Seems like it is always blank. I have to log out and back in like 2-3 times before it appears. What's up?
Seems like it is always blank. I have to log out and back in like 2-3 times before it appears. What's up?
PESTILENCE officerLewsinda19sorc/1bard Suneeky*13rog/6rng/1mnkKillm20barbKatauna18rng/2mnkPaighn12barb/6rng/2ftrBurnyup20scorcMorpheen20clericPiggee18barb/2ftrWallter13rog/6rng/1mnkManndingo20ftr
It glitches out for me all the time. Normally 1 log out/log back fixes it for me.
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I find that if you just make sure the game is fully loaded before doing anything after logging in the first time, it doesn't happen.
Wrong. It happens after you've been logged in for some time, done a quest or two. I see it on all my characters on multiple servers. Sometimes it's not just the Compendium, but also the other two tabs in that window as well. I've never had to log off/on more than once to bring it back, for a while anyway.
I've tried letting it load all the way before doing anything and still it's blank. I'm even getting it to where only one screen of it loads...? Would be nice if a mod chimed in about it so we know how to fix it or if it's even on the board to get fixed or what. Trying to run favor or see what you've done as your lvl'n is important. It's a waste of time as it is now.
PESTILENCE officerLewsinda19sorc/1bard Suneeky*13rog/6rng/1mnkKillm20barbKatauna18rng/2mnkPaighn12barb/6rng/2ftrBurnyup20scorcMorpheen20clericPiggee18barb/2ftrWallter13rog/6rng/1mnkManndingo20ftr
I get the same problem half the time it works other times complete blank and I want to see my favor but it tells me TOUGH luck pal you have to guess.![]()
Yes this bug sucks and it has been there for a long while.
I think it is quite common as well since some people write the quest names in LFM info box in addition to picking the quest from the list just because so many people can't see anything in the quest column due to this bug.
Not touching anything on load seems to help but it might still happen, relogging does not always fix it for me.
I am under the impression that devs are aware of this issue... wonder if it would speed up the fixing process to bug report it every time it happens.![]()
Reality is for those who can't imagine anything better.
It happens to me this way...well sort of...It's all fine and working properly, I happily do a quest or two, stop and look to see what i'm going to do next. Everything is fine set off, go from the Market place house P (for example, not saying this glitch only happens when going into house p) then cos I'm old I forget why i'm in house p so i have another look. Usually my quest list is fine, but my patrons tab is blank, but some times all three tabs are blank.
This doesn't happen every time i port zones, but it does happen a lot of the time. Logging out and in usually clears it up, but like i said i'm old and by the time i've done that I've forgotten why I've the same character back in, assume it's a mistake and log back out.....
It all becomes a terrible mess from there!
Seems to have a low priority. Is the game broken because of it? No, just an inconvenience.
Started with the Mod 9 Release, Sept 2009. Either that or my memory is fuzzy of before that time.
I have had this bug but the one that really annoys me is when you scroll over your weapons/items on your bar and it does not open a description window. 80% of the time I cannot see what it is and must rely on my placement memory. Seems the only thing that remedies the issue is putting your weapon in a backpack, combo weapons slot....not great for items though.
I had the pleasure of learning what caused this, then i had the pleasure of doing this:
A lvl 9 with that sorta compendium ? Nope, thats a memeber of Red Alert on Orien list
And heres his Favour:
He should check his mail :P
I used to have the same issue, but I've managed to eliminate the problem completely with the following steps:
1) Always log out or quit from a low-traffic area like the far back of the bank, under the stairs in the Portable Hole, or the low-traffic House shops.
2) Try not to hold enhancement points or levels if you can help it.
3) Hit "P" to bring up your compendiums as soon as you spawn, but don't do anything else like trying to move until the world loads completely.
4) If the compendium doesn't load, log out from a quiet area. Quit the program completely from the system tray, then log back in.
It seems like the more work the system has to do and the more information it has to process on log in, the more likely the compendium gets dropped.
If it is too hard to stop this from happening maybe it would be easier to implement a "refresh compendium" button? Could just click this in case the compendium failed to load... Well I guess they know best what to do.
Reality is for those who can't imagine anything better.