Originally Posted by
First, you don't "need" all that, and certainly not from the DDO Store. What you need is a spare Character Slot and a Shared Bank, and a willingess to create/delete multiple drones that can run the Crafting Tutorial. OR, alternately, a toon that has enough Cannith favor to simply buy the boosts for plat from the Cannith Patron.
You only "need" those items if you want to absolutely minimize the time to grind up to crafting level 300++.
Dissolving items. From a very quick test I conducted, I was getting 4-6 essences per dissolution...
This is insane. Am I missing something?
That low ML items produce MUCH less essence than high-level.
A ML 1 item will produce 1 essence, occasionally 2. A ML 10 item will produce roughly* around 4-8 or so. A ML 20 will produce 15-30 or so, and a ML 30 might produce 25-40 or so. I'm guessing yours were around ML 8 or so - close?
(* VERY rough estimates. Note that the ratio of ML:Essences is not a simple one - it starts @ about 1:1 for ML 1, then drops through most of heroics, climbs again toward end heroics (high-teens), and then explodes once you get over 20.)
So - if you're running favor runners and grinding ML 5-6 Harbor/Market droploot, yes, very slow. If you have a toon in Epics who's bringing home ML 25-30 items, MUCH better return on time invested.

Originally Posted by
Stacks of 1000 go for 1 million plat on the auction...
Well... some sellers have an asking price of 1,000/essence - the fact that you're seeing those prices implies that those offers are not flying off the shelves. I'm guessing that if you start to haunt the AH, you'll see (much!) lower prices that don't last very long at all.