@ amythystdragon - wow thats is almost word for word the process my guild leader and i are working out. Your comment inspires confidence since you said it accomplished the goal, awesome.
@Lleran - I believe Ive handled this diplomatically and I invite my guild officers to read it. It's not a gripe, I post questions on forum about raids and builds, so why not guild policy. I would recommend using the forums as much as possible to all who enjoy DDO simply for the reason that EVERYTHING has been done already, learn from others. That being said I agree with most of your statements as well, and if I need to , for myself or because this puts a bad taste in peoples mouth then so be it. But if you understand my motivation and my willingness to put out extra effort in the pursuit of progress- you'll know my intentions are for the best for the guild.
TY guys. btw 1 day till vote on policy. hopefully this was all a false alarm.