for Hexenmister!)

    - Character sheet (again, no '-' and Gewitter sound bad as well which is probably Klingensturm, but I have no German Rule Book to verify this)

    And while we are at it in the Character Creation:
    Please replace the cut of words of männlich and weiblich with 'männl.' and 'weibl.' or just 'Mann' and 'Frau' if you not have the space. Further the correct syllabication of the word aus·se·hen

  10. #10
    Community Member BattleCircle's Avatar
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    I really have nothing to add except to say, I don't envy you this project at all Tolero.

    While stationed in Germany I learned very quickly that dialects change the language very
    quickly. Even something as simple as the number two. In what I was taught zwei = two
    and zwolf = 12 but when traveling outside of Rheinland-Pfalz, I quickly learned through
    mistakes that some dialects use the word zwo (I am going by phonetics here because
    I don't actually know how it was spelled). In this case I thought they were saying twelve
    when in actuality they were saying two.

    Oh and they do love to mess with Americans. I don't blame them I was in their country
    I should speak their language.

    Perhaps you can talk Turbine into giving you a vacation to Deutschland so that you can
    better understand the language. Hey its worth a try

  11. #11
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BattleCircle View Post
    ...Even something as simple as the number two. In what I was taught zwei = two and zwolf = 12 but when traveling outside of Rheinland-Pfalz, I quickly learned through mistakes that some dialects use the word zwo (I am going by phonetics here because I don't actually know how it was spelled). In this case I thought they were saying twelve when in actuality they were saying two.
    I can see how it'd be easy to miss the "f" when spoken quickly. These are things I'm trying to watch out for. We have similar issues in english such as "heal" vs "heel" hehe. Then again I'm kind of a linguist geek and I'm fascinated by all that. Actually a better example is local to us in Boston - there was an advertisement for a "bah with cads and dots"... which turned out to be a "bar with cards and darts".

    Quote Originally Posted by BattleCircle View Post
    Perhaps you can talk Turbine into giving you a vacation to Deutschland so that you can better understand the language. Hey its worth a try
    It's been my dream to visit Deutschland and other EU countries for a long time (since I was a kid even). I'm hoping that once we start up the marketing machine again I may get to go and visit players there! Maybe at like a big tradeshow or something. I've been diligently listening to my lessons on my drive to work for about 7 months just in case so I can try to speak a little besides my horrible writing Would love to try my hand at speaking and understanding in person.
    Last edited by Tolero; 03-15-2011 at 07:06 PM.

  12. #12
    Community Member Anneliese's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BattleCircle View Post
    While stationed in Germany I learned very quickly that dialects change the language very
    quickly. Even something as simple as the number two. In what I was taught zwei = two
    and zwolf = 12 but when traveling outside of Rheinland-Pfalz, I quickly learned through
    mistakes that some dialects use the word zwo (I am going by phonetics here because
    I don't actually know how it was spelled). In this case I thought they were saying twelve
    when in actuality they were saying two.
    In the german army they also use zwo for zwei, since you can easily mistake drei for zwei.

    (And if you really want to have a complete meltdown, look at something like this )
    Devourer: Anneliese, 20 Drow Sorc

  13. #13
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BattleCircle View Post
    I really have nothing to add except to say, I don't envy you this project at all Tolero.

    While stationed in Germany I learned very quickly that dialects change the language very
    quickly. Even something as simple as the number two. In what I was taught zwei = two
    and zwolf = 12 but when traveling outside of Rheinland-Pfalz, I quickly learned through
    mistakes that some dialects use the word zwo (I am going by phonetics here because
    I don't actually know how it was spelled). In this case I thought they were saying twelve
    when in actuality they were saying two.

    Oh and they do love to mess with Americans. I don't blame them I was in their country
    I should speak their language.

    Perhaps you can talk Turbine into giving you a vacation to Deutschland so that you can
    better understand the language. Hey its worth a try
    Well, spoken German may have different dialects. Even British English is different the American English. However in written German there is officially no 'zwo' but only the plane 'zwei' and every German should be able to read this

    Indeed, one learn a language best by living it. However I don't think that Germans love in particularly to mess up with Americans. In fact I guess most of them are good friend with the stationed Soldiers. But Germans may love to mess around if someone is messing up their Language in a way that it makes one cry.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anneliese View Post
    (And if you really want to have a complete meltdown, look at something like this )
    hehe nice
    Last edited by SisAmethyst; 03-15-2011 at 07:59 PM.
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    I've been diligently listening to my lessons on my drive to work for about 7 months just in case so I can try to speak a little besides my horrible writing Would love to try my hand at speaking and understanding in person.
    There are several guilds with bilingual players on Ghallanda who if you approached might be interested in running some quests if you wish to practice speaking or just listen in.

