I guess the first and important things that need to be looked at are the things that you daily have to deal with. For example the Quest list in the Adventure Compendium. Or the Translations in the Character Sheet. If you stumble over one single wrong phrase in a NPC conversation you still can go on and probably forget it seconds after. But an error that you see every day you login and start to play is far more serious.
I will try to start with Classes / Races at first and will try to work me down through the most serious topics. I may even consider going through the list of Quest names and translate them, even if I am totally against the idea of German Quest names for numerous reasons. But maybe you should first do a poll if Quest names should be translated at all.
- Barbarian (Savage of the Wild, Storm of Kargon, Bastion of the Outlands) -> Barbar (...)
- Bard (Spellsinger, Virtuoso of the Sword, War Chanter) -> Barde (...)
- Cleric (Warpriest of Siberys, The Font of Healing, Scourge of the Undead) -> Kleriker (...)
- Fighter (Stalwart Soldier, Vanguard Warrior, Whirlwind Fighter) -> Kämpfer (...)
- Favored Soul (Angel of Vengeance, Beacon of Hope, Divine Avenger) -> Begünstigte Seele (...)
- Monk (Shintao Monk, Ninja Spy, Henshin Mystic) -> Mönch (...)
- Paladin (The Mighty Protector, The Truthbringer, The Flame of Justice) -> Paladin (...)
- Ranger (Deepwood Sniper, Tempest, Arcane Archer) -> Waldläufer (Dunkelwald Scharfschütze, Klingensturm, Arkanschütze)
- Rogue (Master Mechanic, The Dark Blade, Thief Acrobat) -> Schurke (Meistermechaniker, Finstere Klinge, Diebesakrobat)
- Sorcerer (Arcane Cannon, The Dynamic Hand, The Voice of Power) -> Hexenmeister (...)
- Wizard (Necromancer, The Ingenious Sage, Elementalist) -> Magier (Nekromant, ...)
This affect the following places:
- Character Creation (This is the only place where the '-' is
GOOD, because it break the word of
Waldläufer and
Hexenmeister! Put the '-' maybe instead between
Dunkelwald Scharfschütze for proper syllable division)
- Character Selection (bad, there shouldn't be a '-' neither for
- Character sheet (again, no '-' and
Gewitter sound bad as well which is probably
Klingensturm, but I have no German Rule Book to verify this)
And while we are at it in the Character Creation:
Please replace the cut of words of
männlich and
weiblich with 'männl.' and 'weibl.' or just 'Mann' and 'Frau' if you not have the space. Further the correct syllabication of the word