and Carpone, if thats a hero, then sry about your judgement.
I'm sorry I get offended when a guildy threatens my guild.
Oh bahaha.....anger post are wonderful. I'm sorry i'm not good enough of a healer to cure ignorance which you have so tremendously shown. Congrats!
Plus you dont even play on my server....its cool you know i'm a bad healer![]()
Well thats a good way to judge....However....I can see where I came off as a ****. But, lets review what has happened: Mattat (Llothh member of Disorderly Conduct (now former)) Post on forums about a guild rule that he hates and says its for the good....when he clearly threatened to out the name of the guild if we didn't repeal it. Yes, the rule is stupid, yes it should not have existed. But, Llothh went about it the WRONG way. Send a letter to your officers and say give your reasons...don't threaten your guild. I apologize for any out of line things I may have said. But I was not alone in this, the officer agreed that his post was idiotic on his side and would be dealt with. The rule has been repealed and Disorderly Conduct is still a beast guild (with even our few not so beasty players...more like kittens).
As entertaining as this thread has been - I think it's time for the guildmates involved to take it to their own forum or have some other form of internal discussion. Had I known that the OP was not the guildleader asking for an opinion on a new policy - I would never have said anything. I don't think it's a rank and file guildmate's place to take guild matters to the forums. And likewise, I would be embarrassed if an officer in my guild conducted themselves in a manner as has been on display here. You are both doing nothing but making yourselves and your guild look like a collection of fools. If I played on your server - I'd avoid the lot of you after this shabby display.
Get a room, and get it out of public view.
Well I'm sorry I got alittle upset to find out a guildy was doing this.
I understand that - but it may be time to be the bigger man here, and let the matter drop. If you don't want your guild's drama to be public fodder, stop throwing gas on the fire, so to speak. I mean, it was you who publicly put the name of the guild out there, am I right? Yeah... probably not the best call.
But, whatever. It's your guild, your policy, your members, and your call.
Do as you will.
Ye i just think its funny all these people from different servers/guild who doesn't really know anything thats going on all of a sudden knows whats best for the guild...I know i'm the one posting but it was not my decision alone to expose the guild....we actually don't care if you know.
shining example of why children should not be officers
Bollocks. You clearly started this thread to create drama. You awkwardly presented an unsound policy proposal with absolutely no context, then immediately criticized it yourself. You were obviously trying to incite criticism of the proposal by setting it up that way. If you sincerely wanted constructive advice, you would have provided some context. For instance:
I'm a 200hp drow arcane with no toughness. Me and some other guildies are so suboptimally built and equipped for raiding that it's causing terrible stress on our healers. Our guild healers have to routinely drink 10+ pots to get us through normal ToD. It's gotten so bad that our guild officers are considering charging admission to offset costs to healers. I think this is a bad direction for our guild, any advice?
Instead of doing this, you disingenuously criticized your own characterization of a policy proposal, threatened to out your guild on the forums, you goaded the forum population to attack your officers, and then resorted to ad hominem attacks.
As further evidence that you are not genuinely seeking any advice: When someone outside your guild suggested that pots and policy are not the problem, but rather personnel/roster quality control (a legitimate opinion from a very experienced raid leader on Orien), you graciously dismissed him:
Stop already. You're not impressing anyone. (Not positively anyway.)
Last edited by Keybreaker; 01-10-2011 at 06:32 AM.
Keybreaker, Exalted Tyrants
200hp arcanes shouldn't set foot in ToD because they're a liability. You probably didn't have any cold absorption besides Fire Shield either. Unequipped toons like you flagging on casual are part of the problem. You should be thanking the people that took the time to help you equip and readjust your character instead of lambasting them on the forums. You don't deserve their help.
I've done ToD with Favoritesoul. He's a solid leader and Orien would benefit greatly with more people like him leading raids.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
is this what Orien is all about?? Thank God I m in Thelanis.
Please dont come there and spoil our server.
The real problem is that the guild name got out; that the officers were even considering this kind of policy...