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  1. #1

    Default Tiefling Tier 3: "Inceneration"?

    Is "Inceneration" really mispelled in-game, or is that just on wiki?

    Also, on wiki both Tier 3 and Tier 4 Incineration do the same thing (+2% spell critical) but tier 3 is listed as 1 AP and tier 4 is listed as 2 AP. That doesn't sound right to me; are those the correct values?

  2. #2


    Followup question:

    Both Tiefling and Tiefling Scoundrel have a Tier 2 enhancement called Traditionalist Caster. For Tiefling, on wiki it's listed as "No Requirements" but for Scoundrel it's listed as requiring Magical Training. Do they both require Magical Training or just Scoundrel? (Or do neither require it?)

    (I don't own either race so I have no way to check in-game.)

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