alright lets get the buff circles going. Sk's first and head to the tunnels, scout in zone, expect trains.
Two Plus Two makes TwentySeven and I bit your rat in half. What now?
DDO doesn't have raids. It has "R.A.I.D.S."
Would you like them to be called: Qymlwntfawlttgalgtap pronounced -> Qwi-mil-wint-foul-ta-galg-tap?
Quests you most likely will need to flag and wait longer times to get a larger group together and play.
Raid was already a standard name for Qwi-Tap's and it rolled off the tongue easier.
Last edited by Horrorscope; 03-25-2010 at 01:08 PM.
It comes from EQ.
There were places, like SolB where you could go to earn xp. Also (at the time) there were raid-worthy targets.
When camping for xp (sitting in one spot, killing the same mobs over and over), loot was...well...a bonus.
Then it was decided to try to kill the big dragon at the bottom of SolB. You weren't there to linger, to hang out, or to gather xp (frequently you ended up losing xp). You were there for one thing, go in and nab the loots.
Much like the purpose for raiding a cupboard or a drug-lord's house is to go in and snag some...stuff, an EQ raid was designed for the same purpose.
As more multi-group targets were added to the game, the usage of the word spread, but it's original intent was the same. You weren't there to camp for xp, you were there to raid for loot.
Reminds me of the "but why Daddy" conversations... in the end, the answer is "Just because it is, alright! Now quit asking Daddy why!!"
And to (Semi)seriously answer your question, I quote Joe Dirt:
Joe Dirt: Well, I see you got those snakes and sparklers. But where's the good stuff man?
Kicking Wing: Good stuff? This is the good stuff, snakes and sparklers.
Joe Dirt: Are you nuts dude? You need stuff that'll explode. Go *boom*!
Kicking Wing: Why is that good?
Joe Dirt: Well, huh, might as, might as well ask why is a tree good? Why is the sunset good? Why are boobs good? Man, firecrackers, ya stick 'em in mailboxes, you drop 'em in toilets, shove 'em up bullfrogs asses.
Everrytime he posts one of these, that map on Gorbachev's head gets a little smaller.
There is an "Alternate" Forum, PM Strakeln for details.
Arkats Padawan of Zen Noobility
Wielder of the Stiffler Salute
Eberron Lore - Lore-Keepers Lounge
Because in English no one says, "But why not, friend," or, "Friends, why are raids called 'raids'?"
We just don't use friend like that. We may have at one point in the past, but now it just would sound very weird. It sounds even weirder when that same phrase is in another language.
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!
Sort of:
In DDO, the "standard" group is 6 characters. The idea of a raid group is that up to 12 characters can group up to enter a more challenging area. Later on, it was added that they that don't scale based on amount in the party and you can't use certain items from the store. Entering a raid doesn't mean you have a chance for "elite", binding items as the first example of a raid is Tempest Spine which had no end named items.
I am only answering this for what others posted in this thread as your posts are getting to be a bit "taxing". You made a single thread where you were going to ask all these questions that could be found out just by searching places such as the DDOWiki Glossary.
If you were more in character as a D&D role player, I think people would be more inclined to provide help.
Doing the passive aggressive act isn't helping you out.
Originally Posted by Angelus_dead