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  1. #1

    Default DC Caster Cleric gear

    For a DC caster you have three primary things to worry about: Casting stat, spell focus, and spell penetration. Ideally all three are maxed, then fit in whatever else you can. For a DC cleric I care about necromancy, enchantment and evocation, meaning spell focus mastery would be greatly preferable to individual school bonuses. So let's see:

    20 Enhancement (NECKLACE: Fleetfoot Necklace is the only 20 wisdom item in game?)
    9 Insightful (ARMOR: Legendary Scales of the Exile is the only insightful wisdom 9 item in game?)
    4 Quality (Any crafted slave lord item, or CLOAK: Legendary Earthen Mantle, or RING: Legendary Chieftain)
    2 Profane (TRINKET: Epic Litany of the Dead, GLOVES: Bluescale Guides, RING: Legendary Band of Insightful Commands, also armor but armor is scales of exile)
    2 Artifact (5-piece slave lords set bonus)
    2 Alchemical (SHIELD: Alchemical shield. Also weapon, but nightmother is definite and no point going TWF if offhand is alchemical)
    2 Festival (Yellow Augment)
    1 Exceptional (Augment; could get +2 from legendary greensteel but that's only +1 over augment and costs -2 alchemical)

    Spell Focus Mastery
    7 Enhancement (CLUB: Nightmother's Sceptre is only source in game?)
    4 Insightful (Nightmother's Sceptre; also found on an ORB: The Legendary Mistfallen)
    4 Artifact (Slave Lords 5-piece set bonus)
    2 Quality (RING: Legendary Spinneret, also ORB: Legendary Mutilator of Minds and Epic Increased Potential)
    1 Profane (Shadowscale armor; conflicts with Insightful Wisdom 9 on scales of the exile)

    Spell Penetration
    8 Enhancement (Nightmother's Sceptre; also found on other items, but we're using nightmother for spell focus anyway)
    4 Insightful (Nightmother's Sceptre)
    2 Quality (DAGGER: Legendary Deep Demise, conflicts with Alchemical)

    Have I missed any types of bonuses for any of these effects, or any alternative sources for max value for any of the types?

    Starting with just the clear best-in-game items listed above, we end up with:

    Neck: Fleetfoot Necklace (Wisdom 20)
    Wrist: slave lords 1
    Waist: slave lords 2
    Feet: slave lords 3
    Ring: Legendary Spinneret (Quality Spell Focus 2)
    Ring: slave lords 4
    Trinket: Epic Litany of the Dead (Profane Wisdom 2)
    Armor: Legendary Scales of the Exile (Insightful Wisdom 9)
    Mainhand: Nightmother's Scepter (Spell Focus 7, Insightful Spell Focus 4, Spell Pen 8, Insightful Spell Pen 4)
    Offhand: Alchemical Shield (Alchemical Wisdom 2)

    Thanks to Vish for pointing out that spinneret counts as the fifth slave lord item.
    Thanks to silinteresting for pointing out the new club in U39 for a turn undead swap with alchemical shield.
    Thanks to cru121 for clarifying that profane well rounded can also go on ring and gloves.

    Everything for DC casting is now slotted, plus we have some wiggle room, being able to move profane from trinket to gloves. That means we can move any one of the crafted slave lord items to trinket and still fit everything. That'll make identifying the undisputed best choices for the last four open spots a bit trickier since we can also consider bracers, belts and boots if there is a truly great one.

    I'll post a second gearset with the rest of the items filled in. Still looking.

  2. #2
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    sounds about right if you can get a even number if not then drop the fleetfoot
    necklace for the dawns hearald charm this covers turning too.

    with turning in mind.

    if your going death domain for necro are you going to forsake your turning?
    if your not then you need to fit in the Celestial Beacon that is coming with
    the new update. mind you i guess you could use it as a hot swap for when
    you do use your turns.

    your friend sil

    oh just noticed your 2nd layout sorry, i got to admit i hate too hot swap items
    in and out so if i was going necro caster i would drop the trinket and use that
    as that space for my 5th slavers item and change the cloak for something else.
    also i dont mind being 1 or 2 dc lower than max if i can fit everything else in i
    want to use. lastly as for your helm slot i would use whatever i had that had the
    reaper 2 enhancement on it.
    Last edited by silinteresting; 07-12-2018 at 04:09 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    The spinnerette counts as slave lords
    So you don't need 5 you need 4

