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  1. #41
    Community Member
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    @ amythystdragon - wow thats is almost word for word the process my guild leader and i are working out. Your comment inspires confidence since you said it accomplished the goal, awesome.

    @Lleran - I believe Ive handled this diplomatically and I invite my guild officers to read it. It's not a gripe, I post questions on forum about raids and builds, so why not guild policy. I would recommend using the forums as much as possible to all who enjoy DDO simply for the reason that EVERYTHING has been done already, learn from others. That being said I agree with most of your statements as well, and if I need to , for myself or because this puts a bad taste in peoples mouth then so be it. But if you understand my motivation and my willingness to put out extra effort in the pursuit of progress- you'll know my intentions are for the best for the guild.

    TY guys. btw 1 day till vote on policy. hopefully this was all a false alarm.

  2. #42
    Community Member weewoo0's Avatar
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    it was a false alarm. the policy was suspended and the crisis was averted. the larger problems that were happening were people bringing in newer toons that didn't have gear or a proper setup to participate in raids (to quote a friend of mine "there were rogues bringing +1 met of pg light picks to elite tod" note that was in reference to a different guild i've been in but it applies here quite nicely). due to a few people being setup oddly and many recent TRs our normal raider rotation was disrupted a 'little' to say the least our main tank is currently lvl..... *checks myddo* looks like 12ish. and my paladin is filling in for most of the harder raids. needless to say the toons that are appearing in raids now aren't quite the best geared toons out there and may not be the most experienced. its causing rifts throughout the raiding schedule for the simple reason that we were used to doing things a certain way and then almost suddenly we had to change. These difficulties were immediately felt by the healers due to higher pot consumption and scroll usage therefore the policy was put in place to try and ease the burden on the healers at that time it has since been suspended and a purely donation oriented system is in effect. no they are not REQUIRED to donate, my beating stick has been denied clearance to assault the people who refused to turn in a pot >.>

    anyways. crisis averted guild is back to normal and no longer FUBAR. move along. nothing to see here. I SAID MOVE ALONG!
    orien too lazy to update chars
    Quote Originally Posted by porq
    tells you, 'is it so hard to type kila[a-f]?'
    yes yes it is.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?

  3. #43
    Community Member ChadB123's Avatar
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    I am an officer in this guild. I am one of the main healers as well. It has happened many times as to where healers have paid the cost of un-equiped noobs. I mean 11 pots on a normal ToD? Go freakin re-roll. Also, discussing guild business on the forums isn't appreciated at all. If our guild member want us to be more strict on recruiting, I will start from the inside out. Cause half the people telling us to do that would need to be kicked. 2k plat is petty and doesn't even was derived from 7 ****ed officers for having crappy members who want to roll on rings while wearing kothos gear

  4. #44
    Community Member ChadB123's Avatar
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    BTW the guild is Disorderly Conduct. I said it so Mattat doesn't have to follow threw with his threat if we didn't repeal it. However, since i said the name of our guild, maybe i'll just type the names of the people who are causing our raids to go **** down on the forums unless they fix themselves? How bout that?

  5. #45
    Community Member weewoo0's Avatar
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    my fighter wears the goggles of insight because he doesn't have a set of mentau's goggles yet? >.> then again this same fighter has lit 2s a 56 raid str (no ship no madstones QQ) a litany and a wretched twilight.... he does just fine in these raids oO even got the frenzy barb set!
    orien too lazy to update chars
    Quote Originally Posted by porq
    tells you, 'is it so hard to type kila[a-f]?'
    yes yes it is.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?

  6. #46
    Community Member ChadB123's Avatar
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    :O Noob....maybe i should list your character names first?

  7. #47
    Community Member weewoo0's Avatar
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    sure :P i'm perfectly certain that people want to see my 12 f 6 barb 2 rog or my pally ac tank or favored soul who is ONE SHARD FROM COMPLETION (curse you belt of the mroranon) etc etc so on and so forth. but either way... prolly wouldn't do much other than listing all my toons in one spot lol
    Last edited by weewoo0; 01-08-2011 at 03:15 PM.
    orien too lazy to update chars
    Quote Originally Posted by porq
    tells you, 'is it so hard to type kila[a-f]?'
    yes yes it is.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?

  8. #48
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    yeah chad, since you screwed this post up go ahead and call out whos been screwing up the raids ? and ill say whos grown too big for his britches and cost the guild more.

    TY everyone for your help, however in vain it was.

  9. #49
    Community Member ChadB123's Avatar
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    Idc if I screwed up this post, it shouldn't exist. Another that shouldn't exist is you membership in this guild which will be resolved.