  15. #15
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smitey View Post
    There are several guilds with bilingual players on Ghallanda who if you approached might be interested in running some quests if you wish to practice speaking or just listen in.
    A very nice idea, indeed.

    Ich hab da mal was vorbereitet*:

    *Literal Translation is "I've prepared something here", but this is a Meme much deeper. Look up Jean Pütz and his Hobbythek if you are interested.
    Toons on Orien: Meinir // Flodur // Twiddler // Thorkar // Impetor // Juliacantor // Minor all Soko Irrlicht
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We may or may not intentionally insert in red herrings, purple mackerels, or horses of different colors. Void where prohibited. Not available in all planes of existence.

  16. #16
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    ... still working to collect all the information, translate and back it up with images. However the current event slows me down a little bit
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

  17. #17
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    First to tell it's good to try translate this, especially for players who are not able to understand english, but it's also good to offer people this language selection as not everyone would like to play using their language. Much will depend on voice actors too and of course correct translations.

    First I did notice was for sure my "Dragontouched Mantel" , 50% english and 50% german that's pain to read and removing much of games flair sometimes. I'd like to point out on that one that it should maybe not be Mantel as it's not looking like one and more like a "Robe" I think "Drachenberührte Robe" would sound much better for german players. Also it might be some worthy hint for translations to sometimes use the picture search Google offers for example. See what the word is you get for your translation and maybe even translate it back. There you could put in such words and see the difference. I don't know a single german roleplaying game using a Mantel as armor as it's a piece of clothing you wear above other clothing. Translate Mantel back and you will not even see the word shroud for it but # jacket, # coat, # sheath, # casing, # mantle, # cloak, # overcoat, # wrap, # topcoat, # cope, # curved surface, # pallium, # share sertificate

    That's some differences between languages that can sometimes need some carefulness. While Shroud = Mantel might be fully correct it's nothing that has ever been used to german roleplaying. And it'll give funny examples too. (English) Dragons or Kite = (German) Drachen , in the past it was funny because it was first telling you kite in those translators but today it's already changed. But if you know Dragonlance novels imagine the translation to german Drachenlanze was correct but if translated back it was Kitelance Oh and I suppose there's many more chances to get bad translations if only translators used. The best you could do is grab yourself some german D&D roleplayers or just some D&D games already translated to german language like Baldur's Gate series or Neverwinter Nights which has some toolset where you could switch fast between english/german and compare it.

    Ok I did not really have had a look at other translations much, I noticed few other especially about descriptions for item stats but don't remember those right now. Some confusing translations for sure.


  18. #18
    Community Member Kirachan's Avatar
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    What really irritates me is the translation of tell as erzählen. The tool tip "Dem gewählten Spieler eine "erzähle" schicken" is even worse. If you have to use that word it would be a "Dem gewählten Spieler eine Erzähle-Nachricht schicken."
    But the word just rubs me wrong in that context. I'd go away from a literary translation to either the well used "Flüstern" (whisper), or just "Nachricht" / "PN".

    Another thing I noticed is that the social Panel still tells you to "die Gruppe anklicken und "JOIN" eingeben" even though the button was changed quite correctly to "Beitreten".

    Also, I don't thing the chat shortcuts should be changed. /a doesn't work anymore, but neither does /r or /rat. The same goes for /trade. It's a bit confusing.

  19. #19
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirachan View Post
    Also, I don't thing the chat shortcuts should be changed. /a doesn't work anymore, but neither does /r or /rat. The same goes for /trade. It's a bit confusing.
    I'm chiming in here. Using the shortcuts with english origin is fine. On console-bases OSes, it is no problem for me to type "cd" and "rm", even though I when do not know that they are shortcuts for change directory and remove.