    Also my gearset for vish the Imploder,
    In same thread name

    Vish 17/3 gearset
    Head open. Hardened hide for Sorc.
    Insightful Fortification +92%
    Quality Magical Sheltering +11
    Natural Armor +17
    Quality Constitution +4
    Green Augment Slot

    Neck slavers 17/4 con resist14 sorc
    Goggles richtovens goggles 20 dex 16 reflex 50 mrr adherant
    Trinket Hands of the Dawn Healer, Devotion +208, Healing Lore +30, Magical Efficiency 10%, Heal +22, Blue Slot, Green slot, adherent
    Swap rad lore sorc

    Body Scales of exile +15 Enhancement Bonus
    Fortification +202% Parrying +9 Ins Wisdom +9 Ins Con +9
    Blue Augment Slot

    Cloak Legendary Silverthread Cloak Wisdom +19, Insightful Evocation Focus +4, Fortification +202%, Physical Sheltering +50, Yellow Augment Slot, Adherent

    Bracers slavers falselife68, devotion185 sf6 Qwis4 sorc
    Belt Silverthread (+202 EnhPosSP, Adherent)
    Ring1 swap 17/4cha rad185 sorc
    Ring2 spinneret Qsf2 lore15 spellpen7 Qpotency32 sorc
    Boots flightfoot (adherent)
    Hands Innate Arcanum (19cha4, +412 Wiz, Adherent)
    Swap hamp ins devotion., swap ins rad

    Night mothers scepter.sf7, inssf4. Spellpen8, inssp4

    Off hand
    Off hand:
    Devotion +208
    Insightful Devotion +104
    Healing Lore +30
    Efficient Metamagic - Empower Healing II

    Either hand:
    Spellcasting Implement +29
    +15 Enhancement Bonus
    Orange Augment Slot
    Red Augment Slot
    Mythic Weapon Boost +2 or +4

    This gives both 5 pc slavers and adherent
    Last edited by Vish; 07-12-2018 at 06:43 PM.
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  4. #4
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    Profane Well Rounded items - alternative to litany. armor, ring or glove slot

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    Profane Well Rounded items - alternative to litany. armor, ring or glove slot
    Nice, gloves! I looked at that page but thought it was armor all the way down after trinket. Gloves helps a lot!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Vish View Post
    This gives both 5 pc slavers and adherent
    How important is the adherent's set, would you say?

    It looks awesome, but in terms of DC casting (and possibly turning undead) it kind of looks like it can be skipped.

  7. #7
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary): 5 Pieces Equipped:
    +20 Profane bonus to Physical Resistance Rating
    +20 Profane bonus to Positive, Negative, and Repair Amplification
    +10 Profane bonus to Melee and Ranged Power
    +20 Profane bonus to Universal Spell Power

    +20 prr, pos and universal?
    For bis items that you're gonna use anyways
    I'd say it's icing on the cake
    My dc caster is running ea with a flame sphere
    For wrath and anything fire, like strike
    I worked it out,
    This is the best I came up with
    And I have all the gear
    The only thing u have to slot is radiance, devotion and fire.
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  8. #8
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    9 Insightful (ARMOR: Legendary Scales of the Exile is the only insightful wisdom 9 item in game?)
    Certainly a reasonable item, but DC-wise, no better than Shadowscale; yes, you lower to +7 Insightful, but gain +1 Profane DC.

    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Have I missed any types of bonuses for any of these effects, or any alternative sources for max value for any of the types?
    Head slot reserved for a helm (any helm!) with Reaper +2 stat bonus.
    Quote Originally Posted by ProducerRowan View Post
    Our final update of 2014 will extend the level cap to 30, which is intended to be DDO’s “permanent” level cap

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Certainly a reasonable item, but DC-wise, no better than Shadowscale; yes, you lower to +7 Insightful, but gain +1 Profane DC.

    An argument could be made that shadowscale is preferable since it's more likely other +9 insightful wisdom (or higher!) items will get released before other profane DC items.

    But right now, looking at the other effects on scales of the exile and shadowscale, I think scales of the exile wins out.