  10. #50
    Community Member Geodude07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChadB123 View Post
    I am an officer in this guild. I am one of the main healers as well. It has happened many times as to where healers have paid the cost of un-equiped noobs. I mean 11 pots on a normal ToD? Go freakin re-roll. Also, discussing guild business on the forums isn't appreciated at all. If our guild member want us to be more strict on recruiting, I will start from the inside out. Cause half the people telling us to do that would need to be kicked. 2k plat is petty and doesn't even was derived from 7 ****ed officers for having crappy members who want to roll on rings while wearing kothos gear
    Yeah but everyones gotta pay for bad players, and in a pugging scenario just forcing a "tax" on players because things "might" go sour is not a good idea. No one likes to be taxed for groups. I mean most healers get by without potting, the healer could suck and this policy doesn't account for that.

    and 2k plat may be "petty" but you add that up for every group run and it becomes quite a bit. If it doesn't even help that is further reason to not enforce such a rule. Were I a part of this guild I would do everything to get rid of this policy before potential blacklisting occur. It is a good way to protect the guild....

    that in mind it is a good sign of respect to reimburse a particularly good healer who had to save a groups rear. However you generally have to be really good for that. If you are the kind of healer who spams heals on someone who got hit once, and chugs pots, then you aren't doing sp conservation and harming yourself in the process. Nobody "deserves" to be paid before every quest and no pugger expects that kind of treatment.

  11. #51
    Community Member ChadB123's Avatar
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    Not so, I am a good healer =p. The guy who posted this came in our ToD run with 200 hp and it wasn't fun . I'm not saying you have to agree with the rule, i think its pathetic that it exist. But, posting guild info on the forums isn't a very nice thing to do. I agree that maybe we should recruit better. But before we do that we much clean up the inside so that would leave us with.... It was just a rule because officer were ****ed that 5 people were carrying the raids and the healers were paying 8 pots for a normal ToD completions and I have all my freakin rings. I'm losing money here keep that in mind. The rule wasn't my idea and I hate that it had to and/or did exist. But complain about it on our site, not the servers.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChadB123 View Post
    I am one of the main healers as well. It has happened many times as to where healers have paid the cost of un-equiped noobs. I mean 11 pots on a normal ToD? Go freakin re-roll.
    You are my hero. Wish more people would take this attitude.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  13. #53
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    Ha. it was 260. and I still successfully kited part 2 and did what i needed 2 do, and by next week i was up to 325 hp. not to mention bumpin up my epic DC . Try to burn me all you want. At least i didnt waste forum time for BS. this was a legitimate post before you decided to try to use it to mess with me. idc im gonna keep playing. thank the devs for squelch. btw thanks for epitomizing the term "guild - drama " for me favo.

  14. #54
    Community Member ChadB123's Avatar
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    Anytime bro. And no, first time Llothh stepped into ToD, he had 200 hp . See here, disagreeing with a rule is fine, but threatening to out the guild name unless we repeal. Idc if everyone knows who the heck we are! Let them know we let un-equipped peeps in and we are baby sitters for end game content. Threatening us was a stupid mistake. Disorderly Conduct is not ashamed we charged for raids, but we are ashamed for letting those in the led to that conclusion. The rule is gone, and so are you. You should be happy we got rid of it as I am happy with the outcome as well.

    Yours Truly,
    Favoritesoul (the one who kept you alive with 200 hp and zefie was yelling HIDE IN THE CORNER LLOTHH!)

  15. #55
    Community Member Waukeen's Avatar
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    go through the raid.

    before the warded chest is popped. say, or type: pot count?

    this will let you see what has been used and is a polite nudge to party members to donate. Sure keep track of who does if you want.

    who knows, you might have a healer that is using 11 when it should be 1, but no matter what it puts the cost into perspective for all participants.

    As far as the cover charge (that does not seem to be refundable), no deal unless it is an elite ToD or something along those lines.
    ________________One of Two Kings_________________

  16. #56
    Community Member elg582's Avatar
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    Well, that just ruined the guild's reputation.


  17. #57
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Maybe I should start charging for buffs (100pp/person), nuking (500pp/quest or 1k in raid) and CC (1k/quest or 2k in raid)...
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  18. #58
    Community Member ChadB123's Avatar
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    Ye and on my new melees i'll say give me a bb and i'll come offer my awesome dps

  19. #59
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    This guild use to kick so much ass, poor character builds or not! Now I'm afraid it's going down the crapper. :,(

  20. #60
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    actually its just one dude showing his ass. Sry again to all who wasted time reading this

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