    Das Spiel versteht deutsche und englische (really, does it?) Befehle. Für die Verwendung dieser Befehle muss das folgende Präfix hinzugefügt werden: /
    1 -- Verwendung: /userchat# <Nachricht>
    2 -- Verwendung: /userchat# <Nachricht>
    3 -- Verwendung: /userchat# <Nachricht>
    4 -- Verwendung: /userchat# <Nachricht>
    abmelden -- Verwendung: /abmelden
    achselzucken -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    afk -- Verwendung: /afk <Nachricht>
    alias -- Verwendung: /alias < ;<neuer Alias-String> <Ersatzstring > | hinzufügen ;<neuer Alias-String> <Ersatzstring> | entfernen ;<ungewünschter Alias-String> | liste | löschen | listelöschen | kurzbefehl ;<Alias-String> <Kurzbefehl-Position>>
    allgemein -- Verwendung: /general <text>
    anon -- Verwendung: /anon < an | aus > (no explanation here?)
    anonymous -- Verwendung: /anon < an | aus > (huh?)
    antworte -- Sendet die Nachricht an den letzten Spieler, dem du eine Nachricht per /erzähle geschickt hast.
    applaudieren -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    atw -- Sendet die Nachricht an den letzten Spieler, dem du eine Nachricht per /erzähle geschickt hast.
    beugen -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    bitten -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    chat -- Verwendung: /chat <fensterhinzufügen | fensterentfernen | lösen | fixieren | eingabetexthinzufügen | textentfernen | ausgabetextfestlegen | textlisten | allgemein> chatfont -- Verändert die Farbe des Chattextes
    def -- Nutzung: /glossar <Begriff> oder /def <Begriff> (huh? this seems to be a bit redundant. Does it work at all? Neither class, Klasse, AC nor RK are explained there)
    ducken -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    e -- Du machst einen Emote zum angegebenen Text.
    einladen -- Verwendung: /einladen < Spielername >
    em -- Du machst einen Emote zum angegebenen Text. (again, unneeded redundancy)
    emote -- Du machst einen Emote zum angegebenen Text.
    emoteliste -- Zeigt eine Liste der Emotes an, die du ausführen kannst.
    erzähle -- Schickt die Nachricht an den angegebenen Spieler
    essen -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    freund -- Verwaltet deine Freundesliste.
    g -- Verwendung: /gi <Nachricht> : Schickt eine Nachricht an alle Mitglieder deiner Gilde (bolded for emphasis)
    gi -- Verwendung: /gi <Nachricht> : Schickt eine Nachricht an alle Mitglieder deiner Gilde (unneeded redundancy)
    gilde -- Verwendung: /Gilde < erstellen | auflösen | rekrutieren | annehmen | ablehnen | verlassen | verbannen | befördern | degradieren | ndt | nachfolger | abtreten | umbenennen | rangerstellen | rangentfernen | rangstufeändern | rangnameändern | ränge >
    glossar -- Nutzung: /glossar <Begriff> oder /def <Begriff>
    go -- Verwendung: /go <Nachricht> : schickt <msg> an alle Offiziere deiner Gilde
    gruppe -- Gruppenmodifizierung: /gruppe <ausdruck>
    handel -- Verwendung: /trade <text> (bolded for emphasis)
    helmzeigen -- Gestattet dir, deine Helmgrafik ein- und auszuschalten.
    herbeiwinken -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    hilfe -- Zeigt die Hilfe für den jeweiligen Befehl an
    hinsetzen -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    hunger -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    ich -- Du machst einen Emote zum angegebenen Text.
    ja -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    joinchannel -- Verwendung: /joinchannel <Kanal-Name> [Passwort]
    jubeln -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    jubeln2 -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    knien -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    kopfschütteln -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    kriechen -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    küssen -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    lachen -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    leavechannel -- Verwendung: /leavechannel <Kanal-Name> (why is this english?)
    lfb -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    listchannels -- Verwendung: /listchannels (why is this english?)
    nachnamenändern -- Verwendung: /nachnamenändern <neuer nachname>
    namenändern -- Verwendung: /namenändern <neuer name>
    nein -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    nicken -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    optionenexportieren -- Verwendung: /optionenexportieren <Dateiname>
    optionenimportieren -- Verwendung: /optionenimportieren <Dateiname>
    ort -- Zeigt deinen aktuellen Standort an
    p -- Verwendung: /p <Nachricht> (what does it do?)
    pieksen -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    quest -- Verwendung:
    rand -- Wirft simulierte Würfel. Das Resultat wird an deine Gruppe gesendet.
    ratschlag -- Verwendung: /advice <text> (why is this english?)
    roll -- Wirft simulierte Würfel. Das Resultat wird an deine Gruppe gesendet.
    rufe -- Nicht nur Spieler in der Nähe können deinen Text lesen
    sage -- Zeigt deinen aktuellen Standort an ("show your current location" is this intended?)
    salutieren -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    schauplatz -- Zeigt deinen aktuellen Standort an
    schlafen -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    seufzen -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    sitzefest -- Sendet dich zu deinem Bindungspunkt zurück, wenn du auf einem öffentlichen Platz bist.
    Falls du auf einer Quest bist, wirst du am Eingang platziert. sng -- Verwendung: /lfg < an | aus >
    sperre -- Verwendung: /sperre <hinzufügen | entfernen | liste> <name>
    spotten -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    stop -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    stöhnen -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    t -- Schickt die Nachricht an den angegebenen Spieler (is this working?)
    tanzen -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    tanzen2 -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    tod -- Verursacht, dass dein Avatar stirbt ("Charakter" instead of Avatar is more approporiate here)
    toss -- Wirft simulierte Würfel. Das Resultat wird an deine Gruppe gesendet. (redundancy)
    tr -- Verwendung: /trade <text> (what does it do?)
    uc -- Verwendung: /userchat <Kanal-Name> <Nachricht>
    uc1 -- Verwendung: /userchat# <Nachricht>
    uc2 -- Verwendung: /userchat# <Nachricht>
    uc3 -- Verwendung: /userchat# <Nachricht>
    uc4 -- Verwendung: /userchat# <Nachricht>
    umarmen -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    userchat -- Verwendung: /userchat <Kanal-Name> <Nachricht>
    userchat1 -- Verwendung: /userchat# <Nachricht>
    userchat2 -- Verwendung: /userchat# <Nachricht>
    userchat3 -- Verwendung: /userchat# <Nachricht>
    userchat4 -- Verwendung: /userchat# <Nachricht>
    verbeugen -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    verlassen -- Verwendung: /verlassen
    versammeln -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    warten -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    wbort -- Zeigt deinen aktuellen Wiederbelebungsort an weglaufen -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    wegstecken -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    weinen -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    wer -- Findet Spieler, die deinen Kriterien entsprechen.
    wh -- Sendet die Nachricht an den Spieler, der dir per /erzähle eine Nachricht geschickt hat.
    wiederholen -- Sendet die Nachricht an den Spieler, der dir per /erzähle eine Nachricht geschickt hat.
    winken -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    wütend -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    z -- Verwendung: /advice <text> (something is not right here)
    zeigen -- Ausführen eines Emote.
    zufällig -- Wirft simulierte Würfel. Das Resultat wird an deine Gruppe gesendet.
    Full output of /hilfe, with some comments.