  10. #10
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post

    An argument could be made that shadowscale is preferable since it's more likely other +9 insightful wisdom (or higher!) items will get released before other profane DC items.

    But right now, looking at the other effects on scales of the exile and shadowscale, I think scales of the exile wins out.
    Between the potential for other +8 or higher Insightful, and the fact that I already have Shadowscale, Shadowscale wins out. (Also, for Druid or FvS, being available in non-Heavy [no feat needed] is a potential advantage.)

    Actually, even just looking at the other effects, I think I'd lean towards Shadowscale. Ghostly, Deathblock, and an extra augment slot seem better than just an +2 extra Con (I already have +7 Insightful elsewhere), parrying, and way too much Fortification to care about. But really for me it's about what I already have on hand. :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by ProducerRowan View Post
    Our final update of 2014 will extend the level cap to 30, which is intended to be DDO’s “permanent” level cap

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Between the potential for other +8 or higher Insightful, and the fact that I already have Shadowscale, Shadowscale wins out. (Also, for Druid or FvS, being available in non-Heavy [no feat needed] is a potential advantage.)
    Actually, yeah, and especially for druids, a non-metal option is key.

  12. #12
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    Would it be worth it to play gear tetris and use the ins wis on the Trinket of Freewill from KT, then use different armor?

  13. #13
    Community Member Pilgrim1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeratide_ View Post
    Would it be worth it to play gear tetris and use the ins wis on the Trinket of Freewill from KT, then use different armor?
    Lets see - this also makes a few sacrifices, maybe.

    Trinket: KT
    Armor: shadowscale
    Helm: the +19 wisdom and 80 amp one (also 16 will)
    Ring1: spiner
    Bracer: SL
    Boots: SL
    Neck: SL
    Trinket: SL
    Ring2: +2 profain
    Belt: devotion sp belt - because its amazing.
    Goggles: LGS hp set with reflex saves 13/7/2
    Gloves: LGS hp set with fort saves 13/7/2

    Wep1: nightmother
    Wep2: alchemical shield.

    Biggest loss: -9 insightfull con (2 can be recovered from augment)
    Also -1 wis from helm.

    You could dump the LGS set - they gives ~250-300 hp.
    You could eat abishi cookies for the really hard stuff. (+4 profain)
    You could lose the alchemical shield and use a real sheild or use the SL sheild to open aother slot.

    I think running scales + giants plater is worth more than the 2DC you could get from them. They give you lots of hp and deffense bonuses and consolidate gear well.

  14. #14
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    Nevermind Pilgrim addressed my concerns.

  15. #15
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    Hi, appreciate the breakdown; could someone please explain the Alchemical Shield though? I've found the whole Master Artificer Alchemical Crafting page on the wiki but 1) is that the right alchemical shield? and 2) is it worth it?
    I mean there aren't many 'caster' shields in game (fanion only?) so I could see that it's nice but in the OP its marked Wis+2 which I don't see in the crafting steps...what am I missing?!
    I hate crafting so would really need to understand this before venturing into an alchemical hunt...! Thanks!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ned_ellis View Post
    Hi, appreciate the breakdown; could someone please explain the Alchemical Shield though? I've found the whole Master Artificer Alchemical Crafting page on the wiki but 1) is that the right alchemical shield? and 2) is it worth it?
    I mean there aren't many 'caster' shields in game (fanion only?) so I could see that it's nice but in the OP its marked Wis+2 which I don't see in the crafting steps...what am I missing?!
    I hate crafting so would really need to understand this before venturing into an alchemical hunt...! Thanks!
    Tier 2, Martial, Water, is what gives +2 Alchemical Wisdom. Doesn't have to be a shield, a weapon can work too (and might be more flexible for other builds that way).
    Whether it's worth it is up to you. I don't see that raid run much at all anymore.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by kpak01 View Post
    Tier 2, Martial, Water, is what gives +2 Alchemical Wisdom. Doesn't have to be a shield, a weapon can work too (and might be more flexible for other builds that way).
    Whether it's worth it is up to you. I don't see that raid run much at all anymore.
    arrgh, i'm blind! Only looked at caster stuff and missed the martial; my apologies and my thanks for taking the time to answer! Unlikely I'll do it as I hate crafting and there is no info on how many mats are needed/drop. Regardless, I'm off to the optician...

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