    Am I missing something, or is there no /joinchannel?

    If you stick to the german commands, no non-german player will be able to explain the chat commands to the player. This is imho a bad thing.

    Should you want to stick to the German commands, I recommend a rework of some commands. Imho, the best fitting translation of "\roll" is "\wirf" (which is really the translation of rolling a die), not "\rand" or "\zufällig".
    Toons on Orien: Meinir // Flodur // Twiddler // Thorkar // Impetor // Juliacantor // Minor all Soko Irrlicht
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We may or may not intentionally insert in red herrings, purple mackerels, or horses of different colors. Void where prohibited. Not available in all planes of existence.

  20. #20
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I also notice on that screenshot that it does show Chaos gut, that's wrong too

    It would be
    Lawful = Rechtschaffen
    Neutral = Neutral
    Chaotic = Chaotisch

    Good = Gut
    Neutral = Neutral
    Evil = Böse

    of course in german too it would not be a Neutral Neutral just one.

    Ah I already noticed what was confusing for me while looking at the Charakterbogen screenshot.

    Bollwerk it is.. Bollwerk used to be a skill of the dwarven defender in german language and the fortification was used as "Immunität gegen kritische Treffer" using a percentage. This could maybe be "Befestigung" too. Of course as we now have a special name for this we need to think about but in Charakterbogen it should already tell us Immunität gegen kritische Treffer or maybe Schutz gegen kritische Treffer or that Befestigung, whatever Bollwerk itself does not sound good as it's a Dwarven Defender feat as I remember.

    Maybe it could be like

    "Leichter Schutz vor kritischen Treffern" or "Leichte Befestigung"
    verleiht dem Träger 25% Immunität gegen kritische Treffer

    "Schutz vor kritischen Treffern or Befestigung"
    verleiht dem Träger 75% Immunität gegen kritische Treffer

    "Starker Schutz vor kritischen Treffern" or Schwere Befestigung (notice the difference. of course we could in both use Starke/r or Schwere/r but this way it'll should sound better, of course opinions too)
    verleiht dem Träger 100% Immunität gegen kritische Treffer

    ok not sure about that 10% extra bonus ? Was it a epic fortification ? So it would be "Epische Befestigung" or "Epischer Schutz vor kritischen Treffern".
    Whatever might need discussions but in my opinion all of those are much better than Bollwerk as no new players would be used to that. The easiest to understand for all players would be Immunität gegen kritische Treffer but this is also long way, so it should get that mix in description and name maybe.

    I thought a bit more about and think it'll be helpful to point you to a german faerun wiki. This should help at least for some classes, races, feats and spells.




    Oh and yes /tell would best be /flüstern but really need to offer people some shortcut for this like using /tell too or even /pn or /pm
    typing /flüstern would be annoying if you have to send many tells.
    /party would be /gruppe btw. not sure about those already done.

    For emotes I would also suggest to maybe make a menu for the future which people could pop open only if needed and choose their emotes from ? This would be a easy and effective addition for remotes too as it can just do the emotes and also have little graphics showing the choices for example.
    Last edited by Ivendar; 03-25-2011 at 06:22 AM.